The ten thousand years have passed.

Many human clan leaders have long gone to their own tribes to guard.

When the ten thousand years had just passed, a saint named Yin Lingzi, who was cultivated from a ginkgo, came to Shi Hao's tribe.

The ten thousand years had passed, and countless innate saints were plotting against the human race. The holy land of the human race was guarded by Suiren, who was in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou. No saint dared to go there, because Nuwa said that cultivators in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou were not allowed to go there.

And those who had reached the realm of Hunyuan were too lazy to care about the human race, and they all sold face to the Emperor of Heaven Di Jun.

It had been a long time since Yin Lingzi had reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian, and he had never been able to enter the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou. When he saw the human race, he immediately wanted to eat it, because the flesh and blood of the human race was different from that of other races. The human race was born with three thousand great ways, and eating it might help him condense his only true self.

However, due to the shock of Nuwa, he had not made a move and endured for ten thousand years. Now that the ten thousand years had passed, he changed his original plan. He had planned to use his magical powers to devour the human race and wanted to use the luck of the human race to help himself condense the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou.

Therefore, he planned to learn from Tai Shang and go into the human race to preach and condense luck. Not to mention achieving the realm of Hunyuan, at least he had to break through the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou.

Moreover, this would not cause the disgust of the human race, and it was a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Yin Lingzi looked at his old friends who had entered the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou one after another, while he was left at the peak of Daluo Jinxian without making any progress. He was naturally uncomfortable in his heart, and he envied those friends.

"This time, I must enter the realm of Hunyuan Zhenyou!" Yin Lingzi clenched his fists and looked at the tribe of Shi Hao. He saw the luck that was all over the world!

That huge luck, like a huge wave! This is just a branch of the human race that has such a huge fortune!

Yin Lingzi couldn't help but rush in to preach. He wanted to take this fortune for himself, but he knew it was impossible. This was the fortune of a large race.

He forced himself to retract his salivating eyes and walked into Shi Hao's tribe step by step.

But when he was still in front of the door, he was stopped by the vigilant human race.

Now that the ten thousand year period has just passed, a strange existence, not a human cultivator, wants to enter the human tribe, which is simply a foolish dream.

At this special time, the human races of different tribes all defended their positions and fought on their own. Unless they really couldn't hold on, how could they run towards other tribes.

"In the human territory ahead, I hope this Taoist friend will stop!"

Two figures flew from a distance and came to Yin Lingzi and said.

Yin Lingzi was furious, but for the sake of preaching, he still smiled and bowed, saying, "I am Yin Lingzi, may I know your names?"

The two men did not fight directly, but looked at each other. One of the men said, "I am Shi Yishi. This is the territory of the human race. Now the ten thousand year period has passed. You should leave quickly. If you have important matters, come back after the human race is stable!"

Yin Lingzi looked at the man and saw that he had double pupils in his eyes. The double pupils in his eyes seemed to have infinite power. He couldn't help but secretly praise in his heart that the human race was indeed a very talented group. A random person of the human race had such great power.

He immediately smiled and said, "So it's Fellow Daoist Shi. I see that although the human race has many ways to practice, they are all in disorder. I want to enter your tribe to preach, teach you how to practice, and teach you the unified method. What do you think?"

Originally, he thought Shi Yi would agree. After all, he would not suffer any loss in such a thing. However, he did not expect that Shi Yi would directly roar, "How can you be so holy? I have warned you twice to leave here, but you still don't leave. Now I warn you for the third time. If you don't leave again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Although Shi Yi's cultivation is not as strong as Shi Hao's, he is also a Daluo Jinxian-level figure, so he is not afraid of the holy one in front of him.

"You! Humph! I want to preach to the human race, why do you keep stopping me? Are you afraid that others will surpass you after practicing my method?!" Yin Lingzi was naturally not afraid of the little human in front of him. Although they were both Daluo Jinxian, the gap between Daluo Jinxian was well-known, and it was not ordinary.

If he was not afraid of being killed by Nuwa, he would have killed all these human beings long ago.

We must let these human beings know what is innate sacredness and what is sacredness that cannot be insulted!

"Get out!!!"

There seemed to be infinite terror in Shi Yi's double pupils, and a ray of innate true meaning emanated from them. Double pupils are invincible, so why should he be afraid of Yin Lingzi!

He roared, and the Tao rhyme on his body was running. He was very impatient with this so-called sacredness. He was still nagging and nagging after being driven away three times, and he would not leave even if he died.

Why does the human race need such a thing to come to preach! A mere Daluo Jinxian dares to come to the human race to preach? ! !

"How dare you!"

Yin Lingzi shouted angrily. This little human dared to yell at him and even told him to get out.

If a tiger doesn't show its might, do you really think it's a sick cat?

The Dao rhyme was all over his body, and the Dao of heaven and earth came out. Endless Dao rhyme emanated from his body, shocking everyone.

The tribesman next to Shi Yishi frowned and secretly said bad, this time he really encountered a difficult character.

On the other hand, Shi Yishi's face was extremely dull, and he did not take Yin Lingzi, who looked like an immortal, in his eyes at all.

