Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 238 The Eighteen Layers of Hell, Attracting the True Spirit

"Why should you envy the Three Pure Ones? All the Pangu legacy of the Three Pure Ones can only help them enter the Hunyuan realm, but there is no way they can get any new help." Taiyi appeared on the side and said, followed by Madam Yuanmu.

Madam Yuanmu can really be said to be the little follower of Donghuang Taiyi. Wherever Taiyi goes, she follows.

"Yes, but this is also something that makes people envious, the Hunyuan realm! From the beginning of my two brothers' birth to now, I don't know how many years have passed, step by step to reach this realm, but the Three Pure Ones can reach it just by lying down." Di Jun sighed slightly.

It must be said that Pangu's legacy of opening the sky is still very good. It can help the Three Pure Ones directly step into the Hunyuan realm from the Hunyuan true self realm, without any planning or luck.

Just create a sect or something like that, you can bring out the merits of opening the sky and prove the truth on the spot.

However, the legacy of the Creation of Heaven ends here. The realm of Hunyuan is the final and the first, and it is the realm of the true beginning of the pursuit of the Great Dao.

In the Pangu Palace.

Emperor Jiang finally achieved the realm of Hunyuan with the luck of the Wu clan and entered the Supreme Hunyuan. Following him was Zhu Jiuyin. These two were the two strongest among the twelve ancestor witches and the first two to achieve the Tao among the remaining ancestor witches.

As for Hou Tu, although she still has a close relationship with the Wu clan, she is actually no longer an ancestor witch.

Although everyone regards her as a member of the twelve ancestor witches...

"Today I have achieved the right result, and I should enter the underworld and completely perfect the underworld. Last time I looked at the netherworld, there were only the nine netherworlds, but no corresponding place. It is indeed missing something. Since the underworld is transformed by my younger sister, I will complete it." Emperor Jiang said slowly.

There is the Nine Heavens Heavenly Court above, and the Nine Netherworlds Underworld below. However, the Heavenly Court is infinitely beautiful, with countless immortal treasures, including thirty-six heavens and countless caves.

In the Underworld, apart from the perfect organization, there is no beauty similar to the thirty-six heavens in the Heavenly Court.

"We have been working together since the beginning of our birth, and now we should go to the Underworld together to watch my younger sister!" Zhu Jiuyin said softly, with a pair of eyes that seemed to have the meaning of the passage of time. He is the existence that controls the time and proves the truth.

He is the most far-reaching innate god in the time avenue in the prehistoric world, and also the most powerful god in the time field.

"It should be so!"

The other ancestor witches also said in unison.

Then, under the leadership of Dijiang, a group of ancestor witches continued to cross space and finally came to the Underworld.

"Brothers and sisters are here, please come in quickly!"

Hou Tu saw that the ancestor witches were coming, and quickly flashed out and said with a smile.

"We are here to help my sister create another space in the netherworld. There are thirty-six heavens in the heavens, and there should be eighteen layers in the underworld. This is in line with the number of heaven." Di Jiang smiled and said directly.

As early as when he came to the Nine Netherworld, he found that although the Nine Netherworld had a complete organization, it was still not truly perfect, so there was the current scene.

If he had not yet achieved the Dao of Hunyuan, he would have done it directly at the beginning, instead of now.

"So, my sister thanks you on behalf of all living beings in heaven and earth. The place of reincarnation now only has the organization of reincarnation, but no place to punish evil. This will cause all living beings in heaven to be fearless, so there are still eighteen layers of hell in the underworld that have not been opened up."

"The eighteen layers of hell that my sister has transformed are now superimposed on each other and cannot be fully opened. Please help me, brother, separate these hells so that the hells can be fully put into use."

Hou Tu was overjoyed when he heard this and said hurriedly.

The hell was transformed by her feet. It should be located at the bottom of the underworld, but it was stacked up layer by layer and could not be really put into use, because after entering, it was possible to be teleported to the next hell at any time, so that the ghosts who should not be tortured by this torture would have to suffer this torture again.

