Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 239 The gods and demons of reincarnation appear! Hou Tu worships reincarnation!

The six paths of reincarnation, along with the influx of endless true spirits, the originally illusory reincarnation road behind Hou Tu gradually became heavier.

As the reincarnation road became heavier, Hou Tu's aura became deeper and more majestic.

Rumble! ! !

There was a sound of the avenue shaking between heaven and earth. It seemed that there was some great terror in the chaos. The endless rhyme of reincarnation filled the entire underworld, and even spread to the Guixu outside the underworld.

In the void.

"This is..."

Ye Xuan's eyes widened suddenly. Looking at the scene in front of him, he was a little dumbfounded.

This kind of aura, isn't it the aura of reincarnation gods and demons? !

"Could it be that the reincarnation road cultivated by Hou Tu is too heavy and profound, and successfully awakened the reincarnation gods and demons who are still sleeping?!"

Ye Xuan thought so, and felt more and more possible, and quickly cast his eyes to the back.

The back of the chaotic world.

This is still a chaotic world, a real chaotic world. Although it is not the original chaos, it is no different from the original chaotic world.

There are three thousand figures here, and there is a supreme being on the other side.

In the place where the three thousand figures are bred, a touch of extremely bright light flashed from the three thousand avenues and slid into one of the figures.

It is an extremely powerful figure, an indescribable existence, one of the gods and demons of the three thousand avenues of chaos in the past, and the manifestation of the supreme reincarnation!

The place of reincarnation and the six reincarnations are just the manifestation of that existence!

It is an existence that cannot be described in words, the beginning of everything, and the end of everything!

It seems that all matters related to reincarnation start and end with Him.

That is the manifestation of the avenue of reincarnation, that is the figure of the gods and demons of reincarnation!

What is reincarnation?

It is the avenue between life and death!

Life cannot be determined, and death cannot be determined either. However, between life and death, living beings can be born or die. This is reincarnation.

If reincarnation does not start, the living beings in the world cannot reincarnate, and there will only be fall, but no rebirth.

The place of reincarnation is nothing more than the manifestation of the great way of reincarnation gods and demons. Such a terrifying existence was born in the chaos, following the gods and demons of Guixu to stand in the neutral camp. With his own strength, he can suppress the gods and demons of life or death without fear.

It is also the most powerful god and demon in the neutral camp except for the gods and demons of Guixu.

Reincarnation, born in Guixu, but not Guixu.

However, this god and demon did not really return to the prehistoric world. It was just a trace of consciousness that revived and successfully took the first step. As long as the body is fully supplemented, it can be truly born into the world.

However, just a trace of consciousness descending into chaos is also a daunting existence for countless creatures in the prehistoric world.

"Where is this place..."

"Chaos? Wasn't Chaos split by Pangu..."

"Could it be that the world created by Pangu was annihilated in Chaos, and the world became Chaos again?"

The God and Demon of Samsara had just regained consciousness, but his mind was in a daze.

Then, a stream of information sank into the mind of the God and Demon of Samsara.

It was about reincarnation. Everything in the heavens and about reincarnation could not escape the control of the God and Demon of Samsara.

Even if that was in another world.

After a moment, the consciousness of the God and Demon of Samsara finally understood.

"It turns out that there is chaos outside of Chaos..."

The God and Demon of Samsara looked at the chaotic world in front of him and sensed the appearance of the primitive world in another world, where reincarnation had just begun, and all the fallen creatures between heaven and earth could be immersed in reincarnation, and countless true spirits were reincarnated.

It was a world with a future, and it seemed that there were countless creatures there, many of whose cultivation was far beyond the Great Dao God and Demon in the chaos of the past.

Any creature seemed to be able to defeat them at the beginning...

"It turns out that the chaotic world before was transformed by Pangu into the present. My strength seems to have increased a lot compared to the time of chaos..."

Although the reincarnation gods and demons have not really descended, their own strength has reached the realm of Hunyuan.

Chaos gods and demons are the sons of the Great Dao.

For everything in the world, the higher the realm, the deeper the Great Dao, so those chaotic gods and demons evolved from the Great Dao will have the highest cultivation in the current world.

