Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 246 Entering the Divine Realm, Live Broadcast Nationwide

The young man holding the knife had a stern look on his face. The slender knife was inserted into the scabbard and placed on his thigh. He asked in a deep voice. His eyes scanned the people present like an eagle's eye, making them afraid to raise their heads and look directly.


The other nine people bowed their heads and said.

At the same time, an unknown number of foreign students were sharpening their knives and began to discuss various countermeasures. As for the alliance between the two sides, no one specifically mentioned it, because by default they were in the same group and were talking about Daxia. They won't start until the students from the country have finished it.

As for the so-called first and second, that is not important. What is important is that the first and second are not from the Daxia Kingdom. At least the first cannot be from the Daxia Kingdom. As long as they achieve this, it will undoubtedly be a success. It doesn't matter whether you are from your own country or not.

Of course, it would be best if someone from your own country wins in the end, but if not, it doesn’t matter, it’s not very important. What’s important is that in the national competition of Daxia Country, we snatched the championship that originally belonged to Daxia Country. This is their real purpose.

If you really achieve this, you will definitely be rich and glorious after returning to your country. I don’t know how many treasures you will get.

"It's almost time..."

Ye Xuan muttered, it was almost time to leave the Divine Realm.

The national competition is just a matter of these two days. This time, the national competition will naturally reward countless divine sources. These things are extremely needed in the eyes of anyone, naturally including Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan naturally couldn't help but want to participate. Not to mention what the final reward would be, at least those divine sources and the like would definitely not have to run away.

And the daily consumption of the divine source to maintain the Kingdom of God is a large amount. If it is not maintained, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Kingdom of God will become thinner and thinner, and eventually there will be fewer and fewer enlightened people. To the point that it was no longer possible to even see for a long time, and finally entered the Age of Ending Dharma, and no new first-level creatures were born. Finally, the universe died. I don’t know how many years passed until the Kingdom of God was completely dead, and there was no new life. Except for those Except for the creatures who have successfully achieved enlightenment early, everything will eventually be reduced to ruins.

Therefore, divine source is a material that every creation god needs.

At least if you want the divine source to become stronger, it is an indispensable resource.

The more Divine Source is charged and the more Divine Kingdom absorbs, the stronger the foundation of Divine Kingdom will be, the stronger the creatures of Divine Kingdom will be, and then the stronger the Creation God will be. This is a cycle.

Of course, this also depends on the potential of the divine kingdom. For some rubbish divine kingdoms, even if one trillion divine sources are charged into it, it will have no effect because it cannot be absorbed at all and can only be charged in vain.

But a chaotic world like Ye Xuan's is completely different. It has unlimited potential. With the existence of three thousand avenues, a complete divine kingdom will be constructed, and all avenues will be nurtured in it. The potential of such a world is endless, regardless of No matter how many divine sources there are, the chaotic world can absorb them.

But this does not mean that Ye Xuan can be invincible if he can fill it up at once. It takes time to absorb it. It is not just a matter of filling it in all at once. Otherwise, there will not be these so-called genius selections. As long as those high-ranking creation gods can If they specifically select peerless geniuses and then feed the divine source all at once, wouldn't they be directly invincible?

These divine sources also need enough time to be absorbed. Absorbing too much at once will only backfire.

After a while, a ticket appeared out of thin air in front of Ye Xuan.

This ticket is a ticket to the divine realm. Only with the certification of this ticket can you pass through the gate of the divine realm and enter the divine realm.

The Divine Realm is somewhat similar to the Star Realm Challenge in that there is no need to actually go to a place to wait. Entering the Divine Realm only requires a thought, and naturally a space channel will appear in front of you. Step into it and you will be able to The body spans infinite time and space and reaches directly into the divine realm.

"Such a powerful law of space, the ability to transport objects through the void. This is a method only available to high-level creation gods." Ye Xuan sighed rather. Although he also understood the avenue of space, he could not do such a thing at all. Come.

Ye Xuan can teleport himself in the void and can span the distance of infinite space, but the prerequisite is that he needs a coordinate point to prevent himself from getting lost.

The creation god who displayed this magical power in front of him must be extremely powerful. Just like Zhu Yuanzhang who suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhu Yuanzhang did not have his coordinate point, but he could still reach him across the infinite sea of ​​stars with a single thought.

But Ye Xuan couldn't do it, and he couldn't move objects through the void.

In the universe, the higher the level of the Creator God, the greater the authority, and the smaller the constraints of reality on it. With the same understanding of strength, a move performed by the fifth-level Creator God is to Much stronger than the fourth-level Creation God.

Ye Xuan sometimes wondered whether the universe he was in was also someone else's kingdom.

Because the development history is very similar, after a period of development, from a mortal to a first-level creature, this is a rapid progress, and very little time is used. This is the case after the discovery of the divine source.

And if this is true, then the most powerful person in the universe where Ye Xuan is is only the eighth-level Creator God. Does this mean that if it is true, that existence is only the eighth-level...

