Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 252 Seeing the white clothes at first sight, Suirenshi saw Ye Xuan

In the divine domain.

Ye Xuan watched this scene quietly, without much joy in his heart. All this was natural and natural, so there was no need to be too happy.

At this time, many great masters of the human race in the Hunyuan realm also rushed here.

The area responsible for the Shi Kingdom.

Shi Hao stood proudly, his eyes swept across the sky, but he found that he could not step into the place that could not be stepped on. He could only step into one grid of territory at most. After reaching that grid, if he did not kill the monster in it, he could not break through.

And after killing it, he could enter the neighboring grid of territory.

"Are these strange creatures the eyes of the formations like the formations..." Shi Hao attributed all of this to the formation eyes of the formation, and only this could explain why he could not enter the next territory before breaking the formation eyes.

"King, the space here is quite strange, and so are the rules. Previously, there were creatures from many other worlds fighting with us, but soon after, they all disappeared, and the territories and formations that belonged to them also became ours..." Shi Yi came to Shi Hao's side at this time and expressed his doubts.

Although he destroyed the opponent's army at that time, he encountered a new army of the opponent afterwards. Although the number was not large, many of those armies had disappeared before they could be killed.

"Is that so... Is this a world that cultivates winners, similar to a world that raises Gu..." Shi Hao lowered his head and murmured to himself.

The weak tribesmen in the Wu clan would look for some poisonous insects and beasts to cultivate Gu worms. Some Gu worms can amplify themselves and make themselves stronger, and some Gu worms can be used to control others, which is really magical.

If you want to produce powerful Gu worms, you can only put them in a closed environment, and then let them kill each other and finally produce the most powerful Gu worm, which is generally called the Gu King.

"Also, it seems that people have come from all the tribes of the human race..." Shi Yi reported the supernatural things he found to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao frowned slightly, there was such a thing, and immediately asked again: "What about other races? Wu clan? Monster clan? Dragon clan? Have they come?"

Since so many people from the human race have come, other races should come as well, not just the human race.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yi shook his head and said: "No, only people from our human race came."

As soon as these words came out, Shi Hao's pupils shrank sharply, there was such a thing.

Immediately, his spiritual consciousness spread out, and he understood in an instant.

"It's actually true! This is a conspiracy against the human race!!!" Shi Hao's face suddenly changed. His divine sense swept over and found that there were only people from the human race, and there were people from all kingdoms, and every king also came with him.

His divine sense could detect all places in Ye Xuan's territory, but except for Ye Xuan's territory, other places could not be detected.

Shi Yi's face also changed when he heard this, and he clenched his palms and said in surprise: "No way? Although all the people who came are human race, nothing happened!"

In his opinion, this does not seem to be a conspiracy against the human race. Now, except for the ancestral court, the rest of the countries of the human race have basically entered a large number of people. Except for Suiren, the high-level people of the human race have basically arrived.

If there is really an accident, wouldn't it mean that the elite of the human race will be killed or injured...

How many years will it take to make up for it...

Thinking of this, Shi Yi's face is also gloomy.

But Shi Hao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Whether this is a conspiracy against the human race or not, at least His Majesty is still outside. As long as he exists, the human race will not be destroyed!"

Suiren's cultivation has reached the supreme Hunyuan realm. Shi Hao does not think that anyone in the prehistoric world can kill him.

That's why he said that with Suiren, the human race will have nothing to worry about.

"I see that the space channel has not been closed yet. I must be worrying too much. However, these channels only exist within the human race, which is still very strange. I don't know how much benefit this world can bring to the human race!"

Gradually, Shi Hao also calmed down. If this was really a conspiracy against the human race, then they would not exist now, so basically there should be no big deal.

"You go and lead the tribesmen to expand the territory. You must occupy any place that cannot be set foot on. I always feel that this matter is not so simple. When this world is completely incorporated into the human territory, you will know what is behind the scenes!" After thinking for a while, Shi Hao ordered Shi Yi who was standing beside him.


Shi Yi nodded and immediately went to the place where the Shi Kingdom army was stationed.

For a while, Shi Hao was the only one left here.

After Shi Yi left, Shi Hao looked into the distance. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Then, he looked around.

"What is behind it..."

Shi Hao was silent and wanted to explore everywhere, but he could not find what he wanted to find.

Ye Xuan stood there, alone and motionless, but Shi Hao could not see Ye Xuan, even though his cultivation had reached the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, and his eyes looked at Ye Xuan several times, but he could not see Ye Xuan.

"Are you suspicious..." Ye Xuan looked at Shi Hao and murmured to himself.

In an instant, Shi Hao seemed to sense something and looked at Ye Xuan's location.

"Who is looking at me?! Is it that supreme being?!"

Shi Hao shouted instantly in his mind, and when Ye Xuan's eyes stayed on him, he was already aware of it due to his sensitivity.

