Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 243 Chang Xi is pregnant with the moon, Shi Hao is invincible

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Di Jun was interested after hearing this. The matter of Taiyi was not the most important. There was something else to come, which must be very important, so he asked with some curiosity.

"It's about sister Chang Xi." Xihe said a little embarrassedly, and her face turned red when she looked at Di Jun's face.

Chang Xi came here to accompany her, and happened to meet Fuxi on the way, so they went together and came here to visit the Queen of Heaven together.

This was also a very normal thing. After the three of them talked with each other for a long time, Fuxi saw that Chang Xi actually had a great cause and effect with Di Jun. Fuxi was practicing the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and he could even comprehend the Dao of Heaven and Earth, so he could naturally see through this layer.

Before Xihe was pregnant, there was no such great cause and effect, but it happened that now, there was such a cause and effect.

But whether it was Chang Xi or Di Jun, it seemed that they didn't know about this relationship.

Fuxi looked at Xihe again, not daring to say anything, hesitating to speak, but unwilling to hide it. Finally, Xihe saw it, so Fuxi told the story.

It turned out that Changxi and Dijun would also have a Taoist love affair, and ten moons would be born. This was planned by the way of heaven, that is, it was destined by heaven that there would be ten moons in the sky if there were ten suns in the sky.

Dijun and Xihe were both three-legged golden crows, so they would definitely not give birth to moons. Ten moons could only be born by Changxi or Wangshu, who were born in the moon.

As for why there were ten moons, it was because ten suns were already in the process of being conceived, so the moons were conceived this time.

After saying this, Xihe and Changxi's faces changed instantly. Changxi naturally asked if there was any way to break this layer of cause and effect, but Fuxi shook his head.

Xihe then let it go and accepted it instead.

Anyway, conceiving a child does not require sexual intercourse. If these innate saints want to conceive a child, they can give birth to one with a thought, or they can let Di Jun hand over a strand of blood essence to make Chang Xi pregnant.

Blood essence is the heart blood, the most precious blood in the body of all cultivators, and also the most powerful blood. It contains the essence of this creature.

"Chang Xi? What can happen to Chang Xi? Doesn't she stay in her own palace all day?" Di Jun asked curiously, quite puzzled.

In addition to practicing and enlightening in her own Xi Palace all day, Chang Xi enjoys the beautiful scenery in the Heavenly Palace, and visits Wangshu or Xihe from time to time. She rarely goes to other places. How could something happen?

Moreover, he saw Chang Xi not long ago. Although it was just a quick glance, he knew that the other party was fine.

"The way of heaven is perfect. Now that I have conceived ten golden crows that have transformed into the sun, there will naturally be ten lunar moons, and Chang Xi is the answer to this." Xihe repeated what Fuxi had said.

After hearing this, Di Jun's face changed drastically. He immediately understood what Xihe was talking about.

He was a being in the realm of Hunyuan. He had witnessed countless incidents in the endless time and space, and in those times and spaces, he married Chang Xi.

I thought it would not happen now, but Xihe knew about it from nowhere.

Immediately, Di Jun offered up the River Map and Luo Shu, and his divine power turned, and he understood everything in an instant. Then he smiled and said, "So that's how it is. Well, well, if you and Chang Xi don't mind, then I'll do my part."

There is indeed a cause and effect between him and Chang Xi, but the Hunyuan Realm is a place where cause and effect do not touch oneself, so in fact, nothing will happen if he does not do it, but it may implicate Chang Xi, but he will not ignore Xi He's feelings and give birth to a child with her because of Chang Xi's problem.

Although they did not have intercourse, nor did they use their essence, they only mobilized a trace of essence and blood to give it their charm, but in the end, they were born together.

Now, since Xi He doesn't mind, he has no worries.

"Thank you, my husband..." Xi He smiled with her eyes bent, so bright and brilliant.