Without even looking at the other party, he waved his hand, and a majestic avenue pressed towards Yin Lingzi.

Yin Lingzi calmly snorted and drove away with a rhyme.

Shi Yishi's eyes narrowed and he immediately shouted: "God's calamity!!!"

boom! ! !

A dark and extremely dim light fell from the nine heavens, heading towards the Silver Spirit below.

Yin Lingzi's eyes instantly showed a look of horror. Faced with this blow, he quickly used his Dao Daoyun to try to block the blow.

boom! !

The light struck Yin Lingzi's Daoyun.


Yin Lingzi's Daoyun Daoyun was defeated by it, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which was obviously a Dao injury.

How could this human race be so powerful? ! ! !

Yin Lingzi's eyes were full of horror. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe why the human race was so powerful. This was just a little-known person. How could he be wounded with one blow!

You must know that he is only one step away from the realm of Hunyuan True Self!

And the other party didn't even understand the true meaning of Hunyuan! ! !

This shows that the other party has not yet reached the perfection of Daluo Jinxian!

The talent of the human race is so terrifying that he was immediately frightened and said quickly: "I am willing to leave, but I hope my fellow Taoist will show mercy!"

"It's too late!!! It's only three things!!!"

Shi Yishi roared angrily and punched the Yin Lingzi cotton cloth.

Boom! !

Yin Lingzi fled in a hurry, and then Shi Yishi pursued him frantically.

The two of them were escaping and chasing each other, constantly destroying the surrounding scenery.

And Yin Lingzi's previous immortal spirit was gone at this time, leaving only a scene of running away in embarrassment, like a bereaved dog in panic all day long.

"Shi Yishi!! Come back quickly!!!"

The human who followed Shi Yi to check on the Yin Lingzi shouted when he saw this, Shi Yi would not dare to leave the human tribe alone for ten thousand years. If there was a group fight, it would not be good.

At this time, after hearing the words, Shi Yishi quickly pulled away and wanted to go back.

But at this moment, the gods who had been hiding all around appeared. One of them looked at Yin Lingzi and laughed and said: "Hahahaha, this fellow Taoist is also an innate saint. Why is he being The human race is forced to do this, it’s really embarrassing for us!”

Yin Lingzi's face turned pale for a moment, then he snorted coldly and ran away.

When Shi Yishi saw the sudden appearance of hundreds of saints and millions of troops behind them, he was not panicked, but asked calmly: "Are you here to humiliate the human race?"

Although it was an inquiry, in fact, he had already determined in his heart that he was just trying to delay time.

At this moment, after seeing so many creatures surrounding the Shi Yi clan, the man quickly went back to report to the clan leader.

In fact, there was no need for him to report it. Shi Hao knew about Shi Yi's incident as soon as it happened. He just ignored the other party because he was not Shi Yi's opponent. Now that he saw the people over there surrounding Shi Yi, Immediately he sent word to the people to follow him to meet the enemy.

The human race gathered at an extremely fast speed. After a while, the entire Shi Hao clan's tribe, except for leaving the vast majority of the Daluo Jinxian as a defensive force, followed the Shi Hao clan in the direction of the Shi Yi clan. .

"Bullying? Hahahaha..."

The previous saint was stunned when he heard the words, and then he laughed. After laughing, he held his stomach and laughed wildly. Finally, he said: "The weak should eat the strong. This is the way it should be. This is the iron law of ancient times. You guys actually do this." Saying that we are insulting you? What is an insult? Don't worry, I will give you a happy one, not only you, but also the people behind you."

"Hmph! If you have the ability, just come over here!" Shi Yishi's eyes were filled with coldness, and he looked at the saints in front of him as if he were looking at dead people.

The one who was born with double eyes looked more intimidating, but now he looked at the previous saint with coldness, which made the saint stunned, and then he became furious as if he felt insulted and roared. : "Today I will let you know what innate sanctity is!!"

"Really? The holy man said the same thing before, and then he was beaten into a dog by me and ran away. I hope you won't do the same!" Shi Yishi said coldly.

Facing the cynicism of Shi Yishi, the surrounding saints could no longer bear it. Even though some people angrily said: "The human race is extremely weak. Although it has the supreme protection of Hunyuan, in the end it is only the existence that limits the realm of Hunyuan's true self." , we are not Hunyuan True Self, killing you here is nothing! Not only you, but also your entire tribe and even the entire human race will die!"

"But if you humans can kneel down and be our sacred slaves, then we won't kill anyone today, how about that?!"

Shi Yishi did not say harsh words, but stared at the holy man who spoke. If he dared to say such words, he would be killed later, and his true spirit would be destroyed. Destroy it and prevent it from entering reincarnation!

The saint saw that the human race in front of him did not speak, thinking that his words worked, and immediately smiled at the saints next to him. If it really worked, it would undoubtedly save a lot of effort.

The reason why these saints were so fearless and did not rush to kill was that they deliberately used Shi Yishi as bait to lure out the large forces of the other tribe, and then they dragged it here, and other saints would naturally take action against the remaining human race on the other side.

