International students are actually not those students who study in Daxia Kingdom High School, but are in Daxia Kingdom, but they are trained in their own national specialized colleges. Some of them have always been in their own country and are only in universities. When I was young, I went to Daxia Kingdom to conduct PK exclusively.

On the one hand, this is actually to explore the strength of Daxia's students. As for Daxia, they also use these to see how students from other countries are, and they do not refuse.

In addition, there is also a kind of pressure on them, which can make them progress faster. In addition, they can better cultivate their patriotic feelings in the God's Domain. After all, there are those international students here, which can naturally stimulate them. These students from Daxia Kingdom banded together to destroy each other.

But the other party is obviously not a second-rate person, and will naturally form a group, and maybe even seduce Daxia students to form an alliance.

In general, God's Domain is no longer like the one-on-one fair duel before, but a more realistic battle. This is also the fact. No one will tell you about one-on-one duels and how to kill the opponent alone. Then just kill alone. If you can't kill alone, just fight in groups. Anyway, you just want to find a way to kill the opponent. There are so many one-on-one things.

Therefore, the national competition is to better train them to go into society.

Ye Xuan obviously doesn't care about these. He also stayed in Rongdi Kingdom for a period of time. During this period, Ye Xuan also learned a lot. Although he was the first to snatch the mineral veins, he also faced I have dealt with many things, more than a dozen times.

This is the benefit of being strong to a certain extent. When a person's strength reaches a certain level, if the opponent's strength does not reach the same level, it will take an unknown number of people to kill him.

On top of a huge projection, some figures appeared above the projection.

"This is..." An old man frowned slightly and looked at the figure in the projection, wondering why he suddenly let them go.

"This is a student from the West Eight Kingdoms, and he is also the leader of the international students from the West Eight Kingdoms this time." An old man replied.

"That's it?" The old man frowned again.

What are their identities? Those on the other side are just students from other provinces. No matter how outstanding they are, so what? Do you have seventh level strength? It’s no big deal!

Yes, these two old men are both deans of the five major colleges. The old man who frowned earlier is Ji Chang, the dean of Dazhou College, and the other old man is Liu Bang, the dean of Dahan College.

In addition to these two people, there are three people around. It is naturally no small matter to bring the five of them together again.

This gathering was also convened by Liu Bang for these international students.

"The international students this time are different from the usual ones. A large number of talents suddenly emerged from various countries for some unknown reason. Each of these international students who came to participate in the national competition is a strong player, no worse than the top players here. , especially the leaders of each country, are ridiculously better than the students at the same level.”

Liu Bang also frowned slightly and said strangely.

He was really surprised. Although the international students in previous years were the best students from each country and could naturally defeat most of the students of the same level in Daxia, there were still many students above those international students. able to suppress them.

But the strange thing is that something different from usual happened this year. Each of those international students can compete with the best students in Daxia Kingdom.

But it happened that Daxia Kingdom this year was also a period of genius explosion. Such a huge leap suddenly made Liu Bang start to doubt something.

It's not that I doubt whether the other party is from this year, there is no need for this, but I just don't know how the other party does it. If I really want to say that it is because of the same talent as Ye Xuan, I won't believe it if I beat Liu Bang to death.

If one person can really say this, if there are a lot of them, or if there are so many small countries such as Xiba Kingdom, Fusang Kingdom, Monkey Kingdom, etc., Liu Bang will not believe it, so he will speak out.


Ji Chang became a little curious after hearing this, and quickly looked over. As soon as he looked over, he saw that, as Liu Bang said, each of the ten international students in Xiaoxiba was extremely powerful, especially the leader. It seems that there are few students of this level in Daxia Kingdom.

Suddenly, his brows also wrinkled.

"Why is it like this?" Li Yuan also frowned. He didn't see anything weird among these students, as if these people were born like this.

But Li Yuan doesn't believe this either. Daxia Kingdom, which owns nearly one-third of the Creation Continent, and 800 extraterrestrial star regions, can only produce a few such geniuses from so many people, but Xiao Xiba's What kind of waste country is this?

A country that can't even reach the Creation Continent. Among the three thousand star fields, only one star field is left for them to live out of humanitarianism. Such a useless country still claims that it is a big country in the universe and paints the universe. Our own country accounts for more than half of the Star Map. The five major countries in the Creation Continent combined can barely compete with them. It is too strong.

As for Xiao Fusang, he is stronger, but his strength is limited. He has changed from one star field to ten star fields. However, Xiao Fusang has always positioned himself correctly. He has always been humble and polite, but the ambition in his eyes is so bright. Everyone on the street knows what the plans are in these people's minds, but it doesn't matter. As long as they are strong, they will never cause any trouble.

The key is that Xiao Xiba is too disgusting, his strength is not good, and his mouth is so annoying.

