Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 240 Pangu and Samsara, Ten Thousand Years

But the only thing Ye Xuan didn't expect was that the gods and demons of the Great Dao would also accept disciples? ! !

This is just a matter of following the Romans, right?

As soon as you stepped into the wilderness, did you know that there was a disciple?

"Huh~ It's still a good thing that Hou Tu is strong. This itself has the bonus of reincarnation in the underworld. Whatever the upper limit of heaven and earth cultivation, you can reach it directly and quickly, and then you can understand the avenue of reincarnation every day. It is really good luck... …”

Ye Xuan put away his shocked expression. He was only trying to control major events in the ancient world. In fact, the development of the creatures within the ancient world was almost their own business.

Just like the ancestor of Yangmei, in the legend where he is, he is the only being who can defeat Hongjun, and he is also the leader of sainthood.

But in today's ancient world, they are like kittens and puppies. Although their cultivation is not weak, it is still far behind those truly top beings.

It can only be said that the ancient world is changing, and some creatures have kept up with the changes and developed better, such as Emperor Jun and Taiyi, Houtu and the eleven ancestral wizards, or Hongjun and Luohu, as well as Zulong, Fuxi, Nuwa and many other innate saints.

But after all, there are some creatures that have not kept up with the changes, and their development is much worse than what Ye Xuan knew, like the Yangmei ancestors, or the saints who are now reduced to a joke in the ancient world.

But that’s how the times are. If you keep up, you will become famous. If you don’t, you will only be disappointed.

In the wilderness.

Pangu Hall.

"I feel a very familiar aura." Pangu frowned persistently and looked towards the ancient east.

That is the place of the East Pole and the place of reincarnation.

Pangu's obsessive eyes saw through infinite time and space, seeing through the place of reincarnation.

The place of reincarnation.

"Houtu! You have done a great job, creating a place of reincarnation in the land of reincarnation. Even if the years pass by and the stars change, your name will still be spread throughout the heavens and will last forever."

The Samsara God and Demon looked at Hou Tu with admiration. Apart from him, he was the first creature he had seen that could evolve the place of reincarnation.

The reason why the reincarnation gods and demons did not evolve reincarnation in the chaos is because in the chaos, apart from them, the great gods and demons who do not need the so-called reincarnation at all, there are only those who are constantly being manipulated by the creation gods and demons and the destruction gods and demons. Created creatures.

However, without any accident, those creatures were destroyed by the gods and demons of destruction, or were pulled into boundless death by the gods and demons of death, unable to use reincarnation at all.

How can reincarnation be possible if not even a trace of true spirit remains?

"Thank you, Master, for the compliment." Houtu said with a slight smile.


Suddenly, the Samsara God and Demon sensed something, snorted coldly, looked through infinite time and space, traced back to the original, and found those pairs of eyes. After seeing those eyes, the Samsara God and Demon was so frightened that he felt cold sweat breaking out in his heart. shuddering.

But the strange thing is that it is clearly just consciousness and has no body. There is no cold sweat at all, and there is no so-called heart.

"Master? What did you see?" Houtu frowned, and she could feel the tremor coming from that consciousness.

"Those are... those are Pangu's eyes... How come he hasn't fallen yet!!!" The Samsara God and Demon was horrified. What he just saw was Pangu's eyes, and only Pangu could make him so afraid.

Even the five supreme beings could not make him so afraid. Only Pangu, the being who single-handedly defeated the three thousand gods and demons.

Only He can make the three thousand great gods and demons tremble and feel fear!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!! Pangu's fall should be regarded as the ultimate truth, why would it appear in the ancient world!!!" The reincarnation gods and demons yelled crazily, saying in disbelief.

But then, He calmed down instantly.

"No, that's not Pangu. Pangu is still being conceived, in that chaos. That's definitely not the real Pangu. Who is it!!!" The eyes of the Samsara God and Demon chased after each other, wanting to see. Know everything at the end.

