Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 236 The Human Race's Decision

"In addition, among the thirty-six heavens in the heaven, the upper twelve are the heavens of heaven, and the lower twelve are the places where the demons live. I can give the middle twelve to the human race to reproduce. The thirty-two emperors of the thirty-two heavens are also willing to give half to the human race, and the human emperor can also enter the thirty-sixth heaven to build the human emperor palace. I wonder what Queen Nuwa thinks?"

Emperor Jun said what he thought in his heart. He knew that the future situation would most likely be dominated by the human race.

Although he was conceited before, he never thought that now not only he has become stronger, not only the demons have become stronger, but even the human race is also ridiculously strong.

Emperor Jun, who has always been confident, can't help but feel some worries when facing the future of the human race.

So he spoke directly, almost giving half of the heaven to the weak human race now.

This is investment, taking half of the heaven in exchange for the future prosperity of the human race.

It seems that Di Jun is at a disadvantage, but in fact, it is not the case. As long as his strength remains at the top, he will still rule the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court will become stronger, far stronger than it is now.

As for giving half of the status of the demon race to the human race?

The human race is the protagonist destined by heaven, and there seems to be an unknown big hand behind it pushing everything.

When Nuwa created humans that day, she actually integrated the three thousand great ways into the human race. If it is said that this is just Nuwa's behavior, Di Jun will never believe it.

That day, he used his supreme divine power to spy on the source of time and space, but he could not see any existence, not even a figure.

Although he did not see all this, he firmly believed that it was definitely not something that Nuwa, who had not yet achieved enlightenment, could do.

Not to mention that Nuwa did not achieve enlightenment, even if Nuwa achieved enlightenment, it would be impossible, because Di Jun could not do this, and even as strong as Di Jun, he could not do this.

Therefore, Di Jun firmly believed that there must be an unknown big hand behind the prehistoric world pushing all this to happen. He didn't know who it was, but it must exist.

And just by relying on this, we can also see that the supreme existence cares about the human race.

Born to carry the three thousand great ways, although it is impossible to control all the great ways except the five supreme ones like Chaos and Wuliang, but it is also possible to major in any one of the great ways.

Even the five supreme ones are no exception.

As for learning all the three thousand great ways?

That is impossible, because the human body cannot bear it at all, and the innate sacred cannot bear it. Except for Pangu who was born from the blue lotus of creation, no creature can do this.

But just like this, humans are terrifying enough.

Di Jun has no doubt that if there are creatures that humans cannot resist and want to wipe out the human race, that existence will definitely take action.

Perhaps that existence had also made a move in the long river of time, because the current Emperor Jun could wipe out Kunpeng from the source of time and space, and how many people in the prehistoric world would remember that there was such a creature as Kunpeng.

Not to mention the supreme existence, if that existence really made a move, who in the prehistoric world would remember that the existence really made a move.

"Is this Emperor Jun? He is really smart, and actually chose to let the human race join the heaven!" Ye Xuan looked at the scene in front of him from the void, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised by Emperor Jun's actions.

He thought that Emperor Jun might respect the human race and value the human race, and he also thought that Emperor Jun might not take the human race seriously at all.

But he really didn't think that Emperor Jun would respect the human race to such an extent and directly propose that the human race join the heaven.

You must know that the human race is extremely weak now. As long as Emperor Jun is willing, unless Ye Xuan personally takes action, the human race will definitely be destroyed by Emperor Jun.

Of course, Ye Xuan couldn't not take action.

If the human race was really going to be exterminated, Ye Xuan would definitely take action, not for anything else, just because he was a member of the human race.

Of course, this does not mean that he would save those scum who deserved to die, or personally help the human race to the top, or secretly help the human race to reach the top. All he did was to preserve the fire of the human race.

The human race should be self-reliant, and it has never been just talk.

If Ye Xuan took action to let the human race reach the top, what's the point?

The human race would not be the perfect human race he imagined. He was looking forward to the moment when the human race reached the top, but what he expected was that the human race reached the top with its own strength, not with his help behind the scenes, or with the help of the Emperor of Heaven.

So, even if Nuwa really agreed, he would not agree to this.

The reason is that the human race should be self-reliant. The heaven is vigorous, and the gentleman should be self-reliant. The earth is gentle, and the gentleman should be virtuous.

Only what you fight for yourself can be truly obtained.

It is better to rely on yourself than on anyone else.


In the Heavenly Palace, Nuwa hesitated.

She frowned and thought carefully, and Di Jun did not urge her, letting Nuwa think carefully and slowly.

She originally planned to create the human race to prove her way, and then she really created it, so naturally she had a concern and a care for the human race.

As a race created by herself, she wanted to let the other party survive in this vast wilderness with her own strength.

Because Nuwa knows deeply that the backer will eventually fall. You don’t know which day it will fall or become the backer that will crush you to death. But those who control the fate in the hands of others are not as good as controlling the fate in the hands of others. Safe in your own hands.

If she really wanted to rely on it, Nuwa would have already asked the Emperor of Heaven for a heaven to be used for the reproduction of the human race. How could she let the human race multiply at the foot of Buzhou Mountain?

