Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 266 He can replace him, Fuxi plots against Ye Xuan

When everyone saw Ye Xuan, they immediately burst into unimaginable enthusiasm.


When Ye Xuan saw a bunch of people surrounding him in an instant, he immediately moved his mind and turned his magic power, and the people in front of him were separated by an invisible barrier.

He used the power of the Great Dao to directly cut the space between the two sides into different dimensions, and used the barrier to prevent others from entering this dimension.

Therefore, although everyone could see him, they could not get close to him at all.

"Hello, fellow students~"

Ye Xuan smiled and greeted.

Looking at the boys and girls in front of him with youthful faces, he felt that his fatigue was relieved a lot.

It was not long since these days, but it seemed like many years had passed, which might be because he had stayed in the prehistoric world for too long.

Although his physical age was still the same, in fact, the years that his mind had experienced were already unknown for tens of thousands of years. This was a kind of mental fatigue, which had nothing to do with the body.

In fact, their bodies would not feel tired any longer. Even if they were seriously injured and dying, they would not feel tired, but weak.

However, mental fatigue cannot be eliminated by ordinary behavior. Some people would choose to sleep, while others would choose to walk around. Everyone has their own way.

At this time, Ye Xuan really felt what spiritual relaxation was in front of these lovely juniors.

"Ye Shen! I am your fan. Please sign for me!"

A junior screamed on the spot.

"Well... I am not a celebrity, and besides, isn't the autograph thing out of date for a long time?" Ye Xuan asked curiously.

In his impression, people nowadays don't seem to want autographs. This thing is not only useless, but also wastes each other's time. Moreover, there are no so-called stars now.

With the development of the times, many old entertainment methods have been eliminated, and many new entertainment methods are constantly emerging.

The entertainment methods of mortals are eternal and unchanged. There are only two things that have not changed for billions of years, and these two are games and pornography.

Of course, games are constantly updated, and the previous games have long been eliminated, but this industry has not been eliminated.

The pornography industry is truly everlasting. No matter how the times change, it has always survived from ancient times to the present, and it will continue in the future.

Because the gods of creation are all very good-looking, it is impossible for the women of mortals to get rich just by relying on their looks. At most, they can only flirt with those mortals.

"Ye Shen!"

"Ye Shen! Did you do the school to become bigger just now?"

"Nonsense! Who else in the school can do this except Ye Shen?"

As more and more people came, more and more students surrounded Ye Xuan.

"Everyone, I'm very happy to see you. See you next time..."

Ye Xuan waved to the increasing number of people in front of him, smiled, and disappeared in front of everyone.


When he appeared again, Ye Xuan was still behind the school playground. This time, he did not attract any crowds as he walked around the school, because he completely placed himself outside of this time and space, and no one could see his existence.

Only those with similar cultivation and high attainments in both the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space could see him.

"This person named Li Dandan seems to be pretty good, with a score of 83..."

Ye Xuan looked at the juniors and seniors who were simulating the battle of the Kingdom of Gods on the playground, and a smile appeared on his face.

After the battle of the Kingdom of Gods, in addition to showing the victory or defeat of the two people, the scores of the two people in various aspects and the total score will also be shown.

It can be said that the total score of 83 is already very good, but this thing can only test the third-level Creation God and below. It will not work after exceeding this limit, and a higher-level device is needed.

However, in high school, having such a device is enough, because it is impossible to reach the fourth-level Creation God in one year of senior year.

Therefore, Ye Xuan gave up the idea of ​​testing himself.

On the playground.

"Oh my god, Dandan, you actually have a score of 83! There will be no problem entering the five major colleges!!!"

A man named Yu Xiaosheng looked at the man next to him who had just undergone the test and congratulated him.

The two of them had a very good relationship. Although Yu Xiaosheng's score was not as high as 83, it was also 76.

Li Dandan touched the back of his head and said shyly: "No, it's okay. Now the ranking on the Tongtian list is only more than 800 in the country. It may fall at any time..."

If you want to enter the five major colleges steadily, then you must rank in the top 1,000 in the Tongtian list. Students in the top 1,000 can be exempted from the exam and choose any college to study in.

"Oh, Dandan, you are too modest. The last Ye Shen was arrogant and domineering. He was not modest at all. He stepped on Qin Ji directly. He was too domineering. Didn't you say something at that time..." Yu Xiaosheng touched the back of his head, frowned, and tried to think, but he couldn't remember it...

"He can replace him..." Li Dandan touched his face and said with his head down embarrassedly.

There was some shyness on his face, but he said it again.

"Yes! Yes! That is to replace him! What? This year, you are the most popular boy. Now you are playing modesty?" Yu Xiaosheng widened his eyes and looked at Li Dandan beside him with a weird look.

