Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 258: Cang Jie, the Master of Mankind! The Western Plan

Cangjie's eyes were closed tightly, and the pair of pupils had long since disappeared, but his cultivation became stronger with every human word.

"Hiss!! Is this the power of the human race? Is this trying to create words that belong to the human race..."

People with great supernatural powers took a breath of cold air after seeing what Cangjie did, and looked at Cangjie who was manifesting his magical power with great admiration.

In the midair in front of Cangjie, there were strange characters appearing one after another, standing alone in one place, which he had never seen before.

Heavenly Court, in the Lingxiao Palace.

A bunch of clouds in the mid-air revealed what happened in Cangcheng of the human race. Everything the Cangjie family did fell into the eyes of many gods in heaven.

"Bai Ze, how does this boy compare to you?" Emperor Jun of Heaven asked with a smile.

No one knows the difficulty of creating words better than him. Although it is just a slight improvement in his hands, he also knows the difficulty of making something out of nothing.

When Bai Ze saw His Majesty mentioning him, he immediately stood up and bowed his head, saying, "Reporting to Your Majesty, although this son's cultivation level is not as good as mine, his talent and talent are far superior to mine!"

These are also his true words. He who often uses this astronomy in daily life, how could he not know how difficult it is to create characters and how talented he is to create characters.

"Haha, Bai Ze is still as humble as ever!" Gui Che laughed at the words, thinking that Bai Ze was being modest.

Although it was said that it was difficult to create characters and he couldn't do it, he didn't think it was so difficult. Is it even more difficult than becoming enlightened?

Now that Bai Ze has become enlightened, but the other party has not yet, what else can be said about this talent.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that there is something called different birth times...

He thought Bai Ze would smile and say nothing like usual, but who knew that this time Bai Ze nodded solemnly and said, "I'm not being modest, I really speak from the bottom of my heart."

Gui Che frowned when he heard this and said: "After all, this boy has not reached the realm of Hunyuan, so how can he be said to be more talented than Bai Ze, the demon commander?"

"Is it possible that Marshal Guiche really thinks that after the creation of Chinese characters, the Cangjie family will not enter the realm of Hunyuan with great merit?" Bai Ze didn't say anything more, but asked instead.

yes! There are so many visions before the word is created. If we really wait until the word is successfully created, is it still possible?

The merits are naturally endless, I don’t know how many there are, and entering the realm of Hunyuan is within reach.

As a result, Gui Che also fell silent, followed by many senior members of the demon clan.

There are many geniuses among the human race, and every once in a while, a very dazzling new star will appear. The human race is so terrifying, are they really not breeding tigers now...

Involuntarily, everyone turned their attention to the Emperor of Heaven.

Di Jun seemed to have guessed the hidden meaning in everyone's eyes, and immediately smiled and said: "The human race has humanities, and our demon race has demons. Why are you so afraid?"

What this means is that the human race is awesome, but we monsters are still awesome, so you don’t have to be afraid.

Everyone present was also a person of extraordinary intelligence. Even if there were some among the top ten demon commanders who were not smart, that was only for the other demon commanders. They were not really stupid and unable to understand words.

"Your Majesty is so powerful!"

Everyone present also raised their glasses again and shouted loudly.

Wu Clan, in Pangu Palace.

"The human race is outstanding in talent and intelligence. Although our Wu clan is powerful in combat, we are not interested in talent after all. Should we intermarry with the human clan and give birth to witches? Maybe we can merge the strength of the Wu clan with the talent of the human race..."

Zu Wu Zhu Jiuyin suggested.

Since Hou Tu went to the underworld, the Twelve Ancestral Witches rarely gather in Pangu Hall anymore, and now they just happen to meet the human Cangjie clan making characters while discussing some things.

So, after the discussion, Zhu Jiuyin proposed again.


When the ancestral witches heard this, they all frowned and began to think about what Zhu Jiuyin said.

