Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 247 The throne of the emperor, all the kings stand side by side

The ancestral home of the human race.

With the development of the human race, the ancestral land of the human race has become the ancestral home of the human race.

The Yin Yang Pond that gave birth to the human race has also become a holy place, and many humans always go here to worship.

Worship those who made great contributions to the human race and died in battle, and worship the Virgin Mother Nuwa who created the human race.

"The human race has no Hunyuan. Even though we have the protection of the Holy Mother, the Heavenly Court will not touch us, but there are still hidden dangers after all. If the Witch Clan really takes action, even if the Holy Mother takes action, I am afraid it will be difficult to prevent the human race from being destroyed overnight." Shi Hao Shi frowned and said.

He is already the strongest person in the human race except the Suiren clan, and he can suppress the heavens with his invincible way.

The name of the human race's god of war shocked the world.

It can be said that he is Taiyi of the human race and Xingtian of the Wu race, with unparalleled combat power.

These three beings are famous war gods. Of course, Shi Hao's current cultivation realm is still a step behind the two above. After all, he is just a creature in the realm of Hunyuan True Self. If they really want to fight, Taiyi can Kill Xingtian instantly, and Xingtian can also kill Shi Hao clan instantly, but this does not hinder their own reputation as gods of war.

"If our human race wants to truly stand in the wilderness without looking at the eyes of other beings, we still have to give birth to the Hunyuan realm, and it can't just be one person, but many, many." Su, who was dressed in white. Mingshi also said the same.

Throughout the vicissitudes of the human race over the years, they have always been at the top of the human race, leading the human race to move forward.

Today's human race is so powerful, it is inseparable from the efforts of these proud people.

Of course, they themselves are also part of the human race, and other members of the human race are also very capable and powerful.

"The destiny of the human race is strong, but it has been divided into eighteen parts. Now that the human race is so powerful, there are more than three hundred tribes derived from it. The destiny of the human race has been divided again. If you want to break through the realm of Hunyuan, you must gather together. Luck or great merit.”

"Merits and virtues are not so easy to obtain. The best thing is to use luck to achieve enlightenment. Moreover, after luck has been achieved, you can transfer the energy to another person, so that the human race can continue to produce A strong man in the realm of Hunyuan."

The Suiren clan looked at the entire audience. The venue was no longer the 18 clan leaders of the past meeting, but now more than 300. Each of them is the clan leader of a tribe, and they are also in the realm of Hunyuan True Self. The presence.

Each tribe has at least millions of people and as many as tens of millions. Today's human race has billions of people. Although it is only a drop in the ocean compared to the other three major races, This amount is not too small.

Although the Suiren clan is nominally the co-owner of the human race, he is actually a tribe leader. He just has more luck than other tribe leaders. However, these cannot allow him to realize the Hunyuan Dao. Therefore, The human race needs a new position that can condense luck.

"Indeed, it is true that the luck is so dispersed, although it is conducive to our practice, but it cannot be controlled. It is necessary to establish another position above us, like the emperor of heaven, to control all affairs of the human race. Then we will entrust many of the clan leaders below, so that we can gather our luck without delaying our practice."

Han Lishi nodded and said what he was thinking.



As soon as this was said, all the clan leaders in the entire venue nodded in agreement.

Because this is something that is beneficial to this human race, and it will not harm their interests too much. The matter of luck is illusory but it is real. Although it is unpredictable and erratic, there are still traces to follow. .

If a new fruition status is condensed with the will of the human race, the human race holding this fruition status can enjoy the luck bonus of the entire human race, and then the other clan leaders can continue to obtain the Qi they should have. transport.

Now they are on the same level. Although everyone also listens to the Suiren clan, it is just respect for each other. Luck will be divided as it should be. If it is really condensed into one honorary position, it will be different. Now the clan leaders are all It’s the fate of the position that is divided among those under that position, but the luck of the position itself still exists.

Just like the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Emperor enjoys the luck bonus of the entire Heavenly Court, followed by the Queen of Heaven, then the Sixth Royal Highness, then the Four Demon Emperors, the Ten Demon Commanders, etc...

But strictly speaking, all the positions of honor revolve around the position of Emperor of Heaven.