In fact, he also knew that Li Dandan next to him was ambitious and capable, but the only thing was that he was too thin-skinned.

I don't know why he is so thin, and he is named Dandan. Logically, this name should have been ridiculed a lot since he was a child, so he should have developed a thick skin, but for some reason, he is so shy, like a woman.

"No, there is no comparison with Ye Shen. If Ye Shen had this test, let alone scoring, he would at least get a full score, and he might even burst this thing..."

Li Dandan said with envy. It's not that he doesn't want to be arrogant and domineering, but after seeing Ye Xuan's awesomeness, he can't be domineering anymore.

Ye Xuan is not just the dominant one in Lintian No. 1 Middle School. He dominated the entire Zuxing when he was in high school. In college, he became the number one in the entire Daxia country before he had even been a year.

"Why are these two talking about me again..."

Ye Xuan wiped his nose and thought happily in his heart.

It is really very refreshing to hear others bragging about you when others mention you.

As for the phrase "they can replace me", it's normal. Who doesn't have some ambition?

However, it's good to have ambition, but the reality is very cruel.

In this way, Ye Xuan watched many people compete on the playground and found that everyone's strength was still quite good. In terms of average strength, they were much stronger than the previous session, but at the top, they were not just a little bit worse.

However, this kind of thing is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It must be done slowly. Now that there is strong support from the government in terms of resources, the treatment is naturally much better, and the better the treatment, the greater the probability of genius.

After all, if a thousand-mile horse is not fed with fine feed, it can only die in the manger and cannot display its own talents.

Just like the previous Lintian No. 1 Middle School, there must be players whose talents have been buried. This is also helpless. It is impossible for national educational resources to be truly consistent. It is normal for educational resources in remote areas to lag behind.

However, the competition pressure on the ancestral star is very small. Compared with other star fields, the pressure is countless times smaller.

In the divine domain.

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he returned to the divine domain.

In the divine domain today, there is still only one person in the Hunyuan realm, the emperor Suiren, who is still here, and the master of human beings Cangjie stayed in Cangguo Cangcheng to coordinate all affairs.

Because the kings of many kingdoms led their armies into the divine domain to fight, the people of many kingdoms of the human race came directly to Cangguo to ask for help from the master of human beings Cangjie after encountering many problems.

Cangjie naturally helped whenever he could, so for a time, the prestige of Cangguo became higher and higher, and the prestige of the master of human beings Cangjie gradually surpassed that of many kings of kingdoms, including the most famous Shi Hao, Ye Fan, Han Li, Su Ming and other seventeen kings of ancient times.

In order to distinguish the patriarchs of the original tribes, those people were called the Eighteen Kings of Ancient Times. Because Suiren was the common master of heaven and earth and the emperor of the human race, he became the Seventeen Kings of Ancient Times.

The prestige of the Seventeen Kings of Ancient Times was naturally the highest among all the kings, and Shi Hao was the most prestigious among the Seventeen Kings of Ancient Times.

But now, the human race should respect the emperor and the teacher, and the Seventeen Kings are the assistants. For this, the Seventeen Kings did not think it was a big deal, anyway, they were all children of the human race.


After Ye Xuan returned to the God's Domain, he instantly knew how vast his territory was now. He was surprised and took a breath. The territorial awareness of these human races was really strong.

Although the strength of the human race is not the strongest in the prehistoric world, when it comes to territorial awareness, both the dragon race and the witch and lich races are not as good as the human race.

It seems that the human race has the desire to expand its territory from the bottom of their hearts, and has always had the desire to expand its territory.

During the days when Ye Xuan was away, the human race led by Suiren completely occupied about one-tenth of the territory in the God's Domain.

The human race is now fighting with others everywhere, and has started a war with countless people.

Those foreigners have also been beaten by the human race. Every time there is a battle between creatures above the fourth level, the human master Cangjie will arrive instantly to support the human race.

At the peak, it was the human emperor Suiren who fought against more than a dozen fourth-level creatures alone, and the human master Cangjie also fought against three fourth-level creatures alone, which shocked all the creator gods in the entire God's Domain so much that their eyes almost fell out.

Many gods of creation wanted to do it themselves, but every time they were ready to do it themselves, they felt that there was a great terror staring at them in the dark, and they were so scared that they dared not to do it.

"Hey, strange, who is doing it to shock the other party..."

Ye Xuan frowned, and obviously discovered this situation.

In the current divine domain, although there was no human teacher to rescue, the other party's god of creation also obviously wanted to take action, but just when the other party was about to take action and Ye Xuan was also ready to take action, a sense of shock came from the dark, and Ye Xuan quickly retracted it.

A thought moved.


The avenue of time and space appeared from the dark, and the infinite power of time and space formed a picture scroll to reshape the whole event in front of Ye Xuan.

