It was okay not to mention these, but Tang Xia's expression changed when he mentioned it, and he gritted his teeth and said: "I went to Ancestral Star to find him, but he was not in Ancestral Star. I asked the dean of Dazhou College in Ancestral Star, but the dean He had no intention of seeing me at all, this kid ran off to who knows where..."

Although the dean of Zuxing Dazhou College is relatively free, he has no time to talk to her.

It’s not like he’s a peerless genius or someone with strong cultivation. If he could meet someone if he wanted to, it would be strange that Ji Fa would die from exhaustion.

Therefore, Tang Xia could not see Ji Fa at all. Ye Xuan also specifically said that even if he saw him, he would not tell him. Therefore, if Tang Xia could find traces of Ye Xuan, there would be something wrong.

"Stop talking, I'll go in first...I want to kill that naughty fox named Xun Ling!"

After Tang Xia said this, her mind stirred up the ticket, and the gate to the divine realm appeared, and she stepped into it with one step.

In the realm of gods.

Tang Xia looked around and found that Ye Xuan was not around him.

"I'm a little unlucky. I haven't even been able to meet Ye Xuan..."

In fact, ghosts are real only if they can be encountered. The Divine Realm is so big, not to mention how big it is, but there are more than 80,000 people who have come in. The chance of being next door to Ye Xuan is too small.

"No matter what, let's reclaim the wasteland first. We can't be beaten into our home and we'll lose immediately..."

Tang Xia's strength is actually very good, ranking second in the Chinese Star Territory. In other words, in this national competition, her strength is at least among the top 100, and even among the top 50 and 30. Possible top ten...

the other side.

"There are no people from the Chinese Star Territory..." Ye Xuan murmured to himself and withdrew his gaze. Within a hundred squares of his radius, there was only one person named Xun Ling. From this, we can also see how big this divine realm is. territory.

At least it gives people enough opportunities to develop. With so many territories around, as long as you are not unlucky enough to have super bosses nearby, you will definitely get a lot of lives.

After all, as long as there is a piece of territory, it is not considered a loss.

The location of the City Lord's Mansion can also be moved, but there is a time limit requirement. You can only move the City Lord's Mansion once in a day. This means that as long as your territory is large enough, even if you are attacked by others and come to the City Lord's Mansion, you will not be able to move it. Those who can temporarily avoid this disaster by moving to the city.

Of course, this is actually just to avoid being robbed. If someone really wants to force him to the city lord's palace, even if he moves to another place, he will die sooner or later, and he will just linger.

"If not, then I won't be polite!"

A smile appeared on Ye Xuan's face, he wanted to occupy all this wasteland.

These wastelands range from level one to level nine, and they all symbolize different guardian monsters.

The guards from level one to level three respectively correspond to the monsters in the early first level, the middle first level, and the late first level. These monsters are in the territory. When someone captures this territory, the monsters will be automatically included. Under his command, he can mobilize troops to gather together to defend the opponent, or he can attack according to the wishes of the Creator God.

The levels four to six correspond to the monsters at the early second level, the middle second level, and the late second level. The seventh level to the ninth level correspond to the monsters at the early third level, the middle third level, and the late third level. .

As for the fourth-level monsters, this is no longer something that ordinary creation gods can fight against, and this fourth-level monster is still the kind of monster that truly corresponds to the fourth-level creation god. In other words, if you have not reached the fourth level, you will not be able to fight against it. To arrive is to die.

This kind of monster is no longer limited to the territory, but roams everywhere in the divine domain. Anyone who encounters it will be unlucky.

Every day, a fourth-level monster will destroy the territory of one creation god. If it can survive this day, it will turn to attack the territory of other creation gods. If it cannot survive, it will be eliminated.

"Occupy these ninth-level lands first, and then let the monsters in the ninth-level lands help me occupy the lower-level lands. Push them down layer by layer, and I will soon occupy these places." Ye Xuan thought for a moment, and soon Then I thought of how to quickly occupy these lands.

Although occupying land in this divine domain requires fighting one by one, as long as the high-level lands are occupied first, it is easy to cover a large territory.

If you really have to fight slowly by yourself, then who knows how much time will be wasted.

As for the creatures in the wilderness, Ye Xuan has not used them yet. He is just fighting some wild areas and cannot violate them.

Let’s wait until we attack other countries.

In the God's Domain, there are not only these territories that can be occupied, but also rivers, lakes and mountain ranges that cannot be occupied. These things are natural barriers and can become its strategic hinterland.

If it were really a large plain, then this kind of war would be meaningless, and no one would know how many lives would be wasted guarding the major border defenses. In that case, the battle line would be very long.

Unlike the current God's Domain chessboard, it is much more fun and interesting. Relying on some mountains, it is completely possible to defeat many with one, because some mountains only have one grid or two grids in front of them, which means that at most one can be exposed to it at the same time. player or two players.

