Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 225: Hou Tu reincarnates and is granted the throne of the earth!

It’s just that Hunyuan has its own sequence, and there are also highs and lows. After entering the Supreme Hunyuan, he is naturally the most powerful existence among these people. Moreover, he has his brother Di Jun secretly taking care of him. Even if Mrs. Yuan Qi proves If Daohou and Tubo try to do something to him, they will only be suppressed by the two brothers.

What's more, Mrs. Yuan Mu, who is watching from the side, will also join the battle. By then, Di Jun will not even need to take action.

"Fellow Taoists, please!" Tu Bo opened the barrier of the Land of Reincarnation with one hand and said.

Taiyi ducked into it without any fear of Tu Bo's ghost. After seeing that Taiyi was fine, the next few people stepped into it one by one.

Buzz! ! !

After Fang Yi stepped into the land of reincarnation, a red light flashed out from Houtu's eyebrows, and then a book appeared from between her eyebrows.

It was a blood-red book, and the two characters written on it were "human script" among the three strange books of heaven, earth and man.

"Ren Shu!"

As soon as the man Shufang appeared, Tu Bo exclaimed, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Hou Tu changed instantly. It was a look of admiration.

"That's it, that's it..."

With the appearance of Ren Shu, Hou Tu instantly realized his mission. As Tu Bo said, he needed to reincarnate...

There is a lack between heaven and earth, and what is missing is reincarnation.

Reincarnation cannot be conceived, only someone can save the world with great compassion, be recognized by human beings, and incarnate in the place of reincarnation. At this point, reincarnation can be completed, and the world can be completed.

Hou Tu closed his eyes and said nothing, thinking endlessly in his mind, while others were also silent and did not dare to disturb him.

If Hou Tu reincarnates, the body of the ancestral witch will no longer exist. Even if he is not of the blood of the witch clan, even if he is lucky enough to survive, it will still be difficult to escape from the place of reincarnation. If that is the case, the witch clan has suffered a crisis, so what? Twelve Capitals The Great Formation of the Gods and Gods can no longer be used.

However, if they do not reincarnate in the body, countless living beings in the world will have no place to return after death, or they will wander around, or dissipate between heaven and earth, or they will be taken by monks to make elixirs and medicines.

Every time he thought of this, tears slipped from the corners of Hou Tu's eyes and fell to the ground.

"If Father God were you, you would do the same thing, right..."

Hou Tu seemed to be asking Pangu, but also seemed to be asking himself. In the past, Pangu died for the great wilderness and transformed into all things. As a descendant of Pangu and the ancestral witch of the Wu clan, she should imitate Pangu today and transform into reincarnation to complete the world.


Houtu sighed quietly, and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes were extremely firm. Her body floated away and gradually began to decompose.

"I am the ancestral witch of the witch clan. I can't bear to see the people who have perished and become homeless, wandering and losing their homes, or dissipating between heaven and earth. Today, I realize that there should be a place for reincarnation in the ancient wilderness, so I am willing to follow suit. Father God, incarnate in reincarnation to restore the world. I hope that all races and spirits will uphold the wishes of the Emperor of Heaven and live in peace and harmony. Do not fight. I hope that the place of reincarnation will never be used..."

As her words spread throughout the world under the blessing of heaven, her body was constantly transformed into a place of reincarnation.

"Reincarnation, come out!"

With the last words spoken, reincarnation appears!

The golden light of meritorious deeds in the sky has already covered the entire sky, superimposing layer after layer over the entire Guixu Land and even the East Pole Land. The entire East Pole Land no longer needs the light of Taiyi to function. Let the entire East Pole land be filled with light.

Six black holes appeared where Hou Tu was originally. They were the Six Paths of Reincarnation. At this time, the Six Paths of Reincarnation shined brightly, reshaping Hou Tu. This time Hou Tu was the Six Paths with the soul. Hou Tu is no longer the ancestral witch Hou Tu in the past.

The six paths of reincarnation turned into a treasure, which was held in the hands of Hou Tu.

At this time, Tu Bo's two horns have also turned into nine curves of the underworld. The two horns hold up the land of the netherworld, the underworld, but he has not really fallen into the place of reincarnation. Youhuangquan is formed from his two horns.

In addition to Huangquan, there are also Naihe Bridge, Wangxiang Terrace, Sansheng Stone, Ecstasy Hall, Ten Halls of Yama, Luo Feng Liutian and other places.

"Houtu has met all fellow Taoists!"

As Hou Tu, who had been reborn, congratulated him, the sky was instantly flooded with light of merit, the largest part of which was the transformation of the nine successful virtues and fell directly on Hou Tu.

And nourishing the back soil nourishes the entire underworld, and the underworld instantly becomes golden.

A wisp of Dao Fruit fell from the sky, turned into infinite thoughts of Hunyuan, and fell into Houtu's body.

Buzz! ! !

The calm and indifferent Hou Tu stepped into the realm of Hunyuan. At this time, Hou Tu was undoubtedly extremely powerful, but he was far from the strongest. The strongest should only be achieved after the local government is fully operational. Reach the strongest.

Those who incarnate in reincarnation should be able to enter the supreme Hunyuan. At this point, it is similar to the chaotic gods and demons. The higher the realm between heaven and earth, the higher the realm of those who incarnate in reincarnation. Moreover, reincarnation is immortal, and the land behind them is immortal.

But the difference between the gods and demons of the avenue is that the realm of the gods and demons is as strong as the avenue is high. Unless the avenue is destroyed, the body will die and the realm will disappear.

Then Hou Tu only needs reincarnation to be broken or the prehistoric world to be broken to fall into the realm, and after leaving the prehistoric world, his cultivation level will also plummet. Unless he comprehends the realm and truly realizes that realm, he can still be there after leaving the prehistoric world. Can still exist in that realm.

Although there are many restrictions, the treatment is still extremely good.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Hou Tu for entering the Supreme Hunyuan!"

Taiyi bowed his hands and smiled.

The others also congratulated.

And the remaining 10% turned into four parts and fell into the bodies of the four people.

Taiyi received the least, but it was also a huge merit. This merit of replenishing the heaven and earth with the earth is already the most huge merit since the dawn of time. It is many times more merit than the establishment of heaven in the past. .

And his cultivation level is already enough, he just needs a little opportunity, and this merit is the opportunity.

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Buzz! ! !

Four waves of coercion came, but Taiyi, Mrs. Yuanmu, Mrs. Yuanqi, and Tubo also absorbed the Hunyuan Dao Fruit and stepped into the realm of Hunyuan.

After all, the Goddess of Guixu was born in the Land of Guixu, and Tu Bo was also born in the Land of Reincarnation. The Place of Reincarnation is also built on the Land of Reincarnation, and the Land of Reincarnation is built on the Land of Guixu, so these three people are also born in the Land of Reincarnation. There are some benefits, and it is these benefits that can allow them to break into the realm of Hunyuan.

"All races and souls in the ancient world should always remember the good deeds of Empress Houtu. I should always remember Empress Houtu. I am ashamed of myself. Today I decree that Houtu, the Lord of Reincarnation, is the emperor of the land of six emperors. She should be called the most good empress of Houtu. Her position is The honorable ones among the six emperors should be compared to the position of the Emperor of Heaven. All races and souls in the ancient world should always honor the Supreme Good Empress of the Earth. The emperor would like to thank the empress for her deeds."

A voice came out from the thirty-sixth level of the Heavenly Court. It was the voice of the Emperor of Heaven. As his voice spread, a fruit position came out of the Heavenly Court and headed towards the back soil of the Netherworld's place of reincarnation. .

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