Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 242: He is free and the matter of Taiyi

"Not good!!! Try your best!!!"

The innate saints were instantly oppressed by the thousands of Dao rhymes and could not make any move. They were suppressed in an instant, and then urged the millions of creatures behind them to make a move.

Those were the coalition forces of many races, including many Daluo Jinxians. There were tens of thousands of Daluo Jinxians, and the rest of the creatures were actually only used to deal with the low-level human race.

So those creature armies were very far away from the hundreds of saints. Now seeing this scene, tens of thousands of Daluo Jinxians flew out and joined the battle against the Shi Hao tribe.

"The human race, which is just a mere human race, actually has such a large number of Daluo Jinxians. I really underestimated your potential!!!" A Daluo Jinxian creature roared.

"In just ten thousand years, there are so many Daluos. The human race is too terrifying. It should be completely annihilated!!!" Another Daluo Jinxian creature said in a cold voice, full of murderous intent.

He did not hide his killing intent towards the human race at all, and this killing intent came from the human race's talent. The human race was too strong, so strong that thousands of Daluo Jinxian appeared in just ten thousand years. This was simply an extremely terrifying thing.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have known that one of the eighteen tribes of the human race had thousands of Daluo Jinxian! ! !

In fact, they guessed wrong. They didn't dare to imagine that this was not the place where all the Daluo Jinxian of Shi Hao's tribe were. Shi Hao had a total of more than 80,000 Daluo Jinxian! ! !

And Shi Hao only brought out 8,000 Daluo Jinxian cultivators! There were still more than 70,000 Daluo Jinxian left inside! ! !

"Hahahaha, these are probably all the Daluo Jinxian of this tribe! Now they are all gathered here, I want to see what they can use to resist our other army!"

There was an innate saint, seeing that the victory was decided, and laughed wantonly.

With the tens of thousands of Daluo Jinxian creatures joining in, the human race's Dao Yun crushing instantly disappeared, and was crushed by the other side instead.

In their plan, one of the saints would lead the other side to fight, but they didn't expect that there would be a fool who actually acted for them and came here. The innate saint was not one of them, but a lone wolf.

It was really stupid, which led to the scene of laughing at Yin Lingzi before.

"Hahahaha! What I brought out was only a tenth of them. How could I, Shi Hao, be so stupid? Do you really think I won't leave some cultivators in the tribe to guard it?!" Shi Hao laughed when he heard this, looking at the other saints as if they were fools.

These saints probably would never dream that there were more than 80,000 Daluo Jinxian in his tribe, not just 8,000! ! !

They would not believe that any new race could produce millions of Daluo Jinxian within ten thousand years. Anyone would be stunned. However, it was them, the human race, who created this impossibility!


"The Great Law of Transformation!!!"

Shi Hao roared, his whole body radiated with light, and his invincible intention suppressed the world. In an instant, fifty Shi Haos appeared. These fifty Shi Haos were all like Shi Hao's original body, with exactly the same combat power.

And now, he fought against dozens of innate saints on the other side alone, and he alone held back dozens of Daluo Jinxian peak-level perfect saints of the same realm, shocking many creatures present beyond words.

It is extremely rare for an ordinary person to face an innate saint of the same realm alone, but now Shi Hao has actually held back dozens of innate saints who are also Daluo Jinxian peak-level perfect saints alone.

The invincible avenue, the Heaven of Transformation, shows how powerful it is! ! !

"What the hell is this technique?! What kind of magical power is this!!!"

"Impossible!!! There are actually such magical powers in the world!!!"

"How could such a magical power be born?! Isn't it invincible at the same level?!"

There were countless creatures present who were shocked by this scene.

But the human race took advantage of their shock and quickly found their own opponents!

Every human race, like Shi Hao, used his transformation to fight more than ten or twenty cultivators of the same realm, and the least could deal with two or three.

This was what Shi Hao had comprehended. It was a secret magical power that Daluo Jinxian could use. It could transform itself into many clones, and these clones were exactly the same as the original body, with the same magical powers and the same combat power.

This is simply a BUG-level technique, but this technique was created by Shi Hao!

