Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 255 A mere bastard from another world dares to claim the power of the stars!

"God of Heaven? In ancient times, there were three heavens, with infinite merits and virtues, and they were transformed by the pure air of heaven, and they could suppress the nine heavens; and what qualifications do you have to be called the God of Heaven and command the nine heavens?"

Suiren's voice was not loud, but it spread across the battlefield.

As soon as the figure of the God of Heaven appeared, Suiren knew the other party's name, and even knew everything about the other party.

As the Supreme Emperor of Man, he was born weak, but now he still stands at the top. Even those creatures who came to attack the human race in the past did not feel any disgust. Everything was just for their own interests, just like those creatures killed by the human race.

There is no so-called hate or like, there is only hatred and kindness.

But here now, he has repeatedly encountered creatures that he hates very much, as if the creatures here are all disgusting creatures except those humans who came with him.

"It's really disgusting..."

Human Emperor Suiren raised one hand casually and swung it casually.

Boom! ! !

The next second.

A ray of extremely bright light lit up in the entire God's Domain.

Hua La La! !

The extreme light shone over the entire God's Domain, and those so-called rule powers were all reduced to emptiness at this moment.


"That is..."

Simmons held the knight's sword and looked in the direction of Ye Xuan, and an extreme light shot up into the sky.

"Such a powerful fourth-level creature can actually break through the rules of the God's Domain and shine the light into the entire God's Domain..."

Simmons muttered to himself, looking in the direction of Ye Xuan, and secretly memorized it.

He had never encountered such a powerful creature, even the creatures in his kingdom of God, none of them could do this.

But now, there is such a creature in the northwest direction.


An extreme light appeared, which was the temperature emitted by the fire.

A wisp of fire originally meant the immortality of the human race, and the fire was passed on from generation to generation. However, at this moment, in the hands of Suiren, the wisp of fire burst out with a brightness comparable to the sun and a temperature comparable to the sun.

The terrifying temperature burned the so-called sky king, the God of Heaven, to ashes.

The fourth-level creature, the God of Heaven, was like a weed, and was instantly burned to ashes by the terrifying temperature. You know, no matter how weak the God of Heaven was, he was still a fourth-level creature!

"It's just a thing with only Hunyuan strength but no Hunyuan Dao rhyme. How did such a lowly creature get the power of the Hunyuan realm..." Suiren slightly took the wisp of fire back into his body and muttered to himself.

Suiren was the first human since Nuwa created humans. He was born as the emperor of the human race, the dragon among humans, and the leader of the human race.

His fire avenue is his real name, the avenue. A wisp of fire that seems to be extremely simple actually contains infinite and terrifying Dao rhyme.

Is it really just a small firewood...

"How is it possible!!! Ahsi!!! Shit!!!" Park Jung-tae looked at the scene in front of him, his pupils widened involuntarily, he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

That was the strongest existence in his kingdom of God, that was the Heavenly God King, the strongest existence that gave birth to the Little Star King!

Even when facing the other proud children of the Great Xia Kingdom, he never used the power of the Heavenly God King. With the existence of the Little Star King, he could lead the creatures of the world to fight in all directions.

But now, in the blink of an eye, he was killed by a human from the other side.

"No! You can't give up like this! I, Park Jung-tae, want to be the strongest man!!! Damn it!! "

"I still have Little Star King and Underworld King. Even if the power of Heavenly God King alone is not enough, I don't believe you can beat two fourth-level creatures!!!"

"Yes, he only has that one fourth-level creature. As long as I eliminate that fourth-level creature, I will win!"

"Shit!!! Go! Little Star King! Underworld King!"

Park Jung-tae was like a madman, his face twisted together, becoming extremely ugly. This is the true face of the little shit. Once the face is torn, there is no longer the previous cool look, replaced by the ugliness and darkness in his heart.

Thinking of this, Park Jung-tae's whole body of divine power burst out, and the endless divine power in the godhead emerged. One after another, the extremely dark divine power continued to emanate from his body and infused into the grid occupied by Suiren.

In the sky, the originally azure sky suddenly disappeared, replaced by an extreme darkness, as if some terrifying creature appeared in the darkness.


The audience who were originally going to celebrate for Ye Xuan now all looked worried.

It was indeed impressive that Ye Xuan's creature from the Kingdom of God had just killed the opponent's fourth-level creature in one move, but since the opponent did not choose to surrender at this moment, but was summoning stronger creatures, it can be seen that the opponent must have some background in his hands.


The originally quiet viewing platform was finally broken by the inhalation of an extremely surprised audience.

Everyone was shocked, and saw that in the originally dark world in the God's Domain, a figure tens of thousands of feet tall appeared, with eyes densely packed on his body. Those eyes seemed endless, always monitoring everything in the world.

