Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 220: National Treasure, Soil of Creation

"I'm also very curious..." Li Yuan suddenly said.

To be honest, if you're not curious, then what's there to be curious about.

So it's normal to be curious, but if they take action, Zhu Yuanzhang will still not watch.

The same is true for Ji Chang. He has always been philanthropic and extremely protective of his younger generation. Now that there is such a younger generation who is about to take off, he must protect him.

"It must be that he was born special. After all, Dean Liu has tried all his methods. Obviously, Dean Liu failed, so this should be different for different people. Maybe only he can make the chaotic world no longer a wasteland."

Seeing that everyone was curious, Ji Chang finally said.

"There is only this reason that can make sense..." Li Yuan nodded and agreed.

Apart from this reason, there seemed to be no reason that could make him accept why a seventh-level Creation God was not as good as a person who was not yet a first-level Creation God. Even if this seventh-level Creation God was a very useless Creation God, he was still a real seventh-level Creation God, and he could kill the current Ye Xuan with just one thought.

Not to mention the original Ye Xuan, so this was the only reason.

The other three people were all lost in thought. It seemed that the reason Ji Chang said was the most likely, but why was that special person Ye Xuan? What made Ye Xuan so special...

"Okay, let's not discuss Ye Xuan. Let's discuss whether the rest of the people are qualified to take the national treasure." Ji Chang saw Li Yuan agreeing with him, and quickly changed the subject.

When he announced this list, he knew that these people would definitely discuss Ye Xuan, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't just erase Ye Xuan's name.

So naturally, everyone can only know about it. If you want to blame someone, blame Ye Xuan for participating in this competition and winning the championship...

"In addition to Ye Xuan, there are 327 other champions who will receive the national treasure reward. They must be carefully selected and voted one by one."

As for Ye Xuan, Ji Chang didn't say anything, but no one said anything either. What else can such a person be given if not the national treasure? If Ye Xuan doesn't give the national treasure, their reputations will be ruined if it gets out. The strongest one doesn't have the national treasure, but the others still have it?

"Li Qing, from Kuiniu Star Region, this star region is not good. There are always cats and dogs who dare to report to get rewards. My suggestion is to eliminate them." Ji Chang was the first to vote.

The national treasure is not a child's play. It is not something that can be obtained by winning the championship. As long as one of the deans of the five major colleges does not agree, the national treasure cannot be issued.

So, after Ji Chang voted for elimination, there was no need to vote again.


So, after the elimination of the students who were in charge of the five deans, only 136 students were left out of the 327 students.

This does not mean that they are the final result, because they did not adopt a direct pass in one round, but divided the total number of students into five groups, and then eliminated a group of them by each dean, and the remaining five people were gathered together to pass one by one. If there is no problem, then they will pass directly.

"Wang Yu, from Wangshu Star Region, has good strength and decent potential in the Kingdom of God. There is no problem in reaching the fifth level. My proposal is to pass." Yingji said first.

After he said this, everyone hurriedly observed again, and then all voted to pass.


In this way, after the elimination of the five people, only 42 students of the 136 students who were left passed the final assessment, plus Ye Xuan, that is, 43 students.

In fact, the pass rate is still quite high, with 43 of the more than 300 promoted.

But in fact, it is almost one percent, just a few out of a hundred star fields...

"Okay, that's it, these 43, I'll ask one more time, no objections, right?" Ji Chang confirmed again.

This is just a routine matter, in fact, it has come to this last step, there is no problem.

Those who have problems have been eliminated long ago, why would they say it at the end.





Yingji, Liu Bang, Li Yuan, and Zhu Yuanzhang expressed their opinions in turn.

"Very good! I have no objection either." Ji Chang nodded, smiled, and then said: "Then we can adjourn the meeting."

After speaking, the space twisted, and the meeting room returned to its original place again.

Yingji, Liu Bang, Li Yuan, and Zhu Yuanzhang disappeared in a flash.


Ji Chang breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said in his heart: I hope Ye Xuan can grow up safely...

He still had some concerns about Ye Xuan in his heart, and Liu Bang's later explanation was different from the previous one.

The previous words clearly meant to kill Ye Xuan. After all, not everyone wants another person above them...

"Ye Xuan..."


At this time, Ye Xuan, who was on Dayang Star, didn't know that five super bosses were discussing around him behind his back, and some even fought.

He thought he was still the same as usual, without anyone disturbing him, but in fact, he didn't know that his kingdom of God was seen through by those five people behind his back. Not only the kingdom of God, but to be precise, his entire life was spied on by those five people.

"Ding, your final reward for the Star Domain Competition has been sent down, please check it."

A familiar electronic reminder sound appeared in Ye Xuan's mind, and he instantly became alert and opened the items in the Tongtian Ranking.

"National Treasure??? Soil of Creation?!"


Ye Xuan couldn't help but swear, what he needed was what he got!!!

Originally, it took 100 million God Sources to exchange for one Soil of Creation, but it turned out to be the prize for him!!!

This is really easy to get! It saved him 100 million God Sources in one go!

If these 100 million God Sources were given to those former classmates, they would probably be shocked to death.

You know, this is a real God Source worth 100 million!

In this era when people are still running for God Sources, Ye Xuan has already won a prize worth 100 million God Sources.

And this prize of 100 million God Sources was almost given to him for free, how could Ye Xuan not be happy with 100 million for free?

Although 100 million divine sources are not a sky-high price for Ye Xuan now, you have to know that although the national treasures are expensive, there are countless types of national treasures, and not every one of them is useful to him.

If he really wants to exchange all the national treasures, even if he lives for 10,000 years with his current treatment, he is far from having enough divine sources to pay back every national treasure in the national treasury.

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