Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 232 The Perfect Human Race Appears!!! (Please subscribe, a 5,000-word chapter)

"Please all the saints to observe the ceremony, my little sister Nuwa has become enlightened today. If anyone dares to stop her, she will die and disappear!"

The Taoist charm of Fu Xi manifested. He was born with the body of a dragon and the tail of a dragon, and he was the Xi Huang of the demon clan.

In the prehistoric times, the reputation of Heavenly Court was extremely good. This great contribution was attributed to Emperor Jun of Shangliang Heaven, followed by the four emperors of the demon clan. The three emperors did not take care of things, and the only one in charge was Emperor Xi, who also had a very good temper. For the demons below The people in the clan or the small officials in heaven did not put on airs.

He is famous for being approachable and mild-tempered.

However, today, in order for his little sister to become a Taoist, he shouted angrily and manifested the Tao Yun.

"By you? That's not enough!"

In the sky, a figure appeared. It was an innate sacred figure from ancient times. Its cultivation had already reached the realm of Hunyuan True Self, and its cultivation was extremely powerful.

He looked at Fuxi. Although his cultivation was equally strong, he was still a little behind him.

But just this little bit couldn't actually stop him from Fuxi's entanglement.

Therefore, two more innate gods appeared next to him, and the Tao Yun appeared one by one, instantly suppressing Fu Xi's Tao Yun.

"What if my brother is added to the mix?" The Tongtian Qingping Sword appeared beside him, rising out of thin air, automatically without wind, and sneered, staring at the three sacred figures in front of him.

The Supreme Being remained silent, just stood up quietly and expressed everything with his actions.

Buzz! ! !

A wave of Dao Yun appeared, and instantly suppressed the three Dao Yun on the opposite side.

"Fellow fellow Taoists, do you really want to see the appearance of that race before it appears?" shouted the arrogant innate saint from before.

In an instant, hundreds of figures appeared in the entire sky.

Those are all beings in the realm of Hunyuan True Self, and they are only one step away from realizing the existence of Hunyuan.

But that step is a chasm, and I don’t know how long it will take to cross it.

Buzz! ! !

The momentum was swept away in an instant, and the Tao Yun of Taishang, Tongtian, and Fuxi was like a lonely boat in the wild waves of the sea, which might capsize at any time.

At this moment, a Hunyuan True Intent emerged, overwhelming all the sacred Hunyuan True Intentions present.

That is the true meaning exuded by a true strong man in the Hunyuan realm!

That is……

The true meaning of Hunyuan of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dijun! ! !

I didn't know when Emperor Jun appeared quietly and appeared in the sky above Buzhou Mountain.

The scene of heaven was revealed, and Emperor Jun said with a smile on his face:

"I am the Heavenly Emperor of Heaven, and the demon tribe is a part of Heaven. As the Demon Emperor, Nuwa should protect the demon tribe, and as the Emperor of Heaven, I should protect Nuwa."

"Today, the Demon Clan Queen Wa and Nv Wa are consecrating the Taoism. I would also like to ask all fellow Taoists to watch the ceremony quietly and don't..."

Emperor Jun's words were not finished, but they contained endless murderous intent. This was the cruelty of the sun. Although he was not the incarnation of the cruelty and ruthlessness of the sun, he still held the power of the sun after all, making all living beings afraid of it.

This was the first time they had seen such a Heavenly Emperor, and as Emperor Jun was Hunyuan, just a thought could make all the gods fear him and not dare to act rashly.

However, there were still bold people who relied on the broad-mindedness of the emperor and asked: "I respect your majesty, but your majesty should know that such a race should not exist in the world. If it really appears in the world, it may have a negative impact on heaven." disadvantageous.”

He tried to use this trick to arouse Di Jun's murderous intention, so that Di Jun would take action himself, which would save them from taking action.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Jun laughed instead of being angry and said loudly: "Hahahaha! Since I stepped into Hunyuan, I have known that the race created by Nuwa is the human race. The human race is so weak that it is appalling. Never has such a weak person been born.”

"But the human race's toughness is jaw-dropping, its talent is high, its talents are high, and its heritage is profound, all of which far exceed those of the gods."