"These ten foreign students are all creatures from myths and legends condensed in the kingdom of God. It is indeed extremely difficult to reach this point in the third level. But fortunately, these students have not reached the fourth level. Facing Ye Xuan will still be swept away." Ying Ji nodded, looking through countless spaces into the divine kingdom of those foreign students.

Everything under their gaze is actually no secret.

Looking at the students of this class across the country, there are not many people who have stepped into the fourth-level Creator God. If these people were placed in the usual place, they would definitely be the first, but in this year During the period, this was not the case.

Ye Xuan was the first to step into the fourth-level Creation God. He was the first among all the students in this class to step into it. After a period of time, although there were still a few new ones who followed, but Among all the students in this class across the country, there are still very few fourth-level creation gods.

It can be said that these creation gods are all condensed creatures from myths and legends. Even if you are not a genius, you will not be able to step into the fourth level of creation gods in this year.

"In a time of great strife, it is normal for a few geniuses to appear in those small countries. With Ye Xuan there, all the students in this class will be suppressed by him. The throne of the champion is also stable and cannot be defeated by those foreigners. Take it.

As for these foreigners, no matter whether it is due to years of accumulation or something happened, if they really dare to use their hands and feet, I will directly lead people to destroy them! "

Zhu Yuanzhang said domineeringly, and a sense of domineering spread.

Those small countries actually do not have eighth-level creation gods. Only the five major countries have them. Otherwise, the five major countries will not become the five major countries. It would be good if the highest combat power among those small countries can reach seventh level. Some small countries even only have six levels.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang's words are not just casual remarks. He is really capable of doing this.

As for the so-called bullshit that the five major countries jointly stipulated that they are not allowed to destroy the country, it is still the same sentence. If the strength is extremely strong, if Xiao Xiba is really destroyed, what can the other five major countries say?

Do you really want to fight to the death for a mere Xiao Xiba? impossible!

Although the championship is stable, the other rankings are not. It would be extremely shameful if the second and third places were taken by international students.

But fortunately, there are still a few students from Daxia who have reached the fourth level, which means they have locked in the top rankings.

"Indeed, what Lao Zhu said makes sense." Ying Ji nodded and said.

"Liu Bang, you won't come to us just because of such a stupid thing, right? To say the least, they are really geniuses, but so what? They are just a group of third-level ants. For such a group of ants, everyone's time is wasted. Time?" Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Liu Bang with a sidelong glance.

It's not that he looks down on those so-called geniuses. Even if those geniuses are really super geniuses, as long as they don't reach the outrageous level of Ye Xuan, then he won't take it to heart.

Who was not a genius back then? Only a genius could reach the seventh level of the Creation God and stand at the top of the Great Xia Kingdom?

Therefore, the so-called genius is just a joke.

As soon as Zhu Yuanzhang said these words, Ying Ji, Ji Chang, and Li Yuan all looked at Liu Bang. It is true that it is outrageous that these small countries can have such geniuses, but the question is, what does it have to do with them?

They are just some so-called geniuses, and they are not that outrageous. There is no need to pay attention to them, let alone do it with such great fanfare.

"This..." Liu Bang was speechless for a moment, as if he was indeed making a fuss out of a molehill...

This should be because he was stimulated by Ye Xuan, thinking that those people might grow up like Ye Xuan and side by side with them, so he wanted to gather everyone and let the people below kill them.

If they really want to kill those geniuses, they have countless methods at their disposal.

Directly control a creation god who is fighting against him, and then erase everything about that genius. This is simple and direct, and there is no trace. Even the controlled student will think that it is really his own hand. He kills what he kills without thinking about what else is there.

"If nothing happens, don't call us again. Seeing how scared you are, you are really getting better and better." Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head disdainfully and smiled contemptuously.

In his opinion, although this matter was strange, it was not a big deal. Even if there was someone behind the other party, it was impossible to do anything to them.

After saying that, Zhu Yuanzhang flashed and disappeared here.

"Mr. Park, you have to believe in my abilities. Those mere Daxia people can't stop me!" A middle-parted boy wearing a Xiba uniform looked at the boy next to him and said.

These are all the little Xiba people from the Xiba Kingdom. All of them are dressed like humans and dogs, and they look very handsome.

There are ten young men in total, nine of them are wearing Xiba uniforms, and the other one is the most noble and powerful, the so-called Mr. Park. Mr. Park is not wearing Xiba uniforms, but a suit.

In the Western Eight Kingdoms, you are naturally free to dress. You can wear whatever you want during normal times, but it is different when you are on a mission. In order to show the strength of their country, these people also wear Xiba uniforms, and The most distinguished one wears a suit.

Park Zhengtai is the leader of this operation and the most powerful among these ten teenagers.

