Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 233: Suiren becomes a golden immortal in one step! The Supreme Being realizes the great Dao!

One after another, amazing people were born from the human race. They were unique, but they were all human.

With the end of Nuwa's creation, there were tens of thousands of human beings.

Although these human beings were extremely weak, as if they could be wiped out by any thought of the gods in the heavens, no one dared to underestimate these new human beings!

Because although they were born humble and weak, they had the innate Dao body that could carry countless futures of the Three Thousand Great Daos! ! !

They had a terrifying foundation that was comparable to the innate gods! ! !

They had a terrifying talent that far exceeded the gods! ! !

And all of this merged together, it was the human race! ! !

So far, the human race was born! ! !

An extremely powerful luck condensed from the void. It was the luck of only tens of thousands of human beings in front of them, but it had luck that far exceeded most races in the prehistoric world!

And this was just the luck condensed by the birth of the human race! ! !

Boom! ! !

With the birth of the human race, Nuwa also completely condensed into the Hunyuan Dao Fruit and entered the supreme Hunyuan realm. A strong pressure spread to the vicinity.

"Your Majesty!!! These human races are really too terrifying!!!"

"Yes!!! Your Majesty! Such a race that is so loved by the Tao should not survive in the world!!!"

One after another, divine thoughts were pleading with the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, in an attempt to get permission to wipe out these human races.

In the dark, countless sacred beings cast their cruel eyes on the human race.

Even though Nuwa has already achieved the Tao, they still plan to ask the Emperor of Heaven to take action. As long as the Emperor of Heaven takes action, whether Nuwa has achieved the Tao or not, the human race will surely die.

All the human race people also felt this. They felt the threat of death, but no one was afraid. All the human race stared at the sky.

But they could not see a single person. They were all inadequate in cultivation and could not see those sacred beings at all.

One of the oldest humans, the first of the first humans, felt the emotions of the humans and knelt down to Nuwa, saying, "Please save the humans, Holy Mother!"

"Please save the humans, Holy Mother!!!"

After seeing the oldest middle-aged man kneel down, tens of thousands of humans also knelt down to Nuwa.

Not yielding means not yielding in the face of threats, not respecting others from the heart.

And this kneeling ceremony is the most solemn and respectful ceremony.

It is not a humiliating thing to use it for the Holy Mother Nuwa of the human race.

"Get out!"

Before the Emperor of Heaven spoke, a voice that shook the world appeared.

It was an extremely domineering voice. A congenital sacred stood above the nine heavens, looking at those sacreds hidden in the dark, with an indifferent face.

A Tao rhyme appeared, and a wisp of domineering intention completely suppressed those sacreds, unable to move.

"Hiss... Who is this? Why is he so powerful!" The elder exclaimed.

Although he was not good at cultivation, he also vaguely felt the power of the sacred one.

"This is Donghuang Taiyi, one of the six emperors of the heaven, the honor of Donghuang, the leader of all the emperors in the prehistoric world." Nuwa explained to him.

She saw the strangeness of the first human being born in front of her. It seemed ordinary and without any characteristics, but in fact it had a great belief and a thought of protecting the human race.

It was a unique avenue, which was not one of the three thousand avenues. It was an acquired avenue, but it was similar to the guardian avenue, but it was not the guardian avenue.

"It turned out to be His Majesty Donghuang!" The old man nodded and remembered it secretly.

For the sacred that has done favors to the human race, the human race should remember it, but those who want to destroy the human race will eventually be retaliated by the human race! ! !

The Emperor of Heaven slowly stood up, waved his hand to release Taiyi's suppressive force, and said coldly: "I said before that I don't care if you want to destroy the human race, but whoever dares to really attack the human race should be prepared to die. Do you treat my words as wind around your ears?"

"Don't dare!!!"

"We will retreat now, and never dare to raise this thought again!!!"

The innate saints withdrew their thoughts one after another, and dared not ask too much, nor did they dare to pay attention to this place.

"This is the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of the prehistoric world, the most noble existence, and the strongest existence. You were born, thanks to the protection of the Emperor of Heaven, so that the countless saints in the sky dared not harm you."

