Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 234 Tang Xia, who is persistent, and Ye Xuan, who has no woman in his heart

Suiren opened his eyes instantly and looked around. It was a little kid, a two-year-old kid.

An extremely domineering and invincible thought appeared on the kid.

"What an interesting kid!"

Suiren laughed a lot. This was the first person in the human race who had realized the Dao, besides him.

This was the invincible Dao!!!

There seemed to be a flash of golden light in the kid's bones. It was a supreme bone. The supreme bone in his chest faintly exuded waves of Dao rhyme.

As the kid realized the Dao, many people who realized the Dao appeared one after another.

Three years passed, and hundreds of people who realized the Dao gradually appeared in the human race.

It was only three years, and the little kid who first realized the Dao had become a naughty kid. This naughty kid relied on his strange strength to steal milk from other beasts in the prehistoric world.

He often transformed into the offspring of the beasts and lay on them to drink milk. If he was discovered, he would run away. However, due to the iron rule that he could not attack the human race within ten thousand years, the victimized beasts could only endure it.

When he met a creature that he could beat, he would directly go up and force it to suck milk.

No one knew why this little kid liked to drink milk so much, but they knew that as this kid stole milk everywhere, his cultivation level became higher and higher, and his combat power became more and more terrifying. He even stole the innate magical powers of the beasts whose milk he drank.

This terrifying talent made other humans look at him sideways.

In addition to this kid, there was another teenager with an extremely cold face, as if he didn't care about anything, but in his heart he valued the human race more than anything else.

He cultivated the Great Dao of Demon, just like the Great Dao cultivated by the Demon Ancestor Luohou, but it was slightly different from the Great Dao cultivated by Luohou. Although the Great Dao cultivated by him was not as profound as Luohou, it seemed to be more in line with the Great Dao of Demon in the chaos in the past.

Both of them calmed down and followed their hearts, and the Great Dao followed their hearts.

There was also a young man, who followed his heart in everything. This young man obviously had a strong cultivation base and excellent talent. He even awakened the Great Dao of Time, which was extremely powerful. However, he always liked to hide behind everyone, which made many people speechless.

"Shi Hao... Su Ming... Han Li... They are all very talented. Although Han Li's talent was a little poor in the original work, how could it be so poor in the prehistoric world? He has mastered the Great Dao of Time, why is he still so temperamental..." Ye Xuan was also speechless by the young man.

These three people are all human beings that he condensed by condensing the thoughts and personalities of the protagonists of the novels he read in his previous life. Su Ming was born cold and ruthless, but he only had a little warmth for the human race. Han Li was born tenacious and powerful, but he always liked to hide.

Shi Hao was okay. Apart from doing those sneaky things, he was still very domineering on weekdays.

But this kid always refused to admit it when the creatures who suffered from him near Buzhou Mountain came to argue with him. Even if there was still a trace of milk in the corners of his mouth, he would lie with his eyes open and say that he did not do that.

This made the other party angry, but the other party had no choice. Buzhou Mountain was the territory of the Three Pure Ones. They survived in Buzhou Mountain, and now Taishang was personally in charge of the human race. They had no other choice but to endure it.

Three years was just a blink of an eye for all the creatures in the prehistoric world, including the newly born human race.

The human race was mostly comprehending the great way in these three years, and did not develop their own civilization too much.

And Suirenshi is also encouraging everyone to practice more and strive to become stronger. After all, only by becoming stronger can civilization continue.

In these three years, no newborns were born, and no human died. All human beings were busy practicing and comprehending the Tao.

The root of everything is strength. Only when one's own strength is sufficient, can one be qualified to survive in this prehistoric world.

If the Asuras were not protected by the Styx, they would have long been reduced to countless sacred alchemy and medicine.

And their human race was destined to be self-reliant from the moment of birth, and they could not be like the Asuras, who relied on the Styx to start a muddle-headed life.

The human race should be self-reliant and should not rest.

"There are still ten thousand years, so let's adjust the time and come back to see the changes of the human race in one day..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself, and with a thought, he flashed out of the prehistoric world.


Dayang Star

There is no one on the huge Dayang Star, but it is because it is a star. There are no humans living here. Everyone lives on planets, and few people live on stars.

Even if there are, they are all successful creators.

For some reason, Ye Xuan always feels that he is not very interested in the things in the mortal world. He feels that there seems to be nothing in his life that interests him except climbing to the top.

Just when he was doing nothing, an electronic prompt sounded.

"Ding, Tang Xia from the Huaxia Star Region requested to add you as a friend. This is the hundredth time. Do you want to block or agree?"

Ye Xuan: "..."

Ye Xuan set a mode that does not allow others to add friends. There is no way. He is so eye-catching. I don't know how many people will want to add him as a friend.

