Just as Hongyun was sighing, those golden-red clouds condensed and compressed, turning into a book.

That book is written by a saint, and the person who writes it is collectively called a saint.

This is Hongyun's supreme treasure for attaining enlightenment, and it is also the companion treasure of the saint's path. Although it is not among the innate treasures, it is not inferior to the innate treasure.

"This, this is..."

Zhen Yuanzi on the side looked a little straight-eyed. He could get such a good treasure. He immediately looked at his friend Ancestor Hongyun with great envy. Of course, there was no jealousy.

In addition to being happy about my friend's enlightenment, I am also happy about being able to obtain this treasure. Of course, it would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

Anyone would be extremely happy to receive a treasure of this level.

"The Sage's Book contains the Great Way of the Sage. I have left forty-eight thousand records on it. I wonder if anyone in the future will be able to add some new chapters to it."

Hongyun looked at this book with a doting look on his face, and stretched out his hand to caress it carefully, as if this book was the most important thing to him.

In fact, this is also the case. In the world, anyone who walks the path of a saint will automatically have his or her story of the saint's path recorded on it, so that it can be passed on to future generations and guide everyone.

Just like the two moral classics among humans, it’s just that the path is different.

There is no sequence in the Tao, and those who master it are the teachers.

Today's Hongyun has finally caught up with Taishang's footsteps and has become a pioneer on the path of sainthood.

"I'm really proud of you. Such a grand event should come to light!" Zhen Yuanzi leaned over at this time and said with a smile.

"That's right!"

Hongyun laughed and said, and then added: "Such a beautiful scenery should be turned into fine wine and drank into the belly."

As Hong Yun's words fell, the colorful clouds in the sky were connected with the threads of cause and effect, and finally came towards Hong Yun's Nine-Nine Hong Yun San Soul Gourd.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hongyun laughed and opened the gourd, and a suction force absorbed all the colorful clouds from the sky.

At dusk, the colorful clouds enter the gourd and turn into wine in a matter of seconds.

He who speaks the Dharma in accordance with his words and holds the heavenly title in his mouth is a sage.

At this moment, Hongyun finally saw his true heart in the eternity, carried the illusory sainthood with supreme merit, and finally condensed the illusory sainthood into a single one, achieving the true path of sainthood.

From now on, a saint will appear from the beginning!

For every five hundred yuan meeting, a saint will be born!


Hongyun's boundless luck has already alarmed countless creatures in the world. Even the heaven was shocked by this auspiciousness, which spread all the way to the Lingxiao Palace.


Emperor Jun uttered these two words, and immediately transformed into the world, and came to Hongyun across infinite time and space. He said boldly: "The saint came to the world, and we celebrate with heaven. I hereby sincerely invite Hongyun saint to enter the heaven to talk about it, and to calm Yuanzi's way. Friends can also go.”

Upon hearing this, Hongyun immediately bowed and said, "I praise Your Majesty. Since it is your Majesty's invitation, how can Hongyun refuse?"

"In that case, let's go on a journey together!"

Zhen Yuanzi also said with a smile.

Emperor Jun of Heaven is always kind to others, that is to say, kind to himself. Under Emperor Jun's invitation, Hongyun naturally agreed without hesitation.

"Every five hundred yuan meeting, a saint will be born. This time can be short, but not long. In other words, at the latest, a saint will be born at the five hundred yuan meeting..."

Ye Xuan frowned and looked up at the avenue. Since the emergence of the saint's avenue, everything that should happen has happened.

And he felt from it that every five hundred yuan meeting, a saint would be born.

One yuan will be equal to 129,600 years, and five hundred yuan will be 64.8 million years. Every such long period of time, a saint will be born.

It has to be said that from a time perspective, saints are much rarer than monks in the Hunyuan Realm.

"The human race is weak now, and there are only a few people in the realm of Hunyuan who are still in the wilderness..." Ye Xuan looked at the human race below and frowned. Although it was said that the human race went to conquer the divine domain for him, in order to avoid If the human race's home is stolen, they still need some means.

"Teaching people how to fish is worse than teaching them how to fish. Since it didn't help the human race when they were weak, why do we need to do it again now..."

Just as he was about to take action, Ye Xuan immediately gave up the idea.

Ye Xuan frowned, never thinking about what the human race lacks today. The human race has strong talents and powerful people. In addition, it has built a human court similar to the dragon clan. Of course, the human race calls it a dynasty.

Now it is the Sui Dynasty, and the Sui Ren clan is the human emperor.

"Yes! Still missing words!"

Ye Xuan slapped his head fiercely. Among the human race, inheritance is passed down through Taoism or direct oral transmission, but the Chinese characters that Ye Xuan is most familiar with are missing.

Chinese characters are undoubtedly the essence of human beings, and they are words that have carried countless years.

Today's human race lacks a language belonging to its own race.

"In the past, the demon master Kunpeng created the demon script, became a saint, and became the master of the demon clan in the world. Although Kunpeng's thoughts were wiped away by Emperor Jun from the source of endless time and space, the demon script left behind can be But it has truly become a model of rules written by Heaven." Ye Xuan murmured to himself, obviously recognizing Kunpeng's contribution.

