"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill until the strongest person appears! Kill until these students are scared!!!"

Ichiro Miyamoto's eyes were red, and there was a morbid desire in his eyes.

Those were eyes that longed for the strongest existence, and eyes that longed for someone to defeat him...

Born for the Tao, obsessed with the Tao, this kind of person is the most pitiful and the most pathetic...

He swung his right arm violently, and a hurricane swept out from the samurai sword, raging in the divine domain, and wherever it went, it swept up waves of creatures. When the hurricane left, those creatures were all shattered by the hurricane without a moment's notice.

He quickly occupied one grid after another of the territory, and behind him were the figures of eight million gods.

Eight million gods in Fusang, he used his own power to illuminate most of the gods into his own kingdom of God.

And it was the kind of gods that were truly born, just like in Ye Xuan's prehistoric kingdom, where almost all eight million gods were born. Except for the few most supreme and powerful gods, the rest of the gods were all manifested by them.

Those gods roared and led their own creatures to wreak havoc in the divine domains one by one.

In an instant, countless territories were occupied by them.

"Too weak, too weak..."

"Is there no student in Daxia who can defeat me!!!"

Miyamoto Ichiro had already killed so many people that his eyes were red, and no grass grew wherever he passed. He was determined to find someone who could fight with him.


Outside, the viewing platform.

"This damn Japanese is really arrogant! If he meets Ye Xuan, let's see how arrogant he can be!!!" Someone saw Miyamoto Ichiro's crazy look, and no student around could resist him.

Miyamoto Ichiro had been killing like crazy. When he saw a space channel, countless creatures rushed into it.

Destroy all the creatures in his kingdom and destroy his kingdom.

If he surrendered a little slower, the eight million gods in Miyamoto Ichiro's kingdom would bring endless creatures to completely destroy his kingdom.

The key is that there is a great god named Izanagi in the kingdom. This great god and Izanami gave birth to a total of thirty-three children, and these thirty-three children are also called the thirty-three main gods.

After the couple made a decision, Izanami turned into the god of the underworld, and Izanagi washed away the dirt from his body and turned into eleven gods such as the eighty gods of the sun and the gods of the sun.

Finally, when washing the eyes and nose, three unique and extremely powerful gods, Amaterasu Omikami, Tsukuyomi Nobuo, and Takeha Susanoo Nobuo, were washed out. Amaterasu Omikami is Amaterasu Omikami, the goddess of the sun, and Tsukuyomi Nobuo is the god of the moon, a male god.

The last Takeha Susanoo is also called Susanoo, the third brother of the three gods, responsible for governing the ocean, the god of riots, and the legendary god who killed the Yamata no Orochi.

These three gods are the most powerful gods in Ichiro Miyamoto's kingdom except Izanagi, and are even stronger than Izanami.

"That's right, a fourth-level creator god is bullying a third-level creator god, and he's still shouting that there are no strong opponents. If you're awesome, go find Ye Xuan. Why are you here looking for those third-level creator gods to show off..."

Someone around immediately took over the conversation. The students in these small countries are really more annoying and hateful than each other.

I don't know what's going on with them. They have changed from being weak in previous years. They have all become so strong this year. Most of the leaders are still fourth-level. Even if they are not fourth-level, they are the best among the third-level.

It's really strange. Even a country as small as Xiaoxiba, whose territory is only one star field, can produce such a young fourth-level player. Even if this year is a period of great talent explosion and a golden generation, it's not so outrageous.

Daxia Country has 800 star fields plus the Creation Continent. This year, there are only a few fourth-level creation gods, but those small countries almost have a fourth-level creation god...

"It's almost there, it's almost there. Although this damn little Baga doesn't know when he will meet Ye Xuan, Xiaoxiba will soon. He and Ye Xuan are only separated by a dozen students. If he continues to expand, he will soon meet. Then there will be a good show to watch!"

A student observed the distance between the two and said with great joy.

Park Jung-tae's expansion was extremely rapid. Although Ye Xuan did not expand intentionally, the human race in his kingdom of God was expanding rapidly in order to find out what was going on in this world.


In the divine domain.

"International students..."

Ye Xuan looked into the distance, where the place separated by a dozen students was exactly where the international student was.

"That's the country of the little bastard..."

"Hehe, these shameless little bastards..."

As Park Jung-tae's world kingdom opened up, Ye Xuan, who was originally looking for international students, instantly noticed the other party's existence.

Mainly because of the development of both sides, the border between the two territories has become very close. It only needs to eliminate a dozen students in the middle to successfully border.

Once bordering, a very powerful battle will inevitably break out.

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and naturally affected the will of those human races in the dark.

Those human races frantically began to attack the place where Xiao Xiba was. In one kingdom, from the king down to Taiyi Golden Immortal, more than 100,000 monks came, and more than 300 kingdoms, that is, 40 to 50 million number of people.

