In the south, there is the Southern Emperor, who is in charge of the southern part of the prehistoric world. He is the Southern Emperor, and his position is lower than that of the Eastern Emperor but higher than that of the Western Emperor and the Northern Emperor.

In the west, there is the Western Emperor, who is in charge of the western part of the prehistoric world. He is the Western Emperor, and his position is lower than that of the Southern Emperor but higher than that of the Northern Emperor.

In the north, there is the Northern Emperor, who is in charge of the northern part of the prehistoric world. He is the last of the Six Emperors. Although he is the last of the Six Emperors, he is also an existence that the other beings can only dream of but cannot reach.

There are countless creatures who want to obtain the position of the Six Emperors. Even if it is only the smallest Northern Emperor, it is an existence that countless innate sacred beings are eager to obtain.

"In the west, there is Taiyi, who rises from the sun and is born to hold the power of the sun. He shines under the nine netherworlds and helps the reincarnation to be born. He has made great contributions between heaven and earth. Today, I confer Taiyi the title of Eastern Emperor, the leader of all emperors, to rule over all emperors in the prehistoric world and govern the eastern part of the prehistoric world."

Emperor Jun has become eternal, shining on the heavens, and spreading the text of the title to every corner of the prehistoric world, just like the previous title of Hou Tu.

"The Emperor of the East is supreme, and we should respect the Emperor of the East Taiyi."

All the races and spirits praised him. This was a title of honor for the Emperor of the East, not a respect for Taiyi.

If it is said that the Emperor of Heaven Dijun made all the races and spirits feel sincere admiration, then the Emperor of the East Taiyi is the representative of a ruthless supreme. Taiyi is famous for his ruthlessness, cruel means, extraordinary strength, and unparalleled dominance. Once he takes action, there will be fallen souls. Wherever he goes, all living beings are terrified.

So, the Emperor of Heaven is admired, and the Emperor of the East is feared.

Although Taiyi has never taken the initiative to cause trouble, he is a very murderous master. He does not care about life and death when he takes action, and he is not afraid of involving innocent lives. The most important thing is that he cannot beat the opponent, so the prehistoric spirits are so afraid of him.

Following the Emperor's decree, Donghuang Taiyi, wearing an imperial robe with a three-legged golden crow embroidered on it, walked around the sun. In the highest place in the east of the prehistoric world, where the sun was, a Donghuang Palace appeared on the sun.

That was a palace automatically generated by the heavens, which was used by Donghuang to handle daily affairs.

Donghuang Palace and Yaohuang Palace were separated by an endless sea of ​​fire on the sun, but Donghuang Palace was undoubtedly better than Yaohuang Palace in terms of specifications and style.

The leader of the emperors was not just a casual remark, but was set in everything.

"Meet His Majesty Donghuang." Houtu nodded slightly and smiled.

"Meet His Majesty Dihuang." Taiyi also nodded slightly and said.

Everyone carried the flowery sedan chair, and if the other party called him, he couldn't help but respect the other party.

Madam Yuanmu, who was standing by, looked at Taiyi with stars in her eyes. Her eyes were full of admiration and love, which was not concealed at all, which made Taiyi feel a little scared.

"The matter here is over, go back quickly." Taiyi saw that the matter had come to an end and he had already achieved the Hunyuan Dao, so he spoke.

After that, he ignored everyone and headed towards the Heavenly Palace in a flash.

The figure of Emperor Dijun gradually disappeared.

Madam Yuanmu even chased after Taiyi.

Now there are only three sacred figures left in the underworld: Houtu, Tubo, and Madam Yuanqi.

"Empress Houtu." Tubo nodded slightly and addressed her respectfully.

"Daoyou Tubo, are you willing to join the underworld? You can choose the position." When Houtu saw Tubo, she knew that he was in line with the way of the underworld, and the double horns on his head were the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, which had a great relationship with the Yellow Spring Road and Yellow Spring River in the underworld.

The Yellow Spring River, also known as the Forgetful River, is the place where the end of the Yellow Spring Road and the Nether Palace of the Underworld are divided.

"That's great. Whatever position the Queen gives me, I'll take it." Tu Bo knew that in this world, there has never been just one person who can do whatever he wants, so he is not opposed to joining a force.

Moreover, as a new force, the development potential of the Underworld is huge. The Underworld itself is a force second only to the Heavenly Court, and it is a world of its own. This Netherworld is similar to the Super Cave Heaven of the Heavenly Court. As long as it develops well, coupled with its specialness, it must be one of the few forces in the prehistoric world.

What's more, Hou Tu is the ancestor of the Wu clan. Although the bloodline is gone now and it has become the Six Paths Hou Tu, the affection for so many years is not gone.

Although the Wu clan gathers around blood, as long as Hou Tu believes in Pangu, he will still regard Hou Tu as the ancestor of the Wu clan.

The twelve witch ancestors have been bred since the beginning of the prehistoric times. It is unknown how many tens of thousands of years have passed. The other eleven witch ancestors usually take good care of Hou Tu. How could they not recognize Hou Tu as their sister just because their bloodline is gone and their witch bodies are gone?

"In the underworld, the position of the gods has been determined. Apart from me, the emperor of Fengdu should be respected. However, the emperor of Fengdu is busy with affairs and needs to stay in the underworld. Are you willing?" The queen of Hou Tu took the most honorable position of god. All the positions of gods in the underworld are decided by her alone. She can let anyone she wants to take the position.

This is the power of being the master of the underworld.

"I don't want to, I don't want to..." Tu Bo shook his head and refused to do it after hearing that he had to stay in the underworld.

He finally got rid of his mission and was just about to go around in the prehistoric times. How could he be willing to act as the so-called emperor of Fengdu.

The reason why he wanted to join the underworld was because he valued Hou Tu and the development potential of the underworld, not because he wanted to rule and manage anyone.

"Then let's appoint Tubo as the position. His rank will be the same as that of the King of Fengdu, but he will have no real power and he won't need to do anything on weekdays. What do you think?" Hou Tu saw through Tubo's thoughts and fabricated a position in an instant.

But this position has no power, which is equivalent to being a temporary official in the netherworld.

Of course, if Tu Bo, such a powerful deity, really wants to do something, he can become a small hill in the netherworld and still hold real power.


After hearing this, Tu Bo agreed without hesitation.

"Daoyou Yuanqi, can you join the netherworld together so that we can at least take care of each other." Hou Tu said to Madam Yuanqi with a smile.

The reason why she pulled him over was because the netherworld had to pass through the Guixu Land after all. The Guixu Land was not like the place of reincarnation, and she could operate it whenever she wanted.

If the other party insisted on preventing the residual soul from entering the reincarnation, Hou Tu really couldn't do anything to him in a short time.

So the best way at the moment was to pull the other party into the netherworld, and then open the door of convenience like the heaven afterwards.

The netherworld is different from the heaven, so there should be more portals in the netherworld, and it would be better if they could be summoned anytime and anywhere to enter the netherworld.

"No, my heart is not here. Please rest assured, the Guixu Land will not be a passage to block ghosts." Madam Yuanqi shook her head and rejected the proposal.

Since she saw the Emperor of Heaven, some feelings have arisen in her heart, but she does not want to join the underworld, but wants to enter the Heavenly Palace.

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