But this idea was quickly forgotten by him, because there was no need to worry about this. Whether it was really the case would only be known after he reached the top.

Before becoming the strongest in the universe, it is impossible to comprehend this universe.

What exactly is the source of God, why can it bring this system of the God of Creation to mankind, and why those monsters are so powerful without relying on the source of God, these questions have appeared in Ye Xuan's mind.

But it just appeared, and he didn't go into it in detail, nor did he really think about it. Thinking too much would only add troubles and there would be no benefit at all.

Then, Ye Xuan reached out and picked up the ticket.

Suddenly, another voice came.

"Excuse me, do you want to bind it? After binding, the ticket will disappear. Until the winner is decided, you can enter the battlefield of the God Realm anytime and anywhere."

"Of course!"

Ye Xuan smiled slightly and said softly.

After Ye Xuan confirmed, a ray of light flashed and enveloped Ye Xuan, and the ticket disappeared.

After binding, another voice appeared.

"Please enter the God's Domain within three days, and you will get a piece of territory after entering. Students who fail to enter the God's Domain within three days will be automatically deemed to have given up the competition."

These two voices are the voices of the same person, and they are also set. As long as the host picks up the ticket, the first voice will be triggered, and the second voice will appear after the host binds.

"Within three days... That means you can enter it anytime and anywhere within three days, which means that the first person to enter actually has an advantage, because there are many unowned lands in it, which can be conquered and occupied first, and if you want to occupy each piece of territory with other territories, you need to link them piece by piece, and you can't directly insert them..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself, and after he absorbed the ticket, many of the rules in it were understood accordingly.

It's very simple, this God's Domain War is just like a chess game.

And it's the kind that must be occupied one by one, and if you want to occupy the unowned land, you need to deal with the monsters on the unowned land.

As for the creatures in addition to the monsters, you can also use the creatures in your own kingdom to guard. Of course, you can also guard it yourself, but if you are defeated and captured by the opponent, it is equivalent to losing the game.

It’s okay if you fail in your own expedition, as long as you can run away, but if you are caught, it’s another matter. You can just draw the ticket and throw it out, which is equivalent to automatic elimination.

It has to be said that this divine domain is very much like a game, but it is possible to die in this game, because this time it is not a projection of divine thoughts and the kingdom of God, but a real collision of real bodies.

Although the divine domain is not the real space in this universe, it can really make people fall.

"Enter the divine domain!"

Ye Xuan's mind moved, silently triggering the mysterious power contained in the ticket in his body, which is the power of space, something like a trigger.

Buzz! !

Suddenly, the space in front of Ye Xuan twisted, forming something similar to a black hole, and a space-time channel appeared from it.

There is something terrifying and desirable in it, as if there is a great opportunity and a great fear in it.

In an instant, a gate appeared, with an extremely mysterious inscription on the gate. It was carved by a high-level God of Creation. The runes were actually the manifestation of the power of the Great Dao.

Ye Xuan looked at the gate that was so close, and the Great Dao of Space in his body was faintly vibrating. Ye Xuan memorized all the runes in the gate in his heart. In an instant, the Great Dao of Space was improved again.

Then, Ye Xuan pointed out, and the gate opened wide. A force of attraction appeared, and he took a step out and stepped into the gate.


The next moment, the gate disappeared into the stars of the universe together with Ye Xuan, as if they had never appeared.

Creation Continent, Da Zhou College.

"Students have begun to enter the God's Domain one after another, and it's time to start the national live broadcast." Ji Chang said to Bo Yikao, the vice president and teacher of the admissions office, who was standing beside him.

Although the five colleges are nominally of the same level, in actual political significance, Da Zhou College is the one with the highest status and is also crowned as the leader of the five colleges.

This is why some things are directly handed over to the dean of Da Zhou College for control. Most of the students from Da Zhou College have entered government agencies at all levels. It can be said that there are students and former officials all over the world.


Bo Yikao nodded, then moved twice, issued a series of instructions, and started the national live broadcast of the God Realm War, that is, the national competition.

The reason for starting the national live broadcast is also to set off the atmosphere, and in addition, it is also necessary to be fair. Whether there is any trick in the national live broadcast, it is not possible to say that there is any trick under everyone's nose.

Moreover, this national live broadcast is directly from the capital to ordinary counties, which can be said to truly cover the entire country.

In addition to this national live broadcast from the projection, there is actually a live broadcast in the God Realm.

The divine domain is just a small area in the outside world, but there is a huge space inside the divine domain. This is a common method and there is nothing special about it.

And the surrounding of the God's Domain was covered and shielded by the Great Xia Kingdom, and then a viewing platform was built.

The viewing platform also has infinite superposition space. Although from the outside world, the site of this national competition is just the size of an ordinary gymnasium, but in fact, when you walk into it, you will find that the seats here are endless. No matter how you sit or how many people sit, it will not be full.

