Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 237: The division of the human tribes, the Tongtian Lijie Gate

The prehistoric world is too dangerous.

Countless races are fighting in secret. Ten thousand races is just a general term. There are countless races in reality. Among these races, although the human race has more luck than most races, its strength is almost at the bottom of many races.

Now, after thousands of years of development, the strength of the human race has changed from the bottom to the middle.

In addition to the lack of peak combat power in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, the human race actually has many Daluo Jinxian cultivators, but it is still far behind those truly upper-middle-level races.

Although the number of human races is still large, they all gather in Buzhou Mountain, making Buzhou Mountain a mess. If it weren't for the tacit approval of the Three Pure Ones, and even the support of Taishang, the other creatures in Buzhou Mountain would have driven them away long ago.

Although they can't beat the human race now, they drove the human race out as early as when they could beat them.

These human races are really capable of tossing around. Shi Hao is just one of them, not the only one. The creatures of Buzhou Mountain have suffered from the human race for a long time.

"The human race now has many people, so you should go out for a walk. You are all at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, and you are only one step away from entering the realm of the True Self of the Primordial Realm. You should each take your people to live somewhere else."

Suiren said to the more than ten human race prodigies in front of him. They are all human races with powerful talents like Suiren.

These are also the true prides of the human race. There are more than a dozen of them, but each of them has a far greater fighting power than the sacred.

In the same realm, they can all be called invincible, but no one has ever seen them fight each other to determine who is better.

"All up to the clan leader."

Shi Hao nodded and agreed.

For him, it doesn't matter. No matter how many people he takes out, he will do his best to take care of those people.

"The human race should indeed go out. Although Mount Buzhou is majestic, it is still a little small for the human race. The human race should have a wider world, just like the witches who walked out of Pangu Palace and became the existence that dominated the prehistoric world." Su Ming nodded and agreed.

They had heard about the witches back then. The witches were also few in number, but they were divided into twelve tribes, each of which began to expand their territory. As the number of tribe members increased, the power of the witches spread throughout the prehistoric world.

Today, the witches have become the race that controls the earth, and they are in opposition to the demons that control the heavens.

As for the dragons, they seem to be outsiders, living in the four seas, living in a corner, no one goes to disturb them, and they don't come up.

The theme of this catastrophe is the war between witches and demons, so no matter how harmonious the witches and demons are now, there will always be a day when the relationship is bad.

Human greed is infinite, and so is the greed of other creatures.

Even if the Supreme Emperor Di Jun is not like this, can the demons under his command really endure it?

And can the great witches of the witch clan really be honest one by one?

Many times, large racial wars are not really completely controlled by the people above.

Some minor frictions today, and minor frictions tomorrow, but what about after endless years?

That would be a feud, a blood feud.

Hatred is accumulated bit by bit, and the two tribes of witches and liches today are nothing more than not accumulating enough.

Whether it is the ancestors of the witch clan who only want to protect the prehistoric witches left by Pangu Father God, or the Supreme Emperor and the Six Emperors of Heaven who only want to appease all the races and spirits in the world, although they do not want to see the arrival of the witch-lich war, no matter in which time and space, the two tribes of witches and liches also have a war.

Even if it has not happened yet, it may come one day.

If the lich did not wither, how could the human race become the protagonist of heaven and earth?

Relying on their extraordinary talents?

Don't the two tribes of lich have talents?

The two tribes of lich are also the top existences in the prehistoric world. Their talents are naturally top-notch. Otherwise, they can't stand out from countless races and become the protagonists of this catastrophe.

What's more, they have accumulated countless years, which is not something a new race can move.

So in fact, the real opponents of the two tribes of lich are each other.

Emperor Jun also knows this.

And Suiren knows that if the human race wants to really gain a foothold in the prehistoric world, it must leave Buzhou Mountain and go to the prehistoric world.

So, there will be this scene now.

After Suiren decided, the huge human race was divided into 18 tribes, and these 18 tribes were controlled by the 18 most powerful people of the human race.

The leader of each of these 18 tribes is also called the patriarch.

The Suiren tribe led by Suirenshi was the leader of many tribes, and Suirenshi was also promoted as the common leader of the human race, which means that Suirenshi was the common leader of all human races, that is, the leader of all human races.

The patriarchs of other tribes were just the leaders of their own tribes and could not manage the affairs of other tribes.

The tribe led by Shihaoshi was called Shihao tribe, and it migrated to the east of the prehistoric world.

This human race overlord was about to set foot in the territory of Donghuang of the Heavenly Court. Donghuang Taiyi was also famous for his dominance. If these two collided with each other.

Well, forget it. If they really collide, there will definitely not be a spark, because Donghuang Taiyi can kill Shi Hao in seconds.

After all, Donghuang Taiyi is the supreme being of the Hunyuan realm, while Shi Hao is only at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian realm. The gap between the two is more than a chasm.

But this is only now. As time goes by, Shi Hao will definitely become stronger and stronger, and the gap between the two will become smaller and smaller.