How can the human race face difficulties after ten thousand years? You must know that with the help of Nuwa, the human race can smoothly become the fourth largest ethnic group in the wilderness after the demon clan, witch clan, and dragon clan. .

But that's just it, because with Nuwa's help, there will be a feeling among the human race that the Holy Mother will protect them no matter what, and if this feeling is really deeply rooted and grows, Then the human race will be useless, and it will only be the fourth largest race.

Whether it is the Monster Clan, the Witch Clan, or the Dragon Clan, it is not achieved by a single individual, but by mutual achievement between the individual and the group. The individual becomes stronger with the resources of the group, and the group should also be strengthened by the individual. After obtaining more resources, they generally complement each other in this way.

Therefore, the human race should also follow this path, rising from humble beginnings and ascending to the supreme position.

Instead of relying on Nuwa's strength to live a carefree life.

"I can't make up my mind either. Although the human race was created by me, during the creation process I always feel like there is something extraordinary in my body, but I can't notice it. I can't feel it. It's just a vague feeling. This feeling, now that I think about it carefully, I am afraid that there are other living beings in the sky."

"The so-called human race may have been created by the supreme being through my hands."

"Now that I think about it, it's even more true. The two major materials used to create human beings are the soil that contains the avenue of creation. That soil is infinitely more precious than the most precious Nine Heavens Breathing Soil in the prehistoric times, and the other The same goes for the heart.”

"Although there is no aura of greatness on it, there is a steady stream of unyielding meaning. It is extremely strange and does not seem to be something from the ancient times."

Nuwa frowned and said a lot at once, telling Di Jun everything she thought.

In addition to the possible existence of a certain supreme being, she was able to become enlightened, but also thanks to Di Jun who did not stop her. It was okay for her to tell her what she had guessed in her heart.


Unexpectedly, Di Jun exhaled a sigh of relief, and his expression suddenly changed.

Nuwa also opened her eyes wide and looked at Di Jun. This was the first time she saw Di Jun look like this. In her mind, Di Jun was always smiling, calm and calm, no matter what happened. It is an existence that does not change its expression.

But I didn't expect that Di Jun would have such a big reaction now.

"Emperor Wa's thoughts are the same as mine. That human race actually carries three thousand avenues. Among all the races in the ancient world, there has never been any ethnic group that can do this. They can cultivate countless avenues. There are thousands of avenues in the world. But the talent in cultivation is extremely high, and these human races have been extremely tough for thousands of years. Faced with the covetousness of the gods, no human race is afraid. "

Di Jun also nodded and said what he wanted to say about the human race.

"And after endless time, the human race will eventually have a conflict with the heaven. That's why I intend to let the human race join the heaven. Only in this way can we ensure that we are in peace and that each of us can be safe and move towards the highest."

"Your Majesty's idea is very good, but I don't know if the human race will think so." Nuwa smiled and shook her head.

Di Jun was also a little silent, and then said: "Can't even Emperor Wa control the future of the human race?"

Nuwa nodded first, then shook her head, and explained: "If it was just when it was born, it would naturally determine the future of the human race. But now that five thousand years have passed, I have allowed it to strengthen itself. Now I am afraid that the human race will strengthen itself." The meaning has already been deeply conveyed to their hearts.”

"So, even if I am now, I may not be able to influence their future!"

In fact, even without Nuwa's advice, the human race would still have the intention of self-improvement. That is because the human race is born with the existence of the heart of the gods, which makes the human race extremely tenacious, and the desire for self-improvement is deeply ingrained in the soul of the human race.

It's not that the human race doesn't need help, it just means that the human race doesn't need to live and grow under the protection of heaven.

The human race needs to go through ups and downs and setbacks before they can grow into the protagonists of the world.

"I also ask Emperor Wa to give it a try in order to avoid future conflicts between the human race and the demon race." Di Jun cupped his hands and said.

"Your Majesty! You are serious! Nuwa should have given it a try, why should she do this!" Nuwa quickly lowered her head and bowed her hands.

"So, thank you Emperor Wa!" Di Jun smiled and nodded. After hearing Nuwa's words, he felt reassured.

It was only five thousand years, and in just a blink of an eye, he really didn't believe how much Nuwa's prestige among the human race could be reduced. These races created by Nuwa's hands would not listen to Nuwa's words.

Regarding these, he was naturally sure of Nuwa.

Nuwa nodded, and then with a thought in her mind, a divine thought appeared in the world.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

Nuwa's figure suddenly appeared, standing in the sky.

"Holy Mother!!!"

Immediately, some people noticed that Nuwa had arrived, and they quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"No need to kneel, why do humans welcome each other like this? Get up." Nuwa stretched out her hand to support her, and those humans who had previously knelt on the ground stood up one after another.

"Chief! People! The Holy Mother is here!!!"

Immediately, those who discovered this scene used their magical powers to shout crazily. This shout brought all the humans over.

Those human beings wanted to perform a grand ceremony, but they were stopped by Nuwa.

