Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 267: Golden Crow on alert, the ancestor witch enters the human race

On the sun, in the Demon King's Palace.

"My husband, I always feel that the baby is about to be born, and the day when they are born is not far away..." Xihe walked in the Demon King's Palace with a big belly, and beside her were the Emperor of Heaven Dijun and the Emperor of the East Taiyi.

At this time, Dijun and Taiyi looked at Xihe anxiously, fearing that something might happen.

If others saw this face, they would be shocked.

The Emperor of Heaven who usually controls the four seas and eight wastelands and the Emperor of the East who is so powerful in the four seas and eight wastelands, these two supreme beings, are actually extremely anxious, fearing that something might happen.

Shouldn't they have no reaction even if the sky falls, and they won't feel anything?

"Xihe, these days, my second brother and I will be by your side, waiting for the baby to be born, don't worry." Looking at Xihe who was also afraid of accidents, Dijun forced himself to relax his mentality, patted Xihe's hand and said.

Taiyi on the side also nodded firmly and said, "Little sister, don't worry. With me and my elder brother here, no matter who comes, don't even think about stepping into the sun!"

For the ten little golden crows that are about to be born, whether it is the parents Dijun and Xihe or Taiyi who is about to be an uncle, they are all watching everything around them with great vigilance.

Not only are they guarding the sun, but even outside the sun, they have used the Zhoutian Xingdou formation to block it. If there is any situation, the clergy will arrive here instantly.

It can be said that for these ten children, the entire heaven is in a state of alert at any time.

This is not a small matter. This is the emperor giving birth to ten sons. These ten golden crows are the ten princes of the prehistoric world. Although they will never succeed to the throne, they have a father who is the emperor of heaven, a mother who is the queen of heaven, and Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the prehistoric emperors, as their iron backer. This is destined to make the status of these ten princes extremely noble.

If you provoke Emperor Jun, he may be magnanimous and not bother with you, but if you dare to touch the ten princes, even if Emperor Jun is magnanimous and does not bother with you, you have to get past the hot-tempered and overbearing Donghuang Taiyi before talking about other things...

And Madam Yuanmu, who always follows Taiyi, did not come this time. At this time, in the sun, in addition to these three beings, only the Fusang tree exists.

Madam Yuanmu also knows that it is not appropriate for her to go there at this moment. If she is born safely, it will be fine, but if something unexpected happens, she will not be able to explain it even if she has a mouth, and the matter with Taiyi will never be possible in this life...


Xihe bowed her head and hummed happily. Since the time of her birth, if there is any difficulty or anything, basically the two brothers are the first to rush to the front, and it is still the same now.

The Jinwu clan can have its current status, which can be said to be entirely due to the hard work of Dijun and Taiyi, one playing the good cop and the other playing the bad cop, and she has done nothing except picking up some credit behind the scenes.

But now she is about to become a mother, but it is still like this. For a moment, a feeling of happiness filled Xihe's heart.

Being able to grow up under the protection of her brothers, although it is not good for her own growth, it is really a very happy thing...

No matter what she is, she has followed them all the way to the current position of the Queen of Heaven, and she has also succeeded in proving the truth.

When the Jinwu was conceived, Dijun had already stepped into the realm of Hunyuan. Although Xihe was only the Hunyuan True Self and understood a trace of Hunyuan True Meaning, she still felt the existence of Hunyuan True Meaning at that time, and a trace of Hunyuan True Meaning was stained on her body.

Then he successfully stepped into the realm of Hunyuan. Although he broke through later, he still increased his bloodline power violently at that time. Although it was not as good as the one she bred in the realm of Hunyuan, the golden crow born now is probably still extremely terrifying...

"I really want to know what realm these ten nephews will be in after they are born. They must be stronger than us back then..." Taiyi said with expectation. The Golden Crow clan is sparsely populated. Except for the three of them, Da Ri has never given birth to any other living beings.