Although Han Li did not want to become one of the eighteen clan leaders, he was forced to become the clan leader of one of the tribes under the toughness of Suiren, and led Han Li's tribe to the east.

The east is very big, let alone their two tribes, even the entire human race is not worth mentioning in the vast east.

Su Ming went to the south...

Ye Fan also went to the south...

Other human tribes also followed their clan leaders to where they were going.

Only Suirenshi stayed near Buzhou Mountain to develop. This is the holy land of the human race. They stayed near the holy land and were responsible for guarding the holy land of the human race.

The holy land of the human race is the Yinyang Pond next to the foot of Buzhou Mountain, and next to the pond is a statue of the human race's mother Nuwa. This is the place where humans were born, and it is also the holy land of the human race.

There are hundreds of thousands of human races, and each tribe has a population of 20,000 to 30,000, and they began to go to one place after another.

With this, the human race began the tribal era, and they were no longer the human race that gathered together at the beginning.

With the departure of most of the human race, Buzhou Mountain has become a peaceful place again, and all kinds of auspicious scenes that had long been tossed away by these human races have reappeared.

Although there are still some human races in Buzhou Mountain, those who stay are also some peaceful human races, which makes countless creatures around Buzhou Mountain and even in Kunlun Mountains breathe a sigh of relief.

The human race is too terrifying. If you don't live next to them, you don't know how uncomfortable it is. Although it is development for the human race, it is simply torture for them.

"The human race is extremely talented and can be comparable to the top innate gods. It is not in vain that I have spent so much effort. If 200 million divine sources are thrown into this, how many more Hunyuan will be produced." Ye Xuan looked at the human race below and sighed.

He spent so many resources and finally cultivated such a strong human race. In addition to the first generation of human race that can be comparable to the top innate gods, the second and third generations of human race, although their foundation and talent are a little worse, can still be comparable to those innate gods.

From this, we can also see how terrifying the talent of the current human race is.

Those innate gods are all alone, and there may be a dozen of them in a group, but the human race is different. It is a complete group of tens of thousands of people, or even hundreds of thousands of people.

As time goes by, those who stick together may become more and more numerous, and even grow into the demon race, which is countless in number.

The demon race is the largest single group in the prehistoric world, because the demon race is composed of countless races in the prehistoric world, and most of the ten thousand races have joined the demon race.

The rest live in places such as the prehistoric continent and the prehistoric sea, so the number of demons is also the largest.

Of course, if the dragon race absorbs the number of water races, then the dragon race will be the largest, but the dragon race only rules the four seas and does not choose to absorb and form a new race.

Buzhou Mountain.

Tongtian flashed and came to Taishang.

Taishang is in the holy land of the human race and has been practicing.

In the past five thousand years, he has not been practicing among the human race, but has been responsible for teaching the human race how to comprehend the avenue and step into the avenue. The fact that so many Daluo Jinxian peaks can appear in the human race is also partly related to him.

Tai Shang wrote a book among the human race, which is divided into two parts. The upper part is called Dao, which is the method to guide the human race into the great way. It contains infinite truth and the foundation of entering the great way. The lower part is called De, which is the method to guide the human race on how to behave and what is the method to restrain their own behavior.

Although these human races have strong cultivation, firm will and strong talents, their actions make the creatures around them feel painful.

Originally, a race like the human race should develop itself and bring benefits to the creatures around it, but the human race is different from the witch and lich races. Instead, it has become a race that harms the creatures around it.

Therefore, Tai Shang wrote the book of morality based on this situation.

Originally, he wanted to write a book of Taoism, but he was troubled by countless creatures complaining about the behavior of the human race, so he wrote the lower half of the Dejing, which is called the Tao Te Ching.

The Tao Te Ching is a book that guides the human race to be good and enter the Tao. It is regarded as the highest point by the human race, and Tai Shang is also called the Taoist Ancestor. Of course, it is only called so by the human race, and it has not been recognized by the world.

But just with the recognition of the human race, Tai Shang's luck has become stronger again.

Because of the teachings of the Tao Te Ching, the human race has become powerful and also knows how much pain their daily actions have brought to the creatures around them.

So Shi Hao no longer steals beast milk all day long, but has become completely mature. He just shouts "eat it up", which makes the creatures around him feel more terrifying...

Although he just shouted and didn't really eat it, it also made some creatures around him feel terrified.

They had no doubt that if they really provoked this guy, they would definitely be eaten by him.

"Brother, I know which sect should be established."

Tongtian came to the side of Taishang who was thinking with his eyes closed, and whispered.

Taishang slowly opened his eyes and said: "I have been thinking for the human race all day long for these years, and finally created the Tao Te Ching suitable for the human race, which was recognized by the human race. I collected a little luck, although it is not as good as my own luck, but at least it is related to the human race.

So, as early as that time, I decided that I should establish a sect that belongs exclusively to the human race. I should establish the Human Sect to teach the human race to practice in the future and make the human race stronger."

