Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 259: Ferrying the destined person, the fate of the heavenly secret falls

"Oh? What method is it? Fellow Taoist, tell me quickly!"

As soon as Patriarch Yangmei said these words, Patriarch Yin and Yang could no longer remain silent and said anxiously.

No living being can resist the temptation of enlightenment, let alone those like them who are born to be enlightened.

"Fellow Daoist! At this critical moment, you are still showing off your skills!!!" Patriarch Shi on the side urged him even more urgently.

His expression was a little distorted, and he was almost crying because of the child.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, Pindao will tell you a solution!" Upon seeing this, Patriarch Yangmei quickly comforted him, and then immediately said: "The solution lies with the Second Saint of the West!"

No matter how slowly he spoke, he was afraid that Patriarch Shi would act in a hurry...

Although Patriarch Yangmei is the most trouble-making among the three ancestors, his cultivation and combat power are actually the lowest. Not to mention Patriarch Time, even Patriarch Yin Yang can easily control him.

The two qi of yin and yang can determine the universe. In addition, the ancestor of yin and yang has cultivated to reach the sky and has many magical weapons in his hands. Even if the ancestor of Yangmei cultivates the avenue of space, it is still a bit bitter.

Not only was he forced to hide, but even if he hid, he was still the lowest among the three. How could Yangmei have ever experienced such aggrievement...

"The Second Saint of the West?" Ancestor Shi frowned and muttered, and then said angrily: "Do you want us to make forty-eight great wishes to seek merit from heaven like those two dead dogs?! What if? If this is the case, then I would rather not become enlightened!"

The purpose of attaining enlightenment is to be free and at ease, but if he becomes a slave of heaven in order to attain enlightenment, then he cannot accept it. The kind of person who makes great wishes that cannot be fulfilled at all, that is, spends his whole life wandering around just to fulfill his vows. On the run.

He would rather not have such enlightenment.

Time is the most unpredictable and erratic. You can be free throughout your life and never be restrained. Patriarch Shi, who majored in the Avenue of Time, naturally yearns for this.

Even the ancestor of Yin and Yang on the side frowned deeply when he heard this, as if he was making a choice. After a moment, he still shook his head and sighed: "If fellow Taoist want to achieve enlightenment through this, then Fellow Taoists, just go ahead, I would rather not become a Taoist than take this path."

Ancestor Yangmei burst out laughing when he heard this, shook his head, and asked: "Is it that in the hearts of these two fellow Taoists, I am so unbearable when I raise my eyebrows?"

"Fellow Taoist, what do you mean?" Patriarch Yin Yang replied with a frown.

Ancestor Chen on the side also heard the news and frowned slightly, as if the next moment the ancestor raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything, he would ask.

Seeing this, Patriarch Yangmei did not dare to delay any longer, and said quickly: "The two sages of the West that I referred to earlier were the sects they established. Although the great aspirations they made failed to come true, the goals they established The sect actually has opportunities to flourish.”

"This is especially true for those great aspirations that have been made. I once saw an innate saint in the ancient west. He was transformed from the thoughts of the gods and demons of Buddha and the gods and demons of cause and effect. Therefore, I have no understanding of the cause and effect of Buddha and the Buddha. Understand one or two, those are very close to the great aspirations set by the Second Holy Temple in the West.”

"Therefore, we can ask Patriarch Tianji to accept the two Western Saints as his disciples, and finally betray the so-called Western religion out of the Immortal Sect and establish another Buddhist sect. This will bring us great luck, and maybe we can step into that chaotic world. In the realm of Yuan!"

Ancestor Yangmei did not hide anything this time, but said it all in one breath. He was afraid that if he was aggressive again, Ancestor Shi might not be able to help but run up and beat him.

As soon as these words came out, the other two fell completely silent.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that something was going on, and the more they thought about it, the more they felt that this was a serious way out.

We hit it off immediately and decided to do this together.

