After bidding farewell to Ji Fa, Ye Xuan also began to think deeply about what his future would be like. If that eighth-level existence really insisted on killing him, no matter what he did, he would definitely die.

I used to think that I would be fine if I hid in a place and followed another eighth-level gangster. But now it seems that if the other party wants to kill me, it can happen anytime and anywhere.

"Forget it, forget it. I don't think about this anymore. The more I think about it, the more I get a headache..."

Ye Xuan shook his head, let's make peace with it.

Anyway, the other party would have known it a long time ago, and the Creation Continent is actually not far from the Ancestral Star. It can be regarded as the closest place to the Creation Continent among so many other star regions.

Since they are so close, and the other party has known about it for a long time, but has not come to find him yet, it means that he does not have any bad thoughts towards him.

If he had, he would have died long ago with his current level of cultivation.

"It's been a long time since I've been back. The principal helped me a lot back then. Now I'm pretty prosperous. Well, it's time to pay me back..."

Ye Xuan thought of the small high school where he first stayed and the principal, and couldn't help but smile.

Lintian City was originally just a small county-level city. Although it was a city in name, it was actually just a county. It just had a nicer name.

Just like a municipality, although it is a city in name, it is actually a province. The important thing is not the size of the territory, but the meaning.

Because a land is just a land, and what really gives it meaning are the people on this land and other lands.

Just like today's Ancestral Star, although it is only a small planet, it can be seen everywhere in the Three Thousand Star Field. Although it is indeed a bit bigger among the planets, so what?

What if it was really possible to rank first among the 800 stars in Daxia just by relying on the efforts of the people on this planet? Can it be unique in a political sense?

The real meaning of the Ancestral Planet is not how awesome the people on the Ancestral Planet are, but that people in other areas have given this planet a different meaning, which makes the Heke Planet unique.

The real significance of this planet is that it has a little more significance for the history of human development. In fact, there is nothing particularly special about it.

But on the contrary, the Ancestral Planet people are more arrogant than the other, and each one thinks that they are awesome. Everyone is proud of being an Ancestral Planet person, and they all think that they are an Ancestral Planet person and look down on people on other planets.

When it comes to the last Star Field Competition, reality will always give the Ancestral Stars a critical blow. This is also the only critical hit every year, because none of the Ancestral Stars can win the championship.

There has never been any other time except this time.

This is also the reason why all the Ancestral Stars regard Ye Xuan as a hero and a god.

Even Lintian No. 1 Middle School had already received a lot of resources because of Ye Xuan, and now the resources have skyrocketed. It can be said that the current Lintian No. 1 Middle School is being built by the entire Zuxing government to become the No. 1 high school in Zuxing. School.

Zhang Yuanwu, the original third-level creation god, was a little embarrassed to be the principal of this school anymore, but he still served as the principal of this school under the request from above.

Lintian No. 1 Middle School.

As usual, Zhang Yuanwu was in the office watching the quality of this year's senior students.

The overall level of this class is much higher than that of the previous class, because many high school sophomores transferred over the course.

However, from a single perspective, it is much worse than the previous one.

Not to mention there is no one who can compare with Ye Xuan, there is not even one who can compare with Yao Hai.

Yao Hai is actually very strong. If there were no Ye Xuan in this class, he would be the strongest student in the entire Jiangnan Province. This also shows that Lintian No. 1 Middle School has more than just cases like Ye Xuan. , and can also cultivate a proud man like Yao Hai.

"The students in this class are not bad. Although there is no one like Ye Xuan, and there is no one like Yao Hai, but overall, they are still very good!"

Zhang Yuanwu looked at the students on the projection who were simulating the battle of the Kingdom of God, nodded and said.

This is a new batch of equipment, an unconditional gift from the government. It can simulate a virtual Kingdom of God war like the Sky Arena, and it is even stronger. Not only does it not cause actual damage, but it also has the ability to analyze this The data at various levels of students can be used for clear comparison.

"But having said that, Yao Hai was not very outstanding in high school. Maybe there will be people like Yao Hai among these people..."

While Zhang Yuanwu was mumbling to himself, a white figure suddenly broke in without any notice.

The person coming was none other than Ye Xuan.


As soon as Ye Xuan appeared, Zhang Yuanwu immediately stood up and prepared to meet the enemy. When he saw that it was Ye Xuan, his guard relaxed and he smiled and said: "You brat, you want to scare me to death?" ?”

"Haha! No way, I am that kind of person!"

Ye Xuan laughed and sat directly on the sofa.

His eyes saw the projections in the space, and he let out a light sigh of curiosity, saying: "This is..."

"This is a high-tech product nowadays. I don't know what it's called specifically. It is distributed directly to schools by the government. It also provides free installation and maintenance. It can clearly analyze the potential and strength of each student. Wait a minute, tsk tsk, I’ve never seen this thing in my life.”

