Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 251 The Emperor of Man enters the Divine Realm, Emperor Jun thinks about the future (to be u

Many clones' skills and magical powers either max out their attack power, reaching the true level of the original body, but the same defense power becomes the kind that disappears after one attack, or they become meat shields to resist damage, but the attack power is also small.

Anyway, in all aspects, at most, they can only achieve one extreme point of the original body, while the self-transformation method created by Shi Hao can copy everything of the original body.

Whether it is the mind, wisdom, or combat power, it is almost impossible to copy them completely, but this terrifying BUG-level skill has appeared.

Fortunately, there are restrictions. It cannot be used after the Hunyuan realm, that is, the fourth level.

But this is also a very terrifying thing. One person can be as good as three or four at least, and as good as dozens. This is simply cheating!

Therefore, many people are envious, especially those third-level creators. If they can get this kind of skill, it means that their chances of winning the God Kingdom War among the same level will be much greater.

"If I can get this kind of magical skill, I can be the king of the third level!!!"

At this time, countless people's eyes flashed with brilliance, staring at Ye Xuan with greed.

"Oh? Then you go to Ye Xuan to ask for it, and see if he will give it to you, hehe..."

A person beside him seemed to have the ability to sense people's hearts, and said to the young man who was thinking this in his heart.

The young man's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he looked at the smiling middle-aged man beside him, and he was extremely frightened. This man could actually see through his inner thoughts.

The smile of the middle-aged man fell into his eyes, not only without warmth, but also made him feel extremely cold.


In the prehistoric world.

Human race, Shiguo.

"Oh? Did Shi Yi really say so?" Shi Hao asked with a frown after hearing the report from his men.

"That's what the general said, I dare not deceive the king!" After hearing the words, the tribesman immediately bowed his head and clasped his fists.

Shi Hao nodded and said, "If that's the case, then let's mobilize 100,000 Taiyi realm cultivators and 10,000 Daluo clan members to go to that cave!"

After saying that, he stood up and flashed, a divine thought came out, and the clan members began to mobilize one after another.

In the end, those clan members followed him to the divine domain.

Shiguo was not the only one, but almost all the kings in various countries planned to go there in person to find out whether the cave was really as strange as they said.


Kunlun Mountains, under Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral home of the human race, the imperial city of the Sui Dynasty, was called Suicheng.

The Sui Dynasty was a dynasty established by the human emperor Suiren, who divided the world into 300 kings. The 300 kings were all ministers of the Sui Dynasty, but they were also monarchs of their own countries.

Suicheng was not built in Buzhou Mountain, but a capital built on a group of peaks in the Kunlun Mountains. It floats on the peaks and stands firm. It is surrounded by four major cities, which also float in the air, but are lower than the imperial city.

At this moment, someone has already reported what happened in the capitals of more than 300 countries to the Human Emperor Suiren.

This is a summary of what happened in the capitals of their own countries by those kings. Suddenly, an unknown space channel appeared, and they also reported it.

"... It actually appeared in all the capitals of the human kingdoms at the same time. What does this mean..." Suiren looked up at the sky. The straw raincoat he was wearing and the extremely luxurious hall seemed a little abrupt.

This hall is the symbol of the human imperial city, so it naturally cannot be shabby. If a distinguished guest comes to visit the Human Emperor, Suiren will also change the straw raincoat he usually wears and wear the human emperor robe.

The Emperor's robe condenses a trace of the luck of the human race, which is invulnerable to all kinds of magic and evil. It is embroidered with the sun, moon and stars, and a flame is surrounded by the sun, moon and stars. It is a wisp of fire, representing the inheritance of the human race.

It is also made according to the great way cultivated by Suiren, which is quite consistent.

But Suiren still prefers the raincoat he wore in the past, so he usually wears it.

If it is not to symbolize the face of the human race, Suiren would not even build this imperial city himself.