However, despite his contribution, the Heavenly Dao also rewarded him for his merits, allowing him to become a saint right away. He only created a race's writing system, which allowed him to avoid the fate of the two Western saints who made forty-eight great wishes, and he did not need to establish a religion to fulfill his beliefs. He can be said to be the most unrestrained among many saints.

But Kunpeng had to give up a good way to live and go to the dead end to provoke the Emperor of Heaven Di Jun...

When there were no writing systems for various races, they were using Dao language and Dao characters, which were the most basic writing systems and the most basic languages.

But since the appearance of the Yao clan's writing system, the entire Yao clan has also used this writing system, which has become the public writing system of the Heavenly Court. It can be said that if Kunpeng had not sought his own death, his merits would only become greater and greater...

He could have won by lying down, but he had to die.

"Cangjie created characters and became the ancestor of human culture..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself, deciding the affairs of the human race in the void.


Human race, Cang country

Cang Jie is the younger brother of Cang Wang, the great king of Cang State. He was born with double pupils, just like Shi Yi, the younger brother of Shi Hao, the great king of Shi State. He was born with double pupils and was extraordinary.

His cultivation had reached the realm of Hunyuan Zhen Self, just like Shi Yi, but he could not enter the higher level of Hunyuan realm and could not truly prove Hunyuan.

"My elder brother is fighting in the unknown space. I should protect the people of the kingdom and prevent other races from harming these people." Cang Jie stood on a high place, looking down at the people of Cang State.

Every king should protect his own people, and since his brother is not here, this responsibility naturally falls on him.

He managed the affairs of Cang State day after day until this day came.

"Brother Cang Wang, the tribesmen all think that the Dao text is too complicated. Those who have not reached the level of Golden Immortal will not be able to speak it out. Moreover, there are many young tribesmen in the tribe who have not reached the level of Golden Immortal. They are not even qualified to learn the Dao text. If this continues, it will be very troublesome." A tribe member ran over and said to Cang Jie.

Brother Cang Wang means the younger brother of Cang Wang, that is, Cang Jie.

Cang Jie enforces the law impartially and never favors others. He is also very popular, so no one is dissatisfied with the temporary rule of Cang State by him.

Humans are born with three thousand great ways, so they are naturally born to write and speak Dao language, even if they have not reached the level of Golden Immortal.

But as the blood gradually dilutes, the blood of the human race becomes thinner day by day, and gradually loses this characteristic. Today, newborns of the human race cannot speak, but can only learn to speak and chirp.

But it was because of insufficient cultivation that he could not master the Dao language, and the human race usually communicated in the Dao language.

"You are right. Give me some time and I will find a way to completely solve this problem!" Cang Jie said with a frown.

The man was overjoyed when he heard this and said immediately: "Okay, then I will go down first."

He believed in Cang Jie very much. Cang Jie had double pupils in his eyes and was born extraordinary. His prestige in Cang State was even greater than that of his elder brother, King Cang. Everyone believed that this double pupil was a sign of holiness. The human race was already comparable to holiness, and now the holiness among the human race was naturally extraordinary.

Cang Jie nodded and motioned the other party to go down.

After the man left, he looked up at the sky, not knowing what he should do.

Cang Jie, who had always been extremely wise, could not help but fall into confusion for a while.

"Since the Dao language doesn't work, we need to create a language that belongs to the human race, a writing that belongs to the human race. This is an extremely complicated system, but it is something that must be done. Now it is imminent..."

Cang Jie looked up at the sky and thought of the demon writing circulated among the demon race. It was the most widely circulated writing in the prehistoric world except for the Dao writing. No living creature knew it.

Many races also imitated the demon race and created their own set of writing. Although they all belonged to themselves, they never escaped the shadow of the demon race's writing, so they did not get too much merit.

Many people in the human race also thought about creating characters, but what they created was either like the demon race's writing or useless characters, which were not recognized by the heavenly way or the human race.

Now after hearing this, Cang Jie's first thought was to create characters.

But it is not so easy to create characters. You have to create some characters that are completely different from the demon race, so as to avoid the human race being affected by the fortune of the demon race's writing.

From this day on, Cang Jie had no fixed place to live and began to wander around.

Cang Jie traveled all over the mountains and rivers, all over the world, from the sky to the dark blue sky, he traveled all over.

"Who created the Yao clan characters? Some say it was Emperor Di Jun, some say it was Emperor Taiyi, but none of them. If they created it, they would definitely not deny it..."

"Whose talent is really the best in the prehistoric world? No matter how I think about it, I always feel that the Yao clan characters are like Mount Buzhou standing in my heart, unable to be surpassed, unable to get rid of..."

Cang Jie muttered to himself, looking up at the sky, and suddenly two lines of blood and tears flowed from his pupils. He didn't care about the blood and tears, but began to close his eyes and think deeply.


Ye Xuan looked at Cang Jie under him, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "Cang Jie actually shed blood and tears before creating characters. Is this to get rid of astronomy after exhausting his life's efforts..."