"In the infinite time and space, the human race has become the protagonist of heaven and earth. The two races of lich and demons are fighting and losing. The title of heaven and earth has changed."

"And I also fell into the hands of the Witch Clan in infinite time and space, but so what?!"

"Those are just some of the Demon Clan's Heavenly Emperors who have never attained the Hunyuan Dao, not the Heavenly Emperors who have attained the Hunyuan Dao today!"

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I should disdain to do such an act. If the human race dares to offend the heaven, they must be punished! But now that the human race has not been born, how can it commit the crime of the heaven?"

"If this is used to wipe out the human race, shouldn't I have wiped out the Witch Clan first? Since the Witch Clan has been wiped out, should the Dragon Clan be wiped out as well? How can there be room for the sky to be wiped out? Forces other than the demon clan?”

"But I didn't do that. If the human race becomes so strong in the future that they want to seek the position of Emperor of Heaven, then let them do it! I am waiting for them in the supreme realm, at the extreme of time and space!"

"But this is not the reason why we can eliminate them now!"

"If you are afraid of latecomers, you will be like Hongjun, reduced to a lackey on the road, turned into a puppet, afraid of the arrival of latecomers all day long. In this way, the prehistoric era will no longer be the prosperous prehistoric place it is today! Only fearless of the past, fearless of the present, and fearless In the future, we will be able to stand on the top of the ancient world forever, overlooking the changes of hundreds of millions of years without changing ourselves!"

Di Jun's confident and domineering words about himself spread throughout the heavens, and countless creatures were shocked by his ambition.

It turns out that this is the heart of the Emperor of Heaven! This is the mind of the Emperor of Heaven!

The Emperor of Heaven is never afraid of future enemies! The Emperor of Heaven will never implicate other races because of something that has not happened yet but may happen!

In the deep underworld, a long voice came.

One word covered the heaven and earth, one word shook the sky!

"Your Majesty's heart is broad, it can accommodate the nine underworlds and eighteen realms, Hou Tu admires it very much, and all living beings in the underworld should praise the name of the Emperor of Heaven, the supreme honor."

"We respect the Emperor of Heaven and bow to His Majesty!"

The gods of the underworld bowed one after another, and countless ghosts and spirits followed to worship.

In the boundless starry sky, there was an old man wearing a star robe, and he said slowly:

"The Emperor of Heaven has a broad mind, which can accommodate infinite stars and the boundless starry sky. The stars and living beings should praise the name of the Emperor of Heaven and respect His Majesty."

As the words of the Star Ancestor spread to the entire sky, countless stars and living beings shouted words of admiration.

In the four seas, the ancestor dragon soared into the sky, and his majesty spread throughout the sea:

"The Emperor of Heaven's stomach can contain the water of the four seas, and all the waters of the prehistoric world are not as big as your majesty's stomach. The ancestor dragon of the dragon clan should respect the name of the Emperor of Heaven and respect your majesty."

The endless dragon clan and aquatic creatures also sang words of admiration.

"We wish to respect the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven is supremely glorious, shining on the heavens!!!"

The leaders of countless races praised the name of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is the Emperor of Heaven!!!

This is the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, who is respected by all living beings, all races and all spirits!

All races and all spirits should praise the supreme Emperor of Heaven!!!

Whether it is the ancestor dragon of the dragon clan, Hou Tu of the underworld, or other Hunyuan who have entered the realm of Hunyuan, when they enter Hunyuan, they thoroughly understand how broad Di Jun's mind is and to what extent Di Jun's greatness has reached!

Zulong asked himself, if he was the first to achieve Hunyuan, not to mention blocking the Hunyuan of the heavens like Hongjun, at least the dragon race would be the strongest race like the demon race, and this is just the most basic. In addition to these, if the races in the sky are threatening the dragon race, he will not hesitate to kill them.

Not to mention that now when there are human races that may threaten him, not only did he not stop them, but he also helped them!

Even if Nuwa is a demon race and a member of the heaven, but at this time, not to mention taking action personally, but just watching from the side, Nuwa will definitely not survive this disaster.

Because there is no help from the Emperor of Heaven, not to mention those sacred beings in the Hunyuan realm, even those sacred beings who have not reached the Hunyuan realm will not let Nuwa go.

Just like today, if the Emperor of Heaven did not take action, Nuwa would definitely fall.