Suddenly, Patriarch Yin and Yang asked a question and said: "Wait a minute, why would Patriarch Tianji agree to share the luck with us? Wouldn't it be wonderful for him to have it all by himself? In addition, the most critical question is, if the West If the Second Saint rebels against the Immortal Sect, won't the superior leader of the Immortal Sect take action? If he takes action to stop it, wouldn't our efforts be in vain? "

As soon as these words came out, the three of them fell into silence again.

Ancestor Yin Yang and Ancestor Shi both had doubts written on their faces, looking at Ancestor Yang Mei, waiting for the other's answer.

Ancestor Yangmei felt a little guilty when he saw it. He frowned his long eyebrows and touched the sweat on his forehead. Suddenly, he slapped his thigh fiercely and said, "Yes! First of all, if Ancestor Tianji doesn't If he agrees, he will definitely die if we join forces! So, he can only agree!"

"As for the so-called leader of the Immortal Sect, haha! Whether he dares to step into the wilderness is one thing. Even if he really steps into it, no matter what he wants to do, believe me, there will definitely be many people who will do it. Stop him!"

"You must know that at the beginning, he was thinking about bringing the entire prehistoric world down! He was thinking about transcending alone and ruining the futures of other fellow Taoists! It would be fine if he didn't step into the prehistoric world. If he really dares to step in, if nothing else, those beings who have created the Hunyuan Realm will definitely stop him!"

"What's more, there is also the leader of the Demon Sect in the chaos, who is also obstructing the leader of the Immortal Sect in every possible way!"

"Although I am not completely sure, I feel that in this situation, even if I am 10% sure, I have to gamble. What's more, as long as the leader of the Immortal Sect doesn't take action, we can accomplish this thing nine times out of ten!"

After Yangmei Patriarch finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and thought to himself, why didn't I think it through first before speaking? I was almost scared to death by these two...

"Hahahaha! Let me just say that with the existence of Taoist Brother Yangmei, we will definitely be able to turn danger into good fortune and achieve great success!" After hearing this, Patriarch Shi completely let go of the past grudges in his heart and said with a smile.

As long as we can achieve enlightenment, so what if the road is bumpy?

As long as you finally become enlightened, all the hard work will be worth it!

"Hahahaha! Good brothers! Let's go together for the rest of our lives!"

Ancestor Yin Yang also patted Ancestor Yangmei on the shoulder and said with a loyal look.

The two of them seemed to have forgotten how they had quarreled with Ancestor Yang Mei before, especially Ancestor Shi Chen, who almost took action.

But this can’t be blamed on Ancestor Shi. I’m afraid this would happen to anyone else. Ancestor Yang, who was always taciturn, was almost forced to do something by Ancestor Yangmei. Think about how much Ancestor Yangmei has done to deceive them over the years. things.

Even though the three of them were involved in the trap together, and they never left me alone, it was still such a trap! ! !

"Haha, good brother, good brother..." The ancestor raised his eyebrows and smiled, feeling relieved.

At least, they can go together in the future. If this fails, it will be fine to be beaten up by the two. But if he is separated from the help of these two people, he may die on the way one day.

And even if you have achieved the Hunyuan realm, it does not mean that you can be lawless and run rampant, because there are many people who have achieved the Hunyuan realm, especially the Enemy Heavenly Court, which has dozens of Hunyuan realms, and he still needs to stick together to fight. Be prepared for the unexpected.

While the three of them were "talking happily", two figures came towards here.

"It's the two of them? How dare you say that they are here..." Yangmei Ancestor frowned and asked a little strangely.

"You care so much about him, why don't you hurry up and implement the plan?!" Ancestor Shi urged.

He doesn't care about this, he can't wait to become enlightened.

Then, the three people appeared.

Jieyin and Zhunti were originally on their way to fulfill their great ambitions. When they saw three innate gods appearing, they immediately stopped, frowned, and looked at the three of them up and down.

While the two of them were looking at the three of them, the three of them were also looking at the two of them.

