Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 261 Three Buddhas, Paradise, Liuli, and the Buddhaland of Vassa

"From today onwards, Buddhism is established, and all living beings can become Buddhas. The so-called Buddha, enlightenment, refers to the three things of self-consciousness, awareness of others, and perfect enlightenment. No ordinary person has this. Arahant only has self-consciousness, and Bodhisattva has self-consciousness and enlightenment. he."

"Today we have three Buddhas in our Buddhist sect, reflecting all the past, present and future years. They are the Buddha of countless past years, the Buddha of Hours, and the Buddha's name, the ancient Amitabha Buddha!"

"The Buddha who is in charge of everything now and looks at the past, present and future, the Buddha with raised eyebrows, the Buddha's name, the present Sakyamuni Buddha!"

"The Buddha who reflects all future time and space, the Yin-Yang Buddha, the name of the Buddha, the future Medicine Buddha!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Western religion suddenly transformed into Buddhism, and all believers became Buddhists, and every living being became a great monk with a bald head.

"Buddhism has three fruition levels. Those who are self-aware can become Arhats; those who are self-aware and aware of others can be bodhisattvas; those who are self-aware, aware of others, and enlightened practitioners can obtain the position of the supreme Buddha. Therefore, everyone can practice and become a Buddha, and everyone can become a Buddha. Buddha, all sentient beings with destiny can enter my Buddhist door!"

Zhunti bowed and said with a sacred look on his face, extremely devout to the three ancestors Yangmei, Shichen and Yinyang.

"In this way, Buddhism is established!"

As the mouths of the last three Buddhas were opened, the figures of the three Buddhas appeared in all Buddhist schools in the infinite time and space. It turned out that the so-called ancient lamp-burning Buddhas and the current Tathagata in other time and space The three Buddha statues of the Buddha and the future Maitreya Buddha have been replaced by the three figures of the Yangmei, Yin and Yang, and Hour Buddhas.

In an instant, infinite luck enveloped the three saints.

I don’t know how much merit has fallen, and I don’t know how much luck has fallen.

Under the way of heaven, Buddhism will flourish. Now that Buddhism has been established, it is necessary to shirk the evolution of the way of heaven, so it is a blessing from heaven.

For a time, three Buddhas in Buddhism broke the mirror one after another, and in one day, three Buddhas in the realm of Hunyuan appeared.

At this point in Buddhism, there are also three sacred figures who are in charge of Buddhism.

"All living beings in heaven and earth can enter Buddhism. Now that you have entered Buddhism, you should be called monks and nuns. After you realize your enlightenment, you can be awarded the status of Arahant." Sakyamuni Buddha lowered his head and said with a raised eyebrow, with infinite compassion on his face.

It seems that he is pitying all sentient beings in the world, but in fact he is spreading his own beliefs.

Oh, no, it’s Buddhist belief.

These three sacred deities also successfully transformed into the so-called Buddhas. They were also the ancestors of ten thousand Buddhas and were called Buddhas.

The three Buddhas looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. Now the three of them have successfully entered the realm of Hunyuan, that is, they have all become enlightened. Although they are listed under a backdoor scheme, they have also covered themselves with a layer of skin. But since we have become enlightened, what do these things mean?

"Thank you Lord Buddha for your mercy on all living beings!!"

Countless creatures in the Western world are shouting and praising the name of Buddha in a crazy voice. Their faces are full of worship and piety, as if they are going crazy.

"Every Buddhist believer should recite the name of Amitabha Buddha, which can also be called the Buddha of Infinite Life and the Buddha of Infinite Light. This is to commemorate the contribution made by Amitabha Buddha to Buddhism in ancient times."

With raised eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha spoke again.

As his words fell, all living beings also spoke one after another: "Amitabha, praise the Buddha of Infinite Life and the Buddha of Infinite Light!"

The so-called Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha of Infinite Life, and the Buddha of Infinite Light all refer to the same Buddha, the Patriarch of Time.

After all, Patriarch Shi Chen is the only one among the three Buddhas who has not reaped any actual benefits. Not to mention Patriarch Yangmei, he holds the power of Buddhism and is in charge of all affairs of Buddhism. He is the one with the greatest luck, and he He is also in charge of the most important aspect of Buddhism, the Great Way of Buddha.

Although Patriarch Yin and Yang does not hold the power of Buddhism, and he has a fictitious position like Patriarch Shi, he still controls the existence of Buddhism's avenue second only to the Buddha, which is the avenue of cause and effect.