"Holy Mother, I wonder if the Holy Mother has a purpose for coming..." Suiren asked, bowing his head slightly.

After all, she is the Holy Mother of the human race, so it is appropriate for him to bow his head.

"What I came here today is for the future of the human race. The Emperor of Heaven intends to let the human race enter the heaven. He will divide the twelve heavens for the human race to live and work in peace and contentment. He will also allocate some priesthoods for the human race to take up. I wonder if the human race is willing. ?" Nuwa said with a smile on her face.

The Suiren clan nodded after hearing this, and then looked at the hundreds of thousands of people behind them. After five thousand years of development, the number of people had increased more than ten times, but they were still nothing in the ancient world.

However, the second and third generations of humans that were born had the same extraordinary talents, but they also inherited the talents of the first generation of humans.

But there will be some loss after all, so the talents of these human races are still not as high as those of the first generation of humans, but they are almost not far from those of ordinary innate saints.

"The human race has reached the moment of choice. Should they follow the instructions of the Holy Mother and go to heaven to reproduce and accept all the good things at their fingertips? Or should they adhere to the ideals of the human race and strive for self-improvement. At this moment, it is a matter of great importance to the entire human race. As the leader of the human race, Wu Suiren, I could have made the decision on behalf of the human race, but after all, it concerns the entire human race, and every member of the race has a chance to choose.”

"Today, my Suiren family should set an example for the human race. The human race is born to be a self-improving race. If we abandon the idea that the great road has given to the human race, we will eventually be abandoned by the great road. Therefore, I think the human race should strive for self-reliance instead of accepting God’s favor.”

Although the Suiren clan is not very large, their prestige is the highest among the human race. Those human monsters who do not know how strong they are all obey the orders of the Suiren clan.

This is not only because the Suiren clan is the first human race to be created, but also because of the great path that the Suiren clan carries, and even more because of the belief that the Suiren clan has, which makes people admire and admire them.

If the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun, has a broad mind and cares for all living beings, then the Suiren clan has a heart for the human race, which can accommodate infinite human races. Although it is not as bright as the Emperor Jun's sun, it still ignites the infinite human race with a ray of fire. path.

To the human race, the Suiren clan is the supreme being, the Emperor of Heaven who belongs exclusively to the human race!

"The human race should strengthen itself!!!"

Shi Hao took one step forward, his endless domineering intention appeared, and he roared loudly.

A supreme majesty appeared among the infinite human race. It was like the demon race of Taiyibi, equally domineering and superior to all living beings.

"The human race should strengthen itself!!!"

Han Li's body retreated slightly, submerged into the infinite human race, and shouted loudly.

After shouting, his body shape changed and disappeared from the place.

This made the Suiren clan at the front twitch the corner of his mouth. Although the Han Li clan was powerful and had firm beliefs, he learned this from nowhere and always liked to hide among the crowd.

There was obviously no danger, but it was still like this, which made him feel strange.

"The human race should strengthen itself!!!"

The shouts, one after another, spread to the sky and shook the sky.

Nuwa's face was slightly stagnant, but she nodded, feeling quite happy. Now that the human race can not obey her instructions, but follow the human race's true heart, this shows that the human race has taken the first step.

She is the Holy Mother of the human race, and the human race should respect her and respect her.

But this does not mean that humans have to obey her in everything. Only when they are able to control themselves in the face of real life events can they be considered grown up.

As the Virgin Mother of the human race, Nuwa created the human race single-handedly. She can be said to be the mother of the entire human race. Naturally, it was emotionally difficult to accept that her children did not listen to her, but rationally she felt extremely pleased.

When the human race can achieve this step, it is destined that the future of the human race will be extraordinary.

If she had to obey her instructions even on such important matters and not have her own thoughts, then although she would really take care of the human race from generation to generation, after all, the human race itself would not be able to become a great person.

"Children, I know your answer. You are very good. I am very happy. The human race should strengthen itself. It seems that you do not regard this sentence as empty talk. Very good. Let's go on like this. In the near future You may go through various hardships, but as long as you pass through them one by one, you will eventually stand at the top and become a truly powerful clan."

Nuwa's eyes were full of complex meanings. Although she was very pleased with the human race's choice, it also meant that the human race was very likely to break with the two lich clans and fight against the heavens in the future. .

If that time comes, where will Nuwa go...

This is tantamount to putting her on the fire...

After saying these words, Nuwa's figure disappeared into Buzhou Mountain.

"Our human race started in the humble beginnings, and we should encourage them. We will eventually uphold the idea of ​​​​the Great Dao, walk out of the Buzhou Mountains, and move towards the endless wilderness, spreading the name of the human race throughout the entire wilderness!!!"

Suiren stood on a high place, encouraging those who were sad because the Virgin Mary had left again.

The human race cannot rely on the Virgin Mary, the human race can only rely on themselves, no matter who it is, it is not as good as what they rely on.

Suddenly, the desire to become stronger in the hearts of all the human races emerged again.

Only by becoming strong can we protect our people, and only by becoming strong can we make the human race spread throughout the wilderness!

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