Human race ancestral home.

More than 300 kings rushed to their tribes and began to participate in the establishment of the country. Although the emperor of the human race has given them legal status, they still need to establish it themselves.

A country can have countless tribes, but a large tribe will always be separated. This is the difference between the two, but it is not the main difference. The main difference is the change in the form of power.

Of course, for these people, power does not matter. What is important is luck. Whether it can help them step into the realm of supreme chaos is the real thing.

"More than 300 kings of the human race are stationed in various places. It is time to see what the result of the human race is in the infinite time and space..."

Suiren's originally black and bright eyes turned into deep darkness, and a stream of time and space seemed to form a beautiful picture in his eyes like a series of small dots.

There are countless places of time and space around him, and they are all parallel and non-parallel time and space.

In some time and space, although the human race is called the protagonist of heaven and earth, it has actually become a puppet of the gods of the heavens, and is played in their hands.

There are figures of the Three Pure Ones, figures of the two tribes of witches and liches, and figures of the gods of the heavens. In that time and space, saints are the most powerful existences, but now it seems that there are no saints except the two saints in the West, which is very different from the time and space now.

In those time and space, the witches and liches fought each other, and the demons could not break the true body of the witches' ancestors, so they thought about refining a peerless weapon. It happened that the human soul could forge such a peerless weapon, so the demons killed and captured the human race, refined a sword to kill the witches, and broke the true body of the ancestor witch.

The witches also found that devouring the flesh and blood of the human race would improve their cultivation faster, so the disaster of the human race came.

At that time, the human race was weak and extremely weak, and the indifference of the human race's mother, Nuwa, and the blind eyes of the saints, including Laozi who established the human religion.

Therefore, the human race was almost exterminated. Except for a few people who were protected by Zhen Yuanzi and escaped the disaster, the rest of the human race almost all suffered a catastrophe and fell.

"Witch tribe... demon tribe... Holy Mother..."

Suirenshi calmed down. He couldn't understand why the Holy Mother would ignore them, but then he thought that these were just the fate of the human race in other time and space, which was far from the actual situation now.

No matter how the races in other time and space treat the human race, at least these things did not happen in this time and space. If there was no protection from the Holy Mother and the Heavenly Court, the human race would have been exterminated by other races in the beginning. This is a fact that cannot be ignored.

Although the Wu tribe did not directly help the human race, it also gave the human race a large habitat on the territory. In fact, after the ten thousand years, if the human race continued to expand and the Wu tribe was dissatisfied, the human race would still be exterminated by the Wu tribe, but the Wu tribe took a step back.

It can only be said that the present prehistoric world is very different. In the present prehistoric world, both the demon clan and the witch clan have room to retreat. The demon clan can not become the protagonist of heaven and earth, because they sit in the heaven. Although they are not the protagonist of heaven and earth, they are still boundless in luck, not inferior to the protagonist of heaven and earth at all, on the contrary, they are slightly better.

The witch clan is also the same. Sitting in the underworld, even if they are not the protagonist of heaven and earth, their luck is still extremely strong. If they develop well, they are not inferior to the protagonist of heaven and earth.

Because in essence, the earth and people are the same, and the real difference is the sky.

"No matter what the future of the prehistoric world is, since the witch and demon clans have not betrayed our human race, the human race will not take the initiative to provoke trouble. Our human race will repay the favor and pay the grudge."

Suiren thought secretly that no matter what the future of the human race is, since the demon clan's Emperor Jun did not vent his anger on other races in this time and space because of things in other time and space, it shows that Emperor Jun has a broad mind.

As an emperor, as an emperor, he should be like this. Now he is also the emperor of mankind, so he will not be so stingy as to talk about things in other time and space.

"After the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, will the human race prosper..."

"But the Emperor Fuxi is still the demon emperor of the demon race, and he has entered the realm of supreme primordial chaos. How could he reincarnate as the emperor of the human race..."

"No, the emperor can be anyone, not necessarily Fuxi. As long as he can lead the human race to prosperity, that's fine..."

"After I lead the human race to establish the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, I will pass the position to him. I believe he can also become a qualified emperor of mankind..."

Suiren has already determined the candidate for the next emperor of mankind. The human race prospered according to the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and then the five emperors ruled the world, making the human race more prosperous. After the rule of these eight emperors of mankind, the human race will be extremely powerful.

It's just that most of the emperors in other time and space are Fuxi, which is obviously impossible in this time and space.

These candidates don't matter. The human race doesn't lack a favored child. Now everyone in the human race is a favored child, and there are many who are comparable to the innate saints. Whether it is Ye Fan, Shi Hao, or Su Ming, they are not inferior to the innate saints.

In fact, the potential of the human race can be comparable to the innate saints by the third generation, but the foundation is getting lower and lower, and gradually it is a little worse than those innate saints.