Only the Fusang tree on Da Ri has a faint breath of charm, but it is still a long way from becoming a living being.

Whether it is on Da Ri or Tai Yin, one of the ten innate spiritual roots was born. The one on Da Ri is the Fusang tree, a creature created by the innate fire path. It looks like two mulberry trees growing from the same root, leaning against each other and supporting each other to grow. It is red all over, so it is named Fusang.

This is also the only living being on Da Ri, except for the three-legged Golden Crow.

When the three Golden Crows were young, he served as their plaything, flying over Fusang all day long.

Fusang trees block out the sun, and can be large or small. In the great sun with the luxuriant true fire of the sun, there is a place to take a cool, which is extremely strange.

"That's natural. When we were born, we were only in the realm of Golden Immortals. At that time, no matter how powerful the creatures were, they were only in the realm of Golden Immortals when they were born..." Emperor Jun nodded with a smile.

He had already felt the amazing energy contained in the ten Golden Crows in Xihe's belly.

It can be said that if it were not for Xihe, who was also a three-legged Golden Crow, who gave birth to the other party, the temperature inside would have burned Xihe to death long ago.

One Golden Crow is one Great Sun, and ten Golden Crows are ten Great Suns. What a concept, if ten suns came out at the same time, even the great witch would have to kneel on the ground.

Those who don't enter the Hunyuan realm will probably be burned to death.

"Yes, the foundation of the ancient world was much worse than today. At that time, even the gods and demons of the Great Dao did not reach the realm of Daluo. Although the foundation of the ancient world was improved, it was only the beginning of the world. It is indeed much shallower than today..." Taiyi also laughed.

Originally, the two heard the news that Xihe was about to give birth, and they rushed over immediately with excitement and worry. They threw all the affairs in their hands to Bai Ze and Fuxi to manage. The two ran directly to the Demon King's Palace, but even after seeing Xihe, they were still worried.

Until now, the two gradually relaxed.

"I don't care whether they can be strong or not, as long as they can be safe and happy, that's good..." Xihe touched her belly and said with a smile.

Perhaps this is the simplest requirement of all those who are qualified to be called mothers in the world. They don't ask for great wealth and honor, but for safety and happiness.

"Haha, that's what Xihe said, then let's live in peace!" Di Jun laughed after hearing Fuxi's words.

Taiyi shook his head slowly and said, "Brother, sister, you are too optimistic. The prehistoric world is not that simple. Even we may not be safe at any time. There are three thousand chaotic gods and demons about to be born, and there are those saints in the sky coveting the position of the emperor of heaven. In addition, there is that person above. Although we have entered the realm of Hunyuan, it is still not enough."

At this point, he looked into the distance and said leisurely, "If you don't have strength and only rely on our protection, even if you can protect it for a while, it will not last long. How can we protect them for a lifetime? There will always be times when we cannot take care of them. If there are creatures coveting them at that time, what will happen...

Only when we are strong can we be truly strong. When they stand at the top of the prehistoric world like us, we will be able to keep our peace, not to mention happiness..."

"Well, what you said makes sense, my second brother. Then, these ten Golden Crows will practice Taoism with me! I believe you will not refuse, right? Hahaha..." Di Jun nodded and said, then laughed.

How could he not understand what Taiyi said? He just said it in accordance with Xihe's words.

Only when you are strong can you be truly safe.

The peace obtained by relying on anyone, no matter how strong the backer is, is ultimately a false peace. Only when you are strong can you be truly safe.

Although Di Jun's realm is the best in the prehistoric world and he is at the peak, he is still not as good as Taiyi in the fights of the same realm. This is not only a problem of the companion treasure, but also the difference in their strengths.

So let the ten Golden Crows follow Taiyi to cultivate the Tao. They don't seek to become the first war god in the prehistoric world like Taiyi. At least they won't be beaten by the enemy at the same level...

"Yes, what you said makes sense, but I didn't think it through before. Why don't I wait until these children are born and then cultivate the Tao with you..." Xihe said with a smile.

