Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 235 Zhu Yuanzhang's reminder, Di Jun's thoughts

"Me? Hahaha..." The middle-aged man laughed loudly when he heard this. There are actually people in this world who don't know him.

And the one who doesn't know him is a student from one of the five major colleges, and a student who ranks first on the national Tongtian list. This is a bit funny.

If others don't know him, it's fine, but it's really unreasonable that Ye Xuan in front of him doesn't know him.

His portrait information is available in almost every school. He has always been the person who is mentioned most times with the other four.

"You really don't know me?" The middle-aged man asked in surprise.

Ye Xuan shook his head and replied: "I really don't know you. From what the senior said, I should know you? Have we met somewhere?"

Ye Xuan was muttering in his heart. Could it be that he really met this senior somewhere?

But why can't I remember it? Not only do I not remember it, but I don't even have the slightest impression of it...

"Well, there is nothing wrong with it. I haven't met you before."

The middle-aged man shook his head first, and then said:

"Forget it, my name is Zhu Yuanzhang, you should know me now!"

"Zhu Yuanzhang?! My name is Chen Youliang!"

Ye Xuan said this sentence out of the blue without anyone noticing...

He didn't know why he said it, but after hearing this sentence, he said it subconsciously. As soon as he said it, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

You have to know that the person in front of him is not a character that can be easily messed with. He is a big boss whose realm is unknown. If he angers him, then his life will be in danger.

Sure enough, Ye Xuan looked up and saw that the middle-aged man's face was very dark. He quickly said, "Ahem, please don't blame me, I was a little surprised. I did know a man named Zhu Yuanzhang before. He had an enemy named Chen Youliang, so I was a little surprised when I heard what you said."

After saying this, the middle-aged man's face looked much better.

He didn't know who Chen Youliang was. After hearing what Ye Xuan said before, he nodded and accepted this reason.

"I am the dean of Daming College, Zhu Yuanzhang. Now you should know it, right?" Zhu Yuanzhang explained to Ye Xuan again. If others saw this, they would definitely be shocked.

You know, Zhu Yuanzhang is famous for his violent temper. Zhu Yuanzhang didn't kill Ye Xuan for what he said before, so why would he explain it again?

"Hiss!!!" Ye Xuan took a breath of cold air when he heard it. It turned out to be the dean of Daming College! I just don't know which star field he is from...

"President, which star field are you from?" Ye Xuan asked.

"When a branch dean is away from home, unless he is in this star field, he doesn't need to specify which branch he is from. If he goes to another star field, he has to say that he is the dean of Daming College in XX star field. Now you say where I am from." Zhu Yuanzhang didn't explain directly, but said unhappily.

He came here this time to give Ye Xuan a guarantee to prevent Liu Bang from doing something secretly, but he never thought that he would be angry in front of this kid, which was a bit funny.


Ye Xuan is such a smart person. This is the enemy's star field. There are no five major colleges here, and Zhu Yuanzhang in front of him didn't claim to add any branches, but directly said that he was the dean of Daming College.

There is only one explanation, that is, the other party is the dean of this college.

As the dean of Daming College, he can naturally say that he is the dean of Daming College wherever he goes.

No wonder the other party said that he had never met him, but he should know him...

Ye Xuan had indeed heard of the names of the five deans, and knew that the five deans were all seventh-level creation gods, but he had never seen their portraits, and even hadn't heard of their names.

"It turns out that the dean is the dean of the main academy of the Creation Continent!!! You don't know, your reputation is the boss here, everyone in the world doesn't know that the dean of the main academy of Daming Academy is the most courageous existence in Daxia Country!" Ye Xuan hurriedly began to praise, thinking that he might not respect the other party enough before.

You know, the deans of the five main academies are all monsters who have reached the seventh level!

Seventh-level creation god!!!

What is that concept?

Ye Xuan didn't know, and he couldn't imagine it at all!

He only knew that the man in front of him came and went as he pleased, and Ye Xuan couldn't even notice it, let alone resist.

"Hmph! You little bastard, don't play this trick on me!" Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang was not happy, but instead frowned and scolded.

Ye Xuan was shocked when he heard this, knowing that he was flattering the wrong person, so he quickly shut up.

"If it's true, how could you not recognize me?" Zhu Yuanzhang was a rough man, and he was used to it when he opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

Ye Xuan had nothing to say, he was used to it, and even if he had something to say, he didn't dare to say it now...

"Ahem, the reputation of the deans of the five major colleges must have spread throughout the Great Xia Kingdom, and even many people in the neighboring countries probably know about it, but for people of your level, who dares to call you by your name, aren't they all deans of Daming College..."

Ye Xuan said helplessly, he had no choice, and it couldn't be blamed on him...

"Don't you have a portrait of me in your college?" Zhu Yuanzhang looked at him suspiciously, he really didn't believe it.

"Yes, there is, but I haven't seen it..." Ye Xuan muttered in a low voice. He finally understood that the dean in front of him had no intention of touching him at all. If he really wanted to, he wouldn't say anything. So much.