How can she continue to comprehend without distraction and strive to condense to the best time?

And those sacred beings who were in the Hunyuan realm all over the sky, seeing the face of the Emperor of Heaven, did not choose to take action.

Indeed, as the Emperor of Heaven said, if you are afraid of the arrival of future generations, what kind of real strong people are you!

The real strong people are not afraid of any challenges, not afraid of any future!

Of course, if this was said by others, they would only sneer, but this was said by the Emperor of Heaven, and the meaning was different.

The sacred beings who achieved Hunyuan all gave face to the Emperor of Heaven, shouted loudly, and stated their positions, and this is the connection of the Emperor of Heaven!

This is the credibility that Di Jun has accumulated for billions of years!

Not to mention that the human race cannot overthrow the Heavenly Court, even if they can, they can't really overthrow it!

Because if they dare to move the Heavenly Court, it will not only move the demon race and Di Jun, but also move countless lives! ! !

Moreover, although the human race was born because of Nuwa's creation, it was more important because of the protection of the Emperor of Heaven, which allowed the gods of heaven to successfully let them go, otherwise even Nuwa would have died here today.

With such a great favor, how could they not be grateful, but instead repay the favor with hatred!

In Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun's face was ashen, he wanted to attack the Emperor of Heaven, but reason told him that he was not the opponent of the Emperor of Heaven yet, not to mention that he had no helpers, while Dijun had countless helpers.

Moreover, he was the only character in the prehistoric world that everyone wanted to beat, and he was truly despised by the world.

He and Luohou were the only two powerful people in the Hunyuan realm in the chaos, and they were also the only two Hunyuan powerful people who did not praise the Emperor of Heaven.

"Emperor of Heaven..."

"I want to see what expression you will have when the human race comes to the world and overthrows your heaven!!!"



Buzhou Mountain.

"We respect your majesty. Your majesty has a broad mind and is far beyond ours."

The faces of those creatures who came out to stop Nuwa from becoming a god changed, and then they bowed to the Emperor of Heaven.

Di Jun nodded slightly, smiling, and withdrew a wisp of Hunyuan Zhenyi, protecting Nuwa again.

The innate saints turned around and apologized to Fuxi, and withdrew under Fuxi's cold snort.

Fuxi knew very well that if it weren't for his majesty's presence, these people would not apologize. I'm afraid they would have killed Nuwa long ago, and even he, Taishang, and Tongtian would probably not survive.

"Fuxi thanks your Majesty on behalf of Nuwa! Fuxi will definitely serve the Heavenly Court with all his heart in the future!!!" Fuxi bowed deeply, and said with great emotion in his heart.

"Nothing, get up." Di Jun waved his hand, and a ray of divine power lifted Fuxi up.

In this way, the Emperor of Heaven sat high above the nine heavens, quietly watching how Nuwa created humans.

For a long time, I don't know how many years have passed.

"Finally, humans are going to be created..." Ye Xuan sighed leisurely.

It was obvious that these years were just a blink of an eye, but he was very concerned about this scene. Whenever he thought of the human race coming out, he was a little excited and couldn't think of anything else.

As a human, although he was not a human in this world, he was still a human, so he had a sense of belonging to the human race.

Buzhou Mountain.

Nuwa suddenly opened her eyes. At this time, she had reached the peak of her spirit and other aspects. With the enlightenment conveyed by Ye Xuan behind her, Nuwa was the best Nuwa at this time!

She raised her hand and the gourd vine that fell in her hand contained infinite life and creation avenues, and then fell.


A sound was heard, but it was the gourd vine full of life and creation that hit the soil full of creation.




In this way, Nuwa whipped three thousand times, and the three thousand avenues were then swung into the mud.

The soil of creation still looked like mud, but in fact, Ye Xuan had infused the Three Thousand Great Daos into it under the guise of Nuwa.

This is the human race created with the soil of creation as its body and soul, the heart of the gods as its belief, and the Three Thousand Great Daos as its path!

However, now, it is only one step away, that is, Nuwa will create it completely! ! !

In the dark, although no god dared to have any thoughts about the human race, after seeing this scene, they all stared!

"What kind of race is this?! How can the mere human race carry the three thousand great ways?!!!"