The most important thing is that this technique is not only practiced by Shi Hao, but everyone in the human race can practice it!

Shi Hao taught this method of self-transformation to the entire human race, not just his own tribe, but the entire human race. Those who reached the Daluo of the human race were all extremely talented, otherwise they would not have been able to enter the realm of Daluo Jinxian in such a short time.

With the cultivation methods and the way of enlightenment created by these human sages, and the Taoist scriptures personally compiled by the Supreme for humans to comprehend the great Dao, the cultivation of those who appeared in the human race in later generations advanced by leaps and bounds, and soon caught up with the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

In the Shi Hao tribe, besides Shi Hao, Shi Yi is the most powerful. He has double pupils in his eyes and is naturally strong and unparalleled. He is the second generation of the human race, but his talent is not inferior to that of the first generation of the human race, on the contrary, he is even stronger.

The method of self-transformation can also transform more than 20 people, which is second only to Shi Hao.

In theory, his Self-Transformation Technique can create endless selves, but that's only in theory. In fact, even Shi Hao, who created this technique, can only create fifty versions of himself.

Above the heaven.

"The human race actually has such magical powers. They are really talented." Fuxi looked at the human race below and couldn't help but sigh.

The period of ten thousand years has passed, and many saints know that there will be people who are ready to devour the human race, and there will definitely be people who can't help but take action.

Therefore, Fuxi and Nuwa were in the Wa Palace at this time, watching all this.

There are eighteen mirror images in front of the two, which correspond to the scenes of the eighteen tribes of the human race.

Among the eighteen tribes of the human race, only the ancestral land of the human race at the foot of Mount Buzhou is the only one where no saint dares to act arrogantly. Is this natural or because Mount Buzhou is the territory of the Sanqing Dynasty, and they do not dare to mess around, and in addition, the Suiren clan He is also in the realm of Hunyuan True Self, so he doesn't dare to attack him.

The human races in the remaining seventeen mirror images are all attacked by some coalition forces among the sacred and all races and spirits, and the Shi Hao clan is just one of them.

Some of those saints directly attacked and suffered heavy losses. Facing the huge power of the human race, they were wiped out instantly, shocking all living beings.

Some of them were like those saints who dealt with the Shi Hao tribe, luring snakes out of their holes, and then stealing their homes. However, what they encountered was that there were far more troops in the tribe than the troops who came out, and they were finally defeated by the human tribe. Kill them all and perish.

The same is true in the mirror image of Shi Hao's tribe. Those allied forces of gods and creatures were killed by the human race, and finally dissipated in the world. Some of the lucky ones who retained the true spirit were not exterminated by the human race, but Send them into reincarnation. If they dare to offend the human race again in the next life, they will be killed again.

However, after reincarnation, many living beings will almost not have much to do with the previous living beings. They all have new wills and new personalities. They are almost two living beings from the same life. The only difference is the true spirit. The spirit cannot be changed.

"The human race has millions of people, but it only lasts ten thousand years. The Suiren clan has reached the sky in one step and entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self. It is almost the same as the elder brother now. This shows how powerful the talent of the human race is, and it is not surprising to create such magical powers. Not too surprising.”

Nuwa said with a smile that although the human race always felt that it was created by a higher being with the help of her hands, it was still her creation after all. Now that the human race is so strong, she is naturally extremely happy.

Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race. The more powerful the human race is, the higher her luck will be. This is something that cannot be changed no matter how much changes occur. Even if the human race does not recognize Nuwa, she will still belong to the human race after all. Creator.

Therefore, regardless of whether the human race recognizes Nuwa or not, her destiny is destined to be shared by Nuwa.

So of course Nuwa hopes that the human race will be strong, and the stronger the better. Whether it is out of the need for luck or because she was created by herself, Nuwa is very happy to see the human race prosper.

Above the bright sun, in the Demon Palace.

Xi He looked at the scene in the mirror in front of him with concern, and said with some worry: "The human race's magical powers are so powerful. If someone in the realm of Hunyuan appears, wouldn't the Heavenly Court be invincible with this magical power?"

She was worried that when the human race became powerful enough, they would have a decisive battle with the demon race, and then Heaven might not be their opponent.

