
Ye Xuan's mind flashed, and he left the prehistoric world and came to the universe where he was.

Dayang Star.

Ye Xuan's days on Dayang Star were boring. He just ate and waited for death all day long, waiting for the development and changes of the prehistoric world. His current world was in a period of strength explosion.

After each breakthrough, there will naturally be a period of strength explosion after a period of time, because after the upper limit in the world is broken, there will always be some geniuses who keep up with the progress and break through continuously.

And after each creature breaks through to the highest realm, the strength of the Creator God will almost increase by a large margin.

The more creatures that break through, the stronger the Creator God will be.

After all, the strength of the Creator God is equivalent to the unity of all creatures in the world. The more powerful creatures there are, the stronger the Creator God will be.

The highest realm in the prehistoric world today is naturally the fourth-order Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This realm is extremely terrifying and can be projected into all time and space in the heavens, but it still cannot escape the kingdom of God created by Ye Xuan.

This is not because Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is weak, but this so-called kingdom of God is actually an infinite universe. No matter how many time and space and universes there are in it, they are all included in the kingdom of God of Creation. This kingdom of God is an extremely large and highest name.

As we all know, there is no other way to materialize the creatures of the kingdom of God except with the help of the sixth-order Creator God.

Even if it is a sixth-order Creator God, it can only materialize a few creatures at most. It is difficult to materialize more, and the materialized creatures cannot return to the kingdom of God again.

Although the strength of the materialized creatures can also drive the strength of the Creator God to improve after the strength is improved, after all, they are in the same universe and starry sky, and it is hard to guarantee that this creature will not have any idea of ​​replacing the birth of the Creator God.

Therefore, materialization needs to be done with caution, and it is not necessarily good to materialize.

However, from the perspective of combat power alone, materialization is undoubtedly much better than non-materialization.

In the Great Sun Star, where there is no one but Ye Xuan.

The three thousand great ways surround Ye Xuan and wrap him up. If an outsider sees this, he will be surprised beyond words. This is because Ye Xuan's cultivation is not only powerful and unparalleled at this time, but more importantly, it is the three thousand great ways.

Everyone knows that there are three thousand great ways and countless great ways, and the three thousand origin great ways are the origin of everything, the end of everything and the starting point of everything. If you can get the favor of one great way and comprehend it, it is already a very difficult thing.

But at this time, Ye Xuan, who is only a fourth-level creation god, can actually be wrapped in three thousand great ways and comprehend three thousand great ways!

Not to mention the fourth-level creation god, even the fifth-level and sixth-level creation gods cannot comprehend so many great ways! What's more, Ye Xuan comprehended all the origin great ways!

Ordinary third-level creation gods can only master the laws, and if a fourth-level creation god can comprehend the avenue, it is already an extremely remarkable existence. But now Ye Xuan is surrounded by three thousand avenues, and there are endless avenues around the three thousand avenues that are constantly evolving and differentiating.

Waves of mysterious and impermanent breaths are ejected, and countless graceful breaths are born and annihilated from them.

Those endless avenues are the acquired avenues in the prehistoric world, not the three thousand origin avenues. Any creature who steps on the acquired avenue is considered to have comprehended the acquired avenue, and Ye Xuan can naturally master it.

Among these complex and endless acquired avenues, the sword is the most outstanding, but it is because there is a Tongtian in the prehistoric world, whose sword is superb and surpasses all the acquired avenues in the prehistoric world.

Which of those saints whose cultivation realm is stronger than Tongtian is not extremely powerful? Whether they are practicing the innate origin of the Great Dao as their main or secondary cultivation, how many innate saints, besides Tongtian, would look down on those so-called acquired Great Daos?

At this moment, Ye Xuan was immersed in the Great Dao, comprehending thousands of things. His cultivation strength was constantly transforming, and his body was constantly wriggling. Every time he wriggled, a kind of Great Dao was reabsorbed and comprehended by him and walked again.