It is normal among races to get married and have children of other races. Just like the dragon race, they are very proficient in cross-race love. They have had children with creatures from many races.

Otherwise, there would not be nine sons born from a dragon, each with different legends.

"I think it's feasible. I don't know what brothers and sisters think about it. Anyway, I feel that my brain is not good enough and I can't understand many calculations. When I fell into the calculations, I regretted it many times. Even now, we all After entering the realm of Hunyuan, I don’t see how useful this brain is..."

When many ancestral witches were silent, Zhu Rong, who controlled the Avenue of Fire, spoke.

He has always been like this, saying whatever comes to his mind, never feeling shy, just like the manifestation of fire, not only has a hot temper but also has a bold personality, saying whatever he wants.

"I also think this strategy is feasible! Just like what my second brother said, although the Wu clan is born powerful and has unparalleled physical strength, they don't have access to the soul. Many profitable things cannot be anticipated in advance, even if they usually have the ability to avoid harm and seek gain. instinct, but for many things it is still not enough, far from enough.

If the Witch Clan can really give birth to such a witch who combines the power of the Witch Clan with the talents of the human race, it is not impossible! "

As the boss, Di Jiang started to speak, and basically decided that this matter would be implemented.

These ancestral witches have always respected the boss Di Jiang very much, and nine times out of ten they will listen to Di Jiang's words.

"Although I don't understand these things, but since the eldest brother has already agreed, then I also agree!" Gonggong is also famous as one of the stupidest among the twelve ancestral witches. Tongzhurong is known as the Shuangsha, and the two Brainless.

One was jokingly said that his brain was burned out by fire, and the other was jokingly said that his brain was full of water.

"I agree too!"

"I agree too!"

As Di Jiang, the leader of the twelve ancestral witches, agreed, other ancestral witches who had not expressed their opinions also agreed.

"Then the next step is to discuss this matter with the human race. The human race has a human emperor, so we have to go to the human emperor to explain the matter clearly to avoid misunderstandings between the two parties. If the other party does not agree, then This matter will be dropped. If the other party agrees, the specific details will be discussed in detail later, which will take a while. "

Zhu Jiuyin saw that many ancestral witches also agreed, so he spoke again.

"Then I will leave this matter to my second brother, and all the brothers will support you." Di Jiang said with a smile.

Zhu Jiuyin also smiled and nodded.

The atmosphere of the Wu clan has always been like this, without any so-called suspicion.

Dragon clan.

"Cangjie's creation of characters can actually move the heavens and bring down boundless merits. Our dragon clan should also have the characters of dragon clan!"

Zu Long opened his eyes that had not been opened for a long time and woke up again from his deep sleep.

The Dragon Clan is one of the three ancient tribes, and it is also the only one left of the three tribes. The other two tribes have so few people that they can no longer be called tribes.

"But how to make it..."

"Who should make it..."

Zu Long fell into deep thought for a moment.

Writing is indispensable for the civilization of a race, and the Dragon Clan is born as a golden immortal. There has never been a tribe that cannot understand the Tao language, so the Dragon Clan has always used the Tao language.

Until now, after seeing that the Cangjie family was about to be bestowed with a lot of merit for creating characters, Zulong couldn't help but be tempted. No one would dislike the birth of another being in the realm of Hunyuan among his own race. Is there any living being who would? The race that despises itself is more prosperous and prosperous.

Zulong is naturally no exception.

Human race, Cang country, Cang city, ancestral temple.

The so-called ancestral temple is a place of worship established for those who died for the human race. It is the most important place in all human countries. It is usually built in the palace to facilitate sacrifices.

At this time, the sky above the Cangcheng Ancestral Temple was filled with auspicious scenes.

The people of the Cang Kingdom who were kneeling outside looked up at the sky as if they were dumbfounded. They were so shocked that they could not speak for a long time and did not dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing the Cang King's younger brother.