It would be a lie to say that she didn't mind at all, but after all, there was not much contact, and it was nothing more than asking for some of Di Jun's essence and blood, which was nothing.

It will be fine if you let it go.

As soon as Di Jun thought about it, ten drops of heart blood came out, and his face turned pale instantly. The loss of this kind of blood essence is undoubtedly a great loss to him, not to mention ten drops at once.

These ten drops of heart blood contain infinite power. This is the heart blood of the supreme mixed primordial realm. It is impossible for ordinary beings to get it. Just one drop can kill the existence of the mixed primordial true self realm.

Not to mention those Daluo Jinxian, just a thought can have supreme magical powers to make countless beings below the mixed primordial realm fall. This is the supreme mixed primordial realm.

"Go!" Di Jun said softly, and the ten drops of heart blood crossed the infinite time and space and came to the Xihuang Palace in the thirty-sixth heaven of the heaven.

Chang Xi closed his eyes to practice and comprehend the great way, and did not know that this happened. Suddenly, ten drops of heart blood entered his abdomen and combined with his heart blood to turn into ten embryos, which were ten moons.

Instantly, Chang Xi's face changed, and then he smiled again, stood up and bowed to the sun, and then went to Taiyin.

Above the sun.

Di Jun waved his hand, and the mirror image disappeared. Chang Xi bowed to him, and he naturally saw it.

"This matter has been settled. Xihe, if you have anything else to say, why not tell me all at once!"

Di Jun said with a smile. Although his face was a little pale, it was still difficult to hide the warm smile on his face.

Xihe smiled and shook her head, leaning on Di Jun. This was already a very wonderful thing in her life.


"They are enjoying the romance here, while the human race is in dire straits..." Ye Xuan shook his head, touched his nose helplessly, and murmured.

"Well... but it's not in dire straits. Although some people died, they were basically beaten by the invading sacred and other small races..."

In the battle in the prehistoric world, there is no reason for no deaths. No matter how strong the human race is, they will still fall and die.

However, compared with the enemies they have killed, this loss can be almost negligible.

There are millions of Daluo in the human race, but only tens of thousands have fallen, while the Daluo of the sacred and the coalition forces have fallen more than hundreds of thousands!

This is the gap. However, the number of people can indeed kill the human race, but this is not something that the invading enemy forces can kill. If the myriad races in the prehistoric world really unite, there will be no fight.

In fact, only a very small part of them are united, and they have their own interests, not just to kill the human race.

The saints are even simpler. They just don't want to see a large race rise again in the prehistoric world, and it is a race that everyone can match them. As Daluo Jinxian, they were left far behind by the saints of the same era.

Now we have to see a mere acquired race, which is actually starting to surpass them in all aspects. So, many saints chose to unite. Of course, there are also many ideas similar to the previous Yin Lingzi, who want to rely on cannibalism to improve their own perception and their own avenue.


A golden light shines on the entire sky, where Shi Hao and others are surrounded.

And the extremely bright golden light is like the scenery of the strongest and eternal existence, but it disappears in the next moment.

That was the blow from Shi Hao, with golden light all over the sky, accompanied by the Dao rhyme of the invincible Dao, suppressing all the injustices in the heavens.

When I am Daluo, all Daluo creatures will bow down to me!

However, facing such a terrifying blow, those innate saints were actually frightened by his Dao and could not make an effective response. In a hurry, all kinds of Dao rhyme and magical powers flew in disorder.

This punch contained the meaning of invincibility and carried the power of annihilation.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, an extremely loud sound shook the entire sky.

Looking back, the dozens of innate saints who fought with Shi Hao were all defeated and fell. The remaining innate saints who had not fallen saw this and fled madly. The strongest human race had freed his hands. If they didn't run quickly, they would definitely fall in the end.

Then, countless saints were seen fleeing madly.

As soon as the gods fled, the rest of the Daluo Jinxian creatures also retreated, and the millions of creatures following them also fled. This battle of tens of thousands of Daluo fighting against 8,000 human Daluo ended in a whimper.