"Before you were born, those saints tried to kill me and prevent you from appearing, because your appearance made them feel scared and terrified. Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven took action and protected me and you. In this way, the human race can be safe."

Nuwa's words came out again, explaining it to the human race.

"The human race is too weak at present and still needs protection, but the human race should be strong. One day, you will be free from protection. Only when the human race no longer needs the protection of the Emperor of Heaven and no longer needs my protection, the human race will have the opportunity to become a real big race!"

"The teachings of the Holy Mother, we will remember them in our hearts. Today, the grace of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven and His Majesty the Emperor of the East, we humans will remember them in our hearts. If the Heavenly Court is in trouble in the future, the human race will lend a helping hand!" Although the elder was kneeling on the ground, his words were very firm, which convinced all the humans.

"We will remember the teachings of the Holy Mother and repay the favors we have received!!"

The kneeling humans shouted in unison, remembering everything today in their hearts.

"Everyone get up~" Nuwa spoke softly, and she also had a protective intention for this race created by herself.

Then she waved her hand, and a wisp of immortal power circulated, revealing clothes for all the naked human race, and lifted them up.

"My name is Suiren, and I should carry the great way of fire and fire. This is the great way of protection and inheritance. The inheritance of the human race should be endless, the human race will continue to strengthen itself, the fire will not be extinguished, and the human race will continue to inherit!"

The oldest elder stood up and shouted loudly.

Boom! ! !

Along with Suiren's words, his cultivation suddenly made rapid progress, and he actually went from a mortal to breaking through countless realms and reaching the realm of the Golden Immortal.

Although this is only the realm when countless innate sacred beings were born in the prehistoric times, there are actually many realms between them and mortals, so Suiren's one-step to the Golden Immortal is a rare talent.

Don't you see that those innate saints were born after many years of nurturing, while Suiren was just an acquired creature that was born.

Suiren's strength rose wildly. In just a moment, he reached the peak of the Golden Immortal, and was only a little away from entering the realm of Taiyi.

Although he was still an extremely weak existence in the prehistoric world, he had a promising future. If he ascended to the Golden Immortal one day, what was surprising about ascending to the Hunyuan the next day?

"Well, yes, although this boy is weak, he should be the emperor of men!"

Fuxi, who was standing aside, nodded secretly and affirmed after seeing it.

Although Suiren's cultivation was weak, his inexplicable belief and his great way made it natural for him to become the emperor of men.

"The human race is indeed worthy of its reputation. I am very happy that such a powerful race has been born in the prehistoric world. The great way is favored by the way of heaven. I hope that the human race will not abandon the way of heaven and disregard the great way." Emperor Dijun showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

He had seen too many brainless humans in the infinite time and space. Those humans relied on their own cultivation and spoke wildly, not taking the Heavenly Dao seriously. If the Heavenly Dao was not spiritual, they would have been destroyed long ago.

The Heavenly Dao is fine, but some people even dared to betray the Great Dao and speak nonsense about the Great Dao. What is the Great Dao?

That is the ultimate of everything. Not to mention that the human race itself was born under the arrangement of the Heavenly Dao under the Great Dao, even Nuwa, himself, and countless other creatures can only exist because of the Great Dao, and even the three thousand Great Dao gods and demons and even Pangu the Father God are the same.

If the Great Dao is nothingness, then the heavens will really not exist, and everything will disappear.

What about the human race...

However, the human race in this world seems to have no bad roots. Each of them is extremely talented and full of gratitude for the world. Although the human race does not fear the sacred, it will still respect the existence that should be respected.

For example, the Holy Mother Nuwa who created them, the Emperor Dijun who protected them and allowed them to be born as they wished, and the Emperor Taiyi who just rebuked the sacred power of the sky and suppressed the sacred power of the sky.

The human race has great respect for these three sacreds.


At this moment, the world changed drastically, and infinite golden light of merit suddenly appeared.

In the past, the Styx created the Asuras and there was still golden light of merit, and today, how could there be no golden light of merit when the perfect human race was created.

