Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 256: Saint's Way! (Updated by No. 9)

When facing an enemy in the same realm, one must have a solid foundation and a deep understanding of the Great Dao.

And Suirenshi not only has a much stronger foundation than the creatures in Park Jung-tae's kingdom, but also completely crushes them from the Great Dao, which is why he can kill the opponent instantly even though they are in the same realm.

In the prehistoric world, if you want to step into the fourth realm, that is, the realm of Hunyuan, you need to go through a huge threshold. This threshold has blocked countless creatures in the prehistoric world from the realm of Hunyuan.

And if you want to cultivate to this step, you must at least have a deep understanding of the Great Dao and condense the only true self. Only then can you enter the realm of Hunyuan with the help of any of the following great merits, great opportunities, and great luck.

As the number of Hunyuan realms appears, the threshold to enter this realm in the prehistoric world will naturally decrease a lot, and the authority of heaven and earth contained in this realm will also decrease. This is inevitable.

But no matter what, that is also the realm of Hunyuan. Although it corresponds to the realm of the fourth-order creation god, it is many times stronger than those fourth-order creatures in many divine kingdoms.

From the perspective of Taoism and essence, Suiren has undoubtedly completely crushed the three divine kingdom creatures of Park Zhengtai, otherwise it would be impossible to do this in the same level.

But in fact, Park Zhengtai's three divine kingdom creatures are absolutely strong creatures in this universe. Although their realm is only the early stage of the fourth-order creation god, they are extremely powerful creatures in the early stage, because they are the reflection of three extremely powerful existences.

After seeing Park Zhengtai eliminated, Ye Xuan left the divine domain temporarily.

With the human race guarding, it can be said that his territory in the divine domain is as solid as a rock, and he doesn't need to worry about anything for the time being.

When Ye Xuan left the divine domain, those people in the outside world could not find Ye Xuan's figure, and at most they could only see the whereabouts of those creatures belonging to Ye Xuan.

In the prehistoric world.

"Tsk tsk, those two people in the west are really honest..."

After Ye Xuan left the divine domain, he took the initiative to go to the prehistoric world. He had been staring at the east of the prehistoric world, and now he also set his sights on the west of the prehistoric world.

He saw the two saints with painful faces, competing for the promises they made in the past. The two saints in the west who made forty-eight great wishes just to become saints in the past have now completely become the laughing stock of the prehistoric world.

The more creatures in the Hunyuan realm appeared, the more they hated Hongjun.

If it weren't for Hongjun who harmed them in the past, how could they become the laughing stock of the prehistoric world.

Although the saints can be immortal and can beat the Hunyuan true self realm, they are like a ridiculous ant in the Hunyuan realm. They can be crushed by raising their hands and suppressed with a thought.

The so-called saints are just a fruit position under the immortal way, and they are still attached to the immortal way. They are much worse than those fruit positions that really exist in the world.

The two fruit positions have their own merits. The saint is attached to the immortal way. If the immortal way is prosperous, if Hongjun really can block all the thoughts of Hunyuan, then only Hongjun will become stronger as the world becomes stronger. At that time, the fruit position of the saint under the immortal way will become stronger and stronger, even stronger than the emperor of heaven.

But the fact now is that he has not been able to block the thoughts of Hunyuan, and the emperor of heaven Dijun is the first supreme existence to achieve the realm of Hunyuan. At this time, the higher the realm of heaven and earth, the higher the realm of the emperor of heaven will naturally be. As fruit positions, they naturally suppress the so-called saints all the time.

After all, one is the fruit position of heaven and earth, and the other is the fruit position of the immortal way. If the immortal way suppresses heaven and earth, then the fruit position of the immortal way will undoubtedly be stronger than the fruit position of heaven and earth, but if not, then the fruit position of heaven and earth will be stronger than the fruit position of the immortal way.

Now, the two saints of the West are running around the western part of the prehistoric world, constantly accepting some disciples, but as saints, not many creatures are willing to join them. Anyone who has some confidence in their talents will not choose to join them.

