Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 222 The Dao Fruit has been achieved, and the Supreme Primordial Unity has been attained!!!

Reaching the realm of Hunyuan True Self does not mean that you can immediately enter the realm of Hunyuan after the Hunyuan Dao Fruit matures. It just means that they are all creatures with a great possibility of entering it.

Although it is not as difficult as when you condensed the first Dao Fruit, if you really want to enter the realm of Hunyuan, it also requires conditions.

Whether you have great luck, great opportunity, or great merit, you can condense the Hunyuan Dao Fruit. After your cultivation reaches the peak, you can enter the realm of Hunyuan, but if you don’t have these, it will be as difficult as ascending to heaven.

In the waiting of countless creatures, finally, golden light flashed in the world, and infinite purple air enveloped the entire prehistoric world, and the boundless prehistoric world was filled with purple air.

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Waves of strong vibrations continued to come, causing all the sacred in the world to be greatly moved.

"The Dao fruit has been achieved, and the supreme primordial chaos can be achieved!"

A long voice came from the sky above. It was the voice of Emperor Dijun in the thirty-sixth heaven.

As this voice came.

In the chaos, in the Purple Sky Palace.

"Luo Hou, if you don't come out now, when will you come out!" Hongjun scolded Luo Hou with fairy air floating on half of his face.

Luo Hou occupied the other half of Hongjun's face, and saw that half of the face laughed wildly: "Hehehehe!!! You beg me! You beg me! Hahahaha!!!"


Infinite fairy air burst out from Hongjun's body.

Inside the body.

The Supreme Immortal Realm and the Boundless Demon Realm are separated by a river. Hongjun was full of resentment and shouted angrily: "If you leave, both of us can achieve the Supreme Hunyuan!!!"

The two of them had already taken half of the Dao Fruit, and even both of them had more than half of the Dao Fruit. They only needed to wait for Luohou to leave, and the two of them would no longer be suppressed. In addition, the Dao Fruit of Heaven and Earth was already mature, so they could directly achieve the Supreme Hunyuan.

So, Hongjun was so anxious.

"Hahahaha! I said, if you ask me, I will leave." Luohou laughed wildly and said happily.


Hongjun was furious, but then he calmed down.

"It doesn't matter if you leave or not. At most, no one can achieve Hunyuan!"

After that, Hongjun closed his eyes and rested, and said no more.

After seeing this, Luohou shook his head and said with a snort: "Boring, boring! I'll leave now!"

After saying that, a demonic energy flashed past, and Hongjun no longer had any demonic thoughts in his body, and his entire body returned to Hongjun's consciousness again.

Luohou simply wanted to disgust Hongjun, not to really sacrifice his own path to enlightenment to stop Hongjun from becoming an angel, which would be meaningless.


Hongjun laughed wildly, and then activated most of the Dao fruit in his body.


Between heaven and earth, a golden light fell and shot into Hongjun's Dao fruit.


A long river of time and space fell around Hongjun, and the dots around his body turned into infinite thoughts, and the stars flowed in his eyes, and the years flowed.

"Today I finally entered the realm of Hunyuan!!!"

Hongjun's eyes looked through the long flow of time and space, and saw that he had re-attained the supreme Hunyuan in countless time and space. He could once again peek into the long river of time and space, see the future, and plan for the present, just to have a little use after billions of years.

After attaining Hunyuan, he no longer cared about gains and losses. The struggle for Hunyuan was the great way.

An unnamed realm, outside the chaos, in the outer demon realm.

"Hahahaha! Hongjun, this old thing, still couldn't beat me in the end!!!" Luohou laughed wildly.

At this time, Luohou's cultivation had reached the realm of Hunyuan. He was defeated in that battle, but the defeat was not very thorough. Fortunately, he transformed into the infinite demon realm with the supreme magic way. Now, many demon creatures have been born in the outer demon realm.

Among these creatures, the most powerful are the three demon kings, who are all at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm. As Luohou entered the Hunyuan Realm, they all became Hunyuan True Self Realm.

Luohou was defeated in the past, but he was not really defeated. The real losers were those saints who had fallen, or those saints who had no hope of the Great Dao.

The Hunyuan Realm has never been about winning or losing overnight, or gaining or losing. What is fought for is the Great Dao. Although Luohou was defeated in the past, he is like Hongjun today, in the same realm. Everyone is still at the same starting line, and the outcome is still unknown.

In the land of the four seas, over the East China Sea.

A nine-clawed golden dragon with a length of 100,000 feet soared above the nine heavens, its voice like thunder and sound like a bell.

"I am the ancestor dragon. I founded the dragon clan and made it strong until now. Now, with the help of the dragon clan's luck, I can obtain the Hunyuan Dao fruit and enter the Hunyuan realm!"

Boom! ! !

As the ancestor dragon's words fell, a Hunyuan Dao fruit slowly came.

Seeing this, the ancestor dragon opened his mouth and swallowed it. The Hunyuan Dao fruit fell into his mouth and turned into his Dao fruit.

"Today, I have entered the Hunyuan realm. I should thank the dragon clan and the heaven!" The breath on the ancestor dragon's body was fleeting. He had already entered the Hunyuan realm, and then he restrained it. After saying a word, he disappeared over the East China Sea.

"Congratulations to your majesty for achieving the Hunyuan Dao!!!"

The endless dragon clan creatures all congratulated.

Like the three ancestor dragons, Hongjun, and Luohou, who directly stepped into the supreme Hunyuan, there was also the star Taoist in the boundless starry sky.

Xingchen Taoist has made contributions to the world and saved countless lives. He should have great merits, great luck, and great opportunities. His Dao fruit has been opened, and he should enter the realm of Hunyuan.

Among the endless prehistoric world, only these four sacred beings have directly entered the realm of Hunyuan.

Although some of the other sacred beings can enter, they have not yet done the corresponding things, so they cannot enter.

"Have Xingchen, Hongjun, Luohou, and Zulong, the four most ancient sacred beings, also entered the realm of Hunyuan..." Ye Xuan looked at what happened in the prehistoric world with a smile on his face.

As they entered the realm of Hunyuan, Ye Xuan's strength increased again.

"New generation of Pangu sacred beings, you should also hurry up..."

Pangu Temple.

"Father God, brothers and sisters, Hou Tu feels that the opportunity is coming, and wants to go to the East Pole, where my opportunity should be..." Hou Tu looked embarrassed, and then gradually became firm, looking at many brothers and sisters and Pangu's obsession and said.

"Go ahead, you can achieve the Dao of Hunyuan with just one trip..." Pangu Zhinian said directly before the other ancestor witches could speak.

"Congratulations, little sister!"

The eleven ancestor witches congratulated him upon hearing this.

After hearing the words of the Father God, Hou Tu was also determined in her heart, and then resolutely walked out of Pangu Hall and headed towards the East Pole.

"Hou Tu will soon transform into reincarnation and achieve the Dao of Hunyuan. In this way, she will be the first Pangu God to enter Hunyuan besides Di Jun..." Ye Xuan muttered as he watched what happened in Pangu Hall.

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