"Don't worry, little sister, I will help you now!"

Di Jiang nodded and said to Hou Tu.

Then Hou Tu led a group of people to the hell.

It was the land of Jiuyou, where eighteen layers of hell were stacked up and intertwined with each other.

Then Di Jiang used his infinite power and the avenue of space to successfully divide the eighteen layers of huge hell. With Jiuyou as the core, he opened up eighteen caves to store eighteen hells.

There are several small hells in each hell, which are used to punish prisoners, so that those creatures with sins can be punished, thereby reducing the power of sin between heaven and earth, and warning the world not to do more bad things.

From then on, every ghost who came to the underworld must distinguish between good and evil.

Those who do good deeds should enter the upper three of the six reincarnations, namely the heavenly way, the human way, and the Asura way. The heavenly way refers to the reincarnation of creatures who are born sacred, extremely rare, and extremely gifted. They must be great merits.

The human way is the way second only to the heavenly way, and is the second way in the six reincarnations. Those who enter this way will enter the human race and enjoy unique advantages.

The Asura race refers to the race created by the Styx. Although there is nothing special, it is also close to the innate Tao body. Entering this way also means entering the big races such as the demon race, the witch race, and the dragon race, but it is named after the Asura race.

This is also a good way besides the heavenly way and the human way.

Those who do evil will fall into the boundless hell and pay for their evil deeds according to their own evil deeds.

According to the size of the evil consequences and the type of evil deeds, they will enter the corresponding hell. After being tortured, the evil consequences will gradually dissipate.

When the ghost's true spirit is cleared, it means that the cause and effect will disappear, and the previous life will no longer exist. Then they will walk the reincarnation path again and drink Mengpo soup for one night, and then they can enter the reincarnation.

Although these evildoers have cleared the cause and effect, the reincarnation they enter has changed from the upper three to the lower three.

The first of the lower three is the animal path. This reincarnation is to become an ordinary creature without intelligence among the myriad races and spirits in the prehistoric world, just like the pig clan among the monster clan. If an ordinary pig without intelligence is born, it is an animal, which is the most lowly symbol in the prehistoric world. Even if it is born with intelligence, it is still the most lowly existence among the monster clan.

The real ancient tribes are all born with spirits, each with magical powers and techniques, not ordinary things.

This path is relatively good. After being muddle-headed, you will be reincarnated. If you encounter a good opportunity, you can become a demon.

The fifth path is the hungry ghost path. Those who enter this path will be reincarnated as animal hungry ghosts in the animal path in the next life. They will never be full. No matter how much they eat or how they eat, they will feel hungry. They need to work hard to find food all their lives and have no time to do other things.

The sixth path is the hell path. Those who fall into this path will do bad things after reincarnation and fall into the hell path after death. The next life will still be the same, and they will continue to cycle back and forth. There is almost no hope of transcendence in eternity until they are accidentally saved by a great opportunity, but the probability of that is extremely low.

So far, the reincarnation is truly perfect.

But this time, no merit descended, because the reincarnation was already perfect, but those hells were superimposed on each other because Hou Tu's previous cultivation was not enough. In fact, the merit was completely rewarded.

The other eleven ancestor witches also used the power of the Great Dao to open up a place in the reincarnation. Those were the places where they lived. They also put some great witches and witches from some tribes in them to preserve the fire of the witches and help Hou Tu guard the place of reincarnation.

The so-called reincarnation is Hou Tu's creation carried out by the law of the earth. In addition, the eleven ancestor witches now opened up their own caves in the underworld, leaving their own great Dao to suppress the place of reincarnation.

This is a world completely isolated from living beings. Although the clergy are all living beings, this is a kingdom of the dead and the way home for all dead living beings.

And this is also a chance for the endless living beings in the heavens to have a new life.

"The reincarnation is complete. Thank you, brother!" Hou Tu bowed excitedly. She had always wanted to perfect the hell of reincarnation, but she had not been able to do it because she did not know the avenue of space.

