Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 260: Buddhism comes out, Hongjun is angry!

Ancestor Yangmei, Ancestor Shi and Ancestor Yin Yang headed towards the west with a confident expression on their faces.

In Mount Sumeru.

The three saints suddenly appeared and revealed their physical forms.


When Taoist Jieyin saw Yangmei Ancestor coming at such a speed, he immediately shouted in surprise, his eyes filled with surprise.


Zhunti also shouted in surprise.

Even as powerful as they were, they were unable to notice the arrival of the three saints in front of them.

This is also normal. One person controls time, and the other person controls space. Together they form time and space. If both of them can perceive this, it would be a bit too bad.

"Master, I am here this time just for what I promised you earlier." Yangmei Patriarch said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, Teacher. I am very grateful to you!" Jie Yin and Zhunti pretended to be grateful and shed tears.

And the Yangmei Ancestor also suppressed his nausea and pretended to be satisfied. It was really a scene of a master being kind and a disciple being filial.

Ancestors Chen and Yin Yang who were watching on the side also closed their eyes and said nothing, blocking all their senses for fear of being nauseated.

After a while, the three masters and apprentices ended their pretense and began to discuss serious matters.

"In addition to space, what I cultivate also has the great way of Buddha. I see that many of the great aspirations you two made in the past are related to Buddha. I am willing to listen to the way of Buddhism, rebel from the Immortal Sect, and bring the West to the West. If you educate yourself into Buddhism, you will gain great luck and achieve great transcendence." The ancestor raised his eyebrows and spoke out from the lotus.

After listening to it, Jie Yin and Zhunti were intoxicated, and they only felt that the road was promising.

But then the two of them came to their senses and immediately asked: "The fate of the atmosphere is useless to us, how can we transcend it?"

"The Yuanshi of the Sanqing Dynasty is just like you. Under the guidance of his elder brother and the third brother, he is now almost enlightened. It won't take long for him to enter the realm of Hunyuan. After we enter the realm of Hunyuan with great luck, , which will make you two transcendent," Yangmei Patriarch said with a smile on his lips.

If they didn't need the other party's Western religion to take the opportunity to go public, and the enemies who might appear behind it at any time, they wouldn't have bothered and established Buddhism long ago, and there would be no one to care about their lives.

When Jie Yin and Zhunti heard this, they looked at each other and frowned. They were risking their lives. Even if they succeed after taking the risk, they still have to look at the faces of Yangmei Ancestor and the others to decide whether they can become enlightened or not. ? !

As for whether the other party has the ability to help them after they become enlightened, there is no doubt about this. Otherwise, why would Yuanshi be able to practice Taoism again? Why was Hongyun able to achieve the true path of sainthood with Zhen Yuanzi’s company! ?

Behind these people who are in the same situation as them, there is at least one being in the realm of Hunyuan.

In other words, Hunyuan Realm has the ability to help them in this situation, but the question is whether the other party will help then...

The Yangmei Ancestor looked at the hesitant expressions of the two people, and even though he understood the other's concerns, he was not anxious and closed his eyes.

In this case, the more anxious you are, the more the other party will think that you are trying to deceive them, and the less they will believe it.

But if he is less anxious, the more the other party will believe it, and the more likely he is to agree.

As for the so-called trust between master and disciple? Isn't that just a so-called joke?

Sure enough, after seeing the Yangmei Ancestor closing his eyes and concentrating in no hurry, Jieyin and Zhunti nodded and said, "We are willing to listen to the teacher's orders!"

"Very good! You have made a very right choice. You must know that I can find others to do this plan at any time, but you have lost such a good opportunity to transcend. But congratulations to you, you have made the most correct choice. ”

Ancestor Yangmei nodded with a smile and explained.

Although Jie Yin knew that the other party was just a bereaved dog hiding away and not daring to come out, otherwise he would not have found them, but this was not important. What was important was that they had reached an agreement.

"Have all the religious beings in the West been won over by most of you?" After Yangmei Patriarch saw that the two agreed, he stopped being polite and asked the most important question directly.