Today, the foundation of the human race has declined by an unknown amount. Those with thin blood can’t even compare to those with higher blood among the three races, let alone those with thin blood. Of course, no matter what, the foundation of the human race is low, there is a bottom line. No matter how thin the blood of the human race is, its talent is still the best among all the races in the prehistoric world.

The mixed primordial race is not fighting for prosperity overnight, but for endless years. Just like the demon race, they are not fighting for the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth, but firmly controlling the heaven. As long as the heaven does not fall, the demon race will prosper, and the witch race’s underworld is the same.

But the human race does not have the heaven or the underworld. Those two are irreplaceable institutions for the operation of heaven and earth. Only the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth in the human world needs to be fought for, and it may change at any time. Even if the human race becomes the protagonist of heaven and earth, it may decline and lose the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth.

In the divine domain.

"The human race is so strong, it seems that it is not far from becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth..." Ye Xuan muttered to himself as he looked at the human race in the prehistoric world.

When he stepped into the divine realm, he felt that the luck of the human race suddenly soared, so he hurried over to take a look.

And this time he realized that the development of the human race had begun to enter the right track. The human emperor had been established and the countries were divided.

This also symbolized that the human race had moved from the tribal era to the national era, and the feudal system began to appear.

It must be said that the Hunyuan realm can see future events, which allowed Suiren to skip the tribal era and enter the feudal era.

As for why those centralized systems were not implemented, it was because the human race's territories were scattered now, which was not conducive to the implementation of such a system. Moreover, Suiren was not the kind of person who coveted power. The so-called centralized system was just made by some mortals.

As for someone like him, whose reputation is extremely high and whose strength is unrivaled among human race, he naturally does not need that kind of system, or rather, his words are more useful than the emperor under that system.

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he left the prehistoric world.

As soon as he left the prehistoric world and came to the divine domain, he heard a charming voice.

"Student Ye Xuan, can I enter your territory? I have something important to discuss."

Ye Xuan frowned when he heard the words, and looked into the distance. It was a charming, curvy woman with a slightly flushed face and a huge chest.

"Come in."

Although he did not know this woman, Ye Xuan still let her in.

He was confident of his superb strength and was not afraid of any tricks this woman might play.

The divine domain is not a simple war chess game. This is a real territory. Not only that, each player has a city lord's mansion in a territory randomly assigned to him.

If this city lord's mansion is destroyed, it will also declare the failure of this game.

In addition to these, the national competition also has a points system. Every time you defeat an opponent, you will get a point, and the points can be exchanged for various rewards. Of course, the points have nothing to do with the outcome of winning or losing. Points are only used to reward those students who keep moving forward.

The more students you defeat, the more points you get, and the more points you get, the more prizes you can get.

After hearing Ye Xuan's words, the tall and charming woman hurried over from next door. If you want to occupy the other party's territory, you need to do it step by step, but if you go to other territories as a guest to discuss things, there is no such restriction.

It's not that the personal freedom of the God of Creation is restricted in the God's Domain.

"Hello, classmate Ye Xuan, I am a student from the Tianling Star Domain."

The woman said with a charming smile, twisting her charming body, and her voice was also very bewitching.

This is not her active display, but the effect of the avenue she cultivated. Every word and action is full of charm.

Ye Xuan nodded upon hearing this, and did not say much, but stared at the other person with his eyes straight.

He did not find it strange that the other person knew him, because his photo had long been circulated in the Tongtian Ranking, and everyone knew what the number one on the Tongtian Ranking looked like.

"My name is Xun Ling, and this competition is not far from you, so I want to rely on you. I know that I can't win the championship, so I want to improve my ranking as much as possible." Xun Ling said with a smile, but her chest always trembled with every move, frown and smile, which was very eye-catching.

What she said was true, and she did not deceive Ye Xuan, because she knew that she could not win the championship, nor could she kill Ye Xuan, and she was so close to Ye Xuan, if she did not rely on him, she would definitely be eliminated soon.

But if she followed Ye Xuan, it would be completely different, and she would definitely improve her ranking as much as possible.

"What's the benefit for me?" Ye Xuan nodded and asked directly.

For him, this is completely dispensable. There is nothing wrong with helping the other party, but if he wants to protect the other party, he must give him benefits. He is not a charity boy.

If he knows the other party, it doesn't matter if he says he will take him for free. The key is that he doesn't know him at all, so why should he help you.

"How about I give you half of all the rewards I got in the God Realm?" Xun Ling bit her lip and said with a pitiful look.

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly and said, "Not enough."

The other party didn't know what ranking she could get, and there was no benefit in giving half. It was just that I would not fight her for the time being, but I didn't say I would help her. If the other party was eliminated by others, it would be a big loss.

"Please..." Xun Ling heard that it was not enough to give half of her reward. Her face changed immediately, and she looked pitiful. She jumped slightly, and her shoulder straps slipped a little. She tried to make Ye Xuan give in by doing this.