Those creatures would rather worship some innate sacred disciples in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo than worship these two saints.

And with the reluctance of many creatures, it means that the great ambitions of these two people are even more difficult to achieve.

Among the forty-eight great ambitions, even the netherworld is included. Although this did not exist at that time, it did not prevent them from making great ambitions in advance, and most importantly, the netherworld is now difficult for them, even Di Jun to intervene.

Of course, Di Jun has never thought of intervening in the matter of reincarnation.

On Mount Xumi.

"Brother, our lives are so miserable!" Zhunti Saint shook his head and sighed, with a sad face.

His Dao heart was almost dead. Hongjun used to say that the saint was the most noble existence between heaven and earth, but now he has become a laughing stock.

As time passed, his Dao heart gradually became dead.

"Alas! It was my elder brother who made you suffer!" Jie Yin also sighed to the sky and said with great self-blame.

If he hadn't asked Zhunti to go with him to listen to the so-called saintly Dao, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

If he had left with Taishang and Tongtian at that time, how good it would have been. At least one of the two brothers would have left, which is much better than hanging on a tree now.

Moreover, the two of them also made forty-eight great aspirations. If they don’t fulfill these aspirations, they will never be able to escape from the body of this saint for the rest of their lives. Even if they are accomplished, they still don’t know whether they can escape from the way of heaven...

"Brother, why do you say this? My brothers have been dependent on each other since they were young. Why do you say these words today!" Zhunti said angrily when he heard the words.

At the beginning, he himself wanted to go. Even if there was no invitation, he would still go.

Therefore, that incident is not to blame at all.

This is the fact, everything is just your choice.


Jie Yin was silent when he heard the words, and even sighed.

Ye Xuan looked at the two of them, shook his head slightly, and said: "These two people must be too miserable. Hongjun did not act as a son of a human being and harmed countless living beings in the ancient world!"

Those who have not yet become saints are fine. The worst they can do is give up their foundation and foundation and reincarnate again. Although their foundation is not as good as before, at least they have a hope and a chance to become enlightened. It will always be better than now. There are too many.

But now these three people, Jie Yin, Zhunti, and Styx, who have been sanctified, are a complete tragedy.

"By the way, where's Hongyun! I remember he also became a saint!"

Ye Xuan suddenly remembered that there was also the most unlucky guy in the legend, the ancestor Hongyun who was known as the good old man in the world.

Then, he turned his attention to the other end.

"It turned out to be here..."

Ye Xuan finally found Hongyun, and then his eyes froze slightly and his brows furrowed.

"This is……"

"Are you going to become enlightened?"

"How can this be?!"

"Isn't a saint a fruition status..."

Ye Xuan looked at the Ancestor Hongyun in the wilderness with great surprise. Hongyun's state was not quite right at the beginning. Although he could see it, he didn't go too deep into it.

But looking at it now, it seems that Hongyun is about to become enlightened.

As we all know, saints cannot achieve enlightenment. At most, they can only wait for the powerful Hongjun to become stronger, and the saints below will also become stronger.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the status of saint is quite suitable for some beings with insufficient talents and talents. If you know that you have no chance of enlightenment, it is still very good to become a saint by relying on the immortal way.

Of course, for all innate saints, this is something more uncomfortable than death.

Because based on their background, talents, and talents, it is possible for them to achieve Hunyuan.

In the wilderness.

"You are finally about to enter the realm of a true saint..." A voice with endless surprise appeared.

That was the voice of Zhen Yuanzi. Although Zhen Yuanzi was unknown in the wilderness, he had truly entered the realm of Hunyuan.

Although he has no great merits or great opportunities, his extremely powerful luck is enough for him to step into the realm of Hunyuan. The reason is that he controls the Book of the Earth, which is the fetal membrane of the earth, and its roots do not spread. How many thousands of miles, all over the prehistoric world.

As long as Zhen Yuanzi has the book of the earth in his hand, no one can defeat him in the same realm of the ancient world.

At this time, he looked at his old friend Hongyun Ancestor and said with joy.