Jieyin and Zhunti nodded and said honestly: "Most of them don't want to believe in our Western religion. In addition to being a religion, the more important thing is that our brothers are saints and have a limited future."

"So that means that even if Western religion is promoted to Buddhism, the ones you believe in will be very limited. After all, your status is limited..." Yangmei Ancestor frowned and secretly smacked his tongue.

I have to say that although Western religion is quite big, it is still far from enough if you want to have great luck.

"In this case, Nuwa can create a human race, and so can Pindao!"

Ancestor Yin Yang gritted his teeth and took out a small piece of Nine Heaven Breathing Soil and some Yin Yang Pond water from his pocket. Not to mention the Yin Yang Pond water, it was all formed by his own energy and could be conceived at any time.

And the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil was what he obtained from the Kunlun Mountains in the past.

"Good baby! Thank you, fellow Taoist!" Yangmei Ancestor was overjoyed when he saw this. He really felt like someone would give him a pillow when he felt sleepy.

I thought that the luck of the Western religion was enough to rise, but then I found out when I came to Mount Sumeru that it was still not enough. When I asked the believers questions, it was not enough. And now the ancestor of Yin and Yang said that he can create the human race, which is a huge amount of faith. Power.

The strong reproductive power of the human race is obvious to all. As long as it is given a period of development, and they are created by them, they can naturally be used to carry the luck of Buddhism.

As for whether the created human race is as powerful as the perfect human race created by Nuwa, it is not important. What is important is that they can carry the luck of Buddhism, which is enough.

So, the Yin-Yang Patriarch pointed at the void, and a breath of creation and life appeared. A stream of Yin-Yang Pond water entered the Nine Heavens Xiran and then turned into living beings.

The breath of life came one by one, and with the creation of the Yin-Yang Patriarch, the human race with thick eyebrows, big eyes and thick lips appeared one by one.

Because this place is too far to the west, the vegetation is sparse, and the sun is scorching, so the skin color of these human races is all some black, and the hair is burned naturally and curled, which is far from the perfect human race.

Looking at his creation in front of him, the Yin-Yang Patriarch looked at the half of the Nine Heavens Xiran in the air and stopped his hand.

"Why are these humans so stupid? Why are they so different from those humans in the East?" The Yin-Yang Patriarch asked with a puzzled look.

He himself was a little puzzled, and didn't know why such a thing happened.

He looked at those humans who stood there stupidly and didn't know what to do, and thought with a headache.

At this time, some humans had already started looking for food because they were hungry, but they didn't know what to eat at all, and they ate until their stomachs hurt and rolled on the ground.

"Can such humans really carry the luck of Buddhism?!"

The Yangmei Patriarch roared with a black face.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch touched the back of his head and said weakly with a somewhat uncertain tone: "It should be possible... They are just a little stupid, a little weak, and a little ugly, but it doesn't mean they are not human..."

At the end, if everyone present was not sacred, I'm afraid they wouldn't hear what the last sentence was saying.

Are these extremely ugly, black and brainless things really human? ? !

One after another, the black little people were lying on the ground, holding their stomachs and rolling around, and not a trace of spiritual energy could be seen.

The human race created by Nuwa back then was born with knowledge, with an innate sacred appearance, and then they became golden immortals with a thought, and then they realized the existence of the great way.

The kind of spiritual energy that can't be hidden all over the body is the truly perfect human race, but now these so-called human races that appear in front of them are all disheveled and stupid.

"Alas! No matter what, they are still human beings... Although they are much worse, it shouldn't be a problem to carry the luck. In this case, let them live..." Yin and Yang Patriarch sighed, he planted the cause himself, so he came to help.

He waved his hand immediately, and the black little people rolling on the ground also got better.

He waved his hand again, giving those black little people a little bit of intelligence, that was enlightenment, and there was only this kind of wisdom, not that Yin and Yang Patriarch only gave them this little wisdom.

Furthermore, the Yin-Yang Patriarch waved his hand and sent the black little people to a secluded place.