The infinite merits illuminated the entire sky in gold, and the protagonist of the heaven appeared. Although he had not really reached the top, there was also a huge golden light of merit.

This golden light of merit was not as much as that of Hou Tu's reincarnation, nor as much as that of the creation of the Heavenly Court, but it was already second only to these two merits.

In Ye Xuan's cognition, in the legend of the prehistoric times, Nuwa entered the realm of saints by relying on the merits of creating the human race, but now she has directly condensed infinite Hunyuan Dao fruit by creating the human race.

Even the merits have been saved!

The merits in the sky were instantly divided into several parts, and 30% fell on the human race, and the luck immediately rose.

Another 50% fell on Nuwa's head, and the remaining 20% ​​fell on Di Jun's head, and a small part fell on Taiyi's head, and a little bit fell on Fuxi, Taishang, and Tongtian's heads.

Emperor Dijun looked at the human race in front of him and waved his hand, and the 15% of the merits on his head fell into the human race.

Each human race was instantly overjoyed and praised the name of the Emperor of Heaven again. They seemed to understand why the prehistoric creatures and even their saints respected the Emperor of Heaven so much.

It seems... this Emperor of Heaven is really worthy of respect.

Seeing his elder brother like this, Taiyi waved his hand and let the merits fall into the human race.

The merits brewing above the human race became more and more huge, and there was already nearly half of the merits and golden light.

Seeing this, Nuwa glanced at her brother. Her brother still needed merits to achieve the great way, but in the end he chose to give the merits to the human race.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the merits of the human race gathered more than 95%!

The remaining merits and golden lights had long been absorbed by Fuxi, Taishang, and Tongtian. Looking at the actions of Taiyi, Dijun, and Nuwa, the three looked at each other and were embarrassed.

Boom! ! !

The huge, seemingly endless merits fell into the crowd.

Under such a vast baptism of merits, the cultivation of each human race soared.

Waves of golden light flashed, and the breath of each human race was so strong!

Tens of thousands of human races, in an instant, all entered the realm of golden immortals like Suirenshi! ! !

Everyone is a golden immortal, this is the human race! ! !

And with the blessing of that meritorious deed, the Suiren clan directly entered the realm of Taiyi, and did not stop until the later stage of Taiyi!

Boom! ! !

As the overall cultivation of the human race improves, the already huge destiny has grown even more!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and Donghuang for helping the human race." Nuwa bowed slightly and thanked the human race.

The Emperor of Heaven shook his head and said with a smile: "It is for the merit of creating the human race, and it is nothing to return it to them."

Taiyi, on the other hand, was silent and cold and inexplicable.

Then, all the scenes in the sky disappeared, the figures of the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the East also disappeared, and the sky returned to its original appearance.

Taishang and Tongtian on the side felt something in their hearts for a moment, as if they had understood something.

They scratched their heads and scratched their heads, frowning, as if some great opportunity had arrived, but they didn't know exactly where it would fall.

At this time, Nuwa slowly said: "These three saints are the same saints who protected me like the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the East. One of them is my eldest brother, named Fuxi, and the other two elders are Taoist Taoists. , and the other one is fellow Taoist Tongtian, both of whom protected me before.”

"We would like to thank the three Holy Mothers of Divine Protection. The human race should remember this in our hearts." Hearing this, the Suiren family quickly imitated those innate saints and bowed slightly to express their thanks.

"I didn't contribute much, and I absorbed the merit, but I'm so ashamed." Fuxi shook his head and said.

Taishang and Tongtian also nodded, but they did not resist when they saw the merit coming, and absorbed it directly.

"Merits and virtues come from the way of heaven. Those who belong to the human race are the three successful virtues. And those who belong to the three sacred beings, why should they be ashamed?" The Suiren family is sensible and righteous. After hearing Fuxi's So I replied immediately.

At this time, looking at the human race, the Supreme Being had a vague realization that his chance of becoming enlightened might be among the human race.