Cangjie's journey of creating characters is still in progress. Every time he utters a word, his inner cultivation becomes stronger and his realm becomes higher.

At this time, his cultivation had long surpassed those so-called existences in the Hunyuan Realm, but he was still unable to attain enlightenment after all, because the creation of characters had not yet ended. When the creation of characters ended, it would be him Immediately enter the era of Hunyuan.


Time keeps passing by.

Finally, with the last word of Cangjie's family, success was achieved.

"I, the Cangjie clan, adhere to the will of heaven and earth, and the number of the characters I created is 129,600, which is the number of the Yiyuanhui." Cangjie clan shouted towards the sky, as he finished this sentence.

boom! ! !

The heaven and earth suddenly burst into golden light, shining for eternity.

This time's creation of characters was even more grand than Kunpeng's creation of characters in the past, and the merits were even greater.

But it is because the characters he created are another kind of characters created under the influence of astronomy and a completely different system from astronomy. If there are living beings in the future who can create it under a system different from astronomy and humanities, If another kind of writing was created, the merit would probably be even more powerful than the merit of the writing created by Cangjie today.

Every time a new system of words is created, it is actually another interpretation of the great road of heaven and earth, another supplement, which brings great merit and great luck to heaven and earth.

Therefore, when heaven sends merit and luck, the merit belongs to oneself, and the luck belongs to the race.

Pieces of golden light fell from the sky and headed towards Cangjie's forehead.

In an instant, golden light shined.


A stream of golden light condensed in the center of Cangjie's eyebrows, and then manifested one character after another, and then the 129,600 human characters turned into a Hunyuan Dao Fruit, and the Hunyuan Dao Fruit's The shape is the human font "Tao"!

Swallow a Dao Fruit into your belly and enter the realm of Hunyuan Daluo!

Buzz! ! !

As the Cangjie clan reached the realm of Hunyuan, one wave after another of power spread around, and then along with those human words, they spread in the minds of the entire human race.

At this time, billions of human beings all had human characters appearing in their minds, even those newly born babies.

From then on, a second powerful person in the Hunyuan Realm appeared among the human race, and his name was Cangjie.

The Suiren clan of the Human Emperor, the ancestor of humanities, was also called the Cangjie clan of the Human Master.

"We praise you, your teacher, and congratulate you for achieving the great path!"

The people of Cang Kingdom shouted instantly.

"Everyone is polite. Please stand up quickly. Now that the danger of the human race has been resolved and we have our own writing system, we should abandon the Taoist language and use human language!"

Cang Jie said this in human language. Although it feels a little strange and a little weird compared to the Taoist language, whether it is the first time Cang Jie said it or the first time others said it, there is no sense of weirdness. It just feels like they were born to speak like this.

"This is humanities!"

The people of Cangguo were excited and overjoyed, and they all used their own language.

Although no matter whether it is human language or demon language, as long as they have cultivated successfully, they can understand it instantly. As long as they reach the realm of Golden Immortal, no matter what language or Taoist language in the world, they can understand it instantly.

But this is a real symbol of the culture that belongs to their own race, and the symbolic meaning is hard to describe.

As Cang Jie entered the realm of Hunyuan, his eyes, which had been blind, had long since recovered their sight, and his double pupils had revived, emitting bursts of golden light, and he was obviously stronger than before.


"Praise to the Master of Man!"


"Praise to the Master of Man!"


As those words suddenly appeared in the minds of all the human race, what Cang Jie had done also appeared in the minds of those human races. For such a great merit, the human race naturally admired him very much.

In the Divine Realm.

Suiren, who was coordinating the overall situation and directing the personnel of various countries to attack the territory, suddenly had a series of words in his mind, and he understood everything in an instant.

"Hahahaha! My way is not alone, and the human race has produced another genius!" Suiren laughed loudly, obviously very happy.

At this time, all the human races in the Divine Realm also knew about the human words and the human teacher, and praised Cang Jie.