He could feel the aura coming from Hongyun. Although the aura was different from his own Hunyuan intention, there was not much difference in strength. He only had to wait for the opponent to break through before he could fight with him.

Ancestor Hongyun smiled slightly when he heard this and said nothing more.

Over the years, he has been walking in the wilderness, doing good deeds, preaching good deeds, saving countless lives, and saving countless existences.

The creatures he saved in the wild world all regard him as their teacher, respect him, respect him, and think of him as a rare good man and great saint.

Behind his back, there were even more people who scolded him for being stupid. I don't know how many people felt that Hong Yun was crazy and hopeless, but he just smiled and ignored him.

Zhen Yuanzi also persuaded him at the beginning, slowly changed to understanding him, and then supporting him.

Until now, the saint has finally been cultivated from a false fruition to a real realm. Apart from Hongyun himself, only Zhen Yuanzi, who has been by his side, knows about the hardships involved.

Now Hong Yun's merits and fortune are so dazzling that no one in the wild dares to attack Hong Yun.

Walking in the heavens and saving countless living beings, even the high-ranking Emperor of Heaven called him a saint, rather than the so-called saints who were introduced and mentioned.

The original so-called saint was just a fruition position below the immortal path, but now he has been transformed into a living avenue by Hongyun, an acquired avenue. Although it is not an innate avenue, it is also a complete avenue. This is the path of saints that can be followed.

Today's Hongyun will no longer be controlled by Hongjun, and he is no longer a puppet under the immortal path. He is now a saint who can do whatever he wants and do everything as he pleases.

He is a true saint, and he is the first and only person to walk on the road to sainthood.

Hongyun didn't know if there would be people in the future who would take this path like him, but he could only guarantee that he would keep going.

Although the creatures he saved in the past respected him, it was only because he saved those creatures. It did not mean that those creatures really regarded him as their teacher and really recognized this path of sainthood.

"If possible, I don't want anyone in this world to practice this so-called sage road like me, hahahaha, shit sage road!"

The red hair of the old ancestor Hongyun was flying, and he spoke without restraint.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned after hearing this, and was about to scold him, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and laughed, saying: "It's hard for you..."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, haven't you walked out now? Since this road is really feasible, just keep going..." The old ancestor Hongyun said casually, with an unprecedented lightness in his words.

He did these things before, not for the sake of seeking a way, but for the original heart.

He was born to like making friends and helping others. When there was no hope for the road, he did what he wanted to do, but he happened to achieve the way of the sage by accident.

Now he is actually living towards death, and he has really walked out of an unprecedented road, and he, Hongyun, is the founder of this road.

From a fruit position of nothingness, he walked into a real road.

This is to refine the false into the true, and this is a ray of hope.

There has never been an absolute dead end, it only depends on whether you can grasp that way of life, even if it is extremely slim, but it also exists, this is the prehistoric world.

Saints are nameless, so Hongyun has never cared about his reputation after his actions, even if the world slanders me, deceives me, insults me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, hates me, and deceives me, what does it matter?

In a few years, we will see.

Now, Hongyun has been reborn, extraordinary, and is only one step away from becoming a true saint.

And this step is as thin as a cicada's wing.

Now, Hongyun has taken that step.

In an instant, the wind and clouds between heaven and earth changed, and heaven and earth celebrated together.

Another instant.


The wind and clouds of heaven and earth changed color, and a thunder fell, as if to prevent the birth of a saint in this world.

The thunder rolled and tore Hongyun's body apart.

In an instant, the red cloud turned into a red cloud of celebration. There was endless golden light of merit in the red clouds, which made them glow faintly.

The red and gold intersected and reflected each other, tearing apart the black clouds in the sky and turning them into endless golden light, filling the sky.

A Hunyuan aura emerged from the golden-red clouds, and a Hunyuan Dao fruit turned into a saint's heart, reshaping the body of the red cloud.

In an instant, the figure of the red cloud appeared again.

"The way of the saint is so broad. In the past, I always felt that I was not far from the saint. Now that I have entered the realm of Hunyuan, I know the true meaning of the saint. I am far inferior to it!"

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