The dragon clan has the Dragon Palace, the witch clan has the Pangu Palace, and the demon clan has the Tianting Lingxiao Palace.

Although Pangu Palace will not receive guests, at most they will receive guests in the Zuwu Palace, but the Zuwu Palace is also extremely tall and incomparable. Although simple, it is not majestic.

If the human race did not have its own symbol, it would undoubtedly be psychologically weaker. It is not the case that others have luxurious palaces while the human emperor lives in a broken thatched hut...

"I want to see who dares to make trouble among the human race!!!" There was a hint of anger in Suiren's eyes. He suppressed his anger, and time and space flowed in his eyes, and years passed.

He investigated in the long river of time, wanting to see who dared to make trouble among the human race.

If it is said that no one is specifically targeting the human race, Suiren will not believe it. Such a passage has appeared in the capitals of more than 300 kingdoms. If it is said that there is no one behind the scenes, he will not believe it even if he is beaten to death.

Therefore, there must be a sacred thing behind it.

Time passed bit by bit, and Suiren's brows were frowned more and more tightly.

After a long time, he still didn't find anything strange. Those space channels suddenly appeared at the same time, and there was no trace of any living creature left.

"Then let's go and see who is behind this..."

Suiren sighed. Even the Hunyuan realm couldn't see through the calculations behind it, and even didn't find a little clue. That means there must be an extremely powerful existence hidden behind it.

He didn't know if he could survive this trip, but for the sake of the human race, he had to bite the bullet and go on such a trip. If he could find the black hand behind it, even if he died, it would be worth it.

At least he could know who was calculating the human race, so he would have a chance to defeat that person.


In the heaven.

"Many space channels suddenly appeared in the human race. Those space channels seemed to have suddenly appeared in the heavens. They came and went in a hurry, and they led to another world."

Dressed in the robe of the emperor, Di Jun looked so majestic, but still spoke to Taiyi in a friendly manner.

At the beginning, they also encountered this situation, and then asked Taiyi to deal with it. After Taiyi came back, he said that it was another cave heaven, but it seemed not to be a cave heaven, which was extremely strange.

"Maybe it is the world I encountered at the beginning. The higher my cultivation, the more I feel that the prehistoric world is not the only one..." Taiyi frowned and said slowly.

It seems that there is a wider world above the heavens, at least there is a supreme existence.

Although that existence has not been confirmed, it seems that every bit in the prehistoric world is related to it.

"Do you think it is the supreme existence that created the human race at the beginning?"

Di Jun said leisurely, with infinite wisdom in his eyes.

He had searched in the endless time and space, but he did not see any traces of that existence.

Although there were no traces left, it did not mean that Di Jun thought there was no higher existence above.

He always felt that the reason why the present prehistoric world became what it is now, different from other time and space, was because there was a supreme existence in the dark leading them forward.

Taiyi was silent after hearing this, then nodded and said: "It is not impossible, but compared to these, it is better to find out whether there is a supreme existence above."

This point has almost become a consensus among all the Hunyuan realms.

The existence that has reached the Hunyuan realm can freely shuttle and browse in the infinite time and space, and can observe what has happened in the endless time and space, whether it is parallel or not, and can explore it.

But the more you explore, the more you find how different your own time and space are.

Even the future of this time and space is very different from the future of other time and space. Although you don’t know whether those futures will happen, they are always very different.

The higher the cultivation level, the more one can feel one's own insignificance.

The higher the cultivation level, the more one can feel the oppression from the great way of heaven and earth.

That kind of oppression is invisible, but it seems to be real.

"Forget it, compared to these, the existence in the underworld is more troublesome..." Di Jun stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead.

What he said was the will of the reincarnation gods and demons. That god and demon has a stronger deterrent power than the supreme one whose existence is unknown, because even if the other party really exists, if it has not appeared for so many years, it is very likely that it will not appear again, but secretly guide the prehistoric world to become stronger and stronger. As for what the final purpose is, it is unknown.

