Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 226 Taiyi is enthroned, the six emperors of the prehistoric world

"Hou Tu Zhi Shan Niang Niang is merciful, we are so grateful!!!"

"Respect Hou Tu Zhi Shan Niang Niang!!!"

In the world, countless creatures admired Hou Tu Niang Niang's good deeds at this time. It is only a person with great compassion to transform into reincarnation. If it is only for the purpose of achieving Hun Yuan, it is impossible to be recognized.

And it is precisely because Hou Tu has a compassionate heart that she transformed into a place of reincarnation with great compassion, so that all living beings in the world will have a way out in the future, at least it is no longer like before, without a big means like Luo Hou to fall and die.


"Hou Tu thanks your majesty." Hou Tu Niang Niang nodded slightly to the sky and said.

Although her current status is still a little lower than that of the Emperor of Heaven, the treatment she actually enjoys is much better than that of the Emperor of Heaven, because the Emperor of Heaven is not the same as her. As long as the realm of this world is as high as her realm, her realm will also be as high as it is.

It's just because the underworld is inferior to the heaven. Although they are two institutions of the same size, the status of the underworld is actually lower than that of the heaven. Therefore, Hou Tu, the Lord of the Underworld, is still inferior to Di Jun, the Lord of the Heaven.

But because the Heaven is there regardless of whether Di Jun is the Emperor of Heaven, as long as his cultivation is strong and he can convince all living beings in the prehistoric world, he is the Emperor of Heaven.

But the underworld is different. Without Hou Tu, there would be no underworld. At least now it is because of Hou Tu that the underworld has appeared in the world. The underworld is also made of Hou Tu's flesh and blood, so the actual treatment of the two is also different.

It's not that the Lord of the Underworld is treated higher than the Lord of the Heaven, but because of Hou Tu's actions. If Hou Tu now gives the position of the Lord of the Underworld to other living beings, then the one who is treated higher is still Hou Tu, not the new Lord of the Underworld.

"Your Majesty, you are too polite. Your Majesty has a share of kindness among all the races and spirits in the prehistoric world. Di Jun is not worthy of being called Your Majesty."

A vague but majestic voice appeared in the sky and responded to Hou Tu's words.

Hou Tu shook her head and said, "Your Majesty's virtue is unparalleled in the world, and your mind and bearing are the only one Hou Tu has ever seen in her life. If it weren't for your Majesty's mind, the prehistoric world would still be as chaotic as before, and the Wu clan would have disappeared in history long ago. How could there be Hou Tu today?"

She thought of Di Jun, who was obviously invincible in the prehistoric world, but did not do anything to the Wu clan and other forces. You must know that in that era, as long as Di Jun wanted, whether it was the Wu clan, the Dragon clan or other races, they would not be able to escape the word "destruction".

As the saying goes, the grace of not killing is a great grace, not to mention that Di Jun can exterminate the Wu clan as long as he wants.

"An emperor should have a broad mind and extraordinary bearing, and the emperor of heaven should be even more so. He should devote all his efforts to educating the myriad races and spirits of the prehistoric world and make it full of vitality. If he cannot even do this and only wants to dominate the prehistoric world, then he is not worthy of being the emperor of heaven."

Di Jun's figure appeared and smiled at Hou Tu.

"Your Majesty has a broad mind, I am not as good as you." Hou Tu nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty is very kind and compassionate, I am not as good as you." Di Jun smiled.

"Brother." Taiyi shouted hurriedly after seeing Di Jun.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Madam Yuanmu and Madam Yuanqi greeted him one after another, but Tu Bo stood there without saying a word, looking at the sacredness transformed by the sun in front of him. This sun actually gave birth to two such perverted sacrednesses, it is worthy of being the sun!

Madam Yuanqi looked at the Emperor of Heaven with curiosity. She had always heard about this Emperor of Heaven but had never seen him. She rarely even set foot in the Heavenly Palace, let alone meet the Emperor of Heaven who was high above the Thirty-Six Heavens.

Anyone can enter the first twelve heavens, as long as they report it. Failure to report it will be considered an invasion.

"Congratulations, my second brother, on entering the Hunyuan Realm!" Upon hearing this, Emperor Jun hurriedly looked at Taiyi. When he found that Taiyi had already entered the Hunyuan Realm, he said happily.

"Fellow Taoist Taiyi has made great contributions to my establishment of the cycle of reincarnation, and he should be granted the title of Yiliu Yuguo." Hou Tu said at this time, turning sideways and doing a favor.

Everyone knows that Taiyi is the existence that Emperor Jun values ​​the most. I am afraid that even Xihe is not as good as him. However, such an existence has never obtained the fruit position from beginning to end.

In the past, the existences that held the tripod of the demon clan were four demon emperors and one queen of heaven, but Taiyi was the only one who was not canonized.

"It should be so. Taiyi has made contributions to the establishment of reincarnation. He illuminates the Nine Netherworlds and the place of reincarnation. This place is extremely dark. If there is no sun, I am afraid that the ghosts in the sky will not be able to find the way back."

Di Jun nodded, obviously he had planned it long ago.

He has been waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity for Taiyi to achieve a high position.

The position of the Six Imperials is also like the position of the Heavenly Emperor. It is second only to the position of the Heavenly Emperor, and above all other positions. It represents every extreme in the world.

The position of the Six Imperials is the same as the position of the Heavenly Emperor. It requires great contributions to be canonized by the Heavenly Emperor. In fact, it is also the position selected by the Heavenly Dao. It is not that the Heavenly Emperor can canonize it as he wants or cancel it as he wants.

There is a Heavenly Emperor in the sky who is in charge of all the races and spirits in the universe. The Heavenly Emperor has the right to intervene in all matters.

There is an Emperor of the Earth, also called the Lord of the Underworld and the Lord of Reincarnation. He is in charge of all matters after death. No matter what position a living being held during his lifetime, after death he will be under the jurisdiction of the Underworld.

There is a human emperor between heaven and earth, commanding all human affairs, but because of the existence of the Four Emperors, they actually only control the affairs of the central part of the prehistoric world. The so-called human emperor is just because the protagonist of heaven and earth is the human race. Of course, except for the creatures who have already achieved the Dao of Hunyuan, most creatures still don't know.

This position is not only for the leader of the human race. If the witch race can really become the protagonist of heaven and earth, then the human emperor position will become the witch emperor position. To be precise, this position is which force between heaven and earth becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, and which race or force leader sits in this position.

The first two emperors are the two most noble positions. These two positions are the same, only a little different from the emperor of heaven, so these two positions are often taken out separately among the six emperors, and the other six emperors are collectively called the four emperors.

Among the Four Emperors, there is the East Emperor, who is of high status and is the leader of the Four Emperors. He is the third of the Six Emperors and the only one among the Four Emperors who can have the same status as the previous two Emperors. He is in charge of the East of the prehistoric world. The East is the most respected in the prehistoric world, so the East Emperor is the leader of all the emperors and the leader of the Six Emperors. But the Earth Emperor is too special, so the Earth Emperor is actually the leader of the Six Emperors and is not among the emperors. As for the Human Emperor, it depends on how the Human Emperor is, so he can be compared with the East Emperor.

There is a lot of controversy about the debate about the leader of the Six Emperors, but it is basically a dispute between the Earth Emperor and the East Emperor. There are very few creatures involved in the Human Emperor. This is because the concept of the Human Emperor came out late. After all, the human race is a latecomer and has not yet been created.

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