Such a large number of troops began to push in all directions. Basically, a grid of 10,000 troops was extremely large.

Nearly everyone in these human races knows the Dafa of Transformation and Freedom, which is a technique specially created by Shi Hao for the human race.

Among the human race, there are hundreds of Hunyuan True Self realms, and a fourth-level creature suppresses everything.

Everywhere he passed was pushed flatly, and no opponent could stop him.

Among the human race.

"That existence is indeed guiding all of this secretly..."

The Suiren family saw the sudden change in the direction of the human race, and knew in their hearts that the existence was guiding them from behind.

Otherwise, they would dig deep in their own directions and not suddenly change directions and head towards these places.

Under the extremely powerful offensive of the human race, those students were intimidated, and many people directly chose to surrender, because anyone with a discerning eye knew that they could not resist Ye Xuan's existence.

At this time, when the woman named Xun Ling saw Ye Xuan's troops rushing towards her, she was so frightened that her face turned pale. She quickly sent out her spiritual thoughts and asked delicately: "Didn't you say before? Okay, I'll give you half of all the rewards, why are you suddenly coming towards me again?"

Ye Xuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, chuckled, and then replied: "Don't worry, I just want to take care of that little Xiba. It has nothing to do with you. You can develop in another direction."

What he signed with the other party was just a non-aggression treaty. As for taking away the other party's development opportunities, that was not included in the contract.

What's more, he is powerful, that is, he can do whatever he wants. Not to mention that it is not within the contract, even if it is, the other party can only hold his nose and admit it.

"All right……"

Xun Ling curled her lips and said reluctantly, but then she immediately returned to her normal mood. It was just that the expansion of the territory was smaller. As long as she could survive to the end, that was enough.

Immediately, Xun Ling collapsed and lay there motionless.

She originally wanted to have some fun, but now that Ye Xuan has also run towards here, she just lies down. Anyway, as long as Ye Xuan completely surrounds her territory, she will not have to work at all. , when Ye Xuan eliminates everyone, and then admits defeat, he will be in second place...

When she thought of this, the corners of her mouth could not help but turn up slightly, and she felt extremely proud.

the other side.

After experiencing the crazy push from the human race and the fact that Pu Zhengtai also deliberately wanted to know who Ye Xuan, the legendary No. 1 on the Tongtian Ranking, was, the two of them began to move towards each other crazily and intentionally. Conquests for each other's territories.

Not long after, a dozen other students between the two sides were innocently attacked by the two and eliminated.

Finally, there was only the last piece of territory left between the two people to connect.

"Finally we have to face each other! Damn Xiao Xiba!!!"

An unknown number of people outside had started shouting crazily.

The history and culture of Daxia Kingdom is extremely long. In recent years, it has been focusing on the development of science and technology and the Divine Kingdom. As a result, there has not been much progress in the humanities. This is no longer the same thing that can be achieved by reciting poems and composing poems. It’s an era that’s famous all over the world.

Those so-called poems, under today's technology, are just playthings that can be produced at any time to rival the best poems of the past.

Under this culture that has never been cut off, the people of Daxia are extremely patriotic and have national self-confidence.

And this also leads to them being extremely xenophobic and disdainful of gringos standing in their own country's territory and domineering.

Therefore, with the Xiao Xiba people so rampant, they naturally aroused some public outrage from the outside world.

If it weren't for the fact that no one would dare to come to Daxia Junior High School to participate in the national competition in the future, many people would be ready to kill all the foreign students after the competition.

Many extremists are capable of doing this kind of thing.

"Ye Xuan, kill him!!!"

"Ye Xuan has already taken action, he is dead! He dared to humiliate our country before, now let him see what the gap is!!!"

In Park Jung-tae's divine kingdom, there is the existence of the Celestial King, who is the king of all gods, the god of the sun god, moon god, and other gods.

The King of Gods and King Baki gave birth to two sons, one named Big Star King and the other named Little Star King.

The strength of the Big Star King is terrifying, and the Little Star King is also extremely powerful. The two compete, and in the end the Little Star King wins and rules the world. As for Hell, it is occupied by the King of the Underworld, the mortal enemy of the God King.

At this time, the God King led a group of powerful gods to charge towards Ye Xuan's territory.

"Go and tear those extremely despicable creatures into pieces!!!"

Park Zhengtai said with a twisted smile on his face.

Then, he appeared at the front of the territory, looking at Ye Xuan, his eyes full of provocation.

"Haha..." A slightly lazy and disdainful laugh came out.

"You are really brave. A small thing from the Western Eight Kingdoms dares to be so presumptuous!!" Ye Xuan's figure also appeared at the front of the territory, with a slight smile on his lips.

It's really good, I finally met an international student, and this international student happens to be from a country that I hate the most.

This country is too disgusting, it has no culture at all, and it is just like the culture of Daxia Kingdom, even in this time and space.

