Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 229: Nuwa reveals the truth, the perfect human race will emerge!

"Don't you know what you want to do..."

Ye Xuan saw Nuwa in the world below, frowning. Although he felt a sense of opportunity in his heart, he didn't know where the opportunity was and what to do.

"Let me help you..." Ye Xuan said softly with a smile on his face.

Then his mind moved.


In the endless river of time and space, a vision flashed across infinite time and space.

In that vision was a race. That race was born with an innate body of Tao, but was extremely weak, but with outstanding talent, and could reach the peak in a short time.

That race was created by inheriting the body of Pangu Father God. It was born to be conducive to the understanding of the Tao. It was an innate body of Tao, and it was also the appearance of their current transformation.

This race does not need to transform, because it is born with an innate body of Tao.

Nuwa could not see the faces of those humans, but she could feel the body structure of those humans.

That is a very special race. Those people do not have the extremely strong bodies of the Wu people. They cannot be born with the ability to carry a weight of ten thousand pounds. On the contrary, they are born extremely weak and may die if they are not careful.

They do not have the extremely thick body hair of those beasts. They only have some sweat hair on their bodies. They do not have the feathers of the Phoenix bird race that allow them to fly.

They do not have the scales of the Dragon and Water races. This is a brand new race. If you force it to be similar, it is somewhat like the women of the Asura race created by the Styx.

Those women are not much different from the women of this race. They are almost exactly the same. They have the same innate Dao body. The only thing missing may be that this race does not have the bloodthirsty and violent characteristics of the Asura race.

And the men are like those women. They are not three heads and six arms. Except for some physiological differences, there is no other difference.

This is an extremely simple race, but as the saying goes, the Great Dao is simple. The three thousand great Daos can carry infinite great Daos and countless worlds. The innate Dao body is like this.

However, the way of heaven is fair. Since it has given the human race such excellent talents, it has also led to the weakness of the human race at the beginning. If it is said that the cultivation talent of the human race is unprecedented and can be compared with the sacred, or even surpass the sacred, then how weak the human race is, how weak the human race is when it is just born.

Not to mention the sacred, any creature in the prehistoric world can kill all the newborn human race.

And the painting in this vision, like a dragonfly touching the water, gently touched Nuwa's heart.

"This is my chance! I finally found my chance to become a god! Create such a race, no! It must be more perfect than the race in the vision! Only in this way can I enter the supreme mixed origin!!!" Nuwa murmured to herself, shocked in her heart.

She didn't know how this vision appeared in front of her, nor did she know why it appeared in front of her, but since it had appeared and completely awakened her, she would do so.

She was not too shocked by the vision, but she was shocked by the race she created.

Can she really create such a powerful race...

Yes, it is powerful!

Although this race is born weak, as long as it passes the early stage, the speed of cultivation will be like a rocket, and it will break through rapidly. In a short time, some of the tribesmen will probably enter the realm of Hunyuan Zhenself.

As for the realm of Hunyuan, it requires opportunity, not just want to enter.

"The Great Dao has three talents, namely heaven, earth and man. Since this race is so powerful, I will call it the human race. When the human race comes out, I will enter the supreme realm of Hunyuan!" Nuwa recalled the race in the vision and felt that it seemed more perfect to call this race the human race.

She felt a burst of joy in her heart, and then she went to find Fuxi.

Ye Xuan, who was in the void, raised his mouth slightly. This was the scene he wanted to see.

"Since we are going to create the human race, these two things are indispensable..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself, and a beating heart and a handful of soil appeared in his hand. They were the heart of the gods and the soil of creation.

The Soil of Creation is a magical soil that surpasses all the soils in the prehistoric world. It is more like the manifestation and solidification of the Great Dao of Creation than the soil. This is a treasure. Fundamentally speaking, it is a product born from the same Great Dao as the Azure Lotus of Creation in the past.

The Azure Lotus of Creation was transformed into infinite innate spiritual treasures. Although the Soil of Creation is not as magical as it, it can still easily create a race with a foundation that is not inferior to the innate saints.


Ye Xuan waved his hand, and the two national treasures flew into the prehistoric world and hid in a place at random.

These two treasures cannot be found by other creatures except Nuwa.


Xihuang Palace.

This is Fuxi's palace. Like the other palaces, they are all located in the thirty-sixth heaven. There are only five palace groups here, one is the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven, and the other four are the Palace of the Demon Emperor.

"Brother, I found it. I found the way to achieve the state of Hunyuan!" Nuwa said to Fuxi with joy.

"Oh? Congratulations, little sister. Then why don't you go quickly!" Fuxi's eyes flashed with surprise when he heard it. He had not yet realized how to achieve Hunyuan, but he did not expect that his sister was about to step into Hunyuan.

Immediately, he hurried Nuwa. After all, the two could meet at any time, so it didn't matter if they waited for a while. It was more important to achieve enlightenment.

Instantly, Fuxi thought of something and said, "You cultivate the Great Dao of Life and the Great Dao of Creation. I guess you should create a new race like the Styx, right?"

Without waiting for Nuwa to nod, he waved his hand and countless divine creations appeared in front of Nuwa.

Nuwa was stunned when she saw this. These creations were all very special materials of the Dao of Creation. She didn't have much left, but she never thought that her elder brother had so many in his hands.

The materials of the Dao of Creation can also be used to create life, but it is difficult to create life without cultivating the Great Dao of Life. If the cultivation is not profound, it is also difficult to create the desired race of creatures.

In the prehistoric Dao of Life, there are more or less some sacred people who cultivate the Great Dao of Life. They can create creatures with a wave of their hands, but those creatures are all crooked and useless.

And if you want to create good creatures, in addition to the profound Great Dao of Life, you also need some good creations.

The reason why the Styx was able to create the Asura clan in the past was not only because he was proficient in the way of life, but also because of the condition of the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood had long been refined by him into his own clone, so it can be said that he directly took the thing containing the power of life and then created the Asura clan.

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