Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 268: Marriage between the two tribes, the Dragon Tribe’s plan

"Oh? I don't know what's going on? Zu Wu just said it doesn't matter!"

When Cangjie heard the other party calling him a master, he vaguely guessed that it was related to the human race and the witch race.

If it was a personal matter, they would most likely discuss it as Taoist friends. What's more, it was the first time the two met today, and they wouldn't just come over for help if something happened, so it was most likely a matter between the two clans.

As expected, after Zhu Jiuyin heard this, he immediately said: "Although the Wu clan is physically strong and far superior to all other clans in the prehistoric era, it always lags behind other clans in terms of intelligence and calculation, while the human clan has many talents and emotions, and their talents are not inferior to those of other clans. Wu Clan, so I came here to discuss the matter of intermarriage between the two clans, are you okay?"

"What? Intermarriage between two races?"

Cangjie frowned subconsciously when he heard this and exclaimed.

The Witch Clan wants to use the talent of the Human Race to improve the ignorance of the Witch Clan, but what benefits can the Human Race get from the Witch Clan?

And if you do this, the human race with the blood of the witch race will inevitably be rejected by other human races. Although the human race is born weak and not as good as the witch race, even after they have achieved cultivation, they are not as physically strong as the witch race in the same realm, but In fact, it's hard to tell the winner even if you stand up.

Therefore, apart from staining the blood of the human race, the intermarriage between the human race and the witch race seems to have no other benefits.

Zhu Jiuyin's face froze slightly when he heard this, and then he said: "After the intermarriage between the two clans, the clan members born, regardless of male or female, all have their own choice. They can join the Witch Clan or the Human Clan, how about it? What's more, if you marry the Witch Clan, The new human body will also be stronger! This is not a good thing for the human race."

Cangjie shook his head slightly, sighed and said: "Ancestral Witch, other things between the two clans are easy to talk about. If I were to make the decision, your Majesty would not say anything more, but this matter is extraordinary. This is a major matter between the two clans. I cannot be the master of this matter. You have found the wrong person..."

This is not wrong. He doesn't want to decide such a big thing alone. Let alone him, even the Human Emperor himself can't decide such a matter. Although it can be said with one word due to the powerful majesty of the Human Emperor. It's certain, but in fact it must be discussed with the kings of the countries.

This is a major matter related to the blood of the human race, and obviously it will not be decided so hastily.

"This..." Zhu Jiuyin opened his mouth, wanting to say something more, but he didn't know how to speak. Instead, he sighed and said: "That's all, can the Master please invite the Human Emperor to come over to discuss this matter? ?”

Since the Cangjie family said this, it must be something that he cannot say for sure. Thinking about it, he originally formulated this idea, but he still discussed it with the other ancestral witches first, and this is how we have what we have now. plan of.

"That's fine. Let me inform Your Majesty..." Cangjie nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, Master."

People are under the eaves, so don't be surprised if there are many rituals.

After all, it is the Witch Clan who is begging the Human Race to change their bloodline, rather than the Human Clan begging the Witch Clan to change their bloodline, so Zhu Jiuyin's stance naturally needs to be lowered.

What's more, the other party is also in the realm of Hunyuan, so it's not a shameful thing.

"Ancestral Witch, you're welcome. After all, it's a matter related to the human race. Please wait here for a moment, Ancestral Witch."

Cangjie smiled, then closed his eyes, and with a thought, his figure disappeared.

"Master, please go."

Zhu Jiuyin nodded and replied.

In the realm of gods.

"Cangjie pays homage to His Majesty."

The Cangjie family bowed down to the Suiren family and shouted.

"Master, there is no need to be polite. Please get up quickly." Seeing Cangjie suddenly come over and bow to him, Suiren immediately helped Cangjie up.

Suiren then asked: "Why did Master come here this time?"

Cangjie told Suiren everything about Zhu Jiuyin's arrival. After speaking, Suiren frowned tightly.

"The matter of intermarriage between the two races needs to be discussed by many kings. After all, this matter concerns the entire human race. I still want to listen to their opinions."

Suiren touched the beard on his chin, nodded and said.

Cangjie clan nodded when he heard this and said: "I know, I will go back and inform the ancestral witch now..."

After saying that, he turned around and left.


Just as Cangjie was about to leave, Suiren immediately stopped him and said, "Tell him that this matter needs to be discussed more. After the human race comes to the conclusion of the discussion, they will visit him and inform him of the result."


After Cangjie agreed, he disappeared into the divine realm.

Suiren narrowed his eyes and secretly calculated in his mind whether it would be feasible to marry into the Wu clan.

Theoretically speaking, the talent of the human race is much higher than that of the witch race, even better than the great witches of the ancestral witches. However, the problem is that the update and iteration speed of the human race is too fast, which leads to the failure of the descendants of the human race. The bloodline is getting thinner and thinner.

Those descendants of the human race who have extremely thin bloodline even need more and more time to become immortals. If things go on like this, the human race will sooner or later become more and more in decline.

Therefore, the human race needs to change this situation. If the blood of the Witch Clan is used to fuse with the thin blood of the human race in later generations, a stronger human race may be born, at least better than those with thin blood lines. A lot of it.