No saint is a fool. How could they not see that Shi Yishi was delaying time after surviving from ancient times? But this move was exactly what they wanted, otherwise it would be difficult for so many saints not to kill Shi Yishi in a short time.

Just when the man was proud, a supreme figure came from nowhere. The young man raised his fist high, and a majestic and domineering aura oppressed the innate saint's face and changed instantly.

But the fist in the young man's hand was carrying an extremely terrifying power, and it fell down with a bang.

Boom! !

The extremely powerful force crossed the dimension of space and went directly to the body of the innate sacred.

"The human race is weak?! Being a slave of the sacred? Ridiculous!"

"Today, I will show you what the human race is!!!"

The young man roared, and the supreme invincible Dao rhyme instantly filled the entire battlefield. Millions of enemy creatures all felt the oppression of this invincible Dao rhyme, and their faces changed immediately.

"Patriarch!" Shi Yi shouted happily after seeing the young man.

No one wanted to die, and successfully delayed until Shi Hao came over, which meant that he didn't have to die.

At this time, Shi Hao's seemingly simple punch, but with invincible power, went to the body of the innate sacred.

The innate sacred was unwilling to fall, raised his hands, and a mighty law appeared.

Tried to block this punch...

However, facing this domineering and invincible punch, the mighty power of the innate sacred instantly melted and dispersed.

The wind of the punch only blew around, and scared the saints around and quickly avoided it.

They had a premonition that if they were hit by this punch, they would definitely die.

Boom! ! !

After the punch fell, the innate saint had disappeared long ago, and there was only a trace of the Tao rhyme emitted by Shi Hao left in the place where he was.

The human race is weak?


When the human race was just born, it was extremely weak!

But now after ten thousand years of development, it is no longer the same as before!

The human race has Suiren, my Shi Hao, and millions of Daluo Jinxian people. How could it be weak? ! .

"My Shi Hao is invincible to the human race, and my human race will be invincible in the world sooner or later!!!" Shi Hao said coldly, his eyes swept across the many sacred creatures present, but no one on the other side dared to speak.

Shi Hao's words were nothing short of arrogant, indicating that the human race would be invincible in the prehistoric world sooner or later, and he, Shi Hao, would become the strongest among them.

Only when you are invincible among the invincible can you be truly invincible!

Since the beginning of its birth, the human race has always been weak and incomparable. Now it should return to the prehistoric world as a strong one! ! !

At this moment, Shi Hao used his own great power to show his own strength and the strength of the human race.

From today on, our human race should be a great race in the prehistoric world, and we will no longer be afraid of the covetousness of the gods in the sky! ! !


A god roared, and the Dao rhyme of the avenue spread all over his body, turning into flames all over the sky, and a land of fire was born.

There are countless more gods, who are manifesting their own great ways at this time. There are huge meteorites falling from the sky, the Zhoutian Star Fire descending, the supreme starlight shining, the earth breaking, and all kinds of magical powers manifested by the endless Dao rhyme.

Going towards Shi Hao.

"No matter how arrogant you are, I am invincible in the world!!!"

Shi Hao roared, and the invincible Dao around him appeared, spreading across the infinite heavens.

The starlight in the sky seemed eclipsed by the invincible Dao rhyme, and the might of the originally broken earth was also suppressed by the invincible Dao rhyme. The Zhoutian Star Fire, the Innate Divine Fire, the Infinite Fire Domain and other Daos were all suppressed by the invincible Dao.

I am invincible and roaring in the sky, no matter how arrogant you are.

"Regret your arrogance~"

Hundreds of avenues roared towards Shi Hao. Even if those avenues were single avenues, they were not a concern in front of the invincible avenue. They were all frightened by the invincible avenue. However, with so many avenues, even Shi Hao could not fight alone.

At this time, Shi Yi's double pupils appeared in his eyes, and a sense of suppressing the sky appeared. That was another kind of avenue, which was also extremely terrifying! ! !

But this was far from enough! ! !

And thousands of human Daluo Jinxians arrived behind them, and they all displayed their own avenues.

Behind the two young men, in an instant, avenues appeared one after another, and a terrifying aura was revealed.

These terrifying avenues appeared, tearing the surrounding millions of miles of the sky, tearing pieces of space into pieces, and for a moment, I don't know how many lives fell.

Even the brilliance of the sun is not as great as the momentum of this Dao rhyme.

This is the Dao rhyme of the human race, a huge Dao rhyme gathered by one human race after another with extremely terrifying talents!!!

The battle between the Shihao clan and the sacred spirits in front of them is an announcement to the heavens.

The human race is no longer the weak one that could be crushed to death by any spirit in the prehistoric world at any time! ! !

Although the human race today is not as terrifying as the three tribes of witches, liches and dragons, it is far from being comparable to the sacred and other races in front of it! ! !

Now, facing the enemy who dares to invade the human race, there is only one end, that is, falling between heaven and earth! ! !

The Dragon Boat Festival is over. If I want to update, I will be away on a business trip from the 6th to the 9th. I will take a leave and live on 4,000 a day. I will start to recover from the 10th.

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