And there is no need to pay for tickets to enter and watch. As long as you want to watch it, you can come, so every session of the God's Domain War will have many people watching it.

The ticket money is just to limit the number of people. When there is no need to limit the number of people, there is no need to charge fees.

The viewing platform is not luxuriously decorated, just a seat, and there is no walking passage. As long as you enter it, you will automatically get a seat randomly.

At this time, there are countless people sitting in the God's Domain viewing platform in the capital of the Creation Continent. Most of these people are freshmen, and then people from all walks of life.

Although the national competition does not represent the highest combat power of all students in Daxia, it does represent the highest combat power of students in this session of Daxia.

It is also the most anticipated competition of all competitions in Daxia. Only this competition can make all people in the country watch this competition.

There are hundreds of Tianjiao participating in the competition in various star regions, which means more than 80,000 people. Students in other star regions cannot participate in this competition. If they want to participate, they can only participate in the competition of the country in their star region as international students.

So there are more than 200,000 people less. Even if some international students from various countries are added, there are only more than 80,000 people.

This also represents the collision between the strongest combat power and the strongest genius of this session. The reason why a star region has hundreds of students participating is to have a better opportunity to form an alliance in this divine domain.

Although the battle of the God's Domain is theoretically a battle between individuals, due to the unique competition rules, it actually tests the ability of groups. Students in the same star field will subconsciously seek the support of their own strongest person. Since they cannot win the championship, becoming the champion together with the strongest person can also be regarded as winning glory for their hometown star field.

This is why the number of participants in the national competition is relaxed to the top 100 in the star field, in order to make this competition more interesting. Otherwise, the top three players in each star field will be enough to participate. After all, the gap between the top three may be a little small, which may be a possibility of not performing well, but it is not so big that the top 100 will have a small gap with the top three.

Now the prehistoric world has become extremely powerful as Ye Xuan poured the power of the source of God into it again last time.

The overall pattern of the prehistoric world has completely changed. After several Yuanhui developments, the human race has directly changed from barely standing firm in the prehistoric world to the strongest race except for the three races of witch, lich and dragon.

That is to say, it became the fourth largest race. The human race also seized a lot of territory from the witch clan, and the witch clan did not engage in large-scale conflicts with the human race. They were all disputes over territory and minor frictions.

The intention of the witch clan is to take care of the entire prehistoric world, maintain the safety of the prehistoric world, and prevent those sacred beings from doing whatever they want and wreaking havoc on the prehistoric world. As for the territory, it is less.

Only by giving in can we avoid greater conflicts. After all, it is normal for the human race, as a new race, to want to expand its territory.

After all, the Kunlun Mountains where Mount Buzhou is located is the place of the innate sacred beings, so the human race did not expand madly here, but began to expand in the distance.

And the Three Pure Ones in Mount Buzhou, Taishang, also successfully established a human sect among the human race, relying on a trace of merit to lead to the merit of opening the sky and directly enter the realm of supreme primordial chaos.

Yuanshi Tianzun also finally entered the realm of primordial true self. He only needed to establish the sect he wanted, so that he could lead to the merit of opening the sky and directly enter the realm of supreme primordial chaos.

Apart from Yuanshi, the Three Purities can also be regarded as having achieved the Dao Fruit, and can be regarded as the most powerful force among the scattered cultivators.

Let alone the demon race, relying on the location of the Heavenly Court, their luck is getting stronger and stronger day by day, and the Emperor Di Jun shines on the heavens and the worlds. As long as there is the incarnation of the sun, Di Jun will not fall.

If you want to kill Di Jun, you have to wipe out all the stars in the sky with the thoughts of the sun, and you have to wipe out Di Jun and the stars in the endless time and space. This is obviously something that no creature can do.

And now the human race has more than 300 cultivators in the Hunyuan True Self realm, but no one has successfully entered the Hunyuan Dao Fruit realm.

This is also the real reason why the human race has not entered the level of standing on equal footing with the three major races. The demon race has the Emperor Di Jun, the Queen Xihe, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the four demon kings, and the ten demon commanders who have all entered the Hunyuan Dao Fruit realm.

The Wu Clan has twelve ancestors who have entered the supreme Hunyuan realm, and the four most powerful witches, Houyi, Xingtian, Jiufeng, and Chiyou, the Emperor of Fengdu in the underworld, have also entered the Hunyuan realm. In addition to the existence of the underworld, Tu Bo in the underworld has also entered the supreme Hunyuan realm.

The same is true for the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Emperor, the Four Dragon Kings, and the Eight Dragon Marshals have all entered the supreme Hunyuan realm.

Only the fourth largest race, although there are many people who have entered the Hunyuan True Self realm, no one has entered the Hunyuan Dao Fruit realm.

Those who are inferior to Hunyuan will eventually become ants.

Only creatures that have entered the Hunyuan realm can be considered to have truly reached the peak of the prehistoric world, and only the races that have creatures in the Hunyuan realm can be called great races.

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