Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 228: The cycle of reincarnation is complete, and the human race should step out

Pangu Temple.

After Hou Tu founded the underworld, although the six reincarnations had already appeared, and some institutions in the underworld also appeared accordingly, there were no clergy in it.

Now the reincarnation is closed, and it has not really begun to accept lonely souls into the reincarnation for reincarnation.

Therefore, in addition to announcing the good news to the brothers and sisters, she also wanted to take some tribesmen from the witch clan to enrich the underworld.

"Little sister, you are back!"

After feeling the breath of Hou Tu, a group of ancestor witches could no longer sit still, and immediately left Pangu Temple and welcomed Hou Tu back.

"Hou Tu greets all the brothers and sisters." Hou Tu bowed and said with a smile.

"Haha, I didn't expect that my little sister is the first one among us to break through!" Di Jiang laughed.

All the people of the witch clan felt that Hou Tu had given birth to the primordial spirit, and the breath of the witch clan on her body disappeared. If it weren't for the long-term daily life, they might have thought that the Hou Tu in front of them was fake.

Pangu's obsession realm had also reached the Hunyuan realm. He was also in a state of fear, but without any strength. He was just an obsession. Although he could constantly break through the realm, he had no entity after all, and even his soul was gone.

Hou Tu first chatted with many brothers and sisters for a while, and then mentioned another purpose of this visit.

"Brothers and sisters, you all know that the underworld is just beginning to take shape, and there are still a lot of positions missing. The underworld is now just an empty shell and can't operate at all. Although it can be controlled by clones, it can't last long. Those divine positions still need to be taken over by living beings."

"Okay, okay, the demon clan has the heaven, and our witch clan also has the underworld. Since the underworld is transformed by my little sister, we will naturally not sit idly by. My little sister, just ask how many tribesmen you want, and you can choose from the twelve tribes of the witch clan!" After hearing Hou Tu say that the tribesmen should be strengthened, Di Jiang patted his chest and laughed.

They naturally do not reject these things. The fruit of heaven and earth is definitely a good thing. It is not something that is bound to the saints. These things can be given up if they want to.

And when they are in office, they can also receive the bonus of their luck, which is beneficial to cultivation.

Otherwise, the demon race would not be so prosperous. The luck in it is a living help.

There are countless positions in the heavenly court, and there are all kinds of priests. It can be said that the heavenly court has almost covered the entire demon race. Even the most inexperienced little demons have a position of heavenly soldiers and can share a little luck.

From this, we can see how powerful the heavenly court is.

Although the number of priests in the underworld is not as good as that of the heavenly court, if it really wants to include it, it is still easy to include the entire witch clan.

As for the twelve tribes of the witch clan, they refer to the twelve tribes that were originally formed by the twelve ancestor witches and eight hundred great witches. After a long period of development, these twelve tribes have long been developed and expanded, and it is unknown how many tribes are under their jurisdiction.

Now, a great witch is in charge of a tribe, and a tribe has tens of thousands of witches at least, and hundreds of thousands of witches at most.

The number is extremely terrifying, not like the witches with only a few tribesmen at the beginning.

And these tribesmen are the confidence of Emperor Jiang to be selected by Hou Tu with a wave of his hand. With so many tribesmen, there is no fear that they cannot build a team in the underworld.

In fact, it does not require so many tribesmen to build the operation of the underworld. It only needs the existence of living beings in the most important positions responsible for handling the corresponding affairs.

Just like the Ten Kings of Hell, the judges, the cow-headed and horse-faced, etc., those positions that are specifically responsible for guiding, interrogating, and handling, just need someone to handle them.

"Yes, yes, little sister, just speak up, we can choose the great witches and small witches under you!" Zhu Rong also patted his chest and said.

He has always been the most impatient. When he saw his little sister said that he wanted tribesmen, he immediately patted his chest and promised.

"Yes, if there is anyone I like in our tribe, just pick him!" The other witch ancestors also spoke up.

"Okay! Then I will go and pick him!" Hou Tu nodded and said.

Then a group of witch ancestors went out of Pangu Temple directly. Hou Tu did not choose all her tribes, but selected some from all the tribes. There were more than 800,000 witches in total.

These witches can barely fill all the major institutions in the underworld. Of course, if they want to fill them, there are still positions to fill them. If it doesn't work, they can also make a position like Tu Bo and let them take it.

After the selection, they were divided according to the divine duties in turn, and the position of Fengdu Emperor was given to Chi You by Hou Tu.

Chi You is a great witch in Hou Tu's tribe, and also a great witch who has successfully condensed the realm of Hunyuan Zhen Self. He has a high level of cultivation and is not weak in strength. It is most suitable for him to be the Fengdu Emperor.

This great witch is also one of the most powerful among the twelve tribes. Except for Xingtian, it seems that no great witch is stronger than him. At most, it is a close fight.

The great witches who are not much different from him are Houyi, Kuafu and other great witches, all of whom are extremely powerful.

Houyi and Kuafu are also from the Houtu tribe, but Houtu did not bring them to the underworld because the Houtu tribe itself has lost an ancestor witch and a great witch at the top of its power. If they are missing, I am afraid that the Houtu tribe will find it difficult to convince the people.

And Hou Tu also wanted to train Hou Yi to be a new great witch who could replace the ancestor witch. Hou Yi was extremely talented and talented, and the only thing he lacked was some bloodline power.

So with the help of the other eleven ancestor witches, Hou Yi also successfully possessed the bloodline of the ancestor witches, but after all, it came from the other eleven ancestor witches instead of being born, so it was still a little worse than the real ancestor witches, but it was much more powerful than other great witches.

Above the void.

"Reincarnation has come out, and now the human race has also come out." Ye Xuan looked at the scene below, and countless thoughts came up.

Those thoughts were the protagonists of the heavens, and those humans were undoubtedly the peak above humans. If their thoughts were used to transform into humans in the prehistoric world, I am afraid that the humans in the prehistoric world would not know how strong they would be.

Ye Xuan cast his eyes towards the Heaven, where Nuwa was. Now Nuwa had no idea what race she was going to create. She was just like Hou Tu in the past, with some expectations and inspirations in her heart.

Heaven, the 36th Heaven.

Since the Dao Fruit matured, there have been more and more beings in the Primordial Realm in the world, and Nuwa also had a vague sense of opportunity in her heart.

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