But looking in the direction of Ye Xuan, he couldn't see any living beings.

Shi Hao moved and wanted to go to Ye Xuan's location, but found that he could not enter it either. A strange feeling appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, a more powerful aura appeared.

That is the aura of the Human Emperor Suiren clan!

Shi Hao quickly looked back and saw the Human Emperor Suiren appearing in this world wearing a raincoat.

Then, he immediately turned around and walked towards him.

"His Majesty……"

Shi Hao bowed his head slightly and said respectfully.

"Shi Hao, you are here too..." After seeing Shi Hao, Suiren nodded, and then his thoughts moved.

Buzz! ! !

The thought of Hunyuan covered the entire territory where Ye Xuan belonged, and he instantly understood what kind of world this was.

Then, he looked in the direction of Ye Xuan.


Suiren's eyes widened instantly, what kind of existence was that? !

A figure in white appeared, with his back to the people.

He just took a quick glance, but could no longer see that touch of white clothing.

A white clothed boy suppressed the world for eternity. The boy in white clothed seemed to be the end of everything and the source of all avenues.

With just a quick glance, he saw countless traces of avenues on the white clothed body.

"What's wrong? Your Majesty? What did you see?!" Shi Hao couldn't help but ask when he saw that what Suiren saw was exactly the direction he was looking at before.

After hearing this, Suiren withdrew his gaze, his thoughts returned, and he couldn't help but sigh: "From the infinite time and space, I saw a wisp of white clothes passing by. That young man in white clothes suppressed the infinite time and space, suppressing the entire prehistoric era. Under the body."

"He just stood there, making me forget time and everything. It was as if there was only that figure between heaven and earth. Just that quick glance gave me an incomparable sense of frustration."

For a moment, Suiren seemed to have aged much, and his vigor was somewhat dampened.

All this time, no matter how powerful the enemy he encountered, he never took it seriously. He also firmly believed that he would be able to defeat the opponent, even if he faced those saints who had already become enlightened before he became enlightened.

But just now, after he saw Ye Xuan's figure, he couldn't think of fighting against it from the bottom of his heart. He didn't know why.

"Is this... actually so strong?!" Shi Hao's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

Even Suiren, who had always been unbeatable in his mind, said this, which made him feel even more powerless.

He didn't even have the qualifications to see the other party, so there was no need to talk about confrontation.

Even the Human Emperor, who was in the realm of Hunyuan, could only glance at it briefly.

"Just standing there, you can see countless great avenues emerging from him. He seems to be the source of everything, and there is great terror in him..." Suiren said again with a look of fear on his face.

Everything around him was isolated, and only Shi Hao could hear these words coming out of his mouth.

"Don't chase, don't tell..."

These are not his illusions, but they actually exist.

Although Ye Xuan is not the source of chaos, nor the source of the avenue, he is the real source of the chaotic world. Without him, the chaotic world will turn into nothingness.

Therefore, in the eyes of these ancient creatures, there is no difference between Ye Xuan and the source of everything. Coupled with the existence of those Dao gods and demons, his Dao understanding is at the forefront after all. In the eyes of Suiren, he is just like The source of the avenue does not make much difference.

If it were not the source of the avenue, how could it be possible to control countless avenues...

"This...this kind of existence should use the ancient world as a chessboard and all races and spirits as chess pieces. Why would they deliberately create this world for us humans?" Shi Hao asked in confusion.

In his opinion, since that being was so powerful, if he really wanted to fool the world, why would he deliberately give humans such a world instead of teasing all races and spirits.

In other words, on the other hand, the development from prehistoric times to the current situation is not due to the existence that has been silently guiding and fiddling behind the scenes...

When he thought of this, Shi Hao felt a desire to resist in his heart. He didn't want to be at the mercy of others for the rest of his life. My fate was up to me!

"No, the supreme being did not want to play with the human race. All developments in the prehistoric era seemed to be unable to escape his grasp. If he wanted to play with the human race, how could he not have left a trace in the process of the prehistoric era."

"What's more, he has been supporting all races and spirits. I have heard that when the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun was in trouble, an ancient saint suddenly appeared. The existence was called Xingchen Ancestor. Now he is also in the realm of Hunyuan. exists.

Just when Hongjun was in chaos, he wanted to block all the thoughts of Hunyuan in the world. At the time of crisis, the ancestor of Xingchen suddenly understood the true meaning of Hunyuan, and this led to the present prehistoric world. If there is such a coincidence, I don't really believe it. "

"Since it has been proven that there really is someone behind the Great Desolate World, it means that all developments in the Great Desolate World cannot escape his intervention..."

"Maybe even our human race is like this..."

Suiren looked into the distance, his eyes radiating a light of incomparable wisdom.

The human race has such a talent and profound foundation. How could it be created by the human race's Virgin Mother Nuwa who had not yet become enlightened? There must be a bigger reason behind this.