"These things have been thrown to the south. Life and death are determined by fate. If you can survive, you will carry the luck of Buddhism!" The Yin-Yang Patriarch sighed, and then closed his eyes and thought deeply.

He wanted to know which link he had gone wrong, resulting in an unsatisfactory final result.

The several saints around him did not dare to disturb him, and they all waited quietly. After all, whether the plan could be completed, the Yin-Yang Patriarch was the key.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, the Yin-Yang Patriarch laughed.

"I know, the way of heaven does not allow the same human race to appear. The luck of that human race is all occupied by the Eastern human race. The human race I want to create this time must avoid all the characteristics of those Eastern human races and create a human race that does not belong to the Eastern human race! In this way, these human races can have spirits and can succeed!"

The Yin-Yang Patriarch said with joy, and the Yangmei Patriarch nodded after thinking carefully, expressing his agreement.

It is very likely that this is the case. Otherwise, it would be completely unreasonable.

The theory of luck is not empty talk. Just like the Yin-Yang Patriarch, if Fuxi and Nuwa both died, and the Yin-Yang Dao of the world was occupied by him, his cultivation would undoubtedly soar, because the luck of the Yin-Yang Dao in the world was all on him.

But it is precisely because of the separation that he has ended up so miserably, and has not achieved enlightenment until now, now that Fuxi and Nuwa have achieved enlightenment.

Afterwards, the Yin-Yang Patriarch created the human race again. This time, he completely avoided all the characteristics of the Eastern human race.

The perfect human race created by Nuwa has black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin, while the Yin-Yang Patriarch created blonde hair, blue eyes, and white skin, which is completely different from the Eastern human race.

In addition to this, the Eastern human race is not as good as the Western human race. This is also what the Yin-Yang Patriarch did intentionally to make the Western human race look taller and more powerful.

After completely avoiding the characteristics of the Eastern human race in appearance, the Western human race was formed, and its intelligence was successfully born. It was no longer as stupid as the previous lowly creatures.

I saw the blond and blue-eyed human race kneeling on the ground, kneeling to the Yin-Yang Patriarch, shouting: "Father God! Father God!"

Their pronunciation was extremely strange, and it was completely different from the Eastern human race.

But it was because the Yin-Yang Patriarch changed everything about it, leaving only the same human shape. Apart from that, everything inside and out was almost completely different.

Upon seeing this, Patriarch Yin Yang showed a smile and nodded.

This new Western human race is much better than the previous ones. At least it has some intelligence. Although the Eastern human race is better in terms of background, heels, qualifications, etc. Beat up these Westerners.

However, the original intention of Patriarch Yin and Yang in creating them was not to let them compete with the Eastern humans for the title of human race, but to allow them to carry the destiny of Buddhism.

"Fellow Taoist Yin and Yang, this is a great good! Now Buddhism already has sentient beings joining us, and with the addition of our ruthless Buddhas, we will be done! Hahahaha..."

The Yangmei Patriarch couldn't wait and laughed crazily.

Even the other saints also laughed.

Suddenly, the white people also became hungry and began to grab dirt from the ground and stuff it into their mouths.

The many sacred smiles suddenly stopped, as if they had suddenly eaten rat droppings.


Ancestor Yin Yang snorted coldly, and the white people quickly threw away the dirt in their hands, knelt down on the ground, and spoke a lot of bird language in their mouths: "Father God, calm down!! We are so hungry and need to eat. !”

When Patriarch Yin Yang heard this, his expression became much better. Then his eyes flashed, and the stomachs of those Westerners instantly became full.

Then, with another point, some corresponding knowledge and practice methods also appeared in the hearts of those Westerners.

Patriarch Yin and Yang didn't have time to take care of their development. After giving the other party what he had to give, he just ignored them and allowed them to develop.

Those white people were also thrown to the northwest by the ancestors of Yin and Yang. Of course, they were all not far from Mount Sumeru.

"With these people, there is no need to worry about the creatures carrying the destiny of Buddhism. Next, it is the most difficult level to pass..." Yangmei Ancestor frowned and looked up at the sky and said.