"Then according to what you see, what kind of honor should be gathered?"

Seeing that everyone agreed, Suiren looked at everyone and asked.

"The demon clan has a demon emperor, the dragon clan has a dragon emperor, and our clan should have the position of human emperor!" A clan leader said immediately after hearing this.

"Not bad! Hello, Human Emperor!"

"The Human Emperor can indeed do it!"

As a result, people responded one after another.

Only Shi Hao didn't say a word. Finally, after everyone expressed their opinions, he said coldly: "Although the demon clan has a demon emperor, the real highest person in the demon clan is not the so-called demon emperor, but the emperor of heaven. If it is the human race If the Human Emperor is the highest, doesn’t that mean that the human race is weaker than the demon race?”

Shi Hao has been extremely proud all his life, and his arrogance is natural. He has never worshiped him once in his life, how can he be willing to let the human race live under other existences.


For a moment, the entire venue was silent.

"But the Emperor of Heaven is a fruition formed by the condensation of heaven and earth, and there is a Heavenly Court. Even if our human race is called the Human Emperor, it can only condense the destiny of the human race. It cannot shine on the nine heavens and condense the destiny of all people like the Emperor of Heaven. Ah!" A human race retorted.

No matter who the human race considers to be the highest, that position is still inferior to that of the Emperor of Heaven.

The so-called Human Emperor is just a title. Even if it is called the Great Emperor, it is actually the status that unites the entire human race.

Just as the two were arguing, Suiren's eyes flashed past, and there was a hint of the Dao in the dark, and he instantly understood what respect should be.

"Dao Dao has a feeling that among the human race, the human emperor should be respected. The human emperor is the emperor of the human race. Although he only controls the fate of a clan, if the human race can really become the protagonist of the world, then the human emperor will He will become the Human Emperor of one of the six emperors. This human emperor is the lord of the six emperors. It is the fruit of heaven and earth. It is the lord of all races and emperors. If he can unify the ancient world, his position will even be in the world. Above the Eastern Emperor, second only to the Heavenly Emperor."

Suiren's calm words suppressed the complicated voices in the entire venue. The human race should strengthen itself. If it can really become the protagonist of heaven and earth, it should be the human emperor of the six emperors.

Although they are both human emperors, there are actually differences. Just like the human emperor status, it is inherently born. The three talents of heaven, earth and people, heaven has emperors, earth has emperors, and people have emperors, will all be established. A divine court.

The three supreme statuses of the Emperor and the Two Emperors are theoretically the strongest statuses in the world. However, the Eastern Emperor is the leader of all emperors and has squeezed into the status of the strongest emperor. However, this is not the case. This does not mean that the Emperor of Earth and the Emperor of Humanity cannot surpass the Emperor of the East, but it means that the Emperor of Earth and the Emperor of Humanity are also a little bit below the Emperor of the East. Although they are limited, they are still below.

And if the power of the local emperor and the human emperor is extremely large, and their luck is extremely powerful, they can surpass the Donghuang, and be slightly stronger than the Donghuang. Although they are also limited, they are still on top.

The only one who is truly above the East Emperor in any case is the Heavenly Emperor among the three talents of heaven, earth and man. No matter the vicissitudes of life, strong or not, this fruition is the one that can stabilize the East Emperor, and it is also the only one that can stabilize the East Emperor.

The upper limit of the two statuses of the Earth Emperor and the Human Emperor is higher than that of the Eastern Emperor, but the lower limit is also lower than that of the Eastern Emperor. The specific situation depends on the actual situation. In addition to the two emperors, the Eastern Emperor is It is the highest attainment status in the world. No attainment level can surpass the status of the Eastern Emperor, including the Queen of Heaven.

The Queen of Heaven is an extremely special existence. In name, the Queen of Heaven shares control with the Emperor of Heaven and is second only to or even equal to the Emperor of Heaven. However, in terms of status, she is actually lower than the Emperor of the East, the Emperor of Earth, and the Emperor of Humans. Even the Southern Emperor, the Western Emperor, and the Northern Emperor are somewhat indistinguishable...