"Haha! Of course! In the way of fighting and killing, who else can be in the prehistoric world but me?" Taiyi laughed and said domineeringly.

This sentence was said as a matter of course, and he said it with such confidence.

And he, Taiyi, has the qualifications to say this. There are several prehistoric worlds with a little higher cultivation than Taiyi, but when it comes to suppressing Taiyi, it seems that no one can have this confidence...


The three Golden Crows laughed loudly for a long time.

Xihe suddenly asked, "Second brother, your matter with Madam Yuanmu..."

Taiyi's face, which was originally laughing, froze in an instant, and he said unnaturally, "What's wrong?"

"Would you like to consider becoming a Taoist partner with her?" Xihe asked cautiously.

It's not a good thing for the two of them to keep dragging on with such an unclear relationship.

The so-called Taoist partner is to accompany each other with the great way, which is a little different from being married. In short, Taoist partners can do this or not, but husband and wife will definitely do that...

Taoist partners focus more on practicing together, rather than sex.

"I'm used to being alone..." Taiyi said with an excuse. It's not that he didn't want to be a Taoist partner with the other party, but it was difficult to change for a while, and he didn't want to change the status quo, so...

"Second brother! Xihe is right. You are damaging the reputation of Madam Yuanmu. If you don't want to be a Taoist partner with her, then I can speak on your behalf and guarantee that she will give up and stop pestering you in the future. If you want to be a Taoist partner with her, Xihe and I can speak on your behalf. How about it?" Dijun, who was standing aside, said solemnly with a serious face.

Taiyi looked at Dijun who spoke to him so solemnly. This was the first time that Dijun spoke to him so seriously. He felt a little uncomfortable for a while, but then nodded and said: "In this case, I will go to her to make it clear after my nephews are born."

"Okay, it would be best if you can go in person."

Just when Xihe was curious and wanted to ask what he was going to do, Dijun laughed and nodded and said.

No matter what the result is, it won't be worse than the current situation.



Human race, Cang country, Cang city.

Cang Jie, the master of human beings who was originally practicing, suddenly opened his eyes, looked into the distance, and said: "Why did the fellow Taoist from the Wu clan suddenly come to visit?"

As he finished speaking, a giant with a height of 100,000 feet appeared near Cang city.

With the appearance of the giant, the light of the entire city was blocked, and the sky turned dark instantly. Everyone in the city looked up at the sky, only to realize that the giant was actually the ancestral witch of the Wu Clan.

One by one, they were so frightened that they quickly jumped into the air. Although they were weak, they still stood in front of Zu Wu.

Cangjie's figure soared into the air, and the one hundred thousand-foot giant also put away the true form of the ancestral witch, and turned into a size of three feet. Although it was still much taller than Cangjie's, it was much better. .

"Haha, this must be the human master!" Zu Wu Zhu Jiuyin smiled boldly and said.

Cangjie nodded and replied: "You must be the Time Ancestral Witch in the Witch Clan..."

The other party met in his true form. Although the two had never met, the Cangjie clan was more or less aware of the differences between the true forms of the twelve ancestral witches.

Therefore, after Zhu Jiuyin's true body was revealed just now, the Cangjie family also knew which ancestral witch he was.

It is very simple why Zhu Jiuyin knows the identity of the Cangjie clan. The human race does not have as many existences in the Hunyuan realm as the Wu clan. The human race only has two, one is the human emperor and the other is the human master.

The Human Emperor is now in another world. This is something that many saints in the ancient world know. After all, there are so many space passages in the human race. Everyone is not blind, so they can naturally know it.

"You should return to your original position as soon as possible. The ancestral witch has no ill intentions." Cangjie said to the people behind him.

"Yes, Master!"

The humans bowed one after another, then turned around and returned to Cangcheng.

"Yes, I have a good eye." Zhu Jiuyin praised with a smile.