But the current reincarnation gods and demons are real. Although it is just a will, it is also the thought of gods and demons, which is extraordinary. Just the will is extremely difficult to deal with.

The God and Demon of Reincarnation had once swaggered to Pangu Temple to look for Pangu's obsession. Although those ancient witches had successfully proved their way and entered the realm of supreme chaos, they had no way to deal with the God and Demon of Reincarnation. Although the will of the God and Demon of Reincarnation could not defeat the eleven ancient witches, the eleven ancient witches could not touch the will of the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

Even Di Jiang, who had comprehended the Great Dao of Space, was the same. He used up all the magical powers and rhymes of the Great Dao of Space, but could not hurt the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

"Brother, are you talking about that God and Demon? It is indeed quite a headache, but now that the witch clan is mixed with it, it is not easy to deal with it." Taiyi frowned and said.

Taiyi and Dijun instinctively felt displeased with the God and Demon of Reincarnation. The God and Demon of Reincarnation was born in chaos and was an existence that could not be illuminated by the sun. The God and Demon of Light in the past was not the opponent of the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

And now they have lived in the underworld for a long time. What is the underworld? It is a place that the sun cannot shine on. It is a dark place under the lamp.

To be honest, they don't want those old gods and demons to appear again. Not to mention that it may cause a great impact on the current prehistoric pattern, even if they only fell to prevent Pangu from opening the sky, it is hard to guarantee that they will not think of destroying the prehistoric world after resurrection.

What's more, if these gods and demons are revived, then the avenue they cultivate is a joke? The avenue they cultivate is the gods and demons themselves?

Then aren't they working for the gods and demons? And it won't be too easy for the other party to control them, after all, the avenue they cultivate is cultivating the other party.

"Well, it's not appropriate to completely stir up the whole prehistoric world for the sake of a god and demon who may disturb the prehistoric world. Let's wait and see for now. We also have to build some acquired avenues. The innate avenues are all those gods and demons. If we build them again Go down, and when the gods and demons revive, I'm afraid we will just be playthings in their hands..."

Emperor Jun's eyes revealed the light of wisdom. Since he could not stop the coming of the gods and demons, he could only choose to cultivate those acquired avenues.

Although the acquired avenue is not as powerful as the innate avenue, it can still be comparable to the innate avenue after cultivating to an extremely deep level. The most important thing is that the acquired avenue does not have an origin. That kind of avenue is created by oneself. There is no avenue god. The emergence of demons, or the great gods and demons who are their own way.

And this acquired avenue is the most important thing for the innate saints to escape from being controlled by the gods and demons of the avenue. If Taiyi and Dijun encounter the gods and demons of the avenue they have built, there is no doubt that everything in their own avenue will be unable to deal with it. Damage was done.

Both of them cultivated great avenues, and the gods and demons of the great avenue themselves were transformed from this great avenue. Therefore, how could the magical power of this great avenue cause harm to the great avenue gods and demons.

But fortunately, neither of them has only practiced one avenue. Even if they really encounter the gods and demons of the avenue they have cultivated, they will not be able to resist at all.

However, the Xiantian Dao that he built was ultimately no match for the five supreme beings, and he was like an ant in front of the five supreme supreme beings.

Only the acquired path that starts from the beginning can surpass the five supreme ones. Of course, the premise is that those five supreme ones do not learn the acquired path, otherwise...

With the development of the times, not only are there more and more realms of cultivation, but also more and more divine passages.

Although the deeper the foundation, the better, and the older often means the deeper the foundation, but the Taoist enlightenment or divine passage method that is cultivated is not that the older the better.

As the times continue to progress, everything will be new and better. Otherwise, the world will be lagging behind, regressing, decaying, and eroding. When time passes without progress, it means that this The world is a corrupt world.

Today's divine channel method has long been superior to the divine channel method at the beginning of the world. Otherwise, why didn't we see such BUG-level magical powers as his Transformation of Freedom in ancient times?

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