As expected, Ye Xuan was blushing and relaxed a little when talking: "How about this, how strong are you."

As long as the other party's strength is acceptable and not a burden, then he can agree.

Xun Ling was happy to hear this, and hurriedly said: "I ranked eighth in the Tianling Star Domain Competition, and my strength should be pretty good."

Ye Xuan looked at her in surprise when he heard this. He didn't expect that the other party was actually the eighth in the Star Domain Competition. If it hadn't met him, he wouldn't have seduced her in exchange for benefits at the beginning.

"Okay, let's make it clear in advance. If you are in trouble, I will not help you, and you have to share the pressure on your side." Ye Xuan nodded, agreeing to form an alliance with the other party.

Of course, he would not really help the other party through the difficulties without strategy, but just said that he would not actively invade the other party, and that was what Xun Ling wanted. It was good enough that he could not invade her.

"Okay! It's a deal!" Xun Ling was overjoyed and nodded with a smile.

In her opinion, many people would not think of messing with her as long as they had brains, because if they didn't mess with her, they would still have her as a buffer between them and Ye Xuan, but if they messed with her, Ye Xuan would definitely attack and kill the other party.

It was not for revenge, but just to prevent Ye Xuan's border from being threatened by the other party.

Strategic buffer is very necessary, because no one wants to have direct contact with a monster like Ye Xuan, so those who have a little brain will not touch her, Xun Ling.

"You can go back."

Ye Xuan's words sounded. Since the alliance was completed, there was no need to stay any longer, and he didn't think about making friends with the other party.

Xun Ling's eyes, which were originally overjoyed, showed a trace of surprise. She thought Ye Xuan would take this opportunity to make some excessive demands, or at least take advantage of him. But she didn't expect that the other party had no desire for her even though he was enchanted.

This made Xun Ling look at Ye Xuan with a higher opinion of him, and she secretly thought that he was indeed the strongest among his peers.

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

After saying that, Xun Ling twisted her graceful body in the direction she came from. Her plump buttocks trembled as she walked, which made Ye Xuan feel a little hot in his heart and secretly cursed her as a goblin.

He had seen many beauties, but this was the first time he had seen such a charming one.

"It seems that the battle between the divine domains is both a battle between the divine kingdoms and a battle between individuals..."

After Xun Ling left, Ye Xuan thought again. The rules said that the creatures in the divine kingdoms could be allowed to guard a divine domain, which means that it could become a battle between the divine kingdoms.

Since there can be guarding, there can naturally be attacking.

The creatures of the Kingdom of Gods are now fighting in the God's Domain, which is a different kind of Kingdom of Gods war.

And Ye Xuan himself can also participate in the war, which is a combination of individual battles.

"Well, see if there are any people from the Chinese Star Region around." Ye Xuan's eyes flickered and he began to search around. Those people from the Chinese Star Region would naturally want to hang out with him, which would be a win without any effort.


Outside, Creation Continent, viewing platform.

"Oh my god, this Xun Ling actually used seduction! This chest, this buttocks... Tsk tsk..."

Many people are watching the information about Ye Xuan, because everyone knows that he is the strongest player of this session and is almost certain to be the final champion, so he naturally receives more attention.

And with so many people, naturally someone saw Xun Ling using seduction on Ye Xuan.

The key is that it seems that Ye Xuan really fell for it and agreed to the other party's request...

"I'm so jealous! This kind of top-notch and charming woman is simply the best among women. I really want to have sex with her!" Immediately, a sex-hungry ghost ignored the contemptuous looks of the people around him and looked at Xun Ling in the divine domain with a crazy look.

For a moment, some people around him also looked at him with contempt. How could there be such a wretched God of Creation.

This has nothing to do with appearance, but with expression and temperament.

"I just don't know whether Ye Xuan can get the first place. After all, there are several other people who have also broken through to the realm of the fourth-level God of Creation. If they join forces, it's not certain."

Someone analyzed.

"No need to say if, they will definitely join forces. If it's one-on-one, the winner will definitely be Ye Xuan, so only by fully uniting can they defeat Ye Xuan. At that time, each of them may win the championship. Anyway, it's better than almost giving Ye Xuan a pre-determined victory." Another person immediately replied.

"That makes sense, but I don't know how Ye Xuan plans to break the situation."


Yunmeng Star Region.

"Damn it, how can this charming woman named Xun Ling be so shameless! She actually acted like this in front of countless people across the country!" Tang Xia said angrily.

She hadn't entered the God's Domain yet. Just when she was about to enter, she was called over by her best friend Shui Bang to see. She just came over and found that it was such a thing.

She immediately cursed in anger.

"By the way, didn't you go to Zuxing to look for Ye Xuan last time? Didn't you find him?" Shui Bang suddenly remembered that her best friend went to look for Ye Xuan once, but she didn't hear him mention it when she came back, and she didn't ask.

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