Buddhism is based on the Great Way of Buddha, and the Great Way of Cause and Effect is the cornerstone. These two ways together have created today's supreme Buddhism.

So in fact, the influence of the ancestors of Yin and Yang in Buddhism will not be much worse in the future, because his practice and understanding of the avenue of cause and effect are second only to the most basic Buddhist understanding in Buddhism.

And Jie Yin and Zhunti, the two original leaders of the Western Sect, also seemed to have been sublimated at this moment. Under the erosion of the crazy power of faith of the endless beings in Buddhism, they actually lost all the so-called forty-eight great aspirations. It was broken through.

Although this does not mean that all of them are washed away, it does break away all the restrictions of the forty-eight great aspirations. After breaking away from these restrictions, you can improve your cultivation and no longer be limited by them.

And under the erosion of this crazy power of faith, the extremely false sainthood was also washed away. In addition to still owing the forty-eight great aspirations of heaven, the two of them were Already fallen below the realm.

"Junior brother!!!"

Jie Yin felt that his cultivation level had dropped to the peak of Daluo Jinxian again. He was not surprised but overjoyed, and said with a shocked look on his face.

At this moment, he was ecstatic in his heart. The power of Buddhist faith actually had such an effect!

Although Buddhism used deceptive methods to confuse these creatures, it also turned them into devout people with great power of faith.

Although each of these creatures were fooled, the power of faith they provided was extremely pious. It was much more powerful and purer than the power of faith brought by those creatures who were not fooled.


Zhunti also burst into tears with tears all over his face. These were tears of joy. This was the first time in countless years that he shed tears. A former second leader of the Western Sect actually burst into tears in front of endless living beings.

And when this scene fell in front of those extremely pious creatures, Zhunti became very satisfied with Buddhism and shed tears for their performance. For a time, countless Western creatures also respected them even more. Admiration is mentioned.

Their brothers and sisters have been waiting for this moment for who knows how many years, and now they are finally free from the constraints of this so-called saint. Although their cultivation has fallen to the peak of Daluo Jinxian, they still have the opportunity to enter the supreme realm.

At this time, Patriarch Yangmei also smiled and said: "Jie Yin, Zhunti, you have realized yourself and others, and can enter the Bodhisattva state. Now I specially confer Jie Yin with the title of Jie Yin Bodhisattva. I hope you can extradite me." Those living beings believe in Buddhism and enter my Buddhism.

Zhunti is specially conferred as the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, who should be a model for all sentient beings to practice and a model for Buddhism. It is also hoped that all Buddhist sentient beings can awaken to the supreme Bodhi and achieve the status of Buddha. "

Following the conferment of the raised-brow Sakyamuni Buddha, Jie Yin and Zhunti also transformed into a Bodhisattva appearance, with lotus pedestals under their feet, and they were named Supreme Bodhisattvas.

"Respect the mercy of my Buddha..."

Jieyin and Zhunti bowed quickly and said with a smile.

Since then, in addition to the three Buddhas, Buddhism has had two more Bodhisattvas.

This so-called three awakenings are actually used to do it. If they open their mouths to see whether they are three awakenings, just like Jieyin and Zhunti, if they raise their eyebrows and say it is second awakening, then it is second awakening.

Yes and no, no and no, nothing more than that.

"One flower and one world, one leaf and one bodhi. There is a world in a grain of sand. This is the world of countless sands. When the worlds of countless sands are put together, they form one Mount Sumeru; and one Mount Sumeru has One side of the world, this is a small world. When a thousand worlds like Mount Sumeru are superimposed together, it becomes a small thousand world; when a thousand small thousand worlds are combined, it becomes a thousand worlds in one; a thousand The middle thousand worlds constitute a great thousand world.

The three thousand worlds superimposed together form a Buddhist temple, which is also called the Buddha country or the Buddha world.

There should be infinite Buddhas emerging from the Buddha gate, and each Buddha should have a Buddha kingdom in his hand to teach all living beings in the Buddha land. "

Buddha Sakyamuni, who raised his eyebrows, praised loudly that using the avenue of space to condense the world is the method of the Hunyuan realm. Now that he has reached the Hunyuan realm, he will naturally be able to create this world.

As his words fell, a Buddhist kingdom appeared in his own hands, as well as in the hands of Amitabha Buddha and the Yin-Yang Medicine Master Buddha.