So, the reincarnation gods and demons have reached the realm of Hunyuan.

However, after all, it is just a consciousness, lacking the Dao body, and it is difficult to fight with the existence of the same realm, but it is the Great Dao gods and demons after all, and its means are not comparable to ordinary sacred.

"The world opened up by Pangu... I want to see which world can make you insist on breaking through the chaos and evolving the prehistoric..."

The reincarnation gods and demons took a look at their Great Dao bodies that were still in the process of gestation, and then their minds moved, and their figures dissipated in the chaos.

Although it was still in the process of being conceived, it was already extremely fast compared to other Dao gods and demons, and it was also the most perfect one.

Whether it was the Dao body or the awakening of consciousness, all of this was due to the existence of Hou Tu, because Hou Tu was able to make reincarnation appear in the world and finally awaken the reincarnation gods and demons from endless sleep.

"The reincarnation gods and demons have awakened. I didn't expect that he would be the first god and demon to awaken. I thought it was Pangu..." Ye Xuan smiled as he watched the scene in front of him. It was also a very good thing to be able to see the reincarnation gods and demons awaken from endless sleep with his own eyes.

If we really wait until tomorrow and come back to the wilderness, I'm afraid I don't know how many things I will miss.

When the time comes, you will have to go back in time and check, but it will be troublesome.

"Although the reincarnation gods and demons have only awakened their consciousness, they are still the gods and demons of the Great Dao, and they have the realm of Hunyuan. I am afraid that the prehistoric era will become lively again..."

"It's good to be more lively. Only in this way can we show the brilliance of the ancient world and force the sentient beings of the ancient world to move forward. Today's ancient world has been peaceful for too long..."

"It's time to be more lively..."

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, and when he looked over again, he saw the scene in the underworld.

I saw that the reincarnation of gods and demons had already crossed infinite time and space. I don't know what means they used, and they came from the chaos on the other side to the underworld in the blink of an eye.

What should be used is the magical power of reincarnation, so that you can reach here directly from another place.

The most important thing is because there are six reincarnations in the underworld, otherwise it would be difficult for the reincarnation gods and demons to cross a chaotic world and come here in an instant.

Hou Tu, who was still constantly affecting the spirits of the heavens, had not noticed that an extremely powerful existence had appeared behind him and looked directly at him.

She is still affecting the many true spirits, allowing those true spirits to step into reincarnation and start over again.

In this way, the reincarnation gods and demons looked at Hou Tu for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years have passed by in a hurry.

"Houtu? Not bad, not bad! The road to reincarnation that we built is somewhat similar, but it's still far from perfect, but it's still pretty good!"

Suddenly, the Samsara God and Demon, who had always been calm and silent, opened his mouth and spoke.

He has no body, and relies solely on a ray of consciousness.

Therefore, ordinary eyes cannot see through his existence at all, but who is Hou Tu, he can naturally see the gods and demons of reincarnation.

When Hou Tu heard this, he was shocked. She had never been far enough away from this creature to approach him. He immediately opened his eyes and looked at the Samsara God and Demon.


Hou Tu didn't know who the creature in front of her was, but she could feel the infinite breath of reincarnation contained in it with just a flicker of consciousness. The avenue of reincarnation that she felt seemed to be all nothingness in the consciousness in front of her.

She was surprised in her heart, why is there such an existence between heaven and earth? Is this really a living thing?

She was originally surprised that the consciousness in front of her could escape her perception and suddenly appeared in front of her, but now she was not surprised at all. With such a strong aura of the Great Way of Reincarnation, she could not detect the other party by controlling the place of reincarnation. normal.

"May I ask what the name of the senior is? Can you tell Hou Tu to know." Hou Tu bowed Yingying and said with a slight smile.

Although she didn't know what the other party was here for, she knew that the other party had no intention of harming her, at least not now. Otherwise, if he attacked her by surprise, she would be in danger.

Although there was only a consciousness in front of her, the true meaning of Hunyuan could not be deceived. That consciousness was filled with the aura of Hunyuan from top to bottom. Although she did not know why a consciousness could prove Hunyuan, she also knew The horror of consciousness lies before me.

