"I don't know where the company base is! I'm just a wage earner..."

After Da Sang recovered, he immediately said in fear.

I was afraid of being beaten like that again. Although there was no real loss, the damn pain was really painful.



Bang bang bang!

Ye Xuan didn't say much, and was slapped again.

This time, he didn't slap him himself, but used his magical power to simulate slaps and throw them out one by one.

The pain is really painful, and it is the kind of pain that goes deep into the bone marrow. It seems like a simple slap, but in fact it is better than most tortures in the world.

"Give you another chance."

Ye Xuan's voice was as cold as ice, and his face fell into Da Sang's eyes like an evil ghost coming from hell to seek his life.

"I really don't know..." Da Sang didn't finish his sentence.

This time, Ye Xuan punched Da Sang directly between the eyebrows.


There was a loud noise, and Da Sang wanted to touch his forehead, but found that he was suppressed and couldn't move at all. He tried hard to know if he was okay.


He breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the blow just looked powerful, but in fact it had no power at all. In other words, it was just to bluff himself...


Suddenly, a cracking sound came from within his eyebrows.


With a sound, Da Sang's face instantly turned pale, and he thought of a possibility.

"Oh no!!!!"

He looked up to the sky and roared, but the godhead between his eyebrows actually cracked, and there were cracks on the godhead one after another.

And as cracks appeared on the divine head, the divine kingdom in Da Sang's body also instantly shattered, holes began to appear in the sky, and the evil energy in the void continued to turn into heavy rain and poured down between the heaven and the earth.

The black rain drop by drop is one source of darkness after another. Every time it falls on the head of a creature, as long as it has not reached the third level of cultivation, it will disappear and perish instantly.

Cracks appeared one after another on the earth, which was an abyss of unknown depth and darkness.

In the cracks of the abyss, an unknown amount of dark energy emerges. These dark energy are more terrifying than the black rain pouring down from the sky. The creatures contaminated by these dark energy, even the third level, will perish. Only the fourth level can live in it.

"If you don't tell me, you will die next."

Ye Xuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him and directly threatened him nakedly.

That punch just now had to crack the foundation of his great avenue and almost destroy his godhood. It was not that Ye Xuan couldn't do it, but that Ye Xuan didn't want to.

If one's godhood is destroyed, that person's kingdom will be completely destroyed, meaning that the person's life will be ruined. Very few people can bear such a fall, so many people directly commit suicide.

It's no different than killing the opponent, let alone revealing their base.

If the other party was not a fourth-level Creation God, Ye Xuan would have directly used the Soul Searching Technique. At this same level, even if he was much stronger, he would not be able to use this method. If he used it forcefully, it would only cause the other party to My soul is broken and I can't get what I want.

That's how the current scene happened, otherwise he would just search for his soul and kill him.

"I said! I said!"

Da Sang was so frightened that he could not speak coherently and quickly informed Ye Xuan of the location of the base.

It turns out that the base is located in the galaxy next to the liquid-based galaxy. It is very close, and there are two people delivering the goods every time. One is him, on the surface, going around like crazy. In fact, the person delivering the goods will be... Will go directly to the company from another place.

This is why he complains about having to run wildly between two places every time. He can go directly, but he deliberately takes such a lot of detours.

But for the sake of Shenyuan, he continued to do it.

"The Yuji Galaxy..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, and then carried Da Sang to the Yuji Galaxy.

Arriving at the Yuji galaxy, the planet Da Sang mentioned, Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes. Sure enough, there was a large amount of liquid base reserves here. After killing Da Sang silently, he transformed into Da Sang, and then swaggered Appeared on the planet and headed towards the company.

"Da Sang! Great job! Successfully brought back the liquid base again! How about it? No one is following behind, right?" A bald head without eyebrows said with a smile.

This is the image he deliberately revealed. The first-order Creation God can constantly change his image.

"Of course not!" Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head.

The bald head nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I have asked the finance department to call you in advance for your share!"

He looked at Ye Xuan with a smile, originally thinking that Ye Xuan would be very happy to express his gratitude to him.

As a result, I didn't see this on Ye Xuan's face.

"Haha, thank you, thank you all here."

Ye Xuan suddenly raised the wine glass in front of him, held it up, and looked at the dozen or so fourth-level creation gods in front of him. Except for the backbone of the company, the rest all owned shares.

"Da Sang, you are so polite!"

After hearing this, everyone raised their glasses and said with a smile.

This time it was the liquid base they had mined that they had accumulated for nearly a hundred years. It was concentrated over and over again and filled with liquid base from planet after planet. These liquid bases were ordered by a big customer. This has been the way the business has been done for a long time, with delivery once every hundred years.

But now, the time for another delivery is coming soon. In order to avoid unexpected events, these partners have also rushed over from various places.

The bald man's smile froze, and the imaginary thanks did not come. Instead, he saw Ye Xuan ignoring him and looking at others to thank him.

Immediately, a feeling of dissatisfaction appeared.

But before he could vent, he saw Ye Xuan drop the wine glass in his hand to the ground.