Immediately, his face was overjoyed, and he quickly said to Tongtian: "Third brother, in the past Styx established the Sect to create asuras and became saints. The two saints of the Western Religion and Zhunti also established the Western Sect and made the forty-eight great aspirations to become saints."

"It is said that there are great merits and virtues to achieve enlightenment, and this is the case with Taoist Nuwa. As long as we establish the teaching and draw out the merits and virtues of opening up the sky, we can immediately realize the enlightenment and step into the supreme Hunyuan!"

As soon as these words came out, Tongtian also had a flash of light in his eyes, nodded and said: "Brother, what you said is very reasonable! They are all under the Immortal Sect, so they can only establish a religion, but we can directly establish it. The door belongs to oneself!”

After saying that, Tongtian couldn't help but say goodbye to the many saints, and returned to the dojo to retreat and meditate. He wanted to establish a supreme religion, no, it was a supreme gate!

The Supreme Lord came to Nuwa, bowed and said: "Fellow Nuwa, I feel that the opportunity lies with the human race. Entering the realm of Hunyuan means falling into the human race. I want to be with the human race." Establish a sect among them, called the Human Sect, specifically to teach the human race how to practice, understand the foundation of the Dao, and the principles of life, and also to protect the human race and help them survive the crisis, okay?"

After all, Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race. If he wants to establish a gate among the human race, he must first obtain Nuwa's consent.

"Yes, this should be regarded as a blessing for the human race." Nuwa nodded. If Taiqing had specialized guidance, the human race would naturally get through the crisis faster.

As the Holy Mother of the human race, she should give up strong enemies for the human race, but that does not mean that she will not let go of all enemies. This will only be harmful to the human race.

"Within ten thousand years, all creatures in the prehistoric era are not allowed to take action against the human race! After ten thousand years, any creature that has understood the Realm of Hunyuan True Self is not allowed to take action against the human race! The rest is free."

An extremely strong aura emerged from Nuwa's body and went out towards infinite time and space, spreading these words to the heavens.

After finishing, Nuwa put down her momentum and said to the Suiren family: "The human race should strengthen itself. Ten thousand years is enough for the human race to grow up. How can we accept the position of the protagonist of the world without going through wind and rain? I hope you will lead the human race to become stronger."

Suiren was so sensitive. When he heard this, his expression changed and he asked Xiang Nuwa: "Holy Mother! Do you want to stay away from us?"

Nuwa nodded and said leisurely: "The human race should strengthen itself! This sentence must be kept in mind and passed down from generation to generation! If I stay in the human race, I will only make you dependent and have no influence on you." Good thing, but I will watch you from the sky."

There was another sentence she didn't say. She would protect them in the Nine Heavens, but she couldn't say these words because she wanted to cultivate the human race's desire for self-improvement.

"If after ten thousand years you really encounter something that cannot be solved, you can ask fellow Taoist Taiqing for help. He will help you, but don't ask him for help unless you have to. The human race should rely on itself."

Nuwa repeatedly warned that it would not be so easy to achieve the leading role in the world. Without going through hardships and hardships, there would be no happiness.

"I understand, please rest assured, Our Lady, but when can I see you again, Our Lady?" Suiren's face was a little depressed. She had just created them and was about to leave, and it was inevitable that she felt a little reluctant in her heart.

"We will meet again when the human race truly no longer relies on divine help..."

Nuwa's figure disappeared among the human race with these words, and Fuxi disappeared with him.

The Suiren clan is now the backbone of the tens of thousands of people. Without the Holy Mother, the Suiren clan will be the backbone of the human clan.

He walked up to the Taishang and cupped his hands and said, "It's too pure and holy."

"It's enough to address each other as fellow Taoists. Everyone can discuss it individually." The Supreme Being said with a slight smile.

"Fellow Taoist Taiqing," Suirenshi said, cupping his fists.

Then he walked towards the human race, and he led the human race to start practicing at the foot of Buzhou Mountain and comprehend the great road.

The Supreme Being closed his eyes and rested his mind, staying quietly in one place.

But just a moment later, an extremely domineering aura quietly burst out.

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