The reason why the human race honors the title of human emperor is because the name of this ethnic group is human race, so the emperor should be regarded as the human emperor. In fact, it has nothing to do with the position of the three-talented human emperor. Unless the human race becomes the protagonist of the world, Only if they are related can they be equated.

In fact, no matter who the protagonist of heaven and earth is, which race the human emperor status belongs to, and which ethnic group can become the protagonist of heaven and earth, then the emperor among them can obtain the human emperor status.

"Heaven has a heavenly court, located at the extreme end of the world, illuminating all the heavens, suppressing infinite time and space, being the highest place for all, and governing all affairs of the endless time and space in the heavens; the earth has an underworld, which contains the endless true spirit of death, and is the kingdom of the dead. If When the local government unites the kingdom of the infinite dead in the heavens, the emperor of earth can be ranked higher than the emperor of the east; and among the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and the human emperor emerges from the throne, there should be a court in the human world to govern all affairs in the human world. When the court unites the heavens and the infinite human world, the human emperor’s status will surpass that of the Eastern Emperor.”

Suiren said lightly, but his eyes were full of expectation. He was looking forward to the human race becoming the protagonist of the world. He was looking forward to the human race establishing a human court and governing all affairs in the world. By then, how powerful the human race would be!

At that time, the human race will truly stand on the top of the world!

And he firmly believes that this can be done! Otherwise, why would their ethnic group be called the human race? !

This is not the work of the Virgin Mother Nuwa, but the secret way to call the human race through the mouth of Nuwa! And the human emperor status is the honorable position that belongs to the human race human emperor!

"Therefore, our human race should respect the Human Emperor. The Human Emperor is in charge of all affairs of the human race, big and small, and is above all the positions of the human race. Whether they are the heads of the clans or the people of each clan, they should respect the human emperor!"

With the title of Heaven in his mouth, Suiren said in one sentence what he had realized in the Great Dao.


There was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which was Da Dao's recognition of the position of the human emperor of the human race.

"Now that the position of the Human Emperor has been decided, Shi Hao, the leader of the Shi Hao clan, should nominate the Suiren clan, the co-leader of the human race, as the human emperor!" Shi Hao said loudly.

When the Human Emperor first came into being, except for the Suiren clan who could stabilize everyone else, there was no one else who could convince everyone.

Even the Shi Hao clan, who is unparalleled in strength and invincible in combat power, will still have some dissatisfied.

Only the Suiren clan can convince billions of human beings.

Suiren's contributions over the years were seen in their eyes and remembered in their hearts.

Xinhuo Avenue carries too many responsibilities for the human race. The Suiren family always contributes silently where no one can see it. In order for the human race to develop better and better, they have made countless contributions.

Those mortals, although they have the guidance of their predecessors and parents and teachers to embark on the path of cultivation, it is because of the fire passed down by Suiren that they can quickly comprehend the Great Dao, step into a higher realm, and master their own Great Dao.

It can be said that Suiren's contribution to the human race is the greatest. When the human race faces difficulties, Suiren is often the first to step up. When the human race is practicing safely, it is the Great Dao of Fire that carries the Great Dao perception of many human ancestors and passes on the fire.

"I agree! Suiren should be the first Human Emperor!!!" Wang Lin shouted.

"Human Emperor Suiren!!!" Su Mingyi said in a simple and shocking way.

"Human Emperor Suiren!!!"

One after another, the sound of high waves passed, and everyone also recommended Suiren to be the Human Emperor.

Suiren did not say much. Although the Human Emperor of this era is the supreme position, the responsibility on his shoulders is far more important than the glory brought by the Human Emperor.

Only when the human race completely becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, the position of the emperor of the human race will be more glorious than responsible.

"In this case, I will be the first emperor of the human race. When the human race becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, I will abdicate and live in seclusion behind the scenes." Suiren looked at the people in front of him and nodded.

He didn't want to enjoy anything from the human race. He had led the human race out of the most dangerous period. Now he just wanted to lead the human race to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, and then abdicate and live in seclusion.

As for the expansion of the human race and the unification of the prehistoric world, let those who come later!

He didn't plan to come out until the human race was in danger.

Suiren's dream has always been simple, that is, to lead the human race to become stronger step by step.