Whether you can succeed or not depends on the one who exists.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around, a golden light flashed, and he transformed into the previous Buddha.

Then Patriarch Yin Yang and Patriarch Shi both turned into the appearance of Buddha.

"The Buddha saves those who are destined to be saved."

Patriarch Yangmei shouted loudly, and the bodies of Jieyin and Zhunti also changed into the appearance of Buddha.

"Meet the teacher."

After receiving the invitation, Zundi bowed again.

"Amitabha, I am the Buddha of the present, Taoist friends of time and space are the Buddhas of the ancient past, Taoist friends of Yin and Yang are the Buddhas of future generations, and Buddhism should have three generations of Buddhas."

Ancestor Yangmei said with a smile.

As his words fell, his golden light emitted a great deal, imbuing him with infinite majesty. A golden light behind him illuminated the heavens, and his face was filled with Buddha's light.

Patriarch Shichen is sitting in the ancient past, in charge of ancient Buddhism. Although there is no such thing as ancient Buddhism, the third generation of Buddhas has been established. If there is not, there is, and if there is, there is not.

The ancestors of Yin and Yang lie in the future and lead Buddhism in future generations. However, existence is also non-being, and non-being is also existence.

Although Buddhism has three generations of Buddhas in name, in fact, Patriarch Yangmei has been in charge of Buddhism from the beginning to the end.

Under the three Buddhas, there are countless Buddhas. Each Buddha has a Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand. In each Buddha Kingdom, there are endless beliefs of living beings.

That is the scene of the future. Today's Buddhism, except for the Buddhas of the Three Generations, only has the guidance and the direct mention.

Immediately afterwards, Patriarch Yangmei sat on the top of Mount Sumeru and began to murmur. Endless Buddhist words came out, attracting endless creatures.

There are the previous white races in the West and those failed black races, there are the apprentices and believers who were introduced and shunted in the past, and there are also many creatures of other races.

At this moment, golden lotuses surged from the ground on Mount Xumi, and flowers fell from the sky.

Every plant, every tree, every flower and every stone in Mount Sumeru is enlightened by it and escapes into Buddhism.

At this time, the luck of the three people was also soaring crazily.

Patriarch of time, oh, no, the ancient time Buddha is silent on the far left. In the middle is the Buddha of the present space spitting out lotus flowers, and on the right is the future Yin and Yang Buddha saying that the flowers are falling from the sky.

One does not teach, one talks about Buddha, and the other talks about cause and effect. They complement each other and form three Buddhas.

Those creatures kept falling at the feet of the three Buddhas. Jie Yin and Zhunti looked at each other and saw the surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

What he said is actually true! It can actually be done!

At this time, there was no reaction from the person in Zixiao Palace.

In Zixiao Palace.

"Damn raised eyebrows, hour, yin and yang!!!"

Ancestor Hongjun was helpless and furious, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't dare to set foot in the ancient world, and he didn't even dare to strike across infinite time and space. He knew that if he took action again, he would really be besieged by the heaven!

The wise words of the Emperor of Heaven still linger in my ears now and have not dissipated for a long time.

This was a warning to him that as long as he dared to interfere in the prehistoric affairs in the slightest, Di Jun would not hesitate to lead many Hunyuan of the demon tribe to the Zixiao Palace to kill him.

Therefore, even if he knew that his two disciples had been kidnapped, he did not dare to stop them.

Although he didn't care, with the other party's departure, there were a few more powerful opponents...

Oh, no, they are mortal enemies...

Buzz! !

Bursts of Buddha's light shine, and infinite Buddha's light envelopes the entire wild west.

On this day, countless living beings were bewitched by his Buddha's light and joined Buddhism, and countless living beings became ordained and became monks.

After seeing that the matter could be accomplished, the ancestor Yangmei immediately sent a divine thought to Jieyin and Zhunti: "The time has come, you can establish the supreme Buddhist sect!"

Jieyin and Zhunti understood what he said, and immediately stood up and turned to face the countless creatures attracted by Buddhism.

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