"I think the ancestral witches must have something important to discuss when they come here this time. Please come with me to talk about it. Then the witch clan will have to blame me, the human clan, for not being hospitable to guests." Cangjie looked at the other party and looked very talkative. , immediately showed a smile and joked.

"Haha! It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask you to listen." Zhu Jiuyin laughed loudly when he heard the words, but it was very interesting to talk to the teacher.


After Cangjie made a gesture of invitation, he took the lead and flew downwards.

Seeing this, Zhu Jiuyin followed closely behind Cangjie without any fuss.

Although Cangjie didn't know why Zhu Jiuyin came here this time, he also knew that since the other party came alone, he definitely wasn't looking for trouble. If he really wanted to cause trouble, the Wu Clan could simply attack the human race with a large army. Went out.

Since you are not looking for trouble, then the other party is naturally a guest, so you have to treat guests as they are.

Zhu Jiuyin followed the Cangjie family slowly through Cangcheng. He saw many Cangcheng human beings along the way, nodded secretly, and murmured in his heart that the human race was indeed a human race, it was just that they were blessed by nature and loved by the fate of heaven and earth.

In this small warehouse city, there are three thousand Da Luo Jinxian, which is an extremely powerful force.

Although in today's prehistoric times, the Hunyuan True Self is everywhere, and the Great Luo Jinxian is not as good as a dog, the Great Luo Golden Immortal is also the most basic and backbone force of a force. After all, there are only a few people in the Hunyuan Realm, and there are not many people in the Hunyuan True Self realm. There are many, only Daluo Jinxian has a very large number.

And Zhu Jiuyin came here not for other things, but for the matter of intermarriage with the human race that had been discussed in Pangu Palace. Originally, he planned to wait until the Human Emperor returned from the Divine Realm to discuss it with the Human Emperor. one time.

After all, at that time, the human race only had one person, the Human Emperor, who was in the realm of Hunyuan. Everything was a matter of one word from the other party, and it was the kind that could be settled with one word.

But now that the Human Emperor has not returned, and another Hunyuan realm has been born among the human race, and he still holds the extraordinary title of Human Master, then when the Human Emperor is gone, the Human Master can naturally make decisions on his behalf. .

Ever since, Zhu Jiuyin couldn't wait and came from his tribe to Cangcheng where he is now.

In the palace.

"Humans really know how to enjoy it!"

Zu Wu Zhu Jiuyin looked at the magnificent palace hall and couldn't help but sigh.

Upon hearing this, Master Cangjie turned around and looked at Zhu Jiuyin in surprise, and asked curiously: "Is it possible that the Ancestral Witch Palace is not so magnificent?"

The palaces of other clans are already not very good, but the Dragon King's Dragon Palace is such a waste of natural resources. Every brick and tile is a rare building material in the ancient times.

There are also those great emperors in the thirty-two heavens of heaven, each one is more extravagant than the last. There is no one of the thirty-six heavens in heaven that is not luxurious or extravagant.

In comparison, these things from the human race are nothing. Whether they are placed in front of the Dragon Palace or in front of the Heavenly Court, they are nothing.

But the Zhu Jiuyin in front of him looked so emotional, which made the Cangjie family curious. Could it be that the Ancestral Witch Palace was really bad?

"Haha! We, the shamans of the witch clan, don't know these things. It's just convenient to have a place to live!" Zhu Jiuyin laughed loudly after hearing this. The ancestral witch palaces of these ancestral witches are all mysterious and mysterious. It is majestic, and as soon as people walk in, they will be intimidated by the aura of the ancestral witch and dare not act rashly, but it is not as magnificent as the other major forces.

"I've always heard that the Wu Clan and others are so generous, and today I saw them being so generous! It's really admirable!"

Cangjie raised his hands and praised.

"No, I'll tell you the truth. I came here today because I have something important to discuss with my master." Zhu Jiuyin waved his hand and then spoke, staring at Cangjie's family solemnly.

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