Chapter 250 Ye Xuan! Damn it...

As soon as Shi Yi entered the divine domain, he felt that although this world was not as full of three thousand avenues as the prehistoric world, there seemed to be some rules that bound each other, forming a series of strange and interesting rules.

For example, if he wanted to attack other territories in this territory, he had to take down the territories next to it first...

This was something he had never encountered in the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, people would fight as soon as they met, and they would not care whether they were neighbors.

And the weirdest thing was that they could not walk in some territories, but only in some places.

This was because they were creatures in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God, and they could only run in all of Ye Xuan's territories. If they wanted to enter other territories, they had to start attacking from one territory after another, so that they could reach other territories. They could not go wherever they wanted like the God of Creation.

"Quick, you, go back and inform the king, tell the king about the situation here, and ask the king to send reinforcements. I, Shi Yi, will definitely take down all of this place!!!" Shi Yi's double pupils flashed, and a gleam of light flashed through his double pupils.

Double pupils are invincible, why should we be afraid of three thousand ways!


The soldier who was named hurriedly flew towards the space channel.

This scene also happened among the tribesmen sent by more than 300 countries such as Ye, Su, Han, and the Kingdom.

It can be said that Ye Xuan has set up a space channel in all human countries, and they are all in the capital, which is convenient for them to deploy troops.

This time, the entire human race is to train troops. As for the location of the human race's ancestral home, he did not alarm it, because if Suirenshi personally went down, it would be meaningless, and it would be a one-way push.

"With the participation of the human race, this play is over!" Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, looking at the dozen people and shaking his head slightly.

The reason why he transferred troops from the entire human race was not just for these dozen people. After all, after these human soldiers were transferred, he did not plan to let them go back, but let them continue to fight in the God's Domain until the final winner was decided.

At this moment, the outside world, the people on Ye Xuan's ancestral star who had been watching were also surprised.

These people had never seen people from the ancestral star participate in the national competition, because people from the ancestral star had never even made it into the top 100 of the Chinese star domain, let alone the top 100, even if it was the top 10,000, it would take many years for such a person to appear.

But this time was different. This time, with Ye Xuan, he climbed to the top all the way, without a single defeat, and directly won the championship of the Chinese star domain and entered the threshold of the national competition.

Not only that, he directly became the first on the Tongtian list of the entire Great Xia Kingdom.

"Is this the human race?"

At this time, Yao Hai, who had been paying attention to Ye Xuan in the battle of the God's Domain, couldn't help but be surprised.

He thought that Ye Xuan would select such a powerful creature from the Kingdom of God, but he didn't expect it to be the human race.

As we all know, although the strength of the human race is not weak among the major kingdoms of God, it is much worse than those innate gods and those gods in myths and legends.

And Yao Hai knows the terribleness of those gods in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God. Let alone the few gods that appeared in the Tongtian Ranking Forum, they are absolutely the strongest.

"What's wrong with the human race? The human race can still be very strong! The human race is the strongest in my kingdom of God!" Someone around immediately responded after hearing this.

Yao Hai glanced at the other party with disdain and said sarcastically: "What kind of rubbish kingdom of God is yours? Go ask those mythical kingdoms of God, which one is not powerful but the creatures in myths and legends but the human race? Don't talk about Ye Xuan, even in my kingdom of God, the strongest is not the human race."

What he said was not to look down on the human race, but it was actually the case. In many kingdoms of God, there are human races. After all, everyone is human, although not in the same universe.

Therefore, many people have created kingdoms of God with humans, but without exception, although there are humans, the strongest are never humans, but the mythical creatures in the legends of the heavens, which are the most powerful existences in the kingdom of God.

Even in those so-called technological kingdoms of God, they are not the strongest simply by relying on human technology, but in those kingdoms of God, humans are at the top. Although not all of them are created by human technology, they are still at the top.

Only in those technological kingdoms of God may there be humans at the top. In the rest of the kingdoms of God, which of the strongest is not the mythical creatures standing at the top.

"You! Humph!" The man was angry and wanted to say something, but thinking that the other party's performance in the star field competition was already the best in recent years except Ye Xuan, he finally snorted coldly, turned his head, looked at the picture on the projection, and ignored Yao Hai.

Yao Hai did not say much, but sneered, and turned his gaze to the God's Domain.

In the divine realm.

As soon as the human race from the many kingdoms arrived in the divine realm, they were attacked by the combined forces of those people.

How powerful are the creatures in the prehistoric human race? Although the weakest are first-order creatures, they are simply cannon fodder. But after discovering that the opponent is very strong, those golden immortals also retreated to the space channel. Since they are not strong enough, staying is also a way to get killed.

So there are only more than 8,000 people left in the tens of thousands of human army led by Shi Yishi. Among these 8,000 people, the lowest cultivation is the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, which is the realm of second-order creatures. Among the more than 8,000 people, more than 1,000 are Daluo Golden Immortal, which is the realm of third-order creatures.

