Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 224: The Netherworld Lord of Earth appears, and Lady Yuanqi arrives

"Fellow Taoist, don't be impatient. Wait until I illuminate this place and open the place of reincarnation."

Tai nodded, and then asked Houtu and Mrs. Yuanmu to retreat.

Buzz! ! !

A touch of the Dao Rhythm of the Great Sun appeared, and a round of the Great Sun rose in the sky. The feeling of endless heat rushed towards the face, and along with the infinite light, the entire Guixu Land was illuminated extremely brightly.

bright! bright!

"What a powerful Dao Yun!" Hou Tu couldn't help but exclaimed. The burning feeling made her a little unbearable. If the ordinary Daluo Jinxian faced this big sun at such a close distance, he would probably be roasted directly. And die.

And after that extreme light expelled the darkness from the entire Land of Return to Ruins, it then burned the heat baked by the evil energy in the Land of Reincarnation.

Wisps of green smoke drifted away into the sky.


A cry resounded through the sky, and a three-legged golden crow was seen soaring into the sky. The fiery red feathers were wrapped in bursts of flames. That was the true fire of the sun, which was transformed by the body of Taiyi.

After Tai Yi manifested, another big sun appeared in the sky, hanging high on the land of reincarnation, making the energy of evil that had been expelled by the sun burn even faster.

"The strength of fellow Taoist Tai is really terrifying!" Hou Tu couldn't help but exclaimed.

She felt that if she were to fight Taiyi at this moment, she would be defeated by Taiyi in less than three moves, and the two were obviously of the same cultivation level.

Taiyi's fighting power is unparalleled in history. With one hand, the true fire of the sun burns all the heavens, and with the other hand, the chaos bell integrates offense and defense. If they fight in the same realm, very few living beings can truly fight against Taiyi, and even fewer can surpass Taiyi.

Taiyi seemed to be born for fighting. If his cultivation had not been a little inferior, the most powerful person in this world would not be his eldest brother Di Jun but him.

This is also the fact. Before Di Jun became a Taoist, apart from Hongjun and Luo Hu, who were half-enlightened, the most powerful person in the world was Taiyi.

As the two great suns transformed by Taiyi and Daoyun shine together, the originally dark and evil place of reincarnation slowly begins to become clearer.

"Who! Disturbed my sleep!!!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the Land of Reincarnation.

"Hiss!!!" Mrs. Yuan Mu's expression changed. There are still living beings in this land of reincarnation? !

She and her sister, Mrs. Yuan Qi, have lived in Guixu for hundreds of millions of years, but they have never seen any living beings!

The same was true for Hou Tu, whose face suddenly turned pale. She could feel that the power was extremely powerful. It was innately sacred and a very powerful being! ! !

This land of reincarnation suddenly trembled, and an innate sacred figure with horns and tiger heads came out from under the Nine Netherworlds. It was Tu Bo, a being who was in charge of the Netherworld and cultivated the Netherworld Road. It was an innate sacred figure born in the Nine Netherworlds.

It had been conceived many years ago, and its strength was somewhat stronger than that of the Goddess of Guixu.

Tu Bo's horn has nine curves and two horns, which is the manifestation of the Netherworld Avenue.

"Uncle Tubo?" Tai's eyes narrowed, and his face became slightly serious. He felt that the other party was powerful. He was a person who practiced the Netherworld Dao. Like him, he was the manifestation of Jiuyou, possessing the power of Jiuyou. authority.

It is the innate holiness born in the Nine Netherworlds. All of this, after seeing the innate holiness, Taiyi already understood in his heart.

"It's your great sun!" After Tu Bo saw Taiyi, he instantly knew who had disturbed his sleep. Apart from the holiness transformed by the great sun, there was no other existence.

Neither the Guixu Goddess nor the ancestral witch who controls the laws of earth can do this. Only the Great Sun can do this.

In some ways, Da Ri does restrain his Tu Bo.

"I wonder how a mere sinister energy can't enter the land of reincarnation. It turns out you are causing trouble!" Taiyi transformed into an innate Taoist body, holding the Chaos Bell, staring at Tu Bo. As long as the other party dares to Whatever moved, he would just slap it away.

"You actually blame me?! I have been cultivating and sleeping since I was born. Today, I was awakened by you, but you are blaming me?!" Tu Bo seemed to feel the power of Tai Yi, and looked at him with some fear. Looking at Taiyi, if he really didn't have the confidence to deal with Taiyi, he would have taken action long ago.

Moreover, the other two women were not theatergoers. Although the strength of those two women was inferior to Taiyi's, together they were unable to be dealt with by him.

"Quickly release the place of reincarnation and let Taoist fellow Hou Tu complete the reincarnation." Taiyi shouted loudly, holding the Chaos Bell high in his hand, as if the other party smashed it down without saying a word.

"So that's why I'm here! Come quickly! I've been waiting for this day to come for a long, long time!" Tu Bo suddenly realized, and his face instantly became much better-looking. From the extremely ugly face at the beginning, he became happy and smiling.

The reason why he cannot leave the place of reincarnation is because there is no reincarnation in the Nine Netherworld. His mission is to wait for reincarnation to appear before he can attain the great truth and leave the place of reincarnation.

"Do you know about this?" Hou Tu asked suspiciously, how did the other party know about this.

"Netherworld and reincarnation are one and the same compatriots, complementing each other. In the past, in the chaos, the two gods and demons were very good Taoist friends. Now they are all dependent on the place of Guixu, so they also have a connection with the goddess of Guixu. Since you have inherited the treasure of reincarnation, you will transform into reincarnation and illuminate the endless world." Tu Bo spoke in a leisurely manner, telling the origin of everything.

At this moment, a figure appeared.

"Good sister, it turns out you came here with your lover!" Mrs. Yuan Qi felt in her heart that the great road was about to be completed, and she should be in the place of Guixu, so she came here.

"It's you, you cheap maid!!!" Mrs. Yuan Mu said angrily after seeing Mrs. Yuan Qi.

"You! Huh! My sister doesn't care about you!" Mrs. Yuan Qi was furious. She was about to say something, but then she saw Taiyi with a frosty face beside her. She immediately kept silent and said no more.

When she was fighting with Mrs. Yuanmu in the past, it was not like she had never encountered Taiyi before. The other person just stood there, and before he made a move, his eyes could frighten her mind.

Guixu Avenue seemed to have stopped functioning when facing Taiyi, and had no effect at all. She didn't know why, but she didn't dare to take action due to her newfound fear.

"Shut your mouth, you will be able to prove the truth today. If you say more, you will be killed on the spot today!" Taiyi's domineering words came out from mid-air, making Mrs. Yuan Qi angry and wanting to Say something, but don't dare to say anything more.

Taiyi's cultivation has already reached the realm of infinity, and there is only one opportunity left to break into the supreme Hunyuan. Naturally, he can see that these saints in front of him will all realize Hunyuan with the emergence of the land of reincarnation. .

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