She had been waiting for Di Jiang to take action, but Di Jiang had not entered the realm of primordial chaos before. Facing such an important hell, it was not easy to act rashly. If he accidentally destroyed the hell, it would not be a great merit, but a great sin.

"Haha, you don't have to be so polite. We are brothers and sisters, so we should take care of each other! From now on, the reincarnation land is as solid as a rock. With these Wu clan men guarding it, I don't have to take action against invaders all the time. I believe it will save a lot of trouble." Di Jiang smiled and waved his hand.

"We, the twelve witch ancestors, have been brothers and sisters since our birth. We should help each other. Why do we need to be so daughterly?"

"Little sister, your place of reincarnation is really a magnificent sight!"

Some witch ancestors said this to each other until Zhu Rong suddenly said this.

Zhu Rong was looking at the place of reincarnation. There were countless ghosts and true spirits coming and going.

Hou Tu shook her head and sighed, "If there is no true spirit ghost coming to the place of reincarnation, it would be great. I wish that no living beings in the world will die, but it is very difficult to do this."

"This... little sister has a great wish!" Zhu Rong was a little dumbfounded when he heard it, but then he laughed and said.

In fact, it is very wonderful for the witch clan to occupy the reincarnation. When those living beings of the witch clan die and their true spirits go to the underworld, Hou Tu will arrange for them to be born again in the witch clan.

This is not a misuse of public power for private gain, because Hou Tu is the master of reincarnation. To be precise, reincarnation is the transformation of Hou Tu. The six reincarnations are all Hou Tu's treasures for achieving enlightenment. Although they are not innate treasures, their magic is far beyond the reach of innate treasures.

Let alone anything else, every time they fight, Hou Tu directly sacrifices the six reincarnations. Who dares to do it?

If the six reincarnations are broken, no matter whether he is in the realm of Hunyuan or the realm of saints, they will all fall directly under the great cause and effect.

This is not an ordinary cause and effect, this is the cause and effect of the endless lives of all living beings in heaven and earth.

So in fact, Hou Tu has long been invincible.

After the opening of the reincarnation, the happiest people in the heavens are actually those innate saints who were harmed by Hongjun. They are in the hopeless avenue in this life, and they live their lives in a muddle.

However, they never imagined that the place of six reincarnations would appear, so they dismembered their weapons and sent their true spirits to the underworld and into the place of six reincarnations. Some sacred beings entered the human world, but the vast majority entered the heavenly world.

Because many innate saints have not committed any sins, on the contrary, they have made contributions to the world, because they have come from ancient times again and again, and as long as they stand on the side of merit along the way, they will naturally get some merit.

And those three people, Zhunti, Jieyin, and Minghe, who have achieved the status of saints, can only be saints for the rest of their lives, and can never move forward.

Even reincarnation is impossible, because a trace of the saint's true spirit is entrusted to the way of heaven, immortal and indestructible, and it is impossible to truly reincarnate. Unless the trace of true spirit can be retrieved from the way of heaven, otherwise this life will only be like that.

As for the other Dong Wanggong who got the Hongmeng purple air, he had long been killed by many innate saints, leaving only a trace of true spirit to escape, and now he has already reincarnated.

It must be said that this is also another kind of blessing.

As the saying goes, misfortune is the foundation of blessing, and blessing is the foundation of misfortune. Those three saints who achieved sainthood, throughout their lives, were only in the realm of saints.

Hongjun said that saints should dominate the wild and achieve the supreme position, but now there are more and more supreme primordial beings. Saints, who are a byproduct of the immortal way, are second only to the primordial beings, but they have no possibility of advancement in their lifetime and can only become stronger as the immortal way becomes stronger.

If Hongjun becomes much stronger than the primordial realm, maybe these saints can be almost the same as the primordial realm.

In the underworld.

After those ancestor witches wandered around the underworld, they returned to their respective tribes.

And Houtu began to comprehend the great way of reincarnation in the underworld.

Originally, Houtu cultivated the law of creation and earth, but now he has mastered the original meaning of reincarnation and entered the supreme primordial realm by relying on the way of reincarnation, so it is the latter who has the deepest understanding of the great way of reincarnation.

