Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 253 Why is there no one in the God's Domain who can defeat me in one move!

Lingxiao Palace.

"Your Majesty, the Human Emperor has also entered it. Now all the masters of the human race are gone, and only the old, weak and sick are left in the human race." Bai Ze pressed his head, and a light flashed in his eyes.

The human race is tyrannical. As the leader of the top ten demon commanders in heaven, how could he not know this?

It has only been a few years since the human race appeared. Now there are actually human races in the Hunyuan Realm. If a few more days pass, will there be more Hunyuan Realms? By then, even if Heaven wants to deal with the human race, I am afraid I am also powerless...

Therefore, in order to prevent the human race from seizing the sky, Bai Ze wanted to take the opportunity to annihilate the human race in one fell swoop.

But after all, this matter is related to the Demon Race Emperor Wa, and it cannot be decided by him. What's more, there was a time when the Emperor of Heaven personally came forward to protect the human race, so it is impossible for him to act privately no matter what.

"Oh?" Di Jun glanced at Bai Ze meaningfully after hearing this, and then said coldly: "The human race is the child of Emperor Wa. As long as Nuwa is still the emperor of the monster race, as long as the human race does not offend the heaven, Then I won’t touch other people!”

At this glance, Bai Ze felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave in the middle of winter. He had never felt cold since he was born, and he had never seen such an indifferent look from the Emperor of Heaven.

He was so frightened that he immediately replied: "I know!"

"Well, just know it. Just don't mention it again in the future, so as not to let Emperor Wa know about it and ruin the relationship between us." Di Jun smiled and nodded when he heard this, indicating that he didn't need to care so much.

"I will keep this in mind!" Bai Ze bowed his head again and said.

Although they were both in the realm of Hunyuan, Di Jun could still feel the unfathomable cultivation level from Di Jun, which gave him a feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

"Although the human race is tyrannical, it is only the human race after all. There are three talents of heaven, earth and man. Heaven will not let a clan get all the benefits. As the saying goes, the most prosperous must decline. The human race can only occupy the talents among the three talents of heaven, earth and man. Now the genius is defeated by me and The land you have gained has been acquired by the Wu clan, and the talents have not yet appeared.”

"Any race that wants to unify the ancient world will eventually be destroyed and declined. If not, how could the three Kaitian clans in the past leave only the Dragon clan?"

Emperor Jun said leisurely, if he had not already realized the truth and seen through the vicissitudes of the world, how could he have only occupied the position of heaven for so many years without going to unify the ancient world.

The reason is that this is the case for any force. Heaven will not let one family prosper forever. A hundred flowers blooming is what Heaven wants to see.

In the endless time and space, the reason why the human race can become the protagonist of the world is because it is obedient, weak and easy to control, while the two Lich races are unruly, which leads to this.

Even so, the human race has almost become the plaything of the gods.

"Your Majesty, what you mean is that as long as our demon race maintains its current balance, we will be able to be strong forever?" Bai Ze's eyes suddenly brightened and he asked with great joy.

In fact, it is very rare for the demon clan to be so powerful. Among the three talents of heaven, earth and people, they have the best genius.

No matter how prosperous the human race is, it can only occupy talented people at most.

"That's the theory, and I will make this theory become a fact!" Di Jun's domineering words appeared again, which calmed Bai Ze's uneasy mind again.

"With His Majesty here, I feel relieved!" A smile finally appeared on Bai Ze's face, and he was no longer as disturbed as before.

Suddenly, Bai Ze suddenly thought of something, and then frowned and asked: "But what if the human race wants to dominate the ancient world? Will that existence still take action against the human race..."

"Probably not. The goal of that person's existence is to make the ancient world stronger, and the consequences of a dominant family will only lead to decay, infighting, and destruction. Therefore, it is impossible for the human race to unify the ancient world, let alone waiting for those great gods. The demons have all revived, and the situation in the ancient wilderness may usher in brand new changes, so we have to work hard..."

Di Jun shook his head slowly and expressed his guess.

He has been invincible for eternity, but it is still impossible to deal with those great gods and demons now. He can only try every means to find a way to get rid of the shock of those great great gods and demons.

"I know..."

Bai Ze went back. He was very worried when he came, and he still had some worries in his heart when he left.

It's just that the two objects of worry are different. In the past, they were worried that those human races might replace the heavens, but now they are worried that those great gods and demons might revive.

Dao gods and demons...

This is a lingering nightmare on the heads of many creatures in the prehistoric times. Those are the opponents of Pangu Father God, those are the gods and demons who came from the great road. Their opponents are only each other, and they have cultivated All are their own avenues.

But the creatures of the ancient world are different. What they cultivate are those avenues that the gods and demons are born to control. It can be said that there is no way to fight. There is only one possibility of victory, and that is to go The only way to defeat them is to cultivate a path they have no control over.

This is also the meaning of the birth of Houtian Dao...