With the emergence of the Buddhist Kingdom, the three Buddhas have invested endless merits and virtues in it. This Buddhist Kingdom has also turned into a treasure. Although it is not as miraculous as the saint's book of Hongyun Patriarch, it is far superior to some innate spiritual treasures.

"This is the Western Paradise. Those who enter this world can protect themselves from endless evil, do not get involved in cause and effect, do not cause trouble, and can avoid endless evil. Anyone who enters this world can achieve positive results, and they are all good people. All suffering. Those who vow to go to the Western Paradise can enter the Paradise."

At that moment, Amitabha Buddha spoke, lotus flowers came out of his mouth, and golden light appeared.

"We are willing to follow Amitabha Buddha and enter the Western Paradise."

Some black human races are born ignorant and lazy to eat. After hearing that there is no pain or sin in entering, they only need to enjoy themselves, they all knelt on the ground and clasped their hands.


At that moment, Amitabha waved his hand and chanted his name.

Those creatures who are willing to enter the Western Paradise are also included in the Buddha Kingdom in his palm. They seem to be in his palm, but in fact they are in an extremely huge world.

In this Buddhist temple, there are three thousand great thousand worlds combined. Each great thousand world can give birth to endless Da Luo Jinxian, and in this Buddhist temple, there is a chance to give birth to the realm of Hunyuan. exist.

Of course, the upper limit is only the realm of Hunyuan.

At this time, Patriarch Yin and Yang also spread out his palms, revealing the Buddha's kingdom in his palms, and said with a smile: "This is the Oriental Glazed World. There is no disturbance of land in this world. Glazed is the ground, and the brilliance is dazzling. Entering the Glazed World All of them can have a body as clear as glass, clear inside and outside, without blemishes, bright and vast, and with towering merits. Those who enter the world of glass can understand the esoteric teachings, integrate the worldly and transcendental dharma, and have many benefits, and can liberate sentient beings from the world. Suffering, those who enter the glazed world can gain blessings and eliminate disasters. The king can turn disasters into blessings."

In this way, the Yin and Yang Medicine Buddha is also called the Oriental Glazed Medicine Buddha.

"We are willing to go to the world of colored glaze with the Glazed Medicine Master Buddha!"

All the creatures of the white race fell to the ground. Those were the human race created by the ancestors of Yin and Yang. After they joined Buddhism, they no longer called the ancestors of Yin and Yang as Father God, but instead called them Liuli Medicine Master. Buddha.

Following God the Father was something that was engraved in their hearts.

Therefore, they chose the glazed world without hesitation. In addition to the glazed world, there were many other living beings who chose to enter the glazed world because they heard that after entering the glazed world, they could quickly attain the supreme bodhi.

This is what every Buddhist believer wants most, so there are many more creatures joining the Glazed World than those who previously joined the Paradise World.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha smiled and nodded, sending them to the Eastern Glazed World.

He was obviously very happy to see so many believers choosing to join his Buddhist kingdom.

The more living beings there are in the Buddhist Kingdom, and the stronger the living beings are, the stronger the Buddhist Kingdom will be. In addition to being a world, it is also a treasure, a treasure for them, the Buddhas, to achieve enlightenment.

Finally, with raised eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha stretched out the Buddha's kingdom in his palm and said with a smile: "This is the Saha world. The living beings in this world are content with the ten evils. They can endure all kinds of suffering and refuse to escape. It is a complex gathering of the three evils and the five realms." Where all living beings are suffering, those who enter this world are not as good as those in the Western Paradise World who can enjoy infinite bliss, nor are they as good as those in the Eastern Glazed World who can realize Bodhi.

The sentient beings in the Saha World are deeply sinful and must endure all kinds of troubles and sufferings. Therefore, the Saha World can also be translated as the Land of Tolerance. It is called the Five Turbid Worlds. It is the opposite of the Pure Land in the Paradise World. All kinds of sins are prone to occur here.

Therefore, those who enter this whirlpool world will eventually be born with a heart of great wisdom, great courage, and great compassion. At that time, the supreme Bodhi will be self-realized, consciously aware of oneself, aware of others, and aware of actions, and can enter the status of Buddha. "

In the end, some creatures hesitated, and finally a very small number of creatures chose to enter the whirling world.

"We are willing to follow Sakyamuni Buddha into the Saha world, practice and temper ourselves, and then realize the three supreme enlightenments."