Moreover, the human race is born to be able to carry the three thousand avenues. The Nuwa Empress herself has not understood the three thousand avenues, so how can the human race be qualified to carry the three thousand avenues...

Behind all of this, it's not that no one is looking into it, but the more you look into it, the more something is wrong. There seems to be a shadowy figure behind many things that is vaguely driving everything.

But this time, Suirenshi saw that figure directly.

"Then what should we do?" Shi Hao was a little confused by what Suiren said. Since the other party didn't want to play with the human race, why did he manifest his body again.

He didn't believe that the other party couldn't hide his figure. If this was the case, it would have been known to many living beings.

"You don't need to worry too much, just do what you should do with peace of mind. I always feel that there should be a stronger enemy in the dark. If not, the white-clothed statue will not always urge the creatures in the ancient world to become stronger. "It's..." The Suiren family can break through all kinds of illusions at a glance. After knowing that there is such a statue, and then reverse the flow of time and look at the past time and space, you can clearly know that the other party is not trying to fool Honghuang.

On the contrary, the other party has been secretly helping and guiding all races and spirits in the ancient world to give birth to stronger existences.

If not, Hongjun's original plan might have been successful.

Thinking of this, Suiren finally realized that there was no figure in white clothes in other time and space.

No wonder today's prehistoric times are far different from those in other parallel time and space. Except for some familiar creatures, there are almost no similarities. Although the plot development is roughly the same, it is very different.

And among those in the ancient world, they were all getting weaker and weaker without any surprise, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was getting thinner and thinner, and the ancient world was also getting weaker and weaker. Only the aloof Dao Ancestor Hongjun was constantly getting stronger. Apart from him, no living beings were still alive. Getting stronger.

Even the seven saints he sat down and ennobled were the same. After they reached the top, they were just like that...

In other words, the existence of the white-clothed statue has indeed brought benefits to Honghuang, at least it has made Honghuang a lot more powerful, and the human race will no longer become a plaything in the hands of the gods in the sky.

the other side.

The corners of Ye Xuan's mouth raised slightly, it was just the look he deliberately let Suiren see.

Since those creatures in the ancient world entered the fourth level, they have become stronger and slower. Although Ye Xuan knows that this is because the higher the level, the harder it is to practice, but he still can't help but want to stimulate A primitive creature.

And there is nothing more suitable than him, when the primitive creatures know that there is an insurmountable existence above them.

Most of the creatures would probably become numb and give up, but those high-ranking creatures must not be able to help but want to become stronger, want to reach the peak and witness his existence with their own eyes.

There are even some beings who want to pull him down from his position and replace him.

"Ambition, let's grow it..."

"Only desire can make you stronger..."

"Grow the desire to become stronger!!!"

Ye Xuan looked at Suiren and Shi Hao with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

War can better promote the progress of living beings, and a mountain pressing in the sky can also turn the pressure in their hearts into motivation, making them want to become stronger.

And every time the creatures in the ancient world became stronger, Ye Xuan also became stronger.

In the wilderness, there are thirty-two heavens.

"What? The Human Emperor personally entered that space passage?!"

Bai Ze, one of the top ten handsome men, frowned when he heard this.

On weekdays, the affairs of the heaven are handled by these demon commanders. The demon clan’s luck is also the main body of the heaven’s luck. Of course, there are also quite a few from other races or casual cultivators.

"Yes, Commander Bai, the Human Emperor did not conceal his aura and went directly to the human kingdom closest to the human ancestral court, heading straight for the weird space passage."

Below are the Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er who are in charge of observing various situations in the world. One of these two creatures is a member of the Thousand Eyes tribe and the other is a member of the Wan Er tribe.

The people of the Thousand-Eyed Tribe are gifted with the power of clairvoyance, which allows them to reach up to the sky and down to the deepest reaches of the Netherworld. If there is no obstruction by a great practitioner, they can see everything between heaven and earth. They are often hunted down by them because they see things they should not see.

Once, he offended a great supernatural being and was almost exterminated. Fortunately, he met Emperor Jun and was able to survive and save his clan members. From then on, the Thousand-Eyed Clan joined the Monster Clan.

The Wan'er tribe is also in a similar situation. They always hear things they shouldn't hear. One day, they provoke a powerful person and almost wipe out the tribe. However, they meet the demon commander Bai Ze and save him, and he also joins the demon tribe.

The people of the Qianmu Clan and the Wan'er Clan also took turns to be on duty at the four heavenly gates in the southeast, northwest and northwest, monitoring the dynamics of the human world. Only then happened to see the scene of the Human Emperor.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Come on down." Bai Ze nodded and waved his hand.


The Thousand Miles Clan member saluted immediately upon hearing this, and then left.

Among the ten demon commanders, Bai Ze was the leader. Although his combat power was not the strongest, he was famous for his resourcefulness and was deeply trusted by the Emperor of Heaven.

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