Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 223 Taiyi senses the opportunity, Houtu enters Guixu

Heaven, thirty-sixth heaven.

"Brother, my opportunity is approaching, and it seems that I am about to attain enlightenment!" Taiyi said with some excitement. He felt the pull of the great avenue, as if he was about to attain enlightenment.

Even if Etai Yi is so ruthless and supreme, he can't help but feel a little excited at this time.

When it comes to enlightenment, who can hold back the excitement?

"Second brother, go ahead, it's your turn to realize the Hunyuan Dao." Di Jun said with a smile on his face. Among the three brothers and sisters, after Taiyi attains the Dao, only Xihe will be left behind.

Tai nodded, turned around and left.

"Taiyi, I want to go with you too!!!"

At this moment, Mrs. Yuanmu suddenly pulled Taiyi's robe and pouted, as if there was no one around her.

Taiyi's face turned red when he thought that his eldest brother was still here. He immediately broke away, nodded, and headed towards Waihuahong.

Mrs. Yuanmu was delighted when she saw this and hurriedly followed.

"Ha ha!"

Di Jun, who was watching all this from behind, couldn't help laughing. ,

Taiyi had clearly left the thirty-sixth heaven, but he still heard Di Jun's laughter and twitched the corner of his mouth.

The land of the East Pole.

"Where is my opportunity..."

Houtu came from Pangu Palace and flew directly towards the east with a goal, because she felt that her opportunity would appear in the east. But when she arrived at the East Pole, she suddenly became confused. .

The land of the East Pole and even the land of the Four Pole are not ordinary prehistoric lands.

The land of East Pole is not the sea, but a gray space. It is extremely dark here, and even the sun hanging high in the nine heavens cannot shine here.

The land of the East Pole should be illuminated by the great sun in the east, but the great sun can even shine on the poles of the west, but it cannot shine on the land of the East Pole, which is right at the foot of the sun.

As the saying goes, it's dark under the lamp, that's it.

Therefore, the East Pole is an extremely dark space all day long. Only when stars flicker, one or two of them may be illuminated, but the entire East Pole cannot be shrouded in starlight.

There are no living beings in the extremely dark land of East Ji. Only the land of Guixu is manifested in the abyss of East Ji.

There is a place for reincarnation in the place of Guixu in the abyss. It is the place of reincarnation, but there is no reincarnation manifested, but there is no place for reincarnation.

Originally, since the Guixu sisters left, no living beings have come here anymore.

Now, in the originally peaceful place of Guixu, a figure appeared again. She was a woman in khaki palace clothes. Her feminine temperament was upright and kind, which made strangers feel friendly after seeing her.

"In the past few years, I don't know how many creatures have perished. Some creatures have disappeared without any trace of their bodies, but some creatures still have a residual soul. Between heaven and earth, there must be reincarnation."

"My way has been accomplished!"

After Hou Tu arrived at the place of Guixu, spiritual thoughts arose in his mind. Hou Tu, who was originally confused and didn't know where the opportunity should be, instantly realized what he wanted to do.

"Ahead is the land of reincarnation!"

Houtu walked for countless thousands of miles, and finally found the place of reincarnation at the place of ruins in the abyss.

It was a special place wrapped in the ruins. It was a place of reincarnation that had been transformed from the reincarnation of ferocious beasts since ancient times.

The reincarnation was born from the land of Guixu, and is in charge of the reincarnation of all races and spirits.


A red light flashed, shielding Houtu from reincarnation.

Hou Tu ascended without hesitation and wanted to enter the land of reincarnation, but no matter what, he couldn't enter it.

For a moment, Hou Tu became anxious. Just when she was thinking about how to enter it, she heard a sound coming from the horizon.

"Fellow Taoist Houtu, are you going to enter the land of reincarnation?"

Hou Tu was shocked when he heard this. He had been focusing on the land of reincarnation before, but he didn't even notice that someone was coming behind him. If that person wanted to harm him, he would have been poisoned by this time, at least. It was also a scene of serious injuries.

She quickly turned around and looked around, only to see a man and a woman appearing in front of her. Her frightened mind instantly calmed down, and she quickly saluted.

"It turns out that your Majesty Taiyi Mian has met Taoist Taoist Taiyi and Taoist Taoist Yuanmu."

"I've met fellow Taoist Hou Tu." Mrs. Yuan Mu said with a smile.

This was her birthplace and birthplace. She naturally knew that there was a land of reincarnation here, and she had been waiting for the arrival of the destined person, but she never thought that that person was actually the ancestor of the Wu clan, Wu Houtu.

"Two fellow Taoists, I heard from fellow Taoist Tai that you can enter the land of reincarnation?" Hou Tu said with a rather anxious look on her face. She was an old acquaintance of the two, so she was not polite and directly Just asked.

How can we delay matters related to enlightenment?

"That's natural. There are many evil obstacles in the land of reincarnation. It is located under the Nine Netherworlds and has never been illuminated by a single ray of light. If you want to enter it, you must let the sun shine here and eliminate the evil obstacles before you can enter it." Tai nodded and said.

Ever since he and Mrs. Yuanmu met, he had visited the Land of Return to Ruins. He was also aware of the situation in the Land of Reincarnation, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Now I feel in my heart that my own way seems to be about to break through, and the opportunity fell in the land of reincarnation. Dang even came to the land of Guixu together with Mrs. Yuanmu, who is the goddess of Guixu.

"The sun? But the East Pole is a place where the sun cannot shine, so how can the sun shine here!" Hou Tu sighed immediately after hearing the conditions.

But then, after looking at the smiling Guixu Goddess Madam Yuanmu, she instantly understood, blushed, and said: "I forgot that Taoist Taiyi is the incarnation of the sun. It is really related to the Tao, so I am a little anxious..."

"Oh? Taoist Hou Tu's Tao is also in the land of reincarnation?" After hearing Hou Tu's words, Taiyi looked at Hou Tu curiously.

Then he nodded again. Indeed, if it is not for Taoism, who would come to this place for no reason.

"My great way should manifest the land of reincarnation, collect the lonely souls in the world, let them have a glimmer of life, and recreate the world, but because they cannot enter the land of reincarnation, they cannot enter it." Hou Tu nodded and smiled bitterly.

Because of the leadership of Emperor Dijun, the atmosphere in the prehistoric world during this period was very good. It was not the kind of killing people for treasures at every turn. Although killing people for treasures was common, it was not the kind of naked.

Moreover, the innate saints in the upper level of the prehistoric world also had a very good relationship. There was no fighting to the death. This was all thanks to the Emperor's generosity and impartiality. He never intentionally favored the demon clan.

The demon clan not only did not feel dissatisfied, but also respected him more, because today you can favor the demon clan because of the conflict between the demon clan and other clans, then tomorrow you can favor some of your favorite races when there is a conflict among many races within the demon clan.

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