"It appeared!"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the projection, as if they were afraid of missing something.

I saw that the sky above the originally dark and extremely dark divine domain.

Suddenly, an eye appeared. It was the eye of an extremely powerful existence. Then, one eye after another appeared, and soon there were countless eyes.

The previous light had long been swallowed by this terrifying figure.

"See what the power of starlight is..."

An extremely powerful voice appeared.

In those eyes, rays of light suddenly appeared, like the light emitted by the stars in the sky.

However, facing this light that almost destroyed the world, Suirenshi raised his head slightly without panic, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He looked up at the sky, and his figure continued to rise.

As he rose, the dark night in the sky, which originally emitted a faint light, also became bright.

What was even more terrifying was that the rays fell on him but could not damage him at all.

"You just said that you wanted to show me the power of starlight?"

The corner of Suiren's mouth rose, and a playful smile appeared on his lips.

"How dare you call yourself a starlight with the light of a mere firefly!?"

"Now I'll show you what the real power of starlight is!!!"

The playful smile on Suiren's face disappeared, and he became extremely solemn and majestic. He changed his original raincoat into an imperial robe at some point.

The imperial robe was engraved with the sun, moon, stars, and a wisp of fire.

"Not good!"

The little star king's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he felt an extremely terrifying breath coming from the human race in front of him.

He turned and shouted: "King of the Underworld, save me!!!"

He screamed in horror, he didn't want to fall in the hands of the human race in front of him like his father.

The human race was just a race ruled by him, why did the human race from another world in front of him have such great power.


A vortex emerged from the ground, and the original earth had cracked into space cracks.

A big hand covered with black hair stretched out from it. It was the big hand of the King of the Underworld. With the appearance of the big hand, the territory of the God's Domain, which was originally full of light, once again appeared with an evil and ugly breath.

Then, the creature named the King of the Underworld crawled out of the vortex. It was a monkey with an ugly and ferocious face that was as tall and strong as a bull. The monkey exuded a dark breath.

The two eyes on the face that was already extremely ugly and ferocious were also composed of densely packed and tiny eyes, as if to pull all the creatures who looked directly at him into the underworld to suffer.

"What a disgusting creature, you will disappear with him..."

Suiren said with great disgust, as if looking at it more would be a great harm to his eyes.

"Roar!!! Damn reptile!!!"

The King of the Underworld was furious when he heard this. What he hated most was that someone said he was extremely ugly. Now, the man in front of him actually dared to say that he was extremely ugly, which made him feel inexplicably humiliated.

That was a look of extreme disdain, a look of extreme disgust.

What he hated most was that others looked at him with such eyes!

He was the great King of the Underworld! He should be worshipped by all living beings in the world!

Rather than the extremely disgusting look of the extremely humble human race in front of him! ! !

As Suiren closed his eyes, the aura on his body became more profound.

The stars in the sun, moon and stars on the emperor's robe suddenly glowed with light, which was a wave of star power.

Although the stars are not as bright as the sun and the moon, they are also stars that illuminate the endless dark starry sky!

Although it does not have the brilliance of the sun, which shines for eternity, it also has its own light, and there are stars that can still retain a trace of light in front of the sun!

The warmth of the sun can make all the races and spirits in the universe thrive, while the light of the stars also allows all the races and spirits in the wilderness to know the current position, know the fortune-telling, and know the principles of all things in the replacement of the sun, moon and stars.

Rumble! ! !

Above the sky, the star engraved on the ordinary-looking imperial robe on Suiren suddenly shone brightly, and in an instant, a star hung high in the sky.

That is the Purple Star Emperor, the head of all the stars in the sky, and the star that symbolizes the emperor of the world.

The sun and the moon are in the sky, and the Purple Star reappears!

Suiren controlled the sun, moon and stars with a touch of fire, making the Purple Star Emperor appear.

The throne of the human emperor is born powerful.

As the Purple Star Emperor rose, the densely packed eyes on the Little Star King, which represented the stars, dimmed and completely extinguished their light.

In an instant, all the eyes of the Little Star King were suppressed by the Purple Star Emperor hanging high in the sky.

At this moment, the Little Star King was blind. The Little Star King, who had infinite eyes, never dreamed that he would be blind one day...

The Purple Star Emperor, the head of all the stars in the sky, the leader of the infinite stars, no star dared to offend the Purple Star Emperor.

The stars of the Little Star King are just the manifestation of a ray of the origin of the stars in the heavens and the worlds. They are much lower than the Purple Star Emperor Star, even if the Purple Star Emperor Star manifested by Suiren is not the real Purple Star Emperor Star.

But that is enough to suppress everything of the Little Star King.

"How dare you, a mere bastard from another world, claim the power of stars!"

