Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 230 Fuxi and Nuwa ask the Emperor of Heaven for help, Emperor Jun's anger

In addition, the creation of the Asuras by the Styx was mainly arranged by the Heavenly Dao, just as the creation of the perfect human race by Nuwa was also arranged by Ye Xuan.


Nuwa looked at Fuxi with a slightly moist look in her eyes, and even her voice trembled a little.

"Whether you need it or not, take it away, go!" Fuxi said with a smile on his face, waving his hand, but urging Nuwa to achieve enlightenment quickly.

The longer the night, the more dreams there are. It is naturally not good to delay for too long. If you can achieve enlightenment, you must hurry up and achieve it.

"Brother, I suddenly saw a strange vision in the chaos. A kind of creature appeared in the vision. It was born extremely weak and could be called the weakest in the prehistoric world. However, it was extremely gifted and could be called the strongest in the prehistoric world. It was born with an innate body of Tao.

I feel that this group will surely prosper in the future and may have the opportunity to replace the demon group. Therefore, I am afraid that the Emperor of Heaven will not allow it. I want my brother to explain the situation to the Emperor of Heaven."

Nuwa first collected the materials and then told the purpose of her visit.

The reason why Fuxi was asked to speak for her was because she had always been on good terms with the two queens on the Taiyin Star and did not have much interaction with the Emperor of Heaven. On the contrary, Fuxi was always entangled with the Emperor of Heaven.

"What?! It might replace the demon race?!" Fuxi was shocked when he heard this, and then frowned. He was also a member of the demon race. If this race replaced the demon race, what would happen to the heaven occupied by the demon race...

Then where would he go...

But then he changed his mind and thought that since it was my little sister's chance to become a god, even if I fell from the altar, so what, and his eyes were firm and unwavering.

"Although the Emperor of Heaven is extremely broad-minded and is extremely tolerant of all races and spirits in the world, he treats them equally, but if there is a threat to the demon race or the rule of the heaven, it may not be the case..." Fuxi frowned and said.

"So my little sister is afraid that this race will be destroyed by the Emperor of Heaven after it is created, so I want my elder brother to find the Emperor of Heaven first to explain the reason and see if His Majesty is willing..." Although Nuwa said so, in fact, no one can stop her from becoming a god.

Even if the Emperor of Heaven really wanted to stop or kill the human race, she would definitely protect the human race, even if she couldn't...

The opportunity to achieve enlightenment, blocking the path of others is a fight to the death, even if that person is the Emperor of Heaven.

"Don't worry, little sister, I will take you to find His Majesty." Fuxi gave Nuwa a reassuring look, and then took the uneasy Nuwa to the Emperor of Heaven's bedroom.

Before the two arrived, the door of the Emperor of Heaven's bedroom had been opened, as if Di Jun had already known that they would come.


The Emperor of Heaven's bedroom.

"Are you here for Nuwa's enlightenment?" Di Jun sat on the seat and said with a smile.

Fuxi and Nuwa showed a hint of surprise on their faces when they heard this, and then Fuxi nodded, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, please show me your kindness and help me..."

He knew that in today's world, if Di Jun wanted to do something, no one could stop him.

Now Taiyi has achieved enlightenment, and Madam Yuanmu, who follows Taiyi's lead, has also achieved enlightenment. These are three living beings who have achieved enlightenment. Who can stop them?

"You guys, you still underestimate me too much. If Nuwa underestimates me, it's fine, but why do you Fuxi do this? I'm very disappointed..." Di Jun's original smile is gone, and his face is a little dull, but this dullness on others may be really dull, but if you can't see the smile on Di Jun, who is transformed by the warm light of the sun, it can explain the problem.

At least at this time, Di Jun's heart is a little angry.

Fuxi's face changed when he heard the words, and he bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I hope you can help me for Fuxi's diligence over the years!"

"Hehe! Do you know what Hunyuan is?" Di Jun did not go back directly, but asked again.

Without waiting for the two to reply, he stood up, and when he stood up, countless time and space appeared beside him.

"Look, this is the method of Hunyuan. A Hunyuan person can observe infinite time and space. I knew everything when I entered the Hunyuan realm. I also knew that Nuwa's chance to become a Taoist fell into the hands of the creator of the human race."

Di Jun's long and majestic words came.

Fuxi and Nuwa looked over and were horrified. Scenes of time and space appeared beside Di Jun. It was the story of the destruction of the witches and the human race becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth. Scenes fell into their hearts.

But then, Fuxi also understood that since the other party had already known it and could still keep the two of them, it meant that Di Jun had no intention of catching them all in one fell swoop, otherwise they would have been destroyed when Di Jun became a Taoist.

"Fuxi has followed your majesty for millions of years, but now I am extremely ashamed. Thousands of Taoist words cannot express my shame at this moment." Fuxi blushed instantly and said ashamedly.

The Emperor of Heaven is known for his generosity and broad-mindedness, but no living being knew that Di Jun's mind was so broad. Even Fuxi, who lived with him day and night, doubted Di Jun and felt ashamed.

"Nuwa is extremely ashamed..." Nuwa said with great shame.

"If I were afraid of the birth of the human race, you brothers and sisters would have died on the day of enlightenment, but I didn't do that. If Nuwa is going to create the human race, I will not stop it, and I will not harm them."

Di Jun's words came out again.

"The human race is of great significance. Now I am not the only one who has become enlightened. In other words, the other enlightened saints will also know about this matter. Maybe some people will be afraid of the human race and take action."

"Nu Wa is the demon emperor of the demon clan, the emperor Wa of the demon clan. Since she is a creature of the demon clan, when you become enlightened, I will naturally help you to block the sacred covetous people in the sky."

"You guys must remember that if the human race lives and works in peace and contentment, nothing will happen to them. But if they try to subvert the heaven, then don't blame me for taking action."

Di Jun said a lot in succession, and his last words had a hint of majesty.

If the human race does not offend the heaven, it will be fine, but if the human race dares to offend the heaven, Emperor Jun will naturally not watch all this happen.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty has a broad mind, and Fu Xi is far behind!" Fu Xi said gratefully.

They originally wanted to use the emotional card to get through, but I didn't expect that Di Jun was so broad-minded. Not only did he not stop them, but he also helped Nuwa become a Taoist.

Previously, I was only thinking about whether the Emperor of Heaven would allow it, but I forgot about the divine covetousness in the sky.

"Nu Wa, thank you, Your Majesty! Even if Nu Wa becomes enlightened, she will be the Nu Wa of the demon clan and the Nu Wa of heaven!" Nu Wa was extremely excited and said with tears in her eyes.

Originally, she didn't have much sense of belonging to the demon clan, and she just followed her elder brother to join the Heavenly Court. But today, she finally felt the magnanimity of the Emperor of Heaven, and decided that Nuwa would be the Nuwa of the Demon clan and the Nuwa of the Heavenly Court for the rest of her life.

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