Although there are only a few living beings, there are not a few living beings who can automatically achieve supreme Bodhi after hearing it, and can even enter the Buddha's state of enlightenment after three awakenings.

Since then, countless creatures have entered the three divine kingdoms, but there are still many creatures kneeling in Mount Sumeru.

"You still have a chance to choose. Among the three divine kingdoms, you can join one of them." Yangmei Ancestor immediately understood what those creatures were thinking. Many believers thought that those who followed them were the best, so they continued to Wait.

I didn’t choose to enter the glazed world of Patriarch Yin and Yang, nor did I choose to enter the blissful world of Patriarch Time.

Instead, he was waiting for his own Saha world, but what he didn't expect was that the Saha world was just like the ordinary world, and he had to endure all kinds of suffering in order to attain the supreme Buddha.

As a result, living beings who are determined to realize the three enlightenments and achieve the status of Buddha enter the Saha world. Living beings who want to realize the supreme Bodhi, that is, the status of Bodhisattva, enter the glazed world and want to enjoy themselves. , living beings who are not interested in many fruition positions will enter the paradise world.

These three worlds symbolize the three fruition levels of Buddhism. Those who enter the Paradise World can achieve the Arahant status. After achieving this, they can jump out of the Paradise World.

Those who enter the glazed world can achieve supreme Bodhi and enter the Bodhisattva state. After achieving this, they can jump out of the glazed world.

Those who enter the Saha world can achieve the supreme three enlightenments and enter the Buddhahood. After achieving this, they can escape from the Saha world.

After jumping out of the Paradise World, you can choose to enter the Glazed World to practice hard. After jumping out of the Glazed World, you can also choose to enter the Whirlpool World to practice hard. After jumping out of the Whirlpool World, you can always be with the Third Buddha and practice hard with the Third Buddha. .

Progressive layer by layer and clear organization.

Of course, you can also directly enter a world to practice hard, and get it right in one step.

Although it is much more difficult, it actually saves countless years.

It is easy to enter the Buddha's land, but it is difficult to leave the Buddha's land.

"We are willing to enter the world of colored glaze!!!"

Almost all of the creatures kneeling on the ground chose to enter the world of colored glaze. They were aware of their own qualifications, but they did not want to start from the beginning, nor did they think of running there to enjoy themselves.

Therefore, after realizing the difficulty of the Whirlpool World, they all chose to join the Liuli World.

The Yin Yang Medicine Master Buddha was also happy to see this, and waved his hand to include all the creatures who were willing to enter his world.

At this moment, only a dozen or so of the endless creatures on Mount Sumeru were left.

The dozen or so Buddhist believers knelt on the ground and remained silent.

After seeing this, the Third Buddha frowned and looked at the dozen believers with some confusion.

"Why don't you choose a Buddhist country to practice?"

Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and asked.

Bursts of Sanskrit sounds hit their ears, shocking the dozen believers into even more awe.

"Amitabha, I don't want to enter the kingdom of the three Buddhas. I only want to serve the Buddha all year round."

One of the believers spoke up.

Other believers also said it in unison. Although the words were different, the meaning expressed was the same.

The Third Buddha nodded, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

These fourteen Buddhist believers are the real elite disciples of Buddhism. The remaining countless living beings are all ignorant existences compared with these fourteen Buddhist believers.

Regardless of whether it is the World of Ultimate Bliss, the World of Glaze, or the World of Whirlpool, it is just a divine kingdom. Although there are specific trainings in it, it can help the living beings who practice there comprehend the Buddha's teachings more quickly and achieve fruition. .

But if you want to be the fastest, how can you follow the three Buddhas and understand the Buddha's path all year round?

Therefore, the three Buddhas looked at these disciples with great satisfaction.

"The Buddha saves those who are predestined. Those living beings are predestined, and you fourteen are even more predestined. Therefore, among our three Buddhas, you can choose to worship at our door." Buddha Sakyamuni said with raised eyebrows.

That is to say, he plans to accept them as disciples.

"Amitabha, we thank the Buddha!!!"

The fourteen believers quickly knelt down and paid homage to the three Buddhas.

In the end, ten believers chose to worship under the tutelage of the Raised Eyebrow Sakyamuni Buddha, two believers chose to worship under the tutelage of the Hourly Amitabha Buddha, and two believers chose to worship under the tutelage of the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha.

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