Tang Xia, who wanted to add him as a friend, was naturally rejected, but fortunately, this girl is a perseverant person who will not give up until she reaches her goal, so after being automatically rejected, she just kept adding him, every now and then. Click on it.

Anyway, it was just a matter of thought, but there was no notification sound at Ye Xuan's place.

Until today's arrival, Tang Xia had applied a hundred times, and this also caused Tongtianbang to notify Ye Xuan.

Only then did Ye Xuan find out about this.


Whether it was because of the other party's previous invitation, or because the two had a good chat before, or because he was moved by the spirit of adding a hundred times, Ye Xuan finally chose to agree.

He had a hunch that if he continued to disagree, the other party would really keep clicking.

Chinese Star Territory, Yunmeng System, Yunmeng Galaxy, Ruiyun Star.


Tang Xia sighed and lay down on his little bed with a look of despair.

"What's wrong?" Shuibang, who was in her room next to her, asked curiously.

"What else can I do? I've added him a hundred times, why doesn't he agree yet? Even a stone should agree..." Tang Xia said weakly.

Perhaps only those who have tried it themselves will understand the feeling of being rejected by the same man a hundred times.

"Ah...this..." Shuibang was a little stunned when he heard this. What is the reason for this?

Added hundreds of times in a row? All rejected?

"No, why do you have to add him? If he refuses, can't you just not add him..." Shuibang said speechlessly.

It's really hard for her to understand her good sister's thoughts. If it were her and the other party refused, then she wouldn't add her. Why would she keep adding her?

Thinking of this, she also looked at this good sister with some admiration. She is indeed very perseverant. No wonder her cultivation level is not as good as hers...

"The more he refuses to let me join, the more I want to join! I still don't believe it! I can't join him!" Tang Xia's originally dull face suddenly became more energetic, and his eyes gradually shone, so that he became more and more confused. Get more energetic.

The decline just now seemed not to be her, but it only took a few words from someone beside her to arouse her desire to win.

"Ding, you have successfully added Ye Xuan as a friend."

An electronic beep sounded at this moment, and Tang Xia's expression suddenly changed, and then he suddenly shouted: "Haha! He agreed! Let me just say, persistence will always win!"

Shuibang on the side was startled by her surprise. He rolled his eyes and complained: "You don't really want to invite him as a guest, do you?"

"What if I don't? You think I'm talking for fun? It's really hard to meet such a strong person and you can talk to me. How can I let him go?" Tang Xia shook his head Littlefoot said with a smile.

Among the same class, there have been very few people who can compete with her, and there is no one who can crush her.

The most important thing is that not only did her battle not cause any damage, but it also had great benefits. Dugu Qiubei in her world was vaguely about to break through. After Dugu Qiubei broke through, she could condense Godhead, thus reaching the fourth level.

This was a huge leap in combat power, so she was naturally very grateful to Ye Xuan.

In addition, Ye Xuan was indeed able to chat with her, and the battle with the Kingdom of God in the Star Territory Challenge was the only battle she fought so easily and with such little loss.

Those who can participate in the star field competition more or less have two brushes, but they are also limited. They will not just send two creatures like Ye Xuan, and one creature is still there to watch the show.

Those people really want to bring all the creatures in the world to fight.

In such a huge scene, although Dugu Qiubai was strong enough, she couldn't hold her against the opponent and there were countless creatures fighting against the creatures in her divine kingdom. In this way, the losses would naturally be great.

Of course, most of the time, Dugu Qiuqiu is the vanguard, followed by a large group of people to fight into other worlds. It is rare to be killed by others into your own world.

the other side.

After Ye Xuan saw that the addition was successful, he didn't say anything. Anyway, it was just a quick glance.

The reason why I added it was just because I saw that the other party was so persistent.

"Ding, my friend Tang Xia sent you a message."

Tang Xia: "When are you coming here to play? The scenery of Yunmeng Galaxy is still very beautiful. Do you know why it is called Yunmeng Galaxy? It's because the nebulae here are like a dream."

Ye Xuan: "Go when you have time..."

Ye Xuan used the legendary perfunctory method. He didn't care about trivial matters. When he was free, he would either think about lying dead or watch the evolution of the ancient world. When he was interested, he would do some micro-manipulation.

Just like Nuwa, whom he controlled, created human beings, the human race is now as powerful as it is thanks to him.

"Are you free? Do you want to deal with me..."

Tang Xia on the other end saw it and understood instantly. The other party also said that he would come when he was free, but the university was so lax, and there was no such thing as free time. Most people didn't practice all day long, or Just for fun?

I don’t have time to say where I came from, but I haven’t seen anyone in the past few days. It’s obvious that I don’t want to come.

But Tang Xia was not someone who gave up easily, so she came back again.

Tang Xia: "Well then, I'll go to Zuxing to find you!"


Ye Xuan was speechless, his mouth twitched. What was the other party trying to do?