"Junior Jie Yin has met three seniors before." In the end, Jie Yin was the first to salute.

They had a brief encounter in Zixiao Palace, so they actually knew each other.

After Zhunti saw Jie Yin and saluted, he followed suit and said, "Junior Zhunti has met three seniors."

Although he didn't know why the eldest brother did this, Zhunti, who always listened to the introduction, still followed the salute. Although the two of them were actually at a higher level of cultivation than the other three, the other's potential was unlimited, and the two of them were just It's just the end.

"You're welcome, you two can just get up." Yangmei Ancestor looked at the two of them with a kind smile and said with a smile.

As soon as he saw these two people, the so-called plan had quietly begun to be implemented.

"Since you have now become the lord of saints, and you still call us seniors, for the sake of this sentence, I will show you a clear path!" Yangmei Patriarch deliberately used words to tease this person. The Second Sage of the West, Patriarch Shi on the side looked twitchy and twitched the corner of his mouth. This Yangmei Patriarch really likes to play this trick...

The ancestor of Yin and Yang on the side looked at his nose with his eyes, and his nose with his heart, without saying a word. It was as if the old god had never appeared before.

As expected, as soon as these words came out, both Jie Yin and Zhunti became interested.

"What kind of bullshit saints are you? Only people like Hongyun can be called saints. We two brothers are just like bereaved dogs who live in fear all day long." Jie Yin first laughed at himself, then he bowed his hands and bowed and said: " Since senior said there is a clear way to tell me, please save my two brothers. "

"Senior, please give me some advice!"

Zhunti also bent down and bowed.

Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "I have a method that can help you get rid of the so-called saints and achieve greatness in the future. However, this method is not perfect and has certain risks. If you are not in danger, you can call me your ancestor. If you are in danger, the three of us will not be able to help you. Are you still willing to listen?"

"Oh?! Is there really such a way?!" Jie Yin was overjoyed and surprised when he heard this.

As for the so-called risks, he has long forgotten them. As long as he can achieve enlightenment, there is nothing difficult about some risks, even if his body dies and his path disappears, it is nothing more than that.

You must know that the two brothers are useless in this life, and can only be slaves of the heaven for the rest of their lives, working for the heaven. Even life and death are not up to them, and they cannot even commit suicide.

Therefore, in the hopelessness of the road, both of them thought that this might be the end of their lives.

Now that he suddenly heard that there was still hope, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. His eyes were filled with the desire for hope, and even Taoist Zhunti couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

He originally thought that life was hopeless, but now he knew that there was still hope. Even if the probability of enlightenment was small, he still planned to give it a try. Anyway, no matter how bad the outcome was, it would not be worse than now, so there was no need to be afraid of anything.

"Okay, I'm listening to you, but you can't tell others. But I can't tell you two now. If you are really willing, go back to Mount Sumeru first. When we meet again, it will be Zhuer and you. The day of transcendence." Yangmei Patriarch heard this and nodded. He was very satisfied with the current status of Jie Yin and Zhunti.

Hearing this, Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other, knelt down and said, "I hope that senior will accept us as disciples. We will definitely serve Master in the future and listen to Master's orders in everything!"

Both of them are saints, and their actual combat power is completely worthy of the ancestors. They can even overwhelm each other one-on-one.

But at this moment, they all gave up the so-called dignity of saints, knelt down in front of Yangmei Ancestor, kowtowed and paid homage.

Yangmei Ancestor was stunned for a moment when he saw this, but he immediately nodded with a smile and said: "Okay! I have never accepted a disciple in my life, and now I have a master-disciple relationship with you, so I will accept you as a teacher today." I killed you two disciples!"

There has never been any rule in the ancient world that one person cannot worship two masters, let alone cause and effect. As long as both parties are willing, there is no problem, and there is no need to obtain the consent of the other master.

Therefore, Patriarch Yangmei naturally accepted the two of them as his disciples.

Afterwards, Jie Yin and Zhunti headed towards Mount Sumeru with peace of mind.