This kind of magical power is too buggy. He can separate himself from so many people with the same fighting power through the Dafa of Transformation. When Shi Hao reaches the Hunyuan realm, who will still be his opponent in the prehistoric times, so Xi He He said to Di Jun with some worry.

She didn’t want everything she had to be taken away by the human race. She also didn’t want Heaven to unify the wilderness. She just didn’t want the current Heaven to be destroyed. If Heaven was destroyed, then she, Di Jun and Taiyi would be destroyed. And where to go, wouldn't it also fall with the fall of heaven?

That's why Xihe was so worried. She was afraid, afraid that the strength of the human race would take away everything they had, including their own lives.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, the so-called Dafa of Self-transformation can only be used in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. To understand a trace of the true meaning of Hunyuan is to find a single true self in thousands of time and space, and finally condense it. How can the true self be separated again?”

"And let alone the realm of Hunyuan. Everyone who has achieved the supreme Hunyuan is unique in infinite time and space. It is impossible for such a clone to appear. At most, it is just a trace of Dharmakaya and a ray of incarnation. That’s all.”

"It's not that the magical power is limited, but that the Dao doesn't allow it. No matter how amazing and talented Shi Hao is, he can't use this method of self-transformation in the realm of Hunyuan. Even if he uses it forcefully, it will be nothing more than It’s just a matter of getting some clones that are not clones, and those clones cannot have Hunyuan combat power.”

"So, Xihe just needs to relax and raise the baby."

After hearing the words, Di Jun laughed and showed that warm smile, which shone in Xihe's eyes, making Xihe intoxicated.

"That's good, that's good..."

Only then did Xihe relax.

No wonder she thinks so much, it's really because she is pregnant now, and as a half-mother, she can't bear the thought of her child dying in the womb before she's even born.

For some reason, these ten children are still being gestated, absorbing the true fire of the sun and the charm of the sun every day, but after all, there is no sign of their birth.

Fortunately, neither Xi He nor Di Jun was very impatient, but Xi He was a little bit miserable. He could only stay above the sun every day, just like when he was conceived, and was not allowed to step out of the sun.

But fortunately, both Di Jun and Tai Yi often came to Da Ri to accompany her, so she didn't get too bored.

And every time Taiyi comes, there will be another Mrs. Yuanmu. Mrs. Yuanmu is truly inseparable. Xihe is a little envious of Mrs. Yuanmu. Although she has no status, in fact, no matter who she is, she is regarded as a thing. Huang Taiyi's wife.

Suddenly, Xihe said: "Husband, please see if we can get the second brother and Mrs. Yuanmu to get married, so as to save others from making irresponsible remarks. This way, the second brother can also have an heir..."

Before Xi He got married, he had never thought about having children, but it was different after getting pregnant. The feeling was completely different.

But what she said made Di Jun dumbfounded. It took him a long time to react and said: "This... is the second brother's matter after all. Although I am the eldest brother, it is not easy for me to interfere... …”

He feels that this kind of thing should be done by Taiyi himself. If Taiyi really likes it, it is not impossible to become a Taoist couple with Mrs. Yuanmu, but he is afraid that Taiyi won't want to, and how can he leave this kind of thing to himself? Pick it out.

What if Taiyi doesn’t want to become a Taoist couple with Mrs. Yuanmu, how embarrassing it will be then...

"It's not like you don't know what kind of temper the second brother is. Even if Mrs. Yuanmu made it clear, he still pretends to be like a pimple. Although the second brother is unparalleled in domineering and awe-inspiring all races and spirits, this way is like Like an ignorant boy, well, although it’s not nice to say this to the second brother, but that’s the fact..."

This was the first time Xi He said this about her second brother, and she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed for a moment. The second brother treated her so well, but she actually called him a brat...

"Hmm... I'll think about it..." Emperor Jun heard this, and it seemed to be the same. If he hadn't intervened, Taiyi's awe-inspiring Emperor Donghuang probably wouldn't have enlightened him after countless tribulations. …

Xihe nodded after hearing this, then smiled again and said, "Besides that, I have one more thing I want to tell you."

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