There was a sound, and everyone frowned and looked, wanting to see what Ye Xuan was up to.

Ye Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and laughed heartily: "Thank you for preparing this century-old liquid base for me!"

After saying that, everyone's expressions changed, and they all used their own methods and yelled: "What do you want to do?!"

They were not fools. After hearing such words, they all knew what Ye Xuan planned to do.

"What to do? Of course I'm going to kill you and steal the liquid base..."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Ye Xuan laughed crazily, and three thousand avenues emerged behind him.

Buzz! ! !

One after another, the rhymes of the great avenues manifested, instantly suppressing everyone present.

"Too weak, you are really too weak..." Ye Xuan slowly shook his head. There were so many fourth-order creation gods, many of whom were in the late fourth-order, but they were all suppressed by him in an instant, and they could not lift them up at all. What interest comes.

"You!! You are not Da Sang! Da Sang cannot be so strong! Who are you?!"

One person was suppressed on the ground and said with horror on his face.

They were still laughing crazily just now, but in the blink of an eye they showed expressions of extreme horror.

"Don't you just want liquid base? Give it all to you! Give it all to you! Let me live!!!!" Baldhead collapsed completely, his heart was trembling with fear, and he yelled crazily while trembling all over.

All the three thousand avenues of Nima appeared, and the three thousand avenues were added to one body! Is this something done by humans? !

What kind of monster is this? It came to them! ! !

"Guangsang! If we can't hand over the liquid base, we will all have to die!!!"

At this time, there were still people on the side who cared about this.

The bald bird didn't bother him, but looked at Ye Xuan pitifully, praying for Ye Xuan's great mercy to let him go. He seemed to have forgotten that at this moment, he was still extremely dissatisfied with Ye Xuan. …

"Confused, little bald man, even if I kill all of you, the liquid base will be mine..."

Ye Xuan smiled and stretched out his right index finger, shook his head, and said softly.

"I have divine sources! I have many, many divine sources! I'll give them all to you!" The bald man's face turned gray when he heard this, but he immediately thought of another way and said immediately.

"Oh? Really? Then..." Ye Xuan said halfway, his face suddenly changed and said: "Then let's all die!!!"

boom! ! !

As his words fell, the three thousand avenues shone brightly.

The way of killing soared into the sky, killing all these dozen people instantly.

The Avenue of Destruction wiped out everything, erasing and destroying all traces of the existence of these dozen people...

One after another, the avenues are competing to be released, like fireworks that are as colorful as dazzling...

"I almost forgot that the villain died from talking too much..." Ye Xuan coughed. After killing these people, there was no longer a fourth-order creation god in this galaxy.

Immediately, he transformed into thousands of bodies and used his supreme magical power to absorb all the majestic liquid base into the chaotic world.

After a long time, Ye Xuan finally took away all the liquid base accumulated by this company over the past century.

"Let's go!"

Ye Xuan used a magical power to first eliminate all traces left by himself, and then used the Supreme Space Avenue to hide in the turbulent space.

Then walk through time, and after doing so.

After Ye Xuan just left, a figure appeared. It was the existence of a sixth-level creation god. He looked at this scene, sighed softly, and murmured to himself: "It's not that I don't want to take action, it's really... I don’t dare to take action…”

"The strong are always strong, the weak are always weak..."

"Who is that little brat? He can actually possess the power of three thousand origin avenues at the fourth level, and he also has a seventh-level God of Creation protecting him behind him!"

The person who came was none other than the sixth-level Creation God of the Liquid-based Star Territory. He had sensed all of this as early as when Ye Xuan used the power of Three Thousand Dao. Just when he was interested, it was better not to investigate. The investigation revealed that there was a restriction left by the seventh-level Creation God in the other party's body, protecting him at all times.

This time, he was shocked and did not dare to move again. He did not come out until Ye Xuan left.

He looked at the place where Ye Xuan left, and the power of the avenue moved slightly.

"It turns out he is from the Ancestral Star of Daxia..."

"Then there is only one of a few people who can protect him..."

When he reappeared, Ye Xuan returned to the ancestral star.

In order to prevent accidents, this time, he returned directly to his hometown.

Although he had wiped out everything, he still had lingering fears, fearing that he would really provoke the revenge of the sixth-order Creation God, so he wandered through the interlayer of time and space over and over again, and then ran back to the Ancestral Star. middle.

Although he has the protection of Zhu Yuanzhang, it is also a trump card to give him courage. He cannot rely on this to go around trying to commit suicide, otherwise he will directly break into the liquid-based mining base and go to hell. of a company.


"It's finally safe. I really don't believe that thing dares to chase it here!"

Ye Xuan took a long breath and came to his villa in Dazhou College. This was considered safe.


A figure appeared behind Ye Xuan, smiled and said: "What? Did you cause trouble outside and come back to avoid trouble?"

After Ye Xuan heard the sound, he immediately laughed. When he turned around and saw that it was indeed Dean Ji Fa, he immediately stood up and smiled sheepishly, touched the back of his head and said with embarrassment: "Haha, I'm being hospitalized." You can tell..."