In this battle, the Shihao tribe did not lose many Daluo Jinxians, and the other side did not lose many Daluo Jinxians either. It was a good thing to be able to fight one against many in the same realm and remain undefeated, so why bother chasing the other side.

Afterwards, the creatures of the other side were scared by Shihao and did not dare to risk their lives.

They were originally a mob formed by some people. If they fought well, they could still push forward. If they fought to a stalemate, the morale of the army would definitely be shaken. If there were any bad signs, these life-saving gods would easily run away.

"A bunch of trash, with such a mentality, dare to come to trouble us!" Shihao's eyes were full of disdain, and he looked down on these so-called gods.

The slightly more powerful ones have already condensed their only true selves, and now they are also pursuing the realm of Dao Fruit, so why would they come here to cause trouble for them.

These so-called innate saints are just born a little earlier than their human race. If they were born so long ago, they would have entered the supreme primordial realm, and the throne of the Heavenly Emperor might still be occupied by the human race!

"Patriarch, do we need to remember these saints and those races that came to besiege our human race and attack them in the future?" Shi Yi came to Shi Hao and asked.

Unlike Shi Hao's arrogance and tyranny, Shi Yi is still proud and extremely disdainful of the saints of the heavens, but he has a sense of cruelty in his bones, just like those saints and creatures. Since they dare to come to destroy the Shi Hao tribe, they must pay the price of blood, otherwise other creatures will think that the human race is easy to bully?

"No, they are just a bunch of clowns. Although we have overcome the first difficulty, there may be more and more troubles in the future. We still have to develop cultivation as soon as possible and expand our territory. Those who obey will live, those who disobey will die, and those who do not obey or disobey will be expelled. There is no need to cause more trouble." Shi Hao said with his hands behind his back and shook his head slowly.

In his heart, the opponents have never been those Daluo Jinxians who rushed to the front, but the two races of witches and liches. The human race should be the protagonist of heaven and earth, and he, Shi Hao, naturally needs to contribute a part.

He either does not fight, or he fights to be the strongest.

Those so-called innate saints are just a bunch of weaklings. Since they have been left behind, there will never be a chance to surpass them again.

"Well, listen to the clan leader!" Shi Yi sighed with some regret. Although he wanted to kill all those saints in his heart, since Shi Hao had spoken, forget it.

Just don't let him meet them next time, otherwise, he must make them fall.

All the Daluo Jinxians who came to participate in this battle were remembered by Shi Yi. It was impossible to recognize them wrongly. As long as they met, there was nothing to say. Just kill them directly.

"Go back. There should be a lot of gains over there. There should be a lot of treasures left by these innate saints. It's just right to make up for the shortage of treasures of the human race. Although it's just a drop in the bucket, it's better than nothing." Shi Hao sighed and collected all the treasures of the fallen people scattered in the air.

In his opinion, the only benefit of those innate saints is this. After death, they can reveal the treasures accumulated for many years. These treasures are not fun things. They are all treasures accumulated by those innate saints for many years!

After so many years, no matter how miserable one is, he must have at least one innate spiritual treasure!

More innate saints may have several more, but those with more than ten have none. If they have so many innate spiritual treasures, they must be very powerful.

Killing people and stealing treasures are common in the prehistoric world. As the saying goes, it is a crime to possess a treasure.

"The human race has also gained a firm foothold in the prehistoric world. Next time I come to see it, I hope that the human race can give birth to more and stronger beings!"

Ye Xuan looked at the scene below with a smile on his face. For him, the human race is so strong, which is naturally a very happy thing. After all, he is also a human.

Although they are not the human race in this universe, they are still human after all. Otherwise, Ye Xuan would not have allowed the human race to continue to play the leading role in the world in the prehistoric times. After all, the two races of wizards and liches are so harmonious and powerful that there is no need to create trouble.

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