After Zhang Yuanwu heard this, he poured a cup of tea and brought it to Ye Xuan, then explained with a smile.

"I see..." Ye Xuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you for all this. I've always wanted to find a chance to thank you, but I couldn't find you, so I kept putting it off." Zhang Yuanwu said with some melancholy.

"You guys are really ambitious. I already overestimated you at the beginning. I didn't expect you to be so fierce and even won the first place in the star field competition. These things and many other things are all It was sent to you after you won the championship, and the star commander even personally said that he would build Lintian No. 1 Middle School into the best school in Zuxing, haha..."

"Haha, no need, no need, Mr. Xing..."

Ye Xuan just smiled when he heard this and muttered something.

Speaking of which, he has never met the Star Leader until now. The administrative system and the academy system are two different systems. They rarely overlap. However, having said that, the actual power is still the Star Leader. It is better than the five major colleges, but in terms of managing school students, the deans of the five major colleges are naturally better.

But if calculated according to the power content formula, there is no doubt that the star leader has more power.

Even though the position levels of the deans of the five major colleges and the ancestral Xingchang are the same, in fact, the power held by the star is higher.

"Yes, many things were decided by his old man. Last time Lintian was promoted to the market, these decisions this time were all made by his old man. In addition to you being the first contributor, his old man's strong support It’s also very important…”

Zhang Yuanwu said happily, obviously very satisfied with the ancestor Xingzhang.

His lifelong wish is to lead Lintian No. 1 Middle School to a higher peak, and now it is indeed under his leadership that it has reached a peak. Although it is driven by Ye Xuan's success, the school itself wants to To achieve better results, we must continue to develop talents.

Just like some high schools improve themselves by continuously enrolling in first-class universities, and then there are some Qingbei universities and the like every year, and Ye Xuan is at the level of an academician in less than a year after graduating directly. Naturally, in addition to generously praising Ye Xuan, the higher-ups will also vigorously train Ye Xuan's original alma mater.

Lintian No. 1 Middle School was in this situation and was taken away by Ye Xuan alone.

But it was also because Zhang Yuanwu chose to let Ye Xuan inherit the qualification of the only Tongtian Ranking against all opinions. Although it was a challenge, it was also because of Zhang Yuanwu that he was able to do this. Otherwise, Ye Xuan would have to If he does not qualify for the Tongtian Ranking, then although he will not be abolished directly, he will definitely not develop as quickly as he does now.

Once the speed of development slows down, a lot of resources will be lost, and one step will be slower and each step will be slower.

If Ye Xuan couldn't qualify for the Tongtian Ranking in high school, he would have to wait until his freshman year to stand out, and the resources he would get at that time would be infinitely less than what he would get from his freshman year in high school.

Moreover, the number of people comparing universities is larger, and it is more difficult to improve their rankings. It will also be more difficult to obtain resources. With a lack of a large number of resources, it will be even more difficult to compete in a larger world. few.

So along the way, Ye Xuan was very grateful to General Zhang Yuan for giving him the qualification for the Tongtian Ranking.

Speaking of now, Qin Ji, who competed with him for ranking at the beginning, doesn't know what is going on now, and he may have been lost to everyone.

"By the way, why did you suddenly want to come back this time?"

After Zhang Yuanwu told Ye Xuan excitedly about the changes in Lintian No. 1 Middle School during this period of time, he suddenly remembered that this kid always went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, so how could he suddenly want to come back.

"Haha, I thought you wouldn't ask, Dean!"

Ye Xuan laughed teasingly, then waved his right hand, and a hundred bottles of divine power appeared out of thin air. Each of these bottles was a large bottle, and one bottle was worth a hundred bottles of small divine power. In other words, this It contains the essence of one million divine sources.

"These are the divine sources given to you. There are not many. Please be sure to accept them."

These divine sources are indeed not too much for him, and they are more than that just by shaking his hands.

He is now number one on the overall list, and has hundreds of millions of divine sources every week. This million of divine sources is really nothing. If Zhang Yuanwu is not worried too much, he will not accept it, and he will even give more. A little bit, but the question is whether the other party will accept it is another matter.

"What does it mean……"

Zhang Yuanwu frowned, and his expression immediately changed drastically. From the initial joy that made Ye Xuan talk crazily, he now has a frown and a gloomy expression.

"You gave me the qualification for the Tongtian Ranking, and that's how Ye Xuan became today. I'll reciprocate the favor by giving you something as a reward." Ye Xuan chuckled lightly and said with a smile on his face.