"Fellow Taoist, why do you want to accept these two as disciples? If so, how can you get Ancestor Tianji to accept them as disciples?" Ancestor Yin Yang said after seeing Jie Yin and Zhunti leaving.

He didn't understand. This was different from the plan. It was agreed that Patriarch Tianji would accept the two of them as disciples and then start Buddhism. But now Patriarch Yangmei has accepted them as disciples. , is it possible that Ancestor Tianji will have to collect it again when the time comes?

"Because I suddenly discovered that if the two of them were to worship Ancestor Tianji as their teacher, then if the three of them joined forces, I am afraid that the three of us would not be qualified to intervene anymore. If the hard work of planning becomes someone else's wedding dress by then, If so, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort!”

Ancestor Yangmei explained with a smile. After saying this, the other two people also reacted.

"Yes, although those two are a little stupid and have exhausted their potential, they are still saints for now. If one-on-one, they are really no match for them. If we add the ancestor of Tianji, it will be three-on-three. , I’m afraid they will really be kicked out by then!”

Ancestor Yin Yang nodded and immediately laughed sinisterly.

The other two people also looked at each other, and there was no need to say the rest.

Since those two people were accepted as disciples in advance, that means that Patriarch Tianji is no longer needed, but the other party's Buddhist understanding and the path of cause and effect are needed. Therefore, there is only one path left for the three of them.

That is to kill the Patriarch Tianji, gain enlightenment from him, and guide him into Buddhism. At that time, the Great Way can be achieved.

the other side.

"Brother, can they really believe it?" Taoist Zhunti said calmly, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, as if he was not the first to be extremely excited.

Jie Yin was silent for a long time, and then he said calmly: "I don't know, but I can only give it a try, otherwise I wouldn't want to become his teacher."

In fact, both Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Hongjun are nothing more than a stepping stone in front of the two brothers, a stepping stone to a higher realm.

They have only one goal, and that is the road. Except for each other, everything can be chosen.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kneel so simply and quickly.

"That's right. Anyway, it's just that I have one more so-called teacher to share my luck..." Taoist Zhunti said nonchalantly, smiling as he spoke.

These lucks were of no use to him at all. To achieve the status of a saint, luck and merit seemed to be just a joke.

As far as the saint status is concerned, it is useless. Anyway, they will not get any improvement in their cultivation realm before fulfilling their great ambitions.

If there are more people, the luck will be shared by more people. Anyway, they are all insignificant things.

And if this is true, what if he is divided into luck? Some luck can be exchanged for infinite brightness in the future. Even fools know how to choose!

Not to mention some luck, even if they wanted all the luck to start over from scratch, the two of them would agree without hesitation!

"I hope this is true..."

Jie Yin sighed slightly and looked somewhere unknown, looking into the distance.

the other side.

Ancestor Tianji has fallen between heaven and earth. This ancestor who has calculated all the catastrophes of heaven and earth and avoided catastrophe after catastrophe has just fallen into the hands of Ancestor Yangmei, Ancestor Shichen, and Ancestor Yin and Yang. .

In fact, although Patriarch Tianji had calculated his own calamity, when the three of them planned to take action, Patriarch Tianji secretly realized that someone was trying to harm him.

However, one of the three saints who wanted to harm him controlled time, and the other controlled space. With the cooperation of Yangmei and Shichen, although the ancestor Tianji escaped early, it was still difficult to escape the pursuit of these three ancestors.

In the end, it still fell into the hands of the three ancestors.

Ancestor Yangmei also got the enlightenment of the Buddhist Way as he wished, Patriarch Yin and Yang gained enlightenment of the Way of Cause and Effect. As for Patriarch Shichen, although he didn't get anything, compared to attaining enlightenment, everything is false.

"My two Taoist friends, the day of enlightenment is just around the corner!"

The appearance of the Yangmei Patriarch suddenly changed. His original Taoist robes were replaced by a cassock, and even the original bun on his head changed into the shape of a Buddha.

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