In addition, these human races have a profound foundation, comparable to the innate sacredness, and led by Shi Yishi, who is in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, the other side's invading million-strong army was actually resisted by the 8,000-plus army of the Shi Kingdom.

Those who look like a territory to the outside world are not very large territories, but they can accommodate an infinite number of people.

The enemy's million-strong army surrounded more than 8,000 people from the Shi Kingdom, but from the outside world's point of view, they still didn't fill up the square.

For a while, all kinds of magical powers were flying all over the sky, and countless creatures were falling.

The most outrageous one was Shi Yishi.

Shi Yishi's double pupils flashed with divine power, and purple light flashed all over the sky.

Accompanied by the terrifying pupil technique.

Boom! ! !

All the creatures below the third level of the million-strong army were annihilated and fell! ! !

Only those third-level creatures remained, but only more than 10,000 third-level creatures were left in the million-strong army.


The dozen or so coalitions that had been invading Ye Xuan's territory opened their eyes wide in an instant, staring at the creatures in the square of Ye Xuan's battlefield.

"Is this really a third-level creature?!!!"

Li Fengxian shouted in horror.

What surprised him was not that he killed so many creatures below the third level in one move. Under the suppression of the level, there were actually almost endless creatures that could do this. He didn't know how many creatures could do it.

What really surprised him was that Shi Yi killed those creatures below the third level in one move in front of more than 10,000 third-level creatures.

What is this concept? !

These more than 10,000 third-level creatures didn't even react to stop him! ! !

In other words, if he really attacked those third-level creatures, I'm afraid those third-level creatures would also perish.

Is this really a third-level creature?

Are you sure this is not the fourth level?

After all, Shi Yi is an existence in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenego. Although he has not entered the fourth level, he is far from being comparable to those third-level creatures.

Although he has only been stained with a trace of Hunyuan Zhenyi, that is also Hunyuan Zhenyi. At least he has some relationship with Hunyuan and belongs to an existence that has stepped half a foot into the fourth level.

"He has not yet entered the fourth level... And the most terrifying thing is that this is just an acquired creature, not one of the innate saints... You should know that there are countless innate creatures in Ye Xuan's world in the rumor, and the existence in the myth is just a drop in the ocean in his kingdom of God..." Fat Tiger sighed and said melancholy.

"Our doomsday has come..."

At this moment, not only did Fat Tiger have this idea in his mind, but almost everyone had such an idea in their minds.

Just when Fat Tiger was hesitating whether to surrender and retreat now, on the other side.

"The scum has been eliminated, and the next step is up to you!" Shi Yi waved his hand and stood in the center without moving.

"I will obey the general's order!"

More than 8,000 human cultivators clasped their fists and replied.

Shi Hao became the monarch of Shiguo, and Shi Yi naturally became the general of Shiguo.

"The Great Art of Transformation!!!"

A famous human cultivator shouted angrily. Every human had at least two clones, plus the original body, which was three. Some had more than a dozen clones.

After Shi Hao entered the realm of the Primordial True Self, the Great Art of Transformation could no longer be used. No matter how he modified it, it was impossible to shake this trace of true meaning, because it was in conflict with it.

But Shi Hao also successfully changed the Great Art of Transformation from being limited to cultivators in the Daluo Jinxian realm to being usable by Taiyi Jinxian and even Jinxian. Once a Jinxian becomes a Jinxian, he will have the idea of ​​immortality.

With a little immortality as the basis, the body becomes thousands of clones.

Eight thousand human cultivators turned into more than 40,000 human cultivators, and the one thousand Daluo Jinxians also turned into more than 7,000 Daluo Jinxians. It was so terrifying. The remaining third-level creatures on the other side were only more than 10,000, while there were more than 7,000 Daluo Jinxians on the prehistoric side.

The remaining Daluo Jinxian were also entangled by the remaining nearly 40,000 Taiyi Jinxian. Although many cultivators could not cross the level to kill the enemy, the prehistoric human race had a very high foundation. In addition, they were nurtured by the soil of creation and the heart of the gods, so the prehistoric perfect human race was comparable to the innate sacred.

Under the crushing foundation, although they were one level lower, they were still able to fight the opponent on equal terms.

However, the number of Taiyi Jinxian on the human side was ten times that of the remaining third-level creatures. Under the ten-fold encirclement, those third-level creatures were killed one by one.

As for the more than 7,000 Daluo Jinxians who were fighting one by one, they were almost killed instantly.

From the time the enemy invaded Ye Xuan's territory to the time the humans killed them all, it only took less than three minutes. This included Shi Yi's move to destroy those creatures below the third level.

"What the hell?!" Li Fengxian covered his head with both hands and looked at this scene in disbelief.

He mobilized an army of one million to press the territory, and it wasn't just in this place. Almost all the places he was responsible for attacking had millions of troops pressing on the territory. The distribution of the number of third-order creatures inside was also very different.