"Haha! You're just causing trouble, just hide back! What did you little brat do? If you have anything, I'll take care of it for you!" Ji Fa waved his hand, then sat down opposite Ye Xuan and said.

Ye Xuan nodded, and also sat down with a smile, saying: "I found a company that can mine liquid base in the liquid base star field of Rong Di Kingdom and stayed undercover for a while, and then followed the clues to get the top executives of that company. They did it all and snatched away all the liquid base they had stored for hundreds of years..."

He said these words without feeling anything wrong or embarrassed.

The two countries were originally hostile, but Ye Xuan felt at ease when doing this kind of thing, and even said to Ji Fa in a slightly arrogant tone.

Ji Fa nodded when he heard the words and said with a smile: "You little brat, you really have the guts to do this under the eyes of the sixth-level Creation God! You are not afraid of being killed if the car overturns. ? But it’s okay, if I really dare to do anything to you, I’ll see if I don’t plow through his liquid-based star field a thousand and eight hundred times!”

In his opinion, this is just a trivial matter. If you rob, you will rob, and if you kill, you will kill. The law of the jungle is the main theme of this world.

Not to mention that those who were killed and robbed were from the enemy country, even those from other forces in his own country were not a problem. As long as all this did not happen on the ancestral planet, Ji Fa felt that there was no problem.

The real problem is the method. This kid dares to do something under the nose of the sixth-level Creation God. He really thinks that he is a fool. If he really does it, Ye Xuan will be dead.

"Haha, it's not because an old man left a restriction under my hand. It can save lives, otherwise I wouldn't dare to go..." Ye Xuan touched his head and said with a smile.

"Oh? What old man?" Ji Fa became interested after hearing this. Can a ban be used to ignore the sixth-order Creation God?

This guy must be at least a seventh-level creation god, right? Otherwise, how could we achieve a ban and frighten the sixth-level Creation God!

"It's the dean of Daming College..." Ye Xuan didn't dare to call him by his first name, so he referred to him by his position.

"It turns out to be that existence!" Ji Fa suddenly realized, then smiled and nodded.

Although he smiled on the surface, he was actually wary in his heart.

The fact that Ye Xuan was known to Zhu Yuanzhang meant that the five deans of the five major colleges also knew about it, and those five knew about it, which meant that maybe all the higher-ups knew about Ye Xuan's affairs.

Since there are people protecting Ye Xuan, then there will definitely be people who want to harm Ye Xuan...

If it were the Supreme One...

Ji Fa didn't dare to think anymore, and looked at Ye Xuan with slightly worried eyes. If Ye Xuan died midway, then everything he had done would be in vain.

Although he didn't want all this to happen, there was nothing he could do to stop it from happening.

Therefore, we can only hope that Yu Zhu Yuanzhang can save Ye Xuan, and that the being will not have any thoughts about Ye Xuan.

After seeing Ji Fa's worried eyes, Ye Xuan understood something instantly, then smiled and eased the atmosphere and said: "Don't worry, Dean, I have a sense of discretion in my heart. Everything is fate. Whether I can go on or not, I will You work hard, but at the same time you have to look at the fate of your choice..."

It's ridiculous to say that Ye Xuan, who controls the road of destiny, can't even control his own destiny.

In fact, it is not really about controlling the Avenue of Destiny. At most, it can be called controlling the Avenue of Destiny. One has a profound understanding of the Avenue of Destiny and has the highest attainment, so one can master some magical powers of the Avenue of Destiny.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about this..." As a sixth-level creation god, Ji Fa felt a sense of powerlessness when facing Ye Xuan for the first time.

The other party is just a mere fourth-level Creation God. It stands to reason that no matter what trouble he causes, as long as he can appear in front of him alive, he can basically solve it. But this time, he has no choice.

It's not that he doesn't want to take action, but it's really that if he takes action, it won't affect anything, and maybe even himself will be involved.

"Dean, what are you talking about? You have helped me a lot before. How dare you ask for anything more? You don't owe me anything. On the contrary, I owe you and the deans a lot." Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head. He shook his head and said.

"Although I can't help you, there are some things you have to keep in mind. Don't provoke the existence of the sixth-level Creation God. If you are not careful, that senior will not be able to protect you all the time."

After Ji Fa finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a scene appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

"This is..." Ye Xuan looked at the screen, where the whole story of him snatching the liquid base was being played from beginning to end, so he frowned and asked in confusion.

"This is the portrait left by the sixth-level creator god in the liquid base star field. He warned me to take good care of you and told you not to go next time. He can pretend that this incident did not happen, but I hope there will be no next time..." Ji Fa warned solemnly.

"I know!" Ye Xuan also nodded solemnly. It turned out that everything he did was in the eyes of others. It was just that the sixth-level creator god did not do it for the sake of Zhu Yuanzhang behind him...

"Forget it, I hope you can go on! It's been so many years, and it's rare to see such a good seedling." Ji Fa said with regret.

"Haha, Dean, why are you cursing me..."

"Ahem, my fault..."


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