Rongdi, also known as Asan, is a very strong country besides the five major countries of the Creation Continent.

Not only does it have a large population, but it also occupies a lot of star regions. It is not entirely humanitarian that leaves behind star regions, but a considerable part of them are taken down by its own strength.

The Creation Continent is surrounded by 3,000 star regions, of which 2,600 are divided by the five major countries of the Creation Continent, and of the remaining 400 star regions, Rongdi occupies 80 star regions, a full one-fifth, making it the strongest country in the universe besides the five major countries.

This country is also used as a whetstone by Daxia, so it has never been truly occupied, but has fought military battles with it again and again.

In fact, they are just some minor frictions. Although the people of Rongdi are unwilling, the situation is stronger than people. If it is not used as a whetstone, it will become history.

There was such a time in the long history when Rongdi State was no longer willing to serve as a whetstone and used the whole country to resist the atrocities of Daxia State. Then, Daxia State easily pushed all the way to the capital in a week.

Then, Rongdi State completely knelt down and honestly served as a whetstone for Daxia State. At this point, Daxia State also returned the territories it occupied in the past to Rongdi State.

Then the two countries also had some frictions on the border, some wars of fighting and fighting.

Although there have been countless casualties over the years, it has indeed brought more people with higher cultivation to Daxia State and Rongdi State.

Life-and-death struggle is always the fastest way to break through the realm, much faster than hard training.

It’s just that the cost of fighting for those high-level creation gods is too high, and humans can’t afford it, so this is not like those third- and fourth-level creation gods, fighting to death in the designated area.

Now, Ye Xuan has also left the designated area and ran to another star field in Rongdi country. This is a peaceful star field, which has not been affected by the war.

But this peace is only relative peace. In fact, there is no so-called peace anywhere. It is all relative.

Compared with those star fields that are constantly caught in war, the current liquid-based star field is more peaceful. There are not so many wars, but there are also some real and real deaths caused by frequent disputes.

Liquid-based star field, liquid-based galaxy cluster, liquid-based galaxy, liquid-based star.

Liquid-based star is an extremely large planet. A planet is much larger than a small galaxy. It is also the most developed planet in the liquid-based star field.

Ye Xuan is now on this planet. According to common sense, he dare not appear here now, because there is a sixth-level creator god sitting on this planet.

This is the main planet of the Liquid-Based Star Region. Everything in the entire Liquid-Based Star Region is under the control of this small planet, which is equivalent to the Huaxia Star in the Huaxia Star Region. In addition to being the most important planet in political terms, it is also guarded by the existence of the sixth-level Creation God.

However, Ye Xuan relied on his own protection of Zhu Yuanzhang and wandered around, not afraid that the sixth-level Creation God would dare to really attack him.

"Where did I dare to come to these places before..."

Ye Xuan said with satisfaction.

He made a special trip not for the so-called food or the so-called scenery, but purely to satisfy his curiosity and collect some information about the Rongdi Kingdom.

These materials are not available in the official database of the Great Xia Kingdom, otherwise he would not come here in person.

And the most important reason why the Liquid-Based Star Region is called the Liquid-Based Star Region is that there is a strange liquid in the Liquid-Based Star Region. At first, no one knew what this liquid was, nor did they know what it would be used for, but with the development of the times, until one day someone discovered the wonderful use of this liquid.

That is to expand the Kingdom of God!

Because it has the function of expanding the foundation of the Kingdom of God, it is called Liquid Base by that person.

Since this liquid was discovered to have this special magical effect, the places where liquid bases are born in the Three Thousand Star Regions and the Creation Continent have been firmly controlled by various countries.

And the Liquid Base Star Region is called the Liquid Base Star Region because it is rich in liquid bases.

Not far from the Liquid Base Star, there is a base that mines the largest liquid base in the Liquid Base Star Region, because the center of the entire Liquid Base Star Region is a vein that is attracted by a huge black hole and blocks the black hole.

That is the Liquid Base vein, which is enough for everyone in the Liquid Base Star Region to mine together for countless billions of years. It is only known that from the initial discovery to the present day, it has been mined continuously every day, and the amount mined so far is less than one billionth of the amount stored inside.

This huge reserve has become the envy of countries around the world.

In the battle when Daxia attacked the capital of Rongdi, there was a chance to take this star field, but for various reasons, they still didn't take it down, but they came here to loot it.

And Ye Xuan's ultimate goal of coming here is also for the huge liquid base, which is the goal of Ye Xuan this time.

"Liquid base star field, you can't blame me, if you want to blame it, blame the fact that the prehistoric world is still too small..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, with a strange smile on his face.