In the chaos, he had already noticed that in addition to the three thousand avenues of gods and demons being gestated, the Kaitian Pangu was also gestating.

Although they are not in the same place, they can still feel each other's presence.

Therefore, the samsara gods and demons used their magical powers to cross the infinite space, trying to follow that gaze to see where the other party was.

As for Hou Tu on the side, he turned a deaf ear and acted as if he didn't hear anything at all, as if he didn't understand anything at all.

The eyes of the reincarnation gods and demons spanned countless spaces, and finally found the location of that gaze.

After all, Pangu's obsession was not Pangu's own consciousness, so he lost slightly and was found here by the reincarnation gods and demons.

"It's definitely not Pangu!"

The Samsara God and Demon laughed loudly, a surge of joy bursting out.

If it was Pangu, how could he be found like this? As long as he dared to move, the other party would dare to destroy him.

Not to mention that he found it, which further proved that that look was just a remnant left by Pangu.

In Pangu Palace.

"It turns out it's reincarnation..." Pangu Obsession muttered to himself. At this time, only Pangu Obsession existed in Pangu Palace, and all the twelve ancestral witches were not there.

He murmured to himself that what he saw through the time and space before was the gods and demons of reincarnation, which were some of the top among the three thousand gods and demons of the avenue.

"Didn't the three thousand gods and demons fall into a deep sleep and were killed by their true bodies..."

"How can reincarnation reawaken..."

"Could it be that the reincarnation created by Hou Tu caused the reincarnation to wake up early..."

Although Pangu's obsession was not Pangu, he inherited Pangu's will after all. He wanted to see what would happen to this world. Naturally, he couldn't bear to see the reincarnation of gods and demons that might harm the ancient world.

As a result, Pangu's obsession once again communicated with the place of reincarnation.


Pangu exclaimed softly.

"Is this an obsession left by Pangu? What's the matter with you?" After the other party came to the door again, the Samsara God and Demon noticed the other party's state.

This is just an obsession. It has no cultivation and combat power at all. Although it has realm, it is nothing more than nothing.

"Will your awakening this time cause damage to the ancient world..." Pangu's eyes crossed infinite time and space and fell into the pool of consciousness.

He knew that although the other party was just a mere consciousness, it could actually cause damage to Honghuang. As long as the other party was willing, there were many ways to do it.

The simplest one is to control the place of reincarnation and prevent all living beings in the world from entering reincarnation.

Why should the gods and demons of the Great Dao be afraid of being entangled in cause and effect? Not to mention the great gods and demons who exist like him.

"If there is, what can you do?" The Samsara God and Demon's amusement was greatly increased. Ever since he knew that the other party was just a manifestation of Pangu's obsession, he no longer had that kind of awe.

On the contrary, he originally didn't want to pay attention to the other party, but since the other party has come to visit, it makes no sense not to play.

"Although I have no cultivation base and combat power, there are too many sacred beings in the Hunyuan realm between heaven and earth. They will stop you. Today's times have changed, and it is no longer like chaos."

"So, if you want to destroy the ancient world, I will remind you as soon as possible to put away your thoughts, otherwise, you will perish."

Pangu shook his head slightly and sighed.

He didn't come here to intimidate the other party, but just to remind the other party that he should really make trouble. Although reincarnation may fall asleep again, the damage suffered by the prehistoric era is definitely something that will happen.

He didn't want to see it, so he talked to him across infinite time and space.

"Oh? When my true form comes in person, who in the wild can stop me?" the reincarnation god and demon said disdainfully.

This is not because he is arrogant, but because he does have this confidence. In the same realm, it is impossible for other creatures to defeat the three thousand great gods and demons, and if they are not in the same realm, it is even more impossible.

Because what is the highest realm between heaven and earth, what is the realm of the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

Therefore, the only opponents among the Dao gods and demons are each other, and there is no such thing as other living beings.

"Under the same realm, naturally no one is your opponent, but what if your opponents are ten people, a hundred people, a thousand people, or ten thousand people? By then, will you still be so invincible?" Pangu Zhixiang chuckled and sneered. .