"I have a creature manifested by the strongest sun god in Xiba. Although I cannot completely control this creature, it is definitely enough to defeat the so-called geniuses of Daxia."

After hearing what Cui Xi said, Park Zhengtai nodded slightly and said arrogantly: "The Great Xia Kingdom should have fallen long ago. I have seen many of their champions in the star field competition, and all of them are vulnerable. According to me There is no need to unite with other countries, just rely on us to push Daxia to an even level!"

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Park said makes sense. Our Eight Great Western Kingdoms have been silent for so long. If it weren't for the cosmic covenant that prevents us from attacking other countries wantonly, we would have wiped them all out long ago. What a bullshit Great Xia Kingdom would have been gone!" "On one side, another boy from Xiba Kingdom, Xiao Xiba, shouted there.

"Especially the so-called Chinese Star Territory, which is among the top ten in the Great Xia Star Territory. The champion there is actually a place that is not even the size of a palm in the world, and there are no living creatures in it. I have to say that after so many years, the Great Xia Kingdom is still You like to play with things like background so much!" Cui Xi said proudly, obviously disdainful of these so-called geniuses of Great Xia.

When they came, they used special means to explore the kingdoms of many of the winners of the Star Territory Competition. Since the Chinese Star Territory was so powerful, they would not miss them, but they discovered that the so-called winners of the Chinese Star Territory were The Kingdom of God is actually a person who wins by relying on his background.

The scope of that person's kingdom was so small that it couldn't even accommodate a powerful creature in their kingdom, and there weren't any creatures, so he looked down on Daxia Kingdom even more.

This is actually the disguise of Ye Xuan's world, a back-up left by Zhu Yuanzhang. Different people will look different when they see Ye Xuan's world.

Those who are arrogant and arrogant in their hearts naturally see Ye Xuan's world as extremely weak.

And if you are cautious and subtle in your heart, you can see a trace of power in Ye Xuan Divine Kingdom, but it is not too outrageous, it is just the kind of power that is stronger than ordinary people.

Because sometimes the so-called top secrets will only harm Ye Xuan. After all, if many people see Ye Xuan's top secrets and are unable to investigate, they will have many evil thoughts.

When Park Zhengtai heard this, he looked at Trish as if he was looking at a fool. He felt that this guy was teasing him.

For such a large star field competition champion, this area is larger than the entire Western Eight Kingdoms. Are you telling me that this person is a waste? By background?

Immediately, Park Zhengtai felt that this kid was stupid, and quickly used the special equipment to start investigating.

Not long after.

"So that's it! Very strong! But not enough! Far from enough!"

Park Zhengtai's mouth showed a strange arc, and he was quite happy in his heart. If even the champion of the Chinese Star Territory is only at this level, then the Great Xia Kingdom is really nothing more than this.

"Mr. Park? What did you say?" Trish asked in confusion after hearing this.

I don’t know why Park Jung Tai looked at him like that just now, and then said these words.

"You idiot! Idiot! How could the top ten divine kingdoms in the Chinese Star Territory be so weak?! You were deceived by the illusion! Just now I took a look and found that his divine kingdom is very strong! But compared to me, it is still It's a lot different! But it's almost the same as you. If you meet him alone, remember not to fight with him!" Park Zhengtai cursed at Trish, and then warned him again.

After entering the God's Realm, those who wanted to be together were not the ones who would be randomly assigned and disrupted, so they were warned like this.

However, even though they are scattered, they can develop better, making friends from far away and attacking closely, gradually encroaching on the opponent's territory.

"Yes! Sorry!" Although Trish was scolded, she didn't have any temper at all. After lowering her head along with the others, she apologized again.

"After entering the God's Domain, don't rush to find the other powerful Creator God to fight in a duel, but develop your own territory as much as possible, and don't be robbed! Also, move closer to yourself as soon as possible Our allies will develop and form a line, whether they are from the rest of us or from other countries, as long as they are not from Daxia, they are our allies, remember?"

Although Park Zhengtai's words were not loud, they were extremely intense and his tone was very aggressive.

This may be a characteristic of Xiao Xiba...


The other nine young men all bowed their heads in agreement and spoke with straight bodies.

the other side.

"The Great Xia Kingdom is still so powerful..." A young man wearing a Fuso suit couldn't help but sigh after seeing the world of the champions of the star field competition.

The leader was a young man holding a knife, also wearing a Fuso suit.

The ten people in this group all wore their own country's Fuso costumes. At this time, they knelt together and began to discuss with each other.

"The Great Xia Kingdom is so powerful, but fortunately we have the protection of Amaterasu and were born with this talent. This time, we are not much worse than them. But we must not take it lightly. The Great Xia Kingdom has been strong for who knows how many years. We must not be as rampant as Xiao Xiba. Do you understand?"

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