As Ye Xuan entered the fourth-level Creation God, although the prehistoric world became much larger, after entering the fourth level, it was no longer possible to rely on the input of the God Source to expand the scope of the Kingdom of God.

Otherwise, the liquid base would not have become so popular in the eyes of everyone, anyway, it would be enough to pile up the God Source.

But the fact is that after reaching the fourth level, it is no longer a matter of taking the God Source to expand the Kingdom of God, but the existence of the liquid base is required.

Just as Ye Xuan was thinking about this, a person around shouted: "Bo Sang, go mining quickly!"

The man was wearing work clothes, exactly the same as the clothes Ye Xuan was wearing now.

With Ye Xuan's fourth-level Creation God realm, it is very easy to change a person's identity and use it to confuse.

He first scouted for several days, and then killed a person when he returned home, plundered the memory in his mind, and changed into the shape of that person.

Fortunately, that person was also a single dog, without a wife and children, otherwise, Ye Xuan might be busy at night.

However, after that, Ye Xuan worked honestly for a few more days and got familiar with everything.

This day, after enjoying himself with Misang, a good friend of the original owner, he was urged by him.

"Here you are, Misang!"

Ye Xuan showed a smile on his face. It was not too easy to pretend to be this identity in front of most of these first-level creator gods. After pretending for so many days, no one found out that he was a fake.

Soon, the two of them went to the liquid-based mining company.

The liquid-based ore vein is too big. In addition to the official largest liquid-based mining base, some licenses are also sold around it, and Ye Xuan is in one of these companies with licenses.

The official treatment is the best, but not everyone can get in. Although the treatment in the company is a little worse, it can also get a generous reward.

Lao Ge Liquid-based Mining Company.

"Are you here? Hurry up, the captain will scold you if you are late!" After seeing Ye Xuan and Misang finally come, the team leader was relieved.

There are ten people in a group, including the team leader. Although the salary of the team leader is higher, he still has to work.

There is a team leader among a hundred people, and a supervisor among a thousand people.

The team leader is responsible for patrolling the situation of each group, but he does not need to work, and the supervisor does not even need to patrol, just sit in the office and manage the daily things.

"Here we come!"

After Mi Sang greeted him, he hurriedly pulled Ye Xuan all the way over.

The two of them skillfully carried the hoes developed by those technological kingdoms, full of technology, and went to the area allocated to their company.

There is a special space channel for the two to pass, so they just need to walk in.

After Ye Xuan walked in with Mi Sang, he came to the final destination, and then began to swing the hoe.

"Why don't these technological kingdoms order intelligent robots to come in for mining, but need us?"

While mining, Ye Xuan asked Mi Sang curiously.

Misan looked at Ye Xuan with a puzzled look and asked, "I remember you asked me before?"

"Ah? I forgot, I forgot..." Ye Xuan was a little stunned. It turned out that he was not the only one who felt this way.

"Okay! Of course it's because the radiation here is too strong. Those ordinary people can't survive here at all. Even those machines are the same. Only those who have reached the first-level Creation God can resist this corrosion.

But they can only work for a year at most, and then they have to rest for several years, otherwise the Creation God can't bear it.

And the price of those first-level robots is higher than the salary of us. In addition, even first-level robots have to go out for maintenance at most for a month because of the material problem. Maintenance is another batch of expenses.

So, it's our turn to come here to earn the God's source, otherwise how can such a good thing be our turn!"

Misan said while mining hard, laughing. The more liquid-based ore he dug, the more God's source reward he got.

These liquid bases are very interesting. They are solid under normal conditions. They will only turn into liquid after being heated, and only liquid can be absorbed by the Kingdom of God.

"So that's it! I thought so!"

Ye Xuan nodded when he heard this, and then he knew why people were sent to mine. After all, there are many people and many eyes. Although the other party has various means of monitoring and real-time supervision, it is hard to guarantee that some people will use some unknown means to seek their own interests.

It is better to come with those intelligent robots. They really dig one by one, will not embezzle, and can dig madly and non-stop.

It turns out that there are many restrictions. Those robots can't last long. They have to be maintained for a short time, and the maintenance cost is too high, so they use manual labor.

In this regard, it seems to be similar to those divine source veins.

Yes, the more magical things are, the more difficult it may be to mine them. It's just that the conditions of liquid base veins are more stringent than those of divine source veins.

Then, while Ye Xuan was mining, he was planning how to get close to the place where the company stored liquid base.

He didn't know where the liquid base was stored. The person he pretended to be was just an ordinary miner.

He was not qualified to know where the liquid base was stored. All he knew was that every month, someone from the company would drive to transport the liquid base dug out by them.

