
Zulong's words made all the dragons silent. They didn't think so far. The prehistoric world is big enough now, so they didn't think about planning other worlds.

"Last time when we destroyed that world, we suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world, so I think it's not easy to plan in those worlds..." Yinglong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said.

Last time when they went to the heaven to celebrate, they happened to hit a space channel. The creatures in that world were weak and they were squeezed at will. Just when they were about to destroy the world completely, suddenly all of them were moved to the prehistoric world.

I don't know why, but at that time he was busy going to the heaven to celebrate, so he forgot about it, and then he didn't take it to heart, and didn't think about it. Now when Zulong mentioned it, he remembered it again.

"You mean when that world is almost destroyed, we will be expelled from that world?" Zulong narrowed his eyes. Their only knowledge of other worlds was that the eight dragon commanders had been there once.

As for what would happen in the other world, Zulong didn't know.

But since there was a different world in the endless vastness, Zulong naturally wanted to lay out the heavens and let the blood of the dragon race flow through the heavens.

"Then when we meet again next time, let the creatures of that world conceive dragon sons and spread the blood of the dragon race in the heavens!"

Zulong smiled. As long