What's more, when your true body arrives, your true body may wake up from its slumber.

"Pangu? By the time he wakes up, I will have already destroyed the ancient world!" The Samsara God and Demon did not answer the previous words, but said directly.

In his heart, he never regarded other living beings as his opponents, so he didn't bother to reply.

"What happens after that? Where can you hide in the chaos? When Pangu revives, won't you die again?" Pangu's obsessive words came out again, directly silencing the reincarnation gods and demons.

The reincarnation god and demon remained silent for a long time, then snorted coldly and cut off the screen.

However, Pangu Zhanian in Pangu Palace had a smile on his face and was not angry because of the forced interruption of communication.

Now that his goal is achieved, nothing else matters.

In the underworld.

"It's just that Pangu was so difficult in the past, but I didn't expect this obsession today to be so difficult." The Samsara God and Demon felt a little disappointed. They wanted to play with each other, but they themselves were played.

Although he had no intention of destroying the ancient world, he didn't want to be disgraced by such an obsession.

Hou Tu on the side was still watching his nose with his eyes, and his nose with his heart, without answering even a single word.

The years are passing by, and they are no longer fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, the ten-thousand-year period of the human race has arrived. All races in the prehistoric era are waiting for the arrival of this time. Many races have already focused their attention on the major tribes of the human race.

In the wilderness.

The Heavenly Court is located in the sky, sitting on the entire prehistoric world and watching the world's major events. It is the number one force in the prehistoric world.

The Jiuyou Underworld is located in the underworld. Watching the vicissitudes of life in the underworld, the world is turning, and it is also a part of the Wu Clan, which is the second force in the prehistoric times.

In the land of the four seas and the infinite sea, the Dragon Clan is respected. The Ancestral Dragon dominates the rivers and lakes, and is the pinnacle of the Dingding water system. It is known as a generation of divine dynasty, and the name of the Ancestral Dragon Dragon Emperor is powerful all over the world.

The Dragon Clan is also the third largest force, and the only major clan that has been strong since ancient times.

After thousands of years of development, although the human race is not ranked among the top three, its cultivation at this time is already extremely powerful.

Among the human race, the Suiren family entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self and became the strongest person in the human race. He was the common master of the human race and respected by the entire human race.

Although the remaining seventeen previous patriarchs have not yet reached the realm of Hunyuan True Self, they have already reached the true perfection of Daluo Jinxian from the original Daluo Jinxian peak, which is similar to the realm of quasi-sage perfection and the chaos of the dragon clan. The perfect state of Yuan Jinxian.

In fact, they are all in the same realm, but each has a different name. Only the quasi-sage path is a little different, and everything else is the same.

These patriarchs may step into the true self of Hunyuan at any time.

And these eighteen tribes have all grown from tens of thousands of people to hundreds of thousands again.

And if these eighteen tribes were combined together, there would be millions of people approaching tens of millions.

It only took ten thousand years for the human race to grow from tens of thousands at the beginning to millions today. The more powerful a creature is, the longer it will take to give birth to an heir, and the longer it takes to gestate. , the offspring born will be stronger.

Just like the offspring conceived by the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun and Queen of Heaven, Xihe, I don’t know how many years have passed, but there is still no intention of giving birth.

Although the other party had been conceived for a long time, he had absorbed the Hunyuan essence of the Emperor of Heaven. Once he was born, his cultivation level was probably unknown, and his talent was even more peerless.

However, the human race is born extremely weak, so its cultivation level is actually not high at birth, and all it inherits is talent. Therefore, the time required for childbearing of the human race is much shorter than that of other races.

Only in this way can we go from tens of thousands of clan members to nearly ten million clan members today. The span is extremely huge, and it only takes a mere ten thousand years.

Everyone in the human race has a huge destiny, and they fight against all races in the wilderness.

Buzhou Mountain.

Although the Suiren tribe at this time was still the same as before, with a similar number of tribesmen.