"Little bastard, I'm too lazy to argue with you!" Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and scolded, then cleared his throat and looked Ye Xuan up and down.

Ye Xuan looked a little creepy in his heart. Isn't this old guy an old glass?

"Put away those dirty thoughts of yours, or I will really kill you." Zhu Yuanzhang did not curse angrily this time, but said calmly.

"Sorry, sorry..." Ye Xuan apologized quickly, feeling horrified that this guy could actually read minds...

Zhu Yuanzhang didn't say much. He originally wanted to take a look at this boy, but now he was in no mood and said directly: "Do you know why I came to you?"

Ye Xuan shook his head. He didn't have the ability to read the other person's mind, so how could he possibly know.

"You are the first place in the Star Territory Competition. When the national treasures issued by you are reviewed, the deans of our five major colleges have already seen through all your information, and even you have been from the moment you were born. Everything I have done up to now has been seen through.”

"Don't be so quick to get angry. Everyone will be like this. As long as you declare a national treasure, it will definitely be like this. And your talent is too terrifying. If it exceeds a certain level, it can be said that in the future you will definitely reach what I am now. This realm is even higher.”

Zhu Yuanzhang may have seen Ye Xuan's anger, so he comforted him and then said.

"However, that was in the future after all. At that time, a dean even said that potential is just potential, and it does not mean that it can be converted into strength. The implication is that you may die on the way, and this is indeed very possible. ”

"In other words, no matter whether the dean takes action himself or not, if another dean reports your matter."

"Then you have officially entered the high-level vision, but this is actually not a good thing, but a bad thing, because you did not enter based on strength, but potential. The difference between the two I believe you also understand.”

"I can only say that not everyone wants to see someone stronger than themselves, you know what I mean."

Zhu Yuanzhang said a lot in one breath. After finishing speaking, he stared at Ye Xuan with bright eyes.


Ye Xuan nodded and looked at the scenery in the distant starry sky. At this moment, an extremely dazzling star flashed past, bursting out with extreme brilliance and then disappeared into the universe.

"Look, you are just like that star that disappeared just now, extremely bright and dazzling in the vast sea of ​​stars, but you may also disappear into the universe at any time like that star."

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a leisurely tone. Although his eyes did not touch the star in the distance, it was as if he saw the infinitely dazzling star that exploded millions of light years away and disappeared at the moment.

"Please ask the dean to save me." Ye Xuan immediately bent down and bowed deeply after hearing this. Since Zhu Yuanzhang traveled thousands of miles to come here in person to find him and told him these things, it means that the other party must have come to save him. His, otherwise he wouldn't have said that.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head and said: "I don't know if I can keep you. I just want to try my best to see if I can leave such a genius seed for Daxia. I will help you. But it’s only limited to the seventh-level Creation God. If the existence above wants to take action against you, then there’s nothing I can do.”

Ye Xuan was shocked when he heard this. Could it be that the legendary God of Creation might also have murderous intentions towards him? !

But no matter what, it was already good that Zhu Yuanzhang was willing to help him deal with the seventh-level Creation God, so Ye Xuan quickly bowed deeply again and said: "Thank you very much, dean. If you succeed in the future, I will repay you with a peach blossom." open."

He didn't directly call out "Qing Emperor", that would be too outrageous, so he used Ling Yunzhi instead, which means that when I grow up completely, I will never forget Zhu Yuanzhang's protection today.

"I'm not begging you to repay your kindness, I just want to see Daxia's flag planted all over the universe..." Zhu Yuanzhang looked into the distance and said with emotion.

He didn't originally want Ye Xuan to repay him when he succeeds in the future, he just wanted to see the scene when Daxia could completely dominate the universe.

For him, even if someone really helps, it is difficult to truly step into the realm of the eighth-level creation god. If it were that easy, humans would not only have five eighth-level creation gods.

"The dean is so upright and upright, Ye Xuan admires him so much..." Ye Xuan felt sincerely admired this time. Previously, it was because of the opponent's strong cultivation, so he didn't dare to violate it, but now he feels from the bottom of his heart that he is in front of him. The man was indeed extremely respected by him.

There are such people in every era and every country, and it is the existence of such people that can promote the further development of the country. If they only engage in intrigues, they will be ruined sooner or later.

"Okay, I've told you, you should be careful. The restrictions left by the deans of your college are really bad. Let them go back and cultivate the formation!" Zhu Yuanzhang complained while saying Pointing out, it disappeared into Ye Xuan's eyebrows.

As this ray of light entered, all the restrictions left by the deans in Ye Xuan's body disappeared, leaving only a mark. It was hard to tell what the mark looked like, but Ye Xuan I know, it must be very, very strong.

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished doing this, he disappeared without waiting for Ye Xuan to reply.

"Thank you, Dean!!!"

Ye Xuan shouted loudly towards the boundless starry sky.

Although he didn't know if the other party could hear it, he still felt very grateful. If Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't come over and personally put a mark on him, he might have died in some unknown accident.