In fact, after the demon script was first created by the demon master Kunpeng, the emperor Dijun also improved it. Dijun took the demon script created by Kunpeng as the general outline, collected the demon scripts in the endless years as the backbone and flesh, and perfected it with all his heart and soul, so that the current demon script was created.

Rather than saying it is the original demon script, it is better to say it is astronomy, which is the text used by the heavenly court.

Astronomy is all-encompassing and endless, which makes it impossible for the writing of various ethnic groups to surpass it.

"Yes, after all, it was improved by Dijun. It is too difficult to create a set of later writing that jumps out of astronomy with a non-Hunyuan realm..." Ye Xuan shook his head and said nothing. He was not sure whether Cangjie could create it.

Anyway, he knew that if Cangjie could not create these characters by his own strength, he would go to help him.

Humanity is determined, as Ye Xuan said, even Jesus can't stop it!


After 7749 years

The blood from Cang Jie's pupils had long been drained, and his eyes were blind. The pupils were also destroyed, and there was no longer any of the divine power of the past.

But his cultivation was still there, his realm was still there, and he was still the existence of the Hunyuan True Self realm.

On this day, he began to slowly walk towards Cangguo, one step at a time, one step at a time.

Behind him, one after another calamity cloud gathered behind him, following closely, unable to get rid of.

Until who knows how many years later, he finally walked into Cangguo.

In these years, he has been walking in the endless wilderness, in order to create the human race's writing, a writing that belongs only to the human race, and Cangguo is the last stop, and Cangguo Cangcheng is the last place.

Cangguo, Cangcheng.

"Brother Cang? !! What happened to your eyes?!" The man who had reported to Cang Jie about the human writing thought that he had found a solution after seeing Cang Jie return, but now he found that the pupils of the brother Cang were blind, his eyes were cloudy, and his double pupils were gone.

He blamed himself very much and burst into tears. A good man cried in the street, muttering to himself that if he had known this, he should not have reported the matter to the brother Cang.

Even though the people around him kept comforting him, he still cried.

And Cang Jie did not speak, step by step, he continued to walk towards the place where Cang State worshipped heaven and earth.

Behind him, everyone followed him, because they noticed that Cang Jie's state was not right and were afraid that something had happened, so they followed behind him.

Whether it was the man's crying or the many comforts from others, he did not speak.

Step by step, step by step.

In this way, Cang Jie finally walked into the ancestral temple of the Cang State Palace and came to the outside of the temple.

The people who followed him before were already densely packed with countless tens of thousands of people. These people followed into the palace one by one, not daring to approach the Taimiao, and knelt down in front of the Taimiao.

Cangjie walked up to the high platform step by step, and came to the sacrificial cauldron.

At this moment, the wind and clouds changed.

The rolling dark clouds roared in, and the sky and the earth changed color. The thunder rolled and intertwined and flashed as if announcing to the world that they were not easy to mess with.

At this moment, the dark clouds turned into dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, and there were all kinds of fierce beasts and auspicious beasts.

"After traveling through mountains and rivers, and all over the world, have you finally realized it..." Ye Xuan muttered to himself in the void, his heart was quite surging, and he finally witnessed what Cangjie created characters with his own eyes.

In the past memory, this was just a myth and legend, and he laughed it off as a story.

But now, he is the guide of the story and also the bystander of the story. He has witnessed too many historical myths and created many historical myths.

This world was created by him, but not by him.

These stories seem to be guided and established by him, but not by him.

In the long flow of time, it seems that everything is set by him, and it seems that there is a big hand behind everything that is manipulating his settings...

"After many years of hard thinking, I have bled dry and cried my double pupils blind, and finally I have understood these characters..." What Cangjie experienced, perhaps only Ye Xuan knows this.

Although Cangjie was blinded in his hard thinking, he also thought of the characters that belonged to the human race, which were completely derived from the astronomy of the demon race.

The characters of the human race are based on the mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas, and everything else.

Just like a mountain, the shape of the peaks seen from a distance is the character "山" for human beings.

Here, Cang Jie once again concretized all the images in his mind into words, and once again felt every inch of the land of the prehistoric world with his own Tao rhyme, and this feeling lasted for another three thousand years.

Cang State, Cang City, Ancestral Temple.


Cang Jie had not spoken for more than three thousand years, and when he spoke, he spoke the word "Tao".






As Cang Jie spoke the word "Tao", all kinds of fierce beasts and auspicious beasts transformed by the dark clouds in the sky began to roar, as if celebrating the heaven and earth.

As Cang Jie's words fell, a word that had never appeared before appeared in the sky, that was the word "Tao"!

It is the word "Tao" belonging to the human race! It is the only systematic writing system in the prehistoric world besides the demon writing and the Tao writing!


Cang Jie held the title of heaven in his mouth. Every time he said a word, the great Dao in the dark would be generated and manifested, which saved Cang Jie from doing it himself.



As the word "man" fell, the endless dark clouds in the sky turned into a cloud of auspiciousness and merit.

The four forces in the prehistoric world were all attracted by Cangguo Cangcheng, and all the gods cast their eyes on Cang Jie.

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