"We pay our respects to His Majesty the Emperor of the Human Race!!!"

Shi Hao, Su Ming, Wang Lin, Han Li, Ye Fan and more than 300 clan leaders in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo all bowed and saluted.

As they bowed, Suiren's luck suddenly surged.

Buzz! ! !

A vibration sound came, and the position of the emperor of the human race had obviously been successfully condensed. All the clan leaders present felt that there was another stronger fruit position above them.

They looked around and saw that Suiren had already condensed a Dao fruit, but that Dao fruit was a fire, a fire, symbolizing that the human race would never stop passing on the fire.

Boom! ! !

A Hunyuan aura of successful enlightenment spread throughout the human race and spread to all directions. Billions of human races now knew that there was an unparalleled emperor among the human race, and someone had successfully achieved the Hunyuan Dao.

And Suiren's Dao fruit turned into infinity, came out of Suiren's body, and turned into pieces of fire, spreading among the human race.

So far, the human race will not be destroyed, and Suiren will not die! ! ! Suiren will not die, and the human race will not be destroyed! ! ! !

He used his own way to consolidate the destiny of the human race, and tied his life to the chariot of the human race. Although he would not die if the human race was not destroyed, it was not a good thing for the cultivators to be entangled with the human race. It was more of a disadvantage than a benefit, rather than a benefit.

The human race benefited greatly, which was a kind of dedication, not a demand.

If it was immortal, Suiren had achieved the Tao of Hunyuan, and was already immortal. How could the great Dao of Xinhuo be erased?

"Your Majesty has immeasurable merits, and I, Shi Hao, bow down to you!!!" Shi Hao was the first to feel the change in the destiny of the human race, and immediately looked at Suiren, the emperor of the human race, with an incredible look. He asked himself that he would not do so. If he was to fight to the death for the human race and sacrifice his life, he could do it, and he did not hesitate at all.

But if he was asked to sacrifice his own Dao to consolidate the destiny of the human race, he could not do it. These are two different concepts.

"Your Majesty has done immeasurable good deeds, we all bow down to him!!!"

The rest of the people also felt the change in the luck of the human race.

"I am the emperor of the human race, and I should contribute to the human race. Now that the throne of the emperor has been created, there will be kings. Although their luck is not as good as the emperor, as the human race grows stronger and time passes, they will eventually be able to prove the way of Hunyuan." After becoming the emperor of the human race, Suiren also understood the matter of luck.

If he abdicated immediately after being infused with the luck of the human race, and the luck of the human race was infused into another person, it would take hundreds of millions of years, otherwise it would lead to the decline of the luck of the human race.

So instead of using this method to advance to the realm of Hunyuan, it would be better to directly enfeoff the kings, and under the coexistence of the kings, a human kingdom would be established, and he would be the emperor of the human race, sitting in the center, ruling many human kingdoms, just like the emperor of heaven sitting in the heavenly court ruling all races.

Each human king is a fruit position. Unlike these tribal leaders, there is an essential difference between a country and a tribe.

"The Shihao tribe of the human race was named the Shi Kingdom, and the tribe leader Shihao was named the Shi King; the Yefan tribe was named the Ye Kingdom, and the tribe leader Yefan was named the Ye King; the Suming tribe was named..."

This title was given to more than 300 countries at once. The names of the countries were different, but they were all kingdoms, and the tribe leaders all became kings.

The country and the tribe are different. The luck of the tribe leader is not as good as the luck of the king of the country. Although the scale may be the same, the luck is not the same.

In this way, the kings of the human race coexisted, and the human emperor was in the center. It was called the Sui Dynasty in history, and the human emperor Suirenshi.

The kings were also ministers of the Sui Dynasty. They could call themselves the solitary rulers in their own countries, but they could only call themselves ministers in front of the Human Emperor. The Human Emperor would then call himself "I" to indicate that he was the same as the emperors of other races.

With the establishment of these feudal states, the fortune of the human race grew even stronger. For a time, the human race's tyrannical fortune was vaguely catching up with the dragon race...

There is another chapter in the evening. I didn't finish 10,000 yesterday, so I'll make up for yesterday's.

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