Although some people were still fighting, they were still shouting.

"Cang Jie, you should be the teacher of the human race!"

With the enthronement of the Human Emperor Suiren, Cang Jie, who was already the teacher of the human race, was recognized by the orthodoxy, and his luck became more stable.

This is the role of the Human Emperor. Although it is not very useful for this kind of thing that has actually been achieved, it can better help him suppress his luck, and it is also legitimate from now on.

"Praise the Human Emperor, praise the teacher of the human race!!!"

All the human races also heard the words of Suiren's enthronement, so they roared to the sky again.

"To praise the teacher of the human race, you should die!"

Shi Hao was the craziest. He destroyed millions of lives with one move and committed endless sins. However, he was stained with a trace of Hunyuan Zhenyi and had long been free from sins.

On the other side

"Hahaha! You are worthy of being my brother! My stupid brother! You finally proved that you are stronger than your brother!!!" The king of Cang State, Cang Wangshi, laughed.

While laughing, he tore countless enemy creatures with his hands.



For some reason, Cang Jie created characters, and Ye Xuan was relieved.

It must be said that in his mind, Chinese characters are human language. Chinese characters carry too much history. Although there are falsehoods in them, they are always the carriers of a culture.

If there were no Chinese characters, Chinese history would not be so rich and colorful. It would only be passed down from generation to generation or some pictures. If it was just passed down from generation to generation or pictures, how many historical stories and myths and legends would be obliterated.

After Ye Xuan saw that Cang Jie successfully created humanities, he moved his mind and left the prehistoric world.


Prehistoric West.

After Ye Xuan left, three figures quietly appeared in the prehistoric west.

"My two Taoist friends, nowadays, I don't know how many saints have entered the realm of Hunyuan. Even the later generations of human beings have entered the realm of Hunyuan before us. My two Taoist friends and I are the innate saints that have been nurtured since Pangu opened the sky. How can we tolerate these younger generations surpassing us one by one?!"

The speaker was not someone else, but the old ancestor Yangmei who had been hiding in the prehistoric world for hundreds of years.

The three of them, Yangmei, Shichen and Yinyang, were in cahoots with each other. Since they had provoked many beings that should not be provoked, they have been hiding for fear of being wiped out by those beings in the realm of Hunyuan.

In fact, the three of them were overthinking. If they really wanted to care about it, they would have been gone long ago.

"Humph! Although we don't want to, what can we do?!" The old ancestor Shichen snorted coldly. It was obvious that he had been escaping for a long time and was already dissatisfied with his old friend Yangmei.

If he had not been with the Yangmei Patriarch for many years, why would he have to hide in the prehistoric world, fearing that he would offend someone he shouldn't offend.

The Yangmei Patriarch was choked by what he said, but he didn't say much. After all, this was his friend for many years, because it was normal for him to be a little dissatisfied with his fall to this point.

He immediately turned his long eyebrows and said, "Those who have achieved the state of Hunyuan all have the help of great merit or great luck, so they can enter the supreme state of Hunyuan, but the three of us have neither great merit nor great luck, so we have been unable to achieve the state of Hunyuan for a long time. If we can get great merit or great luck, we can achieve Hunyuan!"

As soon as he said this, the eyes of the Shichen Patriarch and the Yinyang Patriarch who was silent on the side lit up.

This is a good way to solve the problem. Complaining is useless. It is the kingly way to come up with a solution.

But then there was another moment of silence. They were hiding like this, not to mention that there was no place to get merit and luck, even if there was a place to get it, they couldn't get it.

Without luck and merit, they couldn't enter the realm of Hunyuan. Without the realm of Hunyuan, they didn't dare to appear in the prehistoric world with dignity, let alone build forces to plan merit and luck, as if they were trapped in a dead end.

When the old ancestor Yang Mei saw that the two Taoist friends were silent again, he spoke again: "I have another method to get out of the predicament!"

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