He didn't know when it would be transported, where it would be transported from, or where it would be transported to.

Time passed slowly, and a few days passed like this.

Finally, Ye Xuan successfully figured out the time. In three days, someone from the company would take away the liquid base and transport it to the market for sale.

This information was secretly detected by his divine sense. It was a company executive who found their supervisor to talk.

Whether it was the company executive or their supervisor, their strength was lower than his. Although the executive was a fourth-level creator god, he was actually far inferior to Ye Xuan.

Three days later.

On this day, Ye Xuan deliberately took a day off. He hid himself in the void and quietly waited for the person who was going to take the liquid base.

"Is it him?"

Finally, Ye Xuan found a creature of the fourth-level Creation God, and it was the former senior executive.

After the senior executive entered the company, he came out again not long after.

Ye Xuan followed him quietly. The senior executive of the fourth-level Creation God obviously did not notice that someone was following him quietly.

"Alas, the company always gives this matter to me, and I always have to run back and forth between the two places..."

Da Sang is the person responsible for transporting this batch of liquid base, and he is also deeply trusted by the company's senior executives.

On the surface, he is responsible for transporting the liquid base in the company, but in fact, there is another person who is really transporting the liquid base behind the scenes, and all this is to confuse the miners to prevent someone from having bad intentions. Although they are only some first-level Creation Gods, they may actually be controlled or bribed by others.

So, everything is to make the transportation of liquid base safer.

These companies are actually dominated by some fourth-level Creation Gods, and the fifth-level Creation Gods don't care about these interests at all. After all, not all Creation Gods want to expand their kingdoms.

In addition, if you want to expand the kingdom of God, you need a large amount of liquid base. It is not that you can grow a large territory by throwing a little divine source.

Therefore, there are very few creator gods who can expand the kingdom of God. Most of the fourth-level creator gods use the divine source to improve their cultivation. Only those who have money will consider expanding the kingdom of God.

And this time, it was Da Sang who took the liquid base and left on the surface, but in fact, there was another person behind him who took the liquid base away, just one hour after he left here.

Ye Xuan has been following him, not in a hurry to act, not afraid that the other party will rush to the base. If he can rush to the base camp, it will be just right.

After Da Sang left the mining base, he flew out of the planet. Along the way, he quickly left the liquid base galaxy and came to a galaxy called Cheche galaxy.

This is a galaxy without liquid base veins, and there are dozens of galaxies away from the liquid base galaxy.

But they are still in the liquid-based galaxy cluster. In front of the fourth-level creator god, it is not an insurmountable distance. What's more important is that except for the initial flight when Da Sang left the liquid-based planet, he traveled directly through the space channel of the Star Travel Company.

"How long will this take?" Ye Xuan followed dozens of galaxies and became impatient. If he didn't want to do something big, he would have directly taken action to deal with the other party.

If he didn't master the avenue of space, he would have lost him when the other party stepped into the first space channel, or was discovered.

Da Sang transferred through the space channel, and Ye Xuan locked Da Sang's position and created a space channel to follow him.

Between walking and chasing, they passed dozens of star fields.


Da Sang nodded and murmured.

Just when Ye Xuan thought he was finally there, Da Sang actually started to return. He did not return directly to the liquid-based planet, but chose to go around in those places, jumping back one galaxy after another. Although it was not the way he came, it seemed to be getting closer and closer to the liquid-based planet.

Didi galaxy.

"Damn, this guy is a smoke bomb. He actually tricked me into walking so far!" Ye Xuan cursed and quickly showed his figure, and a rule bound him towards Da Sang.

Da Sang was caught off guard and was directly bound by the rule and was instantly suppressed to the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan waved his hand and dozens of avenues came to suppress him.

After doing all this, Ye Xuan's eyes were full of anger. He took a step forward and came to the suppressed Da Sang.


"I told you to take a detour!"


"I told you to be a smoke bomb!"


"I told you to dare to cheat me!"




“Tell me, where is your company’s headquarters?” Ye Xuan sat down beside Da Sang who was suppressed in the void and asked calmly.

He was always like this, never angry, even if the other party made him very angry, he would still speak calmly.

“Squeak… Sanda… Woo…”

Da Sang, who was beaten into a pig’s head, stammered and said something, and no one knew what he was saying.

It was because he was completely beaten into a pig head by Ye Xuan's slap with the Dao rhyme, and he could not recover at all, even if his divine power was activated.


Seeing this, Ye Xuan uttered a word, and Da Sang's face that was beaten into a pig head instantly recovered.

It was because he used time to go back and return the pig head to the state before being beaten.

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