Although it is difficult, there is always hope.

Chuangshi Continent, the referee center for national competitions.

Ji Chang, the dean of Dazhou College, was sitting very calmly at the top. Opposite him was a densely packed screen, and on the screen were the projections of the students in the divine realm.

At this moment, in addition to Ji Chang leading everyone in the referee center, the deans of the Great Zhou Academy among the five colleges of the Eight Hundred Star Territory and the Ancestral Star also gathered together. However, as their own star territories If the students among them fail, the deans of Dazhou College will basically choose to leave.

This kind of thing has always been under the joint jurisdiction of the five colleges, but in fact it still falls on Dazhou College.

The first-year students are also young and energetic teenagers, and they are very angry. If they really get hit in the head, I am afraid that even the Kingdom of God may be shattered.

Although few people will break into the opponent's kingdom, this does not mean that it is impossible to break in, because when a space channel is opened to allow the creatures in one's own kingdom to enter, it will naturally give other creatures from the kingdom a chance to enter. .

If you hit the top, go back to the original and restore it, and come to the opponent's kingdom of God, and the other party does not surrender, it is possible that the kingdom of God will be shattered, the divine fire will be extinguished, and the creation god will be useless by then.

Therefore, the deans of Dazhou College are collectively responsible for guarding and maintaining the fairness of this competition.

These deans are at the lowest level of the sixth-level Creator God, so it is normal for them to want to save the students.

In addition to these deans, there are also many staff members who are constantly arranging all kinds of data and displaying them on another huge screen, allowing those from the outside world to People can understand the current situation more quickly.

"How many students did Great Xia lose?"

One of the deans spoke.

No matter which star field the dean is, he is a sixth-level creation god.

Therefore, after the staff heard the inquiry, a general manager immediately reported: "Of the more than 80,000 students in Daxia Kingdom, 13,821 have been eliminated, and the vast majority of them were eliminated by our own people. Those who were eliminated, but those international students were also eliminated, and more than a thousand people were eliminated in total..."

Ji Chang frowned when he heard this, opened his closed eyes, and asked: "Where are the foreign students? How many have been eliminated?"

In fact, if these deans really want to know, they can know it by themselves, but they still go through the motions out of habit.

After the general manager saw that it was the most senior leader who was asking the question, he quickly replied: "The foreign students have not eliminated anyone, whether it is the Western Eight Kingdoms, the Baga Kingdom, or the Monkey Kingdom..."


After Ji Chang heard the words and said yes, he closed his eyes again.

These are just some small episodes, and it should be better to ask again after a while.

But when another dean heard this, he became furious and stood up and said: "Can't any of these international students be cured?! This is so outrageous! I saw that some of these stupid things actually killed our Daxia country." The student’s Kingdom of God was destroyed, how is this different from destroying him?”

As soon as these words came out, the referee center immediately threw a firecracker.

Everyone present is not in a high position and has extremely powerful cultivation. How can any of them endure the rampage of those small countries?

"If I hadn't been afraid of causing international disputes, I would have directly led the troops to defeat this Xiao Xiba! This Xiao Xiba was the most egregious! Not only did he destroy the Kingdom of God, but he also destroyed all the arrogance and confidence of the students he defeated. The blow is gone! Even if we use resources to revive the kingdom, this student will be useless!"

Another middle-aged man wearing a gray robe stood up. Although he had an elegant temperament, the words coming out of his mouth were so inconsistent.

It felt like a talented scholar who had read poetry and books was swearing, which was extremely inconsistent.

Then, in order to verify his statement, he waved his hand, and one of the dense screens suddenly zoomed in.

I saw that one of the international students from Xiao Xiba, a player named Cui Xi, appeared in the Kingdom of God, a student from Daxia Kingdom, like a god descending into the world.

"Why!!!" The student knelt on the ground, watching all the creatures in his kingdom being burned and perished by the sun god but was unable to do anything.

Now his kingdom of God is only one final blow away from breaking into pieces. At that time, he will fall from the ranks of the third-level Creation God.

"Hahahaha! Because your so-called gods are just ants in front of my tall and noble Sun God Huanyin!!! We have endless gods in the Eight Kingdoms of the Great West!! And in my Kingdom of Gods, the sun Shenhuan is because of the Lord!" Cui Xi looked at the defeated student in front of him with a proud look on his face and continued to mock:

"It seems that the students of Daxia Kingdom are just like this. I thought that when I came here, I would meet powerful beings and learn a lot from them, but I didn't expect that the people I met along the way were like this. Is Daxia already so weak?"

Trish said with an extremely ugly face, her face was extremely twisted and ugly, her smile was so sarcastic, and her words were so sarcastic.

The student who was knocked to the ground clenched his fists, his eyes filled with humiliation and resentment, and he stood up with a roar.

"Go to hell, Xiao Xiba!!! My Kingdom of God is no match for me, but I'm still there!!!"