This is the great opportunity, and a sudden enlightenment can be equivalent to billions of years of hard practice.

As time passed, Hou Tu suddenly stood up and looked at the endless heavens, watching countless creatures falling in the vast space and time.

She looked at the reincarnation place under her feet and sighed with pity.

Ripples began to appear around her. Countless creatures wanted to enter it. She stood in the Nine Netherworld, as if she was the master of this world, standing firm and able to decide the life and death of all things.

Even if the reincarnation place was fully powered, there were still endless true spirits behind her. Since the beginning of the world, too many things have happened. I don’t know how many creatures have fallen, and I don’t know how many true spirits and residual souls have accumulated.

Even those high-ranking innate saints don’t know how many have fallen, and the weaker acquired creatures are even more endless.

These true spirits and residual souls have gone through countless years. Although many have been annihilated, the number accumulated is still a terrifying number.

"Since there is reincarnation between heaven and earth, when all true spirits and residual souls are included in the place of reincarnation, those who cannot find the true spirit of reincarnation in the infinite time and space should listen to my words and enter the reincarnation."

There are dots of white light floating on Hou Tu's body, scattered in the time and space of the heavens. Countless extremely incomplete true spirits that cannot move are absorbed by Hou Tu and come to the place of reincarnation.

In ancient times, there were three heavens, which were transformed by the pure air of the sky. They were born as the emperor of heaven. They had the character of the emperor of heaven, but not the fate of the emperor of heaven. They eventually fell into the hands of the gods such as Zulong.

After death, a little true spirit is immortal, hidden in the thirty-three heavens transformed by the Taoist body. After experiencing the erosion of infinite years, it has finally been nurtured a lot, and can be reincarnated and look forward to the great way again.

Now, under the traction of Hou Tu's reincarnation road, the three heavens appeared from the unknown small cave in the thirty-three heavens and went towards Hou Tu.

"Three Heavens, who have great merits in the prehistoric world, should enter the Heavenly Dao."

Hou Tu spoke slowly, and the strongest Heavenly Dao among the six reincarnations turned into a suction force, trying to suck Three Heavens into it.

But who knew that the Three Heavens True Spirits were motionless, floating beside Hou Tu.

Hou Tu frowned slightly when she saw this, and she didn't want the best of the six paths?

"Forget it, you can enter whichever path you want..." Hou Tu sighed slightly, and gave the choice to Three Heavens.

Three Heavens did not move, and continued to cling to Hou Tu's side.

Hou Tu was silent for a while, and then sighed again: "Well, you can enter whenever you want!"

The Three Heavens True Spirits were satisfied and gave a burst of joy.

Hou Tu smiled slightly when she saw this, Three Heavens was an existence that had great merits in the world in the past, and it was nothing to open a back door for it.

Afterwards, Santian was placed in Hou Tu Palace to nourish the true spirits, and the six gates were opened again, opening the door to reincarnation for the true spirits drawn by the reincarnation road.

These true spirits roared and jumped, as if they were happy about their upcoming new life.

On this day, countless creatures in the world were conceived, and the influence of reincarnation was very great.

The reincarnation road appeared behind Hou Tu, which was the breath emitted by the reincarnation gods and demons in the chaos of the past.

The reincarnation that was cultivated was the reincarnation road that was cultivated, and also the reincarnation gods and demons that were cultivated.

The six different breaths in the six reincarnations were intertwined and intertwined with each other, but also opposed to each other, and mutually generated and destroyed each other, which was extremely strange.

Hou Tu closed her eyes and said nothing, quietly attracting the endless true spirits in the world.

If she hadn't attracted them like this, if she really had to follow the normal procedure, I don't know how many years the reincarnation would have been blocked.

Fortunately, she has great magical powers, which can make the six reincarnations automatically distinguish right from wrong, merit from cause and effect, and absorb all the living beings that should be thrown into it.

In this way, the years flowed between heaven and earth.

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