Of course, in such a dangerous place, there is naturally a way to break it. As long as you are willing to take a long way to pave the way, you will definitely be able to break in from the rear, and one person will not hold back a large group of people for a long time.

After all, the organizers wanted to choose a champion who was excellent in all aspects, or to break all laws with one force. If they couldn't break all laws with one force, they had to choose someone who was the best in all aspects.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon three days passed.

During these three days, only a few unlucky students were swept out, and most people were frantically occupying territories.

The same was true for Ye Xuan. He had already seen other enemies nearby, but he was not in a hurry to annex them, because when the other party was big enough, he would steal the other party's ass, and then repel it, and all the territory of the other party would be his.

It can be simply understood as raising pigs, and then slaughtering them directly when the pigs are fat, and then he will be rich.

During these three days, Ye Xuan occupied more than 30,000 pieces of territory, which was terrifying. If he hadn't raised pigs, he would have occupied more.

In fact, with so many territories, it would be a waste of time to want to remove all the territories of the other party. This is why the appearance of the City Lord's Mansion and defeating the other party to draw tickets are both considered victories.

[Ding! The damn little Baga declares war on you! 】

Suddenly, a message appeared in Ye Xuan's mind.

"The damn little Baga? Who gave this name..." Ye Xuan was speechless after hearing this. He had never paid much attention to the people around him, and he was focused on developing himself, but he didn't expect that there was such a name around him.

Apart from anything else, at least the other party was not one of those so-called foreign students, otherwise it would be impossible to give such a name.

Ye Xuan then looked at the place that was attacked. The reason why such a message appeared was because he was attacked, so it appeared, and the attack was regarded as a declaration of war.

As expected, in the place bordering a creator god, there was a person named the little Baga of the damn day.

If this name is not deliberately modified after entering, it will be the default name of the real name, and it can be modified at will.

[Ding, the fat tiger declares war on you! 】



At one time, more than a dozen messages appeared almost at the same time. These were all people who were close to him. It can be said that anyone who was close to him was also involved in this battle.

The reason was simple. Either they united to kill Ye Xuan, or Ye Xuan killed them.

Although they could not compete with Ye Xuan alone, it was possible for them to unite and give it a try.

Anyway, failure was the worst outcome at most. If they could not beat Ye Xuan, they would be swallowed up by Ye Xuan sooner or later. There was no doubt about this. Instead of waiting for the other party to take action, it would be better to take the initiative and take action directly.

"Good guy, you secretly united to mess with me, but how dare you, a group of third-level creators, come to provoke me..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly and sighed secretly. He originally planned to wait until the other party developed better before taking action himself, but he did not expect that the other party would unite to attack him now.

It is obvious that the defense of the third-level monsters obtained from the God's Domain alone cannot stop the attack of more than a dozen people on the opposite side. For a time, Ye Xuan threw away his armor and lost countless territories and killed countless monsters.

As long as the ninth-level land where those monsters were born is still there, they will be refreshed at 6 am every day. The dead will be resurrected, and the living will still be in their original place and nothing else will happen.

But if the ninth-level land is lost, it will immediately become the opponent's monster, whether it is dead or not, it will be refreshed immediately.

On the other side.

"Haha, brothers, that's it. No matter how strong Ye Xuan is, he will definitely die if more than a dozen of us attack together!"

The little bastard laughed loudly, his real name is Li Fengxian.

"Haha! Didn't Ye Xuan lose hundreds of territories in just a short moment!"

Another person laughed wildly.

"Hey, are you guys too happy too early? Ye Xuan is a fourth-level God of Creation. If he moves a fourth-level creature out of the Kingdom of God, what can we do to fight him?" Fat Tiger was the most rational. When others laughed, he reminded them.

After all, Ye Xuan was a fourth-level God of Creation. It was impossible to win. They united just because they didn't want to be eaten up one by one and die in obscurity. What they wanted was to die in a blazing manner.

When no one dared to fight Ye Xuan, they dared to fight, and even dared to launch an active attack.

So, in fact, there was no possibility of winning this battle from the beginning. At most, they took advantage of Ye Xuan's unpreparedness and quickly expanded the battle situation. It was obviously impossible to really blossom or even defeat Ye Xuan.

"No matter what, we can't lose too badly anyway. Call out all the creatures in the Kingdom of God and try to beat his territory to pieces!" said another person.

"Yes, that's right. Even if we can't beat them, that doesn't mean we just give up!"

"Charge, charge, charge!"



In the wilderness.

It was obviously impossible for Ye Xuanguang to beat the combined power of more than a dozen people with the little power in the God's Domain. Naturally, he needed to use the power in the wilderness.

"All the four great races in the prehistoric world, whether liches or dragons, have gone out to play, but the newly born human race has not. Well, let's treat it as a training for the human race. Anyway, there are no fourth-level creatures in these places..."