Of course, this is just a guess. No one can say whether things will develop in the direction above.

Zhu Jiuyin left. He was very happy and full of expectations when he came, but he felt a little disappointed and uneasy when he left. Although the human race did not reject him, they did not give him a definite answer, but said that they would visit him in person in the future to tell him the answer.

"I don't know what the human race will do, whether they will give me a satisfactory answer..."

"If it really doesn't work, then I can only go and rob some human beings at that time..."

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes flashed with some light, thinking so in his heart.

For him, it is not a problem to have a little friction with the human race. The important thing is that the witch race needs the blood of the human race and needs the human race to improve the situation that the witch race is relatively simple-minded and must have developed limbs.

Those innate saints are more sinister than each other.

Even an old sinner like Hongjun was made to have no six saints left by others. If someone really plots against the witch race, I am afraid that the witch race will not even be able to detect it at that time...

Therefore, the witch race can wait for a while. Anyway, it has been like this for many years, so it doesn't matter if it takes a while.

But if the human race really refused, then Zhu Jiuyin planned to use force, capture human male cultivators, and use witch women to seduce them. Although the appearance of the witches may not match that of the human race, fortunately, both sides have achieved success in cultivation, and ever-changing is the most basic existence.

Besides, he only took some of the other party's seeds, and he did not want to kill people. Even if the human race knew about it, so what? Would they tear their faces with the witches for such a trivial matter?

Or, do they want to retaliate?

Give the blood of the witches to the human race? Zhu Jiuyin did not reject this, and the people of the witches did not reject it either.

Thinking of this, Zhu Jiuyin's complexion improved a lot, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.



Four Seas, East Sea Dragon Palace.

The four dragon kings sat together, and the eight dragon commanders were also here. The one sitting at the top was Zulong.

Zulong has been at the top of the prehistoric world since the ancient times. Unlike Hongjun, who needs to plan step by step, he has been standing above the nine heavens since the beginning of the prehistoric world.

After destroying the three days, he became the leader of the prehistoric overlords. Ten thousand years have passed, and I don’t know how many old friends and races have fallen. Only Zulong and the dragon race are extremely prosperous and are still one of the overlords of the world.

Although they are not as popular as the two races of witches and liches, they are also the most powerful existence besides the two races.

At this time, the existences of the Hunyuan realm among these dragons gathered together to discuss the dragon clan’s creation of characters.

"Your Majesty, do you really want to create characters?" Zhulong frowned and said, the dragon clan did not have such a talented person.

It is already extremely difficult to create a unique character outside of astronomy, and now it is to create a unique character outside of astronomy and humanities, the possibility is much smaller.

"Of course."

The ancestor dragon nodded. The luck of the dragon clan seems to have reached a peak, and the number of people in the Hunyuan realm is also decreasing.

If the dragon clan has its own characters, and they are unique to the outside world, it will inevitably make the luck of the dragon clan expand again. In this way, the dragon clan will give birth to new powerful people in the Hunyuan realm faster.

"But how should this character be created..."

Qinglong held the sky in his mouth, his eyes were like torches, and a ray of green light appeared in his eyes.

Qinglong dominated the West Sea for countless years, and his cultivation entered the Hunyuan realm. The West Sea was prosperous, and countless creatures were delighted.

In the mountains, seas and lakes in the inland of the prehistoric world, most of the dragons who rained were from the West Sea.

This is also an opportunity for the dragon clan to earn merits. No one would dislike more merits and stronger luck.

"If I knew, why would I let you come?!" Zulong said, his eyes sweeping across the audience. Although they were both in the Hunyuan realm, Zulong was undoubtedly the most powerful.

In addition, he had dominated the world for countless years, so these dragon kings and dragon commanders were used to being scolded by him.

"Your Majesty, you can't force the creation of characters. Astronomy includes all living beings and everything in the universe. Except for the human race, all the races in the world are affected by it. Even if we succeed in creating characters, we may not be able to get rid of the influence of astronomy. What's more, the characters they use are just to pass on the magical powers and Taoism, but my dragon race can rely on the dragon ball to pass on, so why do we need characters..."

Canglong on the side said bitterly.

Although the demon race created characters because Kunpeng wanted to become a saint, they eventually took them over to express themselves. The heavenly court governs many people and is busy with affairs, so simple characters are needed to record.

After all, Taoist characters are too obscure and not as concise as demon characters.

The reason why the human race created characters is that the newly born human race is getting weaker and weaker. There is no other way but to choose new characters. It just so happens that Cangjie created a completely different character system from astronomy.

So, whether it is the demon race or the human race, they have their own reasons and must use other characters.

But the dragon race is not like this. A dragon roar can be worth a thousand words, not to mention that the Taoist language is born with knowledge.

In addition to the inheritance of its Taoist magic, it naturally has the inheritance of its natal dragon ball. The dragon ball is both a magic weapon and the place where the dragon's lifelong cultivation is carried.

Therefore, few dragons will sacrifice the dragon ball to fight the enemy. Generally, they will use the dragon ball when they are desperate. Otherwise, they will use other magic weapons to fight the enemy.