After all, the Great Dao comprehension obtained from those creatures was not as profound as walking again by himself. Although they were also as easy as using one's arm, when fighting with the Creation God of the same combat power, the one with a deeper Great Dao comprehension would undoubtedly win.

Just like the three thousand Great Dao gods and demons in the chaos of the past, the cultivation and combat power between the Creation Gods and Demons and the Destruction Gods and Demons among the five supremes were almost the same, and they could only rely on the Great Dao comprehension to attack the enemy and win.

Now, Ye Xuan is doing this. Although he has never encountered a creator god or creature with the same combat power as himself, he does not want to be defeated by the other party if he encounters one.

And most importantly, Zhu Yuanzhang came to remind him not long ago that there might be a supreme being who would do something to him. Of course, if Zhu Yuanzhang, who is below the seventh level, can stop him, if the supreme being of the eighth level comes to the rescue, then he will definitely die.

Although he said so, Ye Xuan did not want to really hand his life over to others. Even if Zhu Yuanzhang really died to protect him, he would not be able to protect him if he met an eighth-level being, or a seventh-level creator god.

But Ye Xuan still wanted to reach a higher realm as soon as possible. When he really reached the seventh-level Creation God, he would not be able to sweep away the seventh-level invincible opponents, but at least he would not be killed by the seventh-level Creation God.

At that time, he would not be too afraid of the eighth-level existence. As long as the eighth-level existence really wanted to attack him and let him escape, he would definitely seek help from other existences. After his cultivation, he could directly turn back and kill the eighth-level existence.

As for whether the other party was the guardian god of the Great Xia Kingdom, it had nothing to do with him. If he had a grudge against him and wanted to kill him, how could Ye Xuan let him go?

What's more, after killing the other party, the Great Xia Kingdom would not be without a guardian god.

Time passed continuously. As time passed, the avenues surrounding Ye Xuan became fewer and fewer, starting from the three thousand origin avenues and slowly swallowing them up, and finally reaching the endless acquired avenues.

In a flash, I don't know how many days have passed.

Ye Xuan's body was shining like the stars in the sky. Rays of light radiated from his body, not far away, but extremely bright. Being in the Great Sun Star, the extremely dazzling starlight was not as bright as the rays of light in Ye Xuan's body.

These rays of light were the great ways, colliding with each other, confirming each other, and merging with each other.

After an unknown period of time, in this extremely dazzling light, a dark appeared, and then infinite darkness emerged.

A trace of darkness enveloped the entire Ye Xuan. The extreme black made it impossible to see Ye Xuan's body with the eyes. The darkness was still expanding and shining.

Finally, it turned into one black curtain after another, covering the entire small galaxy.


"What's going on?! Why did the Dao Yun suddenly spread throughout the galaxy?!"

The face of a creator god changed drastically. He had never seen such a scene before, and today was the first time he saw it.

These stars will not go out suddenly. There must be something that shields and covers the entire galaxy. Thinking of this, the face of the Creator God changed drastically, and his body trembled faintly.

Those who can do this must be extremely powerful.

It is very simple to explode a star. Any first-level Creator God can do it. Not to mention exploding a star, even exploding this small galaxy is not a problem. However, if you want to cover this small galaxy with just the Dao rhyme, this is not something that an ordinary Creator God can do.

This requires a deep understanding of one's own Dao, and everyone who has realized the existence of Dao Yun, and it is so deep, is at least at the level of a fourth-level Creator God...

"Is this darkness? No! This is not darkness! This is Dao Yun! This is an extremely terrifying Dao Yun, and the extremely powerful Dao Yun has completely suppressed the entire galaxy, making the stars unable to emit light, and making all the creatures in the sky tremble!"

"Could it be that existence?!"

"Which existence?"

"Is there another existence in this galaxy?! The adult who suppressed this place not long ago, who is located on the Sun Star!"

A Creator God replied.