He roared and attacked Trish, and behind Trish was a fiery body.

That was the extremely powerful Sun God Huan Yin. Behind Huan Yin's head were three Immortal Seals, each of which contained extremely powerful power of the Great Dao.

Huan Yin is the sun god in the Western Eight myths and the supreme emperor of heaven.

There is no conflict with this point. The sun god in many myths is the Emperor of Heaven.

The student rushed in front of Cui Xi, but Cui Xi showed no fear at all, just when the student was about to punch him.

The Sun God Huan Yin behind Cui Xi took action.

Buzz! ! !

An immortal seal behind him burst out with an extremely bright light, heading towards the student.

Boom! ! !

Just when the light was about to touch the student, a ray of white light flashed across and saved the student.

Trish also returned to the divine realm and did not see the student again.

"Did someone take action to save it..." Trish secretly cursed as he looked at the other people's territories that suddenly became his own.

"But it doesn't matter, that person will be useless if he doesn't die, haha..."

Trish then put it behind her and turned her attention to another Daxia student.

For them, every time Great Xia abolishes a genius, it will be of great benefit to all countries.

"This is too much!"

"Killing people also kills the heart!!"

“If this continues, I don’t know how many students will be discouraged by it!!!”

The deans of the Great Zhou Academy looked at this scene and said angrily.

Even the staff looked angry with anger on their faces, but they were helpless.

Rules are rules. No matter how you play in the God's Domain, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you beat him to death, let alone just attacking his heart.

Even though he couldn't do anything, he still couldn't help but want to kill Trish in his heart.

"We'll wait and see what happens. If they can't stand even this little setback, then they won't be able to surpass the fourth level in the future. They will only reach the fourth level in their lifetime. Daxia has no shortage of fourth-level creation gods... …”

Ji Chang, who had never said much before, heard this and said lightly.

But this sentence calmed the entire referee center again.

"Yeah... If you can't even stand this little setback, then you're not a real genius..."

"But listening to this little Xiba's words, I still can't stand it!"

"Me too!!!"

"This is not easy. Afterwards, we can just take the opportunity to go to Xiao Xiba's country to make some trouble. As long as we don't make too much trouble, the most we can do is condemn us internationally. What else can we do?"

"Hahahaha! That's right! Weak countries have no diplomacy! Let them know what it means to be a big country! It's just a small country, but it dares to jump up and down once it gains power!"

In the divine realm.

"If this year's Daxia students are all of this level, then this year's champion will really change hands!!"

Park Zhengtai's body faintly exudes the aura of the fourth-level creation god, but he actually broke through to the fourth-level creation god in the divine domain! ! !

All the students near him were sent away by him personally, which also damaged the confidence of some students, and they were still absorbing the details of the Kingdom of God one by one.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to break through the realm and reach the realm of the fourth-level Creator God.

In addition to being able to absorb the heritage of other divine kingdoms, another important factor is that the students here are all geniuses at the absolute favored level in each star field.

Absorbing their Kingdom of God heritage and enhancing his own Kingdom of God heritage was the key to his breakthrough.

"As long as I absorb one after another like this, I will be completely invincible!! The championship position is not unobtainable!" Park Zhengtai's eyes revealed a trace of greed. He longed to become the strongest, and he longed to ascend to the top. top.

As long as he can truly reach the top of the supreme existence, he will be able to become the greatest hero in history after returning home!

Because he is the man who defeated Daxia! ! ! He is the man who stands at the top of this universe! ! !

"The next step is a journey of massacre..."

Park Zhengtai looked into the distance, stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and laughed crazily with a perverted look on his face.

"The students of Daxia Kingdom are really on their last legs. I am very disappointed with this class..." A young man holding a samurai sword said with a sigh after finishing off a student of Daxia Kingdom.

Unlike those arrogant people like Xiao Xiba, he really wanted to learn something from these Daxia students.

His name is Ichiro Miyamoto, and he is a samurai born in Fuso. His favorite things are bushido and the girl holding the cherry blossom.

In order to become enlightened, he personally beheaded the girl holding the cherry blossoms. In the stunned eyes of the girl, he passed her with a knife. The cherry blossoms in his hands were also stained with blood and fell under the long knife.

A beautiful pair of cherry blossom blood swords appeared. Besides the cherry blossoms, the only thing accompanying that day was the sun at dusk.

It's not that he can only become enlightened by killing that girl, but if he wants to become enlightened, he must be focused on nothing else. But he loves that girl so much that he can't let go of her in his loving heart, and he always thinks of her.

But in order to become enlightened, he still chose to pick up the long knife and kill the girl with the long knife given to him by the girl.

In order to achieve enlightenment, everything can be abandoned, so what about dignity and face.

So this time, he came here to learn.


"Too weak... Too weak... Why is there no one in the God's Domain who can defeat me with one move!!!"

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