Ye Xuan was in the void and soon thought that it might be a good result to let the human race fight this war.

The human race has grown from small to large, from insignificant to the present, and it is unknown how many battles it has experienced. Now it is time to test the results.

In the prehistoric world, except for the three major races, there is no force that can compete with the human race, so if you want to improve again, you either have to go to the trouble of the three major races, or you can only fight other kingdoms.

As Ye Xuan's mind moved, space channels appeared in the territories of the major kingdoms of the human race.


A space channel suddenly appeared in the capital of the Shiguo, which is also called Shicheng, which is the original place where the Shihao tribe was stationed.

After this space channel appeared, someone immediately reported it to the upper level.

"Shi Yi, lead the people to go there and see what kind of cave heaven is on the back of this space and why it suddenly appeared here." After Shi Hao received the report, he immediately called Shi Yi over.

Shi Yi is the strongest person in Shi Country besides Shi Hao.

Shi Hao could not abandon the country and explore directly when something appeared, and the task of exploration automatically fell into Shi Yi's hands.


Shi Yi nodded and then walked out.


Ye Country.

"Duan De, thank you for your trip." Ye Fan looked at the fat Taoist priest below and smiled.

Fat Taoist priest Duan De patted his full belly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely live up to the king's mission and take that cave heaven as the territory of Ye Country!"

"I want to go too!!!"

On the side, a black dog that had been lying next to Ye Fan suddenly spoke in human language.

Duan Deshi's face changed when he heard this, and he said, "You black guy, what are you doing there?!"

He was most annoyed with this dog. When others walked by, it didn't care about anything. When he walked by, it roared at him and chased him and bit him at every turn. It was a mad dog. If it wasn't for Ye Fanshi's face, he would have slapped the black dog to death with a slap...

Well, it should be slapped to death, right?

Well, it should be able to beat it, right?

"Since Xiao Hei wants to go, then you can take it with you, so that you can take care of it." Ye Fanshi nodded and said.

"Hehe, did you hear what the king said? Take me with you! Be careful or I will take your pants off!" The black dog stood up when he heard this, with its two front legs wrapped around its chest, and looked at Duan Deshi with a smug look.

Duan Deshi's face turned black when he heard this, and he looked at the black dog with gritted teeth, snorted coldly, and then turned around and left.

Su State.

“Su Zhanshi, lead your people to explore this space, and you must include it in the territory of Su State.” Su Mingshi looked outside the hall with a sharp gaze, as if he had seen through countless spaces, but he still couldn’t see what was behind the space channel.

He could only let his men explore it and see what was on the other side of the space channel.


Su Zhanshi clasped his fists and bowed.

“I want to go too!”

A bald-haired crane shouted at the side.

“You go? What are you going for?” Su Mingshi frowned. The bald-haired crane was also a prehistoric species, with a foundation comparable to the innate sacredness, and was the same prehistoric species as Ye Fanshi’s black dog.

These prehistoric species are very powerful and have a strong foundation.

The bald-haired crane was also rescued by Su Mingshi, and they have been inseparable since then.

"Life in Su Country is too boring. I finally have a fun time. How can I miss it!" The bald crane waved its wings and immediately raised a gust of wind.

Although the bald crane is not as big as the former Kunpeng, the air it blows is not much inferior to the former Kunpeng.

The speed is also the same. Although it is a bald crane, it is still very fast.

"Well, you go with me!"

Su Ming nodded and smiled helplessly.

He and the bald crane are not subordinates, so he did not stop anything.


In the divine domain.

Ye Xuan's territory was attacked by the crazy joint attack of the dozen people on the other side, and most of the territory had been lost at this time.

Once the territory is broken, it will be swept away, just like Ye Xuan now, it is really blooming on all sides. The other side's dozen people in the divine kingdom plus the army composed of those monsters are not something that Ye Xuan can stop with just a few monsters.

"Ye Xuan has been pushed so far, he won't lose directly..."

"It's unlikely. After all, Ye Xuan is a fourth-level creator god. Even if he is pushed to the end, he can still stand firm and cannot be shaken by those people. Moreover, when he transfers troops from the kingdom of God, the other side will naturally start to lose."

"Yes, these are just some temporary setbacks."

Facing Ye Xuan's temporary defeat and the great advantage of the coalition forces, no one thinks that Ye Xuan will really lose, because the strength is there, no matter what, he can't lose to those people.

In the divine domain.

The place of battle.

Tens of thousands of human beings suddenly appeared in a territory. They were the army of the Shi Kingdom, and the army of human cultivators led by Shi Yi.

The lowest level of cultivation in these armies was the Golden Immortal, and the strongest was Shi Yi. Shi Yi's cultivation had also reached the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, but he was used to following Shi Hao, so he did not go out to create his own tribe.

"Here... there is a strange atmosphere..."

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