In the future, with the reincarnation path of earth, he will naturally be able to see that the consciousness in front of him is really just a consciousness, with no soul and no body...

However, just such a consciousness can make her feel terrified.

"My name is Samsara."

The sound of the great avenue comes out wildly. It is obviously just a consciousness, but it can emit the sound of the great avenue.

"Hiss!!! Reincarnation?!!!" Hou Tu's eyes widened, and the look of horror that had been rare since his birth appeared again.

"Are you the reincarnation god and demon who roamed the chaos back then?!"

Hou Tu asked in surprise, a little confused.

Weren't the three thousand great gods and demons hacked to death by Father God?

Why does it still appear...

But that’s right!

After all, the other party is a great god and demon, and now he has no consciousness, not even a soul or a body. He might have survived the great catastrophe that opened the sky.

It is also possible that they were born again, but there is only such a small place in Chaos. Can three thousand gods and demons be born so quickly? Why did a god and demon appear...

"That's right!"

The gods and demons of reincarnation responded. I don’t know where they started and I don’t know where they ended.

"Weren't you given by Father God..." Hou Tu asked cautiously. She wanted to find out whether the god and demon in front of her was a legacy from Kaitian or the latest one.

These are two completely different concepts, which are really important matters related to all races and souls in the ancient world.

"Yes, I have fallen, but we, the gods and demons of the Dao, are the sons of the Dao and will not truly fall. Every time I fall, I just fall into a deep sleep and do not truly fall."

"You created the place of reincarnation in the land of reincarnation, and just a hundred years ago, you influenced the true spirit in the infinite time and space to enter the reincarnation. This made me wake up from my vast sleep. Now, although it is just a consciousness, But the real body will come back to the wilderness in the near future."

Before Hou Tu finished speaking, the reincarnation gods and demons explained.

If Hou Tu had not cultivated the Great Way of Reincarnation, the gods and demons of reincarnation would not have appeared here.

He has been sleeping for too long, and he doesn't know what the world is like now. The only thing that can be known is that among the three thousand gods and demons, he is the first to regain consciousness.

"It turns out that Senior Samsara has been here for a hundred years. I wonder what will happen after Senior's true form arrives?" Hou Tu said with a calm expression, but in fact, huge waves were already stirring in his heart.

The meaning of the words of the gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation made her understand instantly. Not only the gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation, but also the three thousand gods and demons will return in the near future. Hou Tu was extremely shocked for a while.

Many creatures in the prehistoric world knew that the three thousand gods and demons would return sooner or later, but no one really took it seriously, because in their subconscious, the time when the next wave of the three thousand gods and demons returned must be a very long time.

But now, how long has the prehistoric world passed, and the gods and demons of the road have appeared.

"Now I know why Pangu insisted on breaking the chaos. It turns out that the scenery of the prehistoric world is so beautiful. It's not bad to have the prehistoric world."

The gods and demons of the wheel of reincarnation naturally heard the meaning of Hou Tu's words, so they also expressed their goodwill.

He is not a murderous god and demon, and he will not think about restoring the chaos.

The reason they stopped Pangu was because if the chaos was split, it would be difficult for them to realize the truth. Now that there is another chaotic world on the back, it is not bad for a primitive world to appear here.

Therefore, the reincarnation gods and demons will naturally not have the intention to destroy the primitive world again.

The most important thing is, who knows whether Pangu will wake up from his slumber after his resurrection. He does not want to face Pangu's axe again...

That scene is the lifelong pain of the three thousand great gods and demons. Most of them fell with one axe, and all fell with another axe...

Whether it is the five supremes, or time and space, none of them escaped the axe light...

"That's great." Hou Tu smiled when she heard it. As innate sacred beings like them, they all disdain to lie.

Although they can lie, lying only lowers their status and is also despised by everyone.

Just like Hongjun, who deceived all living beings and attempted to overthrow the world, the final outcome was to be nailed to the pillar of shame and never be reborn. Although Hongjun has entered the realm of Hunyuan, he was forced not to step into the prehistoric world.