"Who on earth wants to kill me..."

Ye Xuan no longer had the leisurely and elegant mood he had before, but his mind was running rapidly. However, Zhu Yuanzhang only told him clearly that someone wanted to kill him. Although he didn't know whether he would take action, Zhu Yuanzhang still I came here to do some backup.

However, there was no information left about who wanted to kill him, which made Ye Xuan feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, Zhu Yuanzhang cannot be blamed for this. The main reason is that there is no certainty about this and no one will take action. Although Liu Bang shouted fiercely, he may not take action again after being warned by him.

And those deans who were silent before may not take action themselves, or they may inform other senior officials.

Although they are also high-level leaders, after all, their cultivation is still inferior to those of the ancestors, otherwise they would not be managing these five colleges.

"Forget it, let's go to the prehistoric world and see..."

Ye Xuan shook his head, his leisure thoughts were gone, and he couldn't guess who wanted to kill him. In his confusion, he didn't know when he might be eliminated by the eighth-level creation god. .

How can I still think about leisure here? I quickly thought and entered the prehistoric world.

The ancient world.

Five thousand years have passed in a hurry. To the gods in the sky, five thousand years is just a blink of an eye. Five thousand years is nothing.

But for the human race, it has changed dramatically.

The strength of the human race has changed greatly. The Suiren clan, who used to be a Taiyi Golden Immortal, has now reached the pinnacle of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

And that naughty kid who loves sucking milk has grown up, but he still looks like a boy. His cultivation is now at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and his name is Shi Hao.

The one who understands the Great Way of Time and always likes to retreat behind everyone when encountering difficulties is Han Lishi. His appearance has not changed, and his cultivation is at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

There is also Su Ming, who has an extremely cold face, and his cultivation level is also at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

The time limit set by Nuwa back then was ten thousand years. Within ten thousand years, all living beings were not allowed to attack the human race. After ten thousand years, except for those in the realm of Hunyuan True Self and above, it would be arbitrary.

But now there are not ten thousand years, just half of the time, more than ten Daluo Jinxian peaks have appeared in the human race. This is just the peak, except for the Suiren clan, the Shi Hao clan, the Su Ming clan, and the Han Li clan. , there are also the Qin Mu clan who uses gods as humans, the holy body Ye Fan clan with a sinister heart, the Jiangnan clan who looks like a scholar in white clothes, etc...

In addition to these ten or so people at the top of the Great Luo Jinxian, there are also a total of three hundred or so Da Luo Jinxian. Those are also extremely proud of the heavens, and are human geniuses who are walking their own paths.

They are all peerless geniuses who have reached the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal in just a few thousand years.

Although the human race today is still very weak, far behind those other races, not to mention the demon race, witch race, and dragon race, there is no one in the sky who dares to look down on the human race.

Because the talent of the human race is extremely terrifying, in another five thousand years, no saint will dare to vouch for the existence of the Hunyuan True Self who clearly understands the true self and will not be born among the human race.

Although there is a threshold from the peak of Daluo Jinxian to the realm of Hunyuan True Self, the human race is so talented that it has a foundation that is comparable to the innate divine, and the talent far exceeds that of the divine. No divine would find this a threshold that stumps them.

Therefore, many existences have ceased to exist, and no longer think about waiting until ten thousand years to jointly attack and destroy the human race.

The delicacies of the human race are coveted by many gods, and the weak eat the strong. This is never just a simple idiom, it is a portrayal of the real world.

Even though the Emperor of Heaven was in charge of the prehistoric era, the jungle was still the strong one. It just said that no large-scale war would break out. It did not mean that the prehistoric era was really peaceful and there were no fights.

In heaven.

Emperor Jun saw that the human race at the foot of Mount Buzhou was indeed a gift from heaven. It was getting stronger and stronger. It took only a few thousand years to become so powerful in just a blink of an eye. What if the human race was given tens of thousands of yuan to develop?

Maybe it really might be able to replace Heaven...

But then, Di Jun thought that even if that day really comes, he will fight against everything!

Instead of taking advantage of their weakness to kill the human race that has not yet done so!

But this does not mean that Di Jun will not take any measures. He just will not choose to deal with the human race before the human race declares war on the heaven.

So, Emperor Jun headed towards Wa Palace.

In the Wa Palace.

"Why are you here today, Your Majesty?" Nuwa looked at Di Jun in surprise.

You must know that although they are in the thirty-sixth heaven together, the Emperor of Heaven has never set foot in the Wa Palace. This is the first time.

"I came here today because of one thing." Di Jun said leisurely.

As the emperor of the ancient world, he should act uprightly and not hide his thoughts. He should be as majestic as the sun.

"Your Majesty, please speak freely." Nuwa smiled and nodded.

"The human race created by the emperor is extremely talented. Although they are born weak, they have unlimited opportunities and are destined to be the protagonists. If they are willing to enter the heaven and join the heaven, they will become one of the two most powerful races in the heaven like the demon race in the future."

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