"Time and space retracing..."

Buzz! ! !

The picture scroll in front of him was constantly reshaped and extended, until it was beyond time and space.

Ye Xuan looked around and narrowed his eyes, but saw that outside that time and space, there was a pair of eyes looking directly at him, and the other party only saw his eyes.

"It turned out to be you..."

Ye Xuan continued to look and saw the full picture of the pair of eyes, then muttered to himself and cut off the time and space scroll.

"It seems that I can't use this trick to trace back too often in the future. Those creatures who have reached the state of Hunyuan can jump out of time and space and see the source of everything..."


In the prehistoric world.

Heaven, the 36th heaven, Xihuang Palace.

In front of Fuxi was a chessboard of heaven and earth. He held the white pieces in one hand and the black pieces in the other, and kept playing with himself. On the chessboard, it was no longer as simple as a simple chess game, but a scroll. Behind the scroll was the divine domain.

After a long time, Fuxi retracted his gaze, and the chessboard was complete again. He sighed softly and said, "Is it still impossible to glimpse your complete existence after all..."

"What kind of eyes are those..."

"I glimpsed from them that there are three thousand great ways flowing..."

"Is that existence really the great way..."

"No! The great way is soulless, how can the way have high and low charm? Is that person an existence that transcends the great way..."

"Is it the three thousand gods and demons of the past? Or Pangu, the creator of the world?"

"Or, none of them..."

"Who is he then..."

Fuxi muttered to himself, never stopping. Those eyes were eyes he had never seen before. If the eyes were deep and dark, then even Madam Yuanmu, the goddess transformed by the twin lotus in Guixu, could not compare to those eyes.

If it was bright and spiritual, even Di Jun and Taiyi, who were transformed by the power of the sun, which contained light and the charm of Pangu, could not be as bright and spiritual as them.

Such a paradoxical situation actually appeared in those eyes. Not only that, those small eyes actually contained the existence of three thousand great ways. All paradoxes such as light and darkness, yin and yang, immortals and demons, mercy and killing, etc. existed in those small eyes.

Just a pair of eyes, Fuxi, who was amazingly wise, could not comprehend it.

Everyone knows that in the prehistoric heaven, in terms of cultivation realm, no one can defeat the emperor Di Jun who dominated the current era, in terms of fighting and killing, no one can defeat Donghuang Taiyi, who was known as the first god of war in the prehistoric world, and in terms of wisdom and strategy, no one can compare with Bai Ze, the leader of the ten demon commanders.

But what the world does not know is that in terms of wisdom and strategy, there is another existence who is actually higher than Bai Ze, that is, the demon emperor Fuxi who is good at calculating and deducing and in charge of the Qiankun Avenue.

It's just that Bai Ze is in front of the curtain, and Fuxi is hidden behind the curtain.

Di Jun delegated power to Bai Ze for small matters, but whenever there was a big matter, he would discuss it with Fu Xi. This was the difference between the two.

After all, Fu Xi was considered the first veteran to start the business, and it was normal for Di Jun to treat him well.

"Then let's take the next step and see if we can get you into the game and find out what's going on..." Fu Xi smiled slightly and dropped the white piece in his hand.

The black piece, which was originally sure to win, only needed less than three moves to completely kill the white piece and announce the end, was killed by a big dragon in an instant with the drop of the white piece. The loss was incalculable. In an instant, the white dragon broke through the black dragon blockade and killed the black dragon. It only needed one more move to announce the end of this chess game.

And at this moment, in an instant.


An invisible force in the dark actually overturned the innate spiritual treasure chessboard of heaven and earth, and the white and black pieces fell to the ground, and there was no winner or loser anymore.

Fuxi's smiling face froze instantly. He looked up at the sky, startled, and remained silent.

He waved his hand and collected all the chess pieces scattered on the ground, but he did not play with the chessboard again. It was obvious that the existence was warning him. Even if he could calculate the opponent for a while, the opponent had the ability to turn the chessboard at any time.

In other words, the opponent was invincible by nature, and he could not win no matter how he played.

However, Fuxi's face showed a smile again, and he started to play again, still talking with his left hand and right hand.

"Are you afraid of losing? Then I will definitely win..."

He thought so in his heart, without any fear.

If you are afraid of even this warning, then what's the point of cultivating the road? Go home and farm as soon as possible. The water in Yinyang Lake is very good, and the land of Buzhou Mountain is also fertile.

The reason why he used his move to shock the other side was not entirely to lure Ye Xuan out to see him. It was also because the human race was created by his sister. Although all the saints in the sky knew that it was created by a supreme being with the help of Nuwa, it was still a creation.

Since there was such a relationship, how could he, Fuxi, not help the situation? However, every time they didn't really fight, which undoubtedly made him a little regretful...

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