"Hiss!!! Are you talking about that person? It's really possible..."

I don't know how many Creator Gods and creatures are discussing everywhere, all about the spread of darkness this time.


Boom boom! ! !

One after another, roars exploded from the universe.

Crack! ! !

As the roars came one after another, the originally beautiful and infinite universe began to shine again. After each roar, a piece of starry sky was shining.


Finally, the figure in the center of the darkness was revealed with the last loud roar.

Ye Xuan slowly stood up and looked at the familiar starry sky. He always felt that there was something different. He couldn't tell, but he could only feel it slightly.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he clenched his fist lightly.


A blast exploded from the center of his fist.

"My strength has doubled again..." Ye Xuan muttered to himself, feeling the huge power in his body. He felt that he was much stronger than before, more than doubled.

Ye Xuan was in the starry sky, realizing the Tao, absorbing the Tao, and nurturing the Tao again. After completing these three steps, all the great ways he mastered instantly ascended and his strength soared.

Although the realm is still the same, the cultivation is completely different, not to mention the combat power.

Not all creator gods can achieve this effect. The reason why Ye Xuan can achieve this effect is that he is very special and has mastered three thousand great ways.

He just clenched his fist casually now. He has not used any Dao rhyme yet, but he can feel the extremely powerful Dao in his body. This was impossible before. If you want to use the power of the Dao, you must use Dao rhyme.

To be precise, Dao rhyme is a manifestation of the power of the Dao. It is not because you can use the Dao rhyme to use the power of the Dao, but because using the power of the Dao will manifest Dao rhyme.

But now, Ye Xuan will not manifest Dao rhyme even when he uses the power of the Dao. This will give the opponent a feeling that this punch is ordinary and does not contain the power of the Dao, so he will underestimate the enemy.

In addition, in Ye Xuan's body, every organ, every flesh and blood, and even every hair, there are many Daos.

Transformation is never just an improvement in strength, it is a complete sublimation from a certain level.

Ye Xuan is like this now, he is already invincible among the entire fourth-level creation gods.

"From now on, my opponent will no longer be at the fourth level, but at the fifth level..." Ye Xuan's eyes revealed a glint of light, which flashed out and hit an unknown person. On the planet, it completely destroyed the planet and erupted into a burst of brilliant and dazzling light, disappearing into the universe.

Now Ye Xuan can defeat the fourth-level God of Creation with one punch, and he relies purely on his own physical strength for every move, without having to specially mobilize the power of the avenue.

"Congratulations to all the students who heard this voice. You are all the most outstanding students in each star field. Congratulations on your successful entry into the national competition. The national competition and the star field competition are completely different.

Everything is different from the hosting mode to the contestants. First, let’s talk about the mode.

This time, the battle for the divine domain is adopted. There is a place called the divine domain, which contains infinite space. More than 300,000 students will fight in it. Each student will get the first piece of territory, and there are no owners in it. Land, but there will be monsters in the Borderless Land as guarding spirits. By killing the monsters, you can take over their territory.

After all the student's territories are taken away, they will be automatically eliminated. This time, the test is not only about individual combat prowess, but also a comprehensive assessment of various aspects such as alliances.

In addition to many students from Daxia, the contestants also include international students from other countries. These international students are very strong. I hope that it is not these international students who will win the championship in the end. "

After saying that, the voice disappeared, and the man didn't even introduce himself.

"Whose voice is this..." Ye Xuan frowned. Anyone who can be responsible for hosting the national competition is definitely not an ordinary person. The people in the Star Field Competition are all sixth-level creation gods, so this time he must be at least a sixth-level one. Become the God of Creation.

"It should be one of the deans of the five major colleges. If this is not Zhu Yuanzhang's voice, it should be one of the other four..." Ye Xuan thought this way.

As for those contents, he naturally didn't take it to heart. Whether it was the so-called model or the so-called international students, just come over. If he frowned, then he was not Ye Xuan.

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