However, this million-strong army was instantly defeated, and those third-order creatures also perished.

"Is this a third-level creature?!!!"

Li Fengxian yelled angrily, but there was nothing he could do. They were both at the third level, but the other human race gave him a beating!

And it wasn't just that one place, as time went by, more and more of the front lines he was responsible for collapsed and were massacred!

"Ye Xuan!!!"

Li Fengxian's eyes were already bloodshot at this time, and his face was flushed as he looked at Ye Xuan who was walking leisurely and shouted loudly.

This roar attracted the surrounding creation gods to look over.

"What the hell!!!"


As Li Fengxian's words fell, a white light flashed, and in an instant, all of Li Fengxian's territory became Ye Xuan's territory, and the creatures of the Kingdom of God who had not yet died on the territory returned to his Kingdom of God.

As for those monsters, they were refreshed.


The other dozen contestants looked at each other one after another, wanting to laugh but unable to do so, because at this moment the creatures in their kingdom of God were also being slaughtered.




Voices of surrender sounded one after another, and the alliances that originally united to encircle Ye Xuan also chose to surrender one after another with the collapse of Li Fengxian.

There is no other way. If this continues, more and more creatures will die, and it will only be a waste of each other's time. It is already a good thing that they can occupy most of Ye Xuan's original territory.

If you can't beat Ye Xuan, it's expected. If you can beat him, it's a ghost.

With their surrender, Ye Xuan's territory increased more than ten times compared to the previous territory, and he suddenly became the person with the largest territory in the God's Domain.

But these don't actually matter, because there is actually not much difference in the size of the territory. It just means that with the connection, you can attack others better.

outside world.

Above the ancestral star.

Everyone looked at this scene with dull expressions. The change came too fast, and the comeback was completed in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, who said that the human race is not strong before? Who said that?" The man who was angrily criticized by Yao Hai before saw Shi Yishi destroying a million troops with one move and shouted loudly.

That voice actually used magical power, as if it was for fear that others wouldn't hear it.

Everyone looked sideways when they heard this, Yao Hai's face darkened, and then said: "What I said is that the human race is not the strongest in Ye Xuan Divine Kingdom, and I didn't say that I can't deal with these miscellaneous fish."

This has always been what he meant. He just felt that the human race was not the strongest, and he did not say that the human race was weak.

In fact, although the human race is not the strongest among many divine kingdoms, but because of the preference of the creation gods, they are all doing well. On the contrary, some are doing very well and have extremely high status. The presence.

"Haha, you don't have to say this? Who doesn't know that Ye Xuan is the fourth-level creation god, and who doesn't know that the strongest person in Ye Xuan's kingdom is a fourth-level creature!" The man explained to Yao Hai earlier, He sneered and snarled back angrily.

The main reason why I didn't dare to retaliate before was because I always felt that talking nonsense was a bit unreasonable. Now that the facts are doomed, it's a different story.

"Let's go to the sky arena and compete." Yao Hai was too lazy to argue with him and threatened him on the spot.

"Oh? What if I don't go!" This man was obviously not afraid. Seeing everyone watching here, even if he was scared, he had to pretend not to be scared.

"Haha, then you have to be more careful when walking." Yao Hai sneered, staring at the man with his eyes as cold as snow.

The threat in these words can be said to be naked. Usually when conflicts arise, they usually go to the Sky Arena. The stronger one has the final say, but now when facing the other party, they don’t go to the Sky Arena. , then Yao Hai doesn't care whether he is from the same Ancestral Star.

If the other party is still arrogant, then find an opportunity to slap him. It's better than just quarreling here.

Those around Yao Hai are also students from Jiangnan University. The strength gap between these students and Yao Hai is more than a hundred times. Yao Hai is an extremely advanced person in the star field competition. It can be said that he is second only to Ye Xuan's existence.

The man's expression changed when he heard this, and he ran away in a panic, not daring to stay where he was, for fear that Yao Hai would really turn his back on him and take action.

Yao Hai is the treasure of Jiangnan University at this time. A person of this level would be an absolute genius if he went to the five major colleges, but he is in Jiangnan University. How can Yun Wu, the president of Jiangnan University, dislike him?

Yao Hai did not take the other party into consideration, but turned to look at Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan was still the same as before, he liked to wear white clothes and always liked to show off.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to beat up Ye Xuan. Every time Ye Xuan gave him a great opportunity to show off.

He looked down at the white clothes he was wearing. As expected, wearing white clothes and ancient costumes to show off would make him look much more impressive.

There were so many women in Jiangnan University who admired him. He was not polite. He would go to bed with those who were compatible with him to talk about life and ideals, and ignored those who were not compatible with him.

Creation Continent, viewing platform.

“As expected of him being the first on the Tongtian list, this method of self-transformation has increased his strength in the kingdom of God exponentially!” Someone said with envy.

There were countless methods of clones like this, but there was no doubt that these methods all had various flaws.

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