"Nuwa is too cruel to try to create a race that can carry the three thousand great ways!!!"

"No wonder the Emperor of Heaven said that the human race will flourish in the future, and even in the infinite time and space, the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the witches and liches have all fallen, but it turns out that the human race can carry the three thousand great ways!!!"

"Such a background is far better than our sacredness!!! I'm afraid it can catch up with the gods and demons of the past!!!"

The killing intent was emitted from the hearts of countless sacreds, but followed by a gentle look on their backs.

They were all shocked and looked up at the Emperor of Heaven. No matter which direction they looked from, they could always see the Emperor of Heaven smiling at them.

This was a warning from the Emperor of Heaven. You can think, but don't move. If you move, you will die.

Just when these innate sacreds were shocked, Nuwa crushed the heart of the god, and infinite faith burst out in it instantly, which was embraced by Nuwa and merged into the mud.

After doing all this, Nuwa waved the gourd vine in her hand again.

"I wish you all have a strong and unyielding heart. The road to seeking the Tao is very difficult. No matter how many hardships you go through, you will succeed in proving the Tao."

The gourd vine fell, splashing countless mud.

That bit of mud turned into a human figure in the air. It was the innate Tao body, born as an adult. This was the first batch of creatures created by Nuwa.

One by one, the human figures appeared with a little bit of mud, standing between heaven and earth with no clothes, a little confused and at a loss.

"I wish you all to be named as the human race, and you should carry the glory of the human among the three talents. Born between heaven and earth, you should make contributions to heaven and earth."


"I wish the human race to be fearless of everything, to be fearless in the heart, to be fearless of hardships and difficulties in the way of seeking the Tao, and to be fearless of the sacred power of the sky."


As Nuwa's words continued to fall, one by one, the human figures appeared under her feet.

Those human beings were extremely weak and not very tall, only two or three meters tall, which was horribly small compared to the innate saints who were tens of thousands of feet tall.

And Ye Xuan did not just watch, in fact, he made a lot of efforts to create the human race.

For example, the accommodation of the Three Thousand Great Daos was his big move.

Apart from him, only Pangu in this world mastered the Three Thousand Great Daos, and Nuwa simply could not integrate a single feature of the Three Thousand Great Daos into it.

And this does not mean that the human race can be born to control the Three Thousand Great Daos, but that the human race has the talent to practice the Three Thousand Great Daos. In fact, they only have the qualifications to practice, which does not mean that they can really practice it, let alone that they are born to control the Three Thousand Great Daos.

That is something that even the Great Dao gods and demons cannot do, and only Pangu can do it.

With Nuwa's continuous efforts, one by one the human race appeared in the prehistoric world. They were born beside the Yin Yang Tan at the foot of Mount Buzhou, because the Yin Yang pool water also made them different from men and women.

Every human has an infinite future, because each of them may successfully cultivate any of the three thousand great ways.

It is possible that those with extraordinary talents and opportunities can touch the legendary five supreme ways...

The bodies and souls of these human beings are created with the soil of creation, which is the highest and most top-level resource for creating living beings, and instantly give them the foundation comparable to the innate saints.

And their will is transformed from the top-level living resources such as the heart of the gods. They are born with an invincible heart and do not succumb to anything.

Even if the saints at this time are much stronger than them, they firmly believe that they can rise from weakness to the sky, so that the saints in the sky dare not underestimate themselves, and even come to the top of the prehistoric world!

The appearance of each human is very similar, but more or less different.

Some have supreme bones in their chests, and have supreme divine power at the beginning of their birth. That is a baby, born extraordinary, and one of the last batch of creatures created by Nuwa.

Nuwa created three groups in total, one for middle-aged, one for young people, and one for teenagers. Among the teenagers, there are babies, and the little baby with the Supreme Bone is a two-year-old baby.

Some contain infinite murderous intent, as if they were born to slaughter all the heavens.

Some have ordinary looks. Facing the sacred prying of the heavens, they frowned and retreated behind the crowd, not showing their strength, but no one knows the powerful power contained in their bodies.

Some seem to have nothing strange, but they are confident that they have the strongest physique, calling themselves the Tyrant Body. The tenacity and confidence in their eyes are unmatched by ordinary people.

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