Even the innate saints are like this, let alone those Dao gods and demons of the Dao True Spirit?

Such existences are born higher than all living beings, so how could they be those villains.

The three thousand Dao gods and demons of Chaos, who fought when they said they would, never played tricks of lying and cheating. Those were just tricks of some weak people. The truly powerful existence is the existence that relies on its own strength to push everything.

Even if it cannot do everything, it is much higher than those villains.

"Little girl, you are transformed by Pangu's bloodline and have the fortune of reincarnation. Are you willing to worship me as your teacher and follow me to comprehend the Dao of reincarnation?" The reincarnation gods and demons said happily.

If it weren't for this, if it weren't for his love for Hou Tu, a younger generation, how could he have said so many things to her.

The most important thing is that Hou Tu cultivates the Great Way of Reincarnation, and is quite accomplished. She is in charge of the place of reincarnation in the prehistoric world, and has strong talents, which makes her the most suitable candidate for his disciple.

"If the senior does not harm the prehistoric world, then Hou Tu is willing to worship the senior as a teacher." After hearing this, Hou Tu was happy in her heart, but she did not bow down directly.

It was because she cared about the prehistoric world. Although she achieved the way of reincarnation and was a reincarnation god and demon, if the other party really wanted to harm the prehistoric world, she would not get involved with him.

It's impossible for her to take action against her master at that time. She is unwilling to do such a thing, so it is better to solve it from the source.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, my disciple." The reincarnation god and demon laughed.

Hou Tu no longer hesitated, and quickly bowed and said: "Disciple Hou Tu, I greet the master."

She could feel the breath of the Great Dao of Reincarnation coming from the other party's consciousness. Out of the desire for the Great Dao, it was truly irresistible.

Almost no creature could resist the temptation of the Great Dao, and the gods and demons of reincarnation were, to some extent, the Great Dao of Reincarnation itself.

When a cultivator saw the true Dao, he would naturally be ecstatic and unable to refuse.

And now Hou Tu was able to think of the prehistoric world first, which must be said to be far beyond the ability of ordinary creatures, at least most of the creatures in the prehistoric world could not do this.

If I could learn from the Great Dao itself and see the Great Dao every day, then what would it matter to me whether the prehistoric world was destroyed or not?

This is what most of the seekers of the Dao think in their hearts. If they were given this opportunity, they would definitely surrender directly to become disciples.

But those gods and demons of the Great Dao were not something that every creature could look up to. If Hou Tu was not so outstanding, the gods and demons of reincarnation would not have the idea of ​​accepting disciples.

The more and deeper the Great Dao that the living beings in the world cultivate, the stronger and more powerful the Great Dao itself will be.

This is also the reason why the gods and demons of reincarnation would accept Hou Tu as their apprentice, because the further and stronger Hou Tu walks on the Great Dao of Reincarnation, the stronger and more powerful He will become.

If all living beings in the world cultivate the Way of Reincarnation, then the Way of Reincarnation will be the greatest Great Dao of all ages!

But obviously, this is impossible.

The reason why the Five Supremes are the Five Supremes is that they are superior to other Great Daos from the source, just like the Three Thousand Great Daos are superior to countless Great Daos.

Even if all living beings in the world really cultivate the Great Dao of Reincarnation, it is impossible to surpass the Five Supremes, but it is very simple to surpass the other Great Daos.

What's more, there are more than billions of Great Daos in the world? Every word and action is transformed by the Dao.

There are countless living beings, how can all of them cultivate a great way, and not all living beings have the capital to comprehend the great way.

Many people have not even comprehended a law, how can they comprehend the great way.


The land of the void.

"Hou Tu actually worshipped the god and devil of reincarnation as a teacher... This is too outrageous..." Ye Xuan, who has always controlled major events in the prehistoric world, couldn't help but be dumbfounded for a while.

He thought about a lot of things, thinking about what the god and devil of reincarnation might be like after they passed away. It might be that they devoured Hou Tu, it might be that they directly controlled Hou Tu to control reincarnation, or it might be that they made friends with Hou Tu.

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