He did not invite the other party to come, so why did he want to come to Zuxing to find him.

Ye Xuan: “I am not in Zuxing.”

In order to avoid the other party making a wasted trip, he decided to tell the truth.

Although this may cause the other party to ask where he is, it is better than letting others make a wasted trip.

Tang Xia: “Where are you? I will find you!”

“Little guy! Still want to get rid of me? Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will find you!” Tang Xia raised her mouth slightly, thinking secretly.

In her opinion, as long as Ye Xuan did not fall, he would definitely step into the sixth level in the future. It has only been a short time, and he has reached the top of the national list. This is not just reaching the fourth level of cultivation, but also ranking first among all college students in the country.

And this is just a freshman. When he is a senior, how strong Ye Xuan will be, Tang Xia can’t imagine it at all.

If she really gets Ye Xuan, she might be able to get a lot of resources from him in the future.

The main reason is that Ye Xuan is young, and he is in the same class as her. He is so outstanding and has great potential. How many girls don't like him?

It's like a girl from the same class whose family is extremely rich and beautiful. Who can resist this temptation?

Maybe some people don't admit it on the surface, but they are probably sore in their hands behind the scenes.

Now, it's Ye Xuan's turn to be speechless. No matter how stupid he is, he should understand it.

However, he didn't choose to reply, but pretended to be dead, and set it up with the Tongtian Ranking to accept the message from this woman but not remind him.

It means that he will see everything the other party sends, but he won't remind him. As for deleting, let alone, it's better to do it directly to avoid the other party from adding him crazily.

Anyway, he won't remind her. The other party can send whatever he wants. He will lose if he takes a look.

After doing this, the world will be quiet.

"By the way, I have to say hello to the deans first!" Ye Xuan suddenly remembered that the other party might really go to Zuxing to find him, and those deans knew his whereabouts, so he had to say hello first.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan also added the five deans as friends, so he just sent a message to the group directly. If he saw a woman asking him where he went, he just said he didn't know.

As for whether Tang Xia could meet the five deans, he couldn't say for sure. Although it was not something that ordinary people could see, it did not rule out the possibility that the other party could see them, so he just gave a shot of prevention.

After the five deans said they knew, Ye Xuan's heart was finally put down.

The road has not been completed, and I really dare not rely on the love of men and women.

If there is no woman in my heart, I will naturally be a god when I draw my sword.

The deans didn't ask much, after all, these were just private matters, and they didn't gossip about Ye Xuan's love affairs.

"Finally I can enjoy it well..." Ye Xuan was lying on the star with a temperature of unknown degree Celsius, half lying in the air with the warm sun shining, and began to squint his eyes. This was also the most comfortable time for him.

And he wanted to feel it intentionally, otherwise, the high temperature emitted by these stars would not make Ye Xuan feel a little strange.

He was no longer hurt by this kind of ordinary fire. Let alone ordinary fire, even if he took the sun's true fire in the prehistoric world, he couldn't break his defense, unless the creator god of the same level controlled the sun's true fire to burn him, that would be another situation.

It was simply a fool's dream to want to break his defense with this kind of ordinary fire that was not controlled by anyone.

Just as Ye Xuan was enjoying it, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

The man was a middle-aged man with a majestic face and wearing an ancient robe embroidered with the sun, moon and stars. The sun was a red sun, the moon was a bright moon, and the stars were between the two.

Although the man arrived, Ye Xuan did not notice anything. Even though the other party was quietly looking at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan, who was still closing his eyes, did not feel anything unusual.

Although Ye Xuan closed his eyes, his consciousness did not know how much he had covered. This was because his mind was relaxed and alert. If someone appeared, he would be alert immediately.

But the man in front of him was only one meter away from Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan's consciousness did not sense it.

"Come to the star to take a nap at noon, you are really good!" The man said with a smile.


Ye Xuan was horrified when he heard this, and quickly jumped up from his lying position.

He looked at the man opposite him and looked at him vigilantly. At this time, he was already scared to death. If this man took advantage of his unpreparedness and hit him, he would be dead.

And the most bizarre thing is that although his spiritual sense covers countless miles nearby, he has no idea how the man in front of him came here, and how he appeared in front of him but could not sense it.

Even though Ye Xuan could see the other person's existence with his eyes, he still could not sense him with his spiritual sense at this time.

At this moment, Ye Xuan knew that the other party's strength was far superior to his own, so he let go of his vigilance. If the other party was willing, he would have been gone long ago, so there was no need to talk about vigilance or not.

"I don't know who you are, and why you suddenly came here?" Ye Xuan asked, bowing and clasping his fists.

He was very humble, not at all proud of being the first on the national Tongtian list. He was not a fool. If he dared to put on airs in front of this powerful Creator God whose strength he didn't know what level he had reached, wouldn't that be courting death?

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