"Brother, since you have thought of it, why don't you do it?" Tongtian asked with some confusion.

If this Human Sect is established, it will directly seduce the merits of opening the sky, and then rely on your own luck to enter the realm of Hunyuan. It is a completely stable thing, why bother so much.

It must be said that the Three Pure Ones received a lot of Pangu's legacy, because they were transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit.

So they were able to receive these Pangu's legacy. The Wu clan also received Pangu's legacy, but the direction was not in this regard.

"I am waiting, waiting for a suitable time to come, so that I can be more convinced by the human race. The current time is not enough. I have waited for five thousand years. I don't mind waiting for another five thousand years." Tai Shang smiled slightly and said what he thought in his heart.

After ten thousand years, the human race will definitely be beaten by countless sacred gods, or cannibalism. The flesh and soul of the human race are great supplements. Since the birth of the human race, countless sacred gods and races have been staring at the human race and drooling behind it.

If it weren't for the Emperor of Heaven stopping them and the newly enlightened Nuwa, the human race would have been raised and become the food of the sacred gods in the heavens.

Although the saints do not need to eat the flesh and blood of the human race to replenish themselves, it is also very good to treat such delicious food as a pure enjoyment. For those creatures with insufficient cultivation, if they eat the flesh and blood of the human race, it is extremely beneficial to their cultivation.

Especially the first generation of human race, and even the second and third generation of human race, are extremely tonic.

Those saints will probably not stop eating until the human race degenerates.

The prehistoric world is a world where the strong prey on the weak. It is normal for delicious food to be eaten, just like the two races of witches and liches. I don’t know how many creatures they have eaten, but no one thinks there is anything wrong.

At most, the races that are eaten hate the two races of witches and liches very much, but they don’t think there is anything wrong, because they themselves also eat other creatures.

Although they don’t need to eat anything to maintain their lives, whether from the perspective of cultivation or simply for the sake of appetite, there are many creatures who eat weak creatures.

"Then, elder brother, please wait for a while. I will go ahead and wait for you on Hunyuan to see if I can completely solve the hidden dangers of the second brother!" Tongtian's eyes showed a trace of resentment.

Did Luohou really think that the two of them could not feel the magic aura on Yuanshi?

Did he really think that the Three Pure Ones were joking?

Although Yuanshi did not say it directly, the two of them also noticed the hidden dangers of Yuanshi.

It was very strange that Yuanshi could complete the Dao body. At that time, even the two of them in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo could not do it, but Yuanshi, a quasi-saint, could slowly repair it. Although he did not know why, Yuanshi did it and succeeded.

So, at that time, the two of them stared at Yuanshi, and they knew Luohou's wishful thinking. The accidental leakage of magic energy was exactly what Luohou wanted to control Yuanshi. This was seen by Taishang and Tongtian, and they understood everything instantly.

However, they did not point it out, fearing that Luohou had already known what they knew, and fearing that Luohou would recklessly enter the prehistoric world to kill the three brothers.

If that were the case, they could do nothing but ask the Emperor of Heaven for help.

And this request for help would be another great cause and effect, a life-saving grace, that is a real great grace.

"Third brother, go, so that you can take care of it." Taishang nodded with a smile and said.

If Tongtian reached the Hunyuan realm, then the life security of their brothers would undoubtedly be greatly improved, and from then on, the Three Pure Ones would stand on the top again.


Tongtian responded and headed towards the top of Buzhou Mountain.

"Tongtian hereby informs all beings in heaven and earth that I am Tongtian, the Supreme Pure One of Pangu Sanqing. I see all the spirits in the prehistoric world, but they cannot enter through the Dharma door, do not know the thought of enlightenment, and do not know how to prove the Great Dao. Today, I will establish Jiemen, which is open to all beings in heaven and earth. No matter if they are wearing scales or hair, as long as they are beings in heaven and earth, they can enter my Jiemen and listen to the Great Dao!"

"Jiemen, stand!"

As the last mantra fell, Tongtian's words spread to the ears of all beings in heaven and earth.

Rumble! ! !

The sound of vibrations resounded throughout the universe, shocking all beings.

Rays of golden light fell from the nine heavens, which were rays of golden light of merit.

Although the number was not large, the merit of opening the sky that had been hidden in Tongtian's primordial spirit suddenly appeared and filled the entire sky.

"Is that the merit of opening the sky... Pangu Sanqing, it's really enviable..." Above the nine heavens, Emperor Dijun looked at this scene with envy.

Whether it was him or Taiyi, they essentially relied on the tremendous fortune of Heaven to be able to achieve enlightenment.

And Taiyi has a share of the merits in creating the cycle of reincarnation, which is why he entered the realm of Hunyuan.

Not to mention him, he worked hard for millions of years and finally became the first person to try it out and became a strong man in the realm of Hunyuan. He did this by slowly transforming from a weak demon clan into such a powerful demon clan, and even established the Heavenly Palace.

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