"Don't you have infinite stars? Why did I feel your fear when the Emperor Star rose?" Suiren's disdainful and indifferent words came out. These lowly creatures tried to kill him, and they were already dead in his heart.

However, this voice that fell into the heart of the Little Star King seemed to be spoken by Ye Xuan himself and fell into the heart of Park Zhengtai.

Park Zhengtai's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the two most powerful gods in his kingdom of God in front of him, but they still couldn't defeat the opponent's fourth-level creature.

No, not defeated.

Even if he used all his means, he still couldn't hurt it at all!

He wanted to surrender the next moment, but Suirenshi didn't give him this opportunity.

I saw that the star hanging high in the sky suddenly appeared with a huge starlight, covering the entire battlefield.

All the battlefields where the wars were fought, all the places where the human race arrived, were covered by that starlight at this moment.

"Surrender!!! I want to surrender!!!"

Park Zhengtai looked at the scene, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he shouted wildly.

And with his shouting of surrender, all his territories became Ye Xuan's territory at this moment.

However, his voice was still a little slow, or perhaps the referee center deliberately delayed it for a moment.

And just in that moment, that starlight turned into an extremely cold killer, lost the warmth of the past, and turned into a death god who asked for people's lives.

In just a moment, all the creatures in Park Zhengtai's kingdom of God fell, including the so-called Little Star King and the King of the Underworld.


Park Jung-tae, who was far away in an unknown star field, roared with red eyes. At this moment, his strength dropped to the extreme. Although the kingdom of God did not suffer the damage of the bottom level, all the high-level creatures in his kingdom of God died.

The most important thing is the three creatures illuminated by the myth. Those three creatures are the foundation of his strength.

Now, with the death of the three legendary existences, his strength has fallen to the extreme of the fourth-level creation god.

The strength of the creation god is closely related to the strength of the kingdom of God. The stronger the kingdom of God is, the stronger the creation god is.

If it weren't for Suirenshi not destroying the foundation of his kingdom of God and not destroying his kingdom of God, he would even fall out of the realm of the creation god and become a useless person. He could not practice again until he established a new kingdom of God again.

"Shi Ba!!! Ye Xuan!!! I, Park Jung-tae, will never forgive you!!!" Park Jung-tae's eyes were extremely red. At this time, he did not say hello to those people before, but walked away alone.

Although he is still a fourth-level creation god, even if he breeds those gods again, he may not be able to get the three extremely powerful mythical gods.

You should know that the reason why he can quickly break through to the fourth-level creation god is inseparable from the existence of the King of the Underworld. Although the King of the Underworld is ugly, he can devour the foundation of other kingdoms of God and transform it into the foundation of his own kingdom of God.

In his kingdom of God, the most powerful one is the King of the Heavenly God, but in fact, the most important one is the extremely ugly monkey King of the Underworld.

Even if he himself hates the King of the Underworld, he has to admit that the other party is his most powerful creature...

But along with all this, they all disappeared.


Creation Continent, viewing platform


"What kind of existence is that creature? Why can he fight three of the same level alone and kill them instantly!!!"

"Is this a human? What is the human in my world? Why are they not so strong? Why?!"

"Why are you so loud? Are you deaf? Because you are a waste, and why? I am Ye Xuan, who is called Ye Shen in the Tongtianbang forum! Do you understand? I am invincible in the same level! Do you understand?!"


"What do you mean? You have no ears? Your ears fell to the ground? Didn't you hear clearly? Pick up your ears! Pick up your ears!!!"


Zu Xing.

"Damn, what kind of monster is Ye Xuan! A human appeared, and a human can kill all those creatures..."

Yao Hai cursed, he felt that Ye Xuan was not a human, how could there be such a perverted person.

In his world, if it weren't for the existence of the Sea God, it would be impossible to reach the current point.

He didn't know what the Sea God was, but at this time, he was not far from breaking through to the fourth level. He just stayed there every day, and he could feel that the kingdom of God in his body was getting stronger day by day.

But even so, he felt that even if his Sea God broke through to the fourth level, he would not be able to defeat the existence of the human race.


In the God's Domain.

After Ye Xuan obtained Park Zhengtai's territory, he felt that his territory had expanded by a large amount in an instant.

Although Park Jung-tae's kingdom of God is not as good as his own kingdom of God in the prehistoric world, it is far inferior, but it must be said that the other party's territory has indeed expanded a lot, much more than his.

"This little guy is not good at other things, but he still has one aspect of expanding territory." Ye Xuan said with a smack of his tongue.

This battle also made Ye Xuan see what the human race is.

Ye Xuan can also be sure that these human races created by him through the hands of Nuwa, that is, these human races that he has high hopes for, will not be inferior to those innate sacred beings in the prehistoric world in terms of potential and foundation.

If not, how could Suiren kill three creatures of the same level in seconds by himself.

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