But after going through the Taizhang Tao Te Ching, he acted much more appropriately. He did not make the surrounding creatures feel bad about the human race, nor did he hate the human race as much as before.

At this time, the seventeen clan leaders gathered here, and together with the Suiren clan, they were the highest level of the human clan.

"Everyone, the ten-thousand-year period is coming soon. You must be prepared and don't be swallowed up by other races. Although there is a Holy Mother blocking it, we must also be wary of beings in the realm of Hunyuan True Self. We must not take action. The safety of the race is completely in the hands of others, and the fate of the human race needs to be in the hands of the human race itself. "

The Suiren clan stared at the clan leaders of many human tribes with burning eyes and spoke slowly.

"The fate of the human race should be in the hands of the human race itself! Our Shihao tribe has already made preparations. If there is a sacred person who dares to violate it, it will definitely be killed!"

Shi Hao said with a murderous look on his face.

A domineering and ruthless aura spread out from his body, which was the manifestation of the invincible avenue.

He is walking the path of invincibility, so how can he be afraid of others?

"I, the Han Li clan, are also ready. Although I like to retreat behind everyone, if the tribe is in trouble, I should move forward with all my strength to block all tribes from the human race!" I usually stand in front of me with nothing to do. Han Lishi, who had something to do and retreated behind everyone, also said domineeringly.

I was ignorant when I was young, but now that I have become the leader of the tribe, I naturally understand what responsibility is.

Everyone couldn't help but take a high look at this kid, it was really a strange thing.

"I, Su Ming, have cultivated my whole life only for the human race. If there is any difficulty, I should do my best. Even if I die, I will have no regrets." Su Ming's extremely dark words flowed out.

Everyone didn't find anything strange. For some reason, Su Ming had always been extremely indifferent since his birth. Apart from being concerned about the overall affairs of the human race, he didn't care about anything else.

He has no friends, no close relatives, nothing. He is alone. If he does not support a tribe among the human race, no one will care about his life or death.

"I, Ye Fanshi..."


The remaining people also kept saying their own words. In short, it was just one word and it was done. They were extremely confident. After all, they were restrained by the Holy Mother. Only those who did not reach the realm of Hunyuan True Self could deal with them. Take action.

Same level? Invincible!

"Okay! My original intention was to bring the human race together to take care of each other, but since you have such strong confidence now, I will leave the safety of many tribes in your hands!"

The Suiren clan smiled. With these people in the human race and countless tribesmen who are like the proud sons of heaven, the human race should have nothing to worry about.

The inheritance of the human race does not rely on one or two people, but thousands of sparks!

However, without the existence of the Suiren clan and the existence of these proud men, there would not be so many sparks...

This is the meaning of the existence of Suiren, Shi Hao, Han Li, Su Ming and others...

As long as there is one hero in the human race, thousands of heroes will appear!

If there were no heroes in the human race, I'm afraid they would all be reduced to lambs, nothing more than food in the mouths of the gods.

However, in the first generation of the human race, everyone was a hero, and even in the second and third generations... so that now there are nearly tens of millions of humans in the human race, all of them are heroes. How can there be no heroes?

Therefore, the Suiren clan is not worried at all about whether the human race can survive.

There are more than tens of thousands of Da Luo Jinxian in the human race now? That’s more than a million!

With such a huge number, if the three races hadn't taken action, which race in the world could have destroyed the human race? !

What is really most terrifying in the human race is not the favored ones with extremely top talents, but the terrifying ones in the entire human race who are the favored ones of heaven! ! !

Otherwise, how could one million Da Luo Jinxian be born out of a population of nearly ten million? !

And the time it takes is only a mere ten thousand years! ! !

This is the real horror of the human race!

Everyone is like a dragon, it is not just an empty talk.

This is also the perfect human race that Ye Xuan wants to create, which can not only become the protagonist of heaven and earth, but also become a true protagonist of heaven and earth, no longer the so-called protagonist of heaven and earth who is just a toy in the hands of the gods of heaven!!!

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