"Having said that, if a text unique to the Dragon Clan is created, then the Dragon Clan's fortune will be greatly increased, which will also be of great benefit to our practice."

Zu Long nodded and said lightly.

Then, he waved his hand and a picture appeared.

What was inside was a scene from the divine realm, but it was Zulong who used his supreme divine power to display the scene in the divine realm.

"Let's not talk about writing for now. Just pay attention and encourage the clansmen to make writing. This is what I really called you here for."

Zu Long changed his words and mentioned the divine realm, and all the dragons looked around.

"Isn't this the other side of the space channel that appears among the human race? What's so interesting about this?" Bingyi asked in confusion.

He had also been to the divine realm, not with his true body, but with a spiritual thought.

There are only two realms of Hunyuan in the human race, one is in the God's Domain and the other is in Cang City. Beings like them can easily find a place to sneak in as long as they avoid Cang City.

After entering, Suiren naturally noticed it, but didn't say much.

Bingyi saw that side of the world, and there were many auras of other worlds in it, and then he realized that the human race had gone to fight with the creatures from other worlds.

He immediately gave up his bad thoughts towards the human race, and instead sincerely admired the human race.

Of course, if the passage was in the Dragon Clan, he would still lead the troops there, but this did not hinder his admiration for the Human Clan.

There is indeed nothing good to see in that alien world. It does not even have the existence of three thousand avenues. There are just some scattered avenues and a world created by some rules and laws.

It looks like it was made by living creatures, but I don’t know who it is.

"This is an alien world, a world that is completely different from the ancient world. It is not the blessed land of cave heaven or the Great Thousand Worlds. This world is completely different from the ancient world. It is not attached to the ancient world at all. I don’t know where it is located or who belongs to it. Create.”

Zulong's eyes were deep and deep, and he spoke slowly in his mouth. The picture suddenly turned slowly, manifesting everything.

"There were some strange battles there. Although the creatures were weak, they seemed to be able to summon creatures from other worlds. There were space passages one after another, and endless creatures could appear in each space passage. And the most important thing is that in that world, there are thousands of alien passages, connecting one alien world after another..."

"Your Majesty is saying that the prehistoric world is not the only one in the world. Apart from the prehistoric world, are there other worlds?"

The five-clawed golden dragon fiddled with its tail and said as its bodies undulated.

I have to say that when it comes to good looks, the five-clawed golden dragon is undoubtedly the most good-looking among the eight dragon commanders.

And his strength is second only to Yinglong. It can be said that his appearance and strength coexist.

"That's right!"

Zulong said categorically, and then said in an extremely confident tone: "Not only that, but maybe this chaos is not the only one. I suspect that in the infinite time and space, those realms do not exist in chaos, but in chaos. It’s in a completely different world.”

"Hiss!!! Why is Your Majesty so sure? How can Chaos not be the only one?! The source of the Three Thousand Avenues is in Chaos. Chaos is unique. There may be many in the prehistoric era, but Chaos must be the only one!"

Bingyi's pupils shrank when he heard this, and then he immediately denied it.

It is impossible for a second chaos to appear. The gods and demons of the three thousand avenues all come from the avenue. Chaos is the place with the source of the three thousand original avenues. This is the source of everything and the end of everything. It is impossible to appear at all. The second end point, the second source appears!

"Yes, Your Majesty, is that a world created by other gods and demons, located in endless chaos? Although most of the chaos has turned into prehistoric times, there is still a huge land for them to create, or the origin of the world is hidden in one point. There is nothing wrong with it not being detected..." Canglong also nodded, quite agreeing with what Bing Yi said.

How could chaos not be the only one? Chaos must be the only one.

Zulong shook his head slowly and explained: "What I mean is not that there is a second chaotic world. What I mean is that there are endless worlds in the dark space and time. It is not just that there is one chaotic world. That’s it, it doesn’t mean that those worlds are chaotic worlds…”


"This still seems to be unexplainable. If there are no three thousand avenues, how can living beings be born?"

As soon as Bingyi said this, he suddenly slapped his head and said, "It's me, Meng Lang. What Your Majesty said makes sense! There are no complete three thousand avenues in those divine realms. Without the three thousand avenues, it is possible for living beings to appear. Evolved..."

"But so what? What does it have to do with us living in the wilderness?" The blood dragon burst out with blood and asked in confusion.

Zu Long looked at him and shook his head slightly, and explained: "In the past, you and other eight dragon commanders mistakenly entered a cave in the sky. Now you can imagine that it is an alien world. Since the alien passage can appear on this side of the prehistoric world, it naturally represents The other party can also enter this world through the passage.

If this goes on for a long time, we will eventually encounter stronger existences, so we need to plan the heavens. If the Great Desolate is defeated, we still have a chance to rise again. "

For some reason, Zu Long always felt a trace of worry in his heart. He always felt that there was a big crisis that would come in the distant future.

He didn’t know whether it was related to that other world or that supreme being. He only knew that if the dragon race was not prepared to face any disaster at any time and just gloated over its dominance all day long, then when the disaster really came, the dragon race would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

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