"You call these things?" Zhang Yuanwu said with a strange expression, then smiled and said: "I accept your intention. If you want to come to see me, just bring some gadgets, but I don't want such a big gift. Dare to accept it, as for the qualification for the Tongtian Ranking you mentioned, it is just because you won that game. If you lose, the qualification will be given to others. "

"So, in fact, the fact that you have been able to reach this point is all due to your own efforts, and it has nothing to do with me."

Zhang Yuanwu may also know that his face was too ugly before, so he smiled and declined politely.

"Principal, you have been in the third-level creation god for many years, right? Don't you really want to become stronger?" Ye Xuan saw that the other party was like this, so he used his trump card and said.

No one can stop the temptation of enlightenment. Sure enough, when Ye Xuan brought this up, Zhang Yuanwu's eyes obviously changed a little, and became a little fiery, but soon his eyes became clear again. .

Zhang Yuanwu laughed self-deprecatingly and shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to become stronger, but I know my potential. In the end, I won't be able to improve."

"Oh? But principal, you once told us that we should not give up until the last moment, because maybe there will be a miracle, right? If not, many people will not be able to go up after reaching a certain bottleneck. Isn’t life very boring? If they don’t have any hope at all, wouldn’t it be easy for them to get lost in the pursuit of the Tao?”

Ye Xuan, in turn, used what Zhang Yuanwu once said.

Zhang Yuanwu was obviously very surprised, but then he laughed loudly and said: "Ye Xuan, I am very happy that you have such a heart, but those words are always easy to say while standing, and they are just used to encourage you. The sun is like a new born sun, not an old sunset like me..."

"Forget it, principal, since you insist so much..." Ye Xuan spread his hands helplessly.

Just when Zhang Yuanwu thought Ye Xuan had given up, he nodded with a smile and was about to say something.

"Then I can only offend..."

In an instant, divine power appeared on Ye Xuan's body, and millions of divine sources rushed toward Zhang Yuanwu's eyebrows.

"You...what are you doing?! Don't you stop?" Zhang Yuanwu saw this and wanted to stop him, but how could he, a third-level creation god, be able to survive the storm in Ye Xuan's hands.


As Ye Xuan's words fell.

Buzz! ! !

Millions of divine sources instantly emerged into Zhang Yuanwu's divine kingdom like a mudslide.

"Principal, I'm sorry..."

Ye Xuan put Zhang Yuanwu down with a smile, bowed, and then disappeared.

"You!!" Zhang Yuanwu was furious. He was about to say something, but when he saw Ye Xuan, he ran away. He sighed immediately, then a smile appeared on his face, shook his head, and murmured: "This stinky boy, hey , it’s rare…”

Those millions of divine sources must be false if they say they don’t want them, but it’s just because the number is too much.

And Ye Xuan is still on the ascending channel. Although he doesn't know whether this amount is a big sum for Ye Xuan, it is undoubtedly an astronomical figure in his heart. He has never I have received so much divine source at one time.

However, since the other party used force to stuff the divine source into his divine kingdom, there was nothing he could do.

Therefore, Zhang Yuanwu immersed himself in the Kingdom of God and slowly transferred those divine sources into his own origin of the Kingdom of God.

On the other side, Ye Xuan was walking on the campus of Lintian No. 1 Middle School, feeling the air in the campus.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the air on campus is fresher..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, and with a glance, he clearly remembered the entire campus in his mind, and he also knew the general layout of this place.

"It seems to have been expanded several times..."

"But that's right. The principal said that this place has received a lot of resources, and expansion is normal."

Expanding a place is actually a very simple matter in the hands of the God of Creation who has mastered the avenue of space. It can be done with just a thought.

This is the case with Lintian No. 1 Middle School. Although it has been expanded several times, Ye Xuan always feels that it is not enough.

"Space - expansion!"


"Space - superposition!"



Ye Xuan gave instructions one after another, and the entire Lintian No. 1 Middle School did not expand on the surface in this city, but in fact the internal space expanded more than tens of thousands of times.

This space is constantly changing, but no one around them feels anything unusual. This is only possible when the use of the space avenue has reached a certain level.

It wasn't until someone noticed that the school seemed much bigger that they realized something was wrong.

Although these buildings are still clustered together, the school has gained an unknown amount of open space. These open spaces are probably as big as a county seat, right? Maybe more...

"Who? Suddenly expanded the school so many times?!"

The surrounding students soon discovered this, and as time went by, more and more students discovered this situation.

Ever since, everyone started discussing it.

"Is it some big guy who is playing tricks on us? Let's try and see if we can get out!"

"Yes, yes, let's try!"

"Hey, we can get out, why is that..."

"Hey, who is that? It looks like the same person? Why does he look so much like our senior Ye Shen?"

Finally, Ye Xuan was walking on campus and was finally recognized by some students.

"What do you mean by like? That's Ye Shen!!! Damn, I finally saw Ye Shen again! Ye Shen! I want his autograph!!"

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