Culture is the most fundamental thing of a civilization. We can have different bloodlines and different nationalities, but they cannot be the same civilization. When another civilization wants to plunder the culture of Daxia, this country will naturally Ye Xuan was extremely disgusted and detested.

In other words, there is no need for him to hold back. As long as the other party does not surrender, then he will be smashed to pieces!

"Xi Ba! How dare you insult me!!" After hearing this, Park Zhengtai's expression suddenly changed and he cursed angrily.

Xiba is an extremely civilized word, which roughly means XXX. Like Baga, it is also a civilized term.

And the little Xiba people use this as the name of their country, which shows how disgusting Xiao Xiba is.

"Haha..." Ye Xuan sneered first, then waved his hand, with a hint of ridicule at the corner of his mouth: "No, no, no, don't misunderstand, I'm not insulting you, I'm talking about the entire Xiao Xiba, from above All of you here are disgusting things. When I see you, I can’t help but want to beat you to death.”

"Well, to put it simply, I despise all Xiao Xiba."

Ye Xuan's voice was neither fast nor slow, and he said it in an unhurried manner. He spread his hands and said sarcastically, as if he was in need of a beating.

He knew that this game would be watched by the whole country, and there might even be so many people watching in the countries where the international students were, but Ye Xuan didn't care about this.

For Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan only cares about whether he can destroy all countries except Daxia. It doesn't matter whether they hate them or not.

When the ability is sufficient, it will be put into action.

The mere Xiaoxi Eight Kingdoms don't even have a seventh-level creation god, so how can they threaten him? He has a seventh-level creation god backing him, and with this kind of genius who can attack his own country from other countries, Zhu Yuanzhang must be Will help.

Even if Xiao Xiba was furious, there was nothing he could do.

As the saying goes, weak countries have no diplomacy. The only reason to blame is that they are weak but also arrogant.

"You!! Xiba!!"

Pu Zhengtai was furious when he heard this, and his body turned extremely red. He didn't care and launched an attack on Ye Xuan, who was only one frame away.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Ye Xuan's mouth, and a dark and cold look appeared in his eyes, looking at Park Zhengtai.

Park Zhengtai froze, and his attitude of about to attack was instantly forgotten.

Those are a pair of extremely ancient eyes.

Indifferent, dark, profound, ancient...

Those eyes seemed to be able to pull down the endless abyss, and seemed to be able to sweep the eternal sky into it.

Pu Zhengtai, who had been sweeping away other students in the Divine Realm, changed his mind at this moment and did not attack directly. Instead, he allowed the gods in the Divine Kingdom to carry their supreme power towards Ye Xuan's Divine Kingdom creatures.

He didn't dare to move. He just felt as if some ancient beast was staring at him. As long as he did something, he would fall on the spot.

However, even so, he did not think about giving up. Instead, he snorted coldly and said: "Hmph! You have the guts to use the creatures in your kingdom to defeat the creatures in my kingdom!"

"Xiba! My divine kingdom is the incarnation of the strongest god in the Xiba Kingdom!"

"My God King has reached the fourth level of strength! The Little Star King and the Underworld King are also fourth level creatures!!!"

Although Park Zhengtai did not dare to take action, he was still as arrogant and arrogant.

It's no wonder that he is so arrogant. It is not easy to give birth to a fourth-level creature, which is enough for the Creator God to step into the fourth level.

And he has three fourth-level creatures, so no wonder he is so rampant.

But Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head slightly. This time he was not far from the human race, just above the human race, but neither the human kings nor the human emperor Suiren clan saw him. Ye Xuan's presence was not even heard in the conversation.

The same is true with Park Jung Tae.

His eyes were looking at the space passage in Park Zhengtai's world, and he could see everything that existed in that world at a glance.

"Oh? God of the sky? King of the gods?"

"Then you must really like the power of controlling the sky..." Ye Xuan murmured in a low voice, with a bit of teasing on his lips.

Human race.

"That is……"

Suiren looked at the front line and suddenly found an extremely huge giant appearing. The giant had a strong aura of heaven, but also had a hint of ugliness and ignorance.

"What a disgusting creature..."

"But for the sake of the human race, you have no choice but to perish..."

Suiren's Hunyuan aura stirred in his body, and he reached the front line in a flash.

"Pay homage to Your Majesty!!!"

After seeing the Human Emperor, some humans who had not yet fought with him quickly knelt down and paid homage.

"Flat body."

Suiren, who was wearing a raincoat, nodded slightly, and a gentle wind lifted them up and made them stand up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"There are creatures from the Hunyuan realm appearing ahead, please retreat quickly."

The words of the Suiren family spread out, and the human race raised their heads, looked at the giant in the sky, and quickly withdrew their troops.

And the creatures in the other kingdom did not pursue him relentlessly, but began to make way.

The creatures on both sides began to gather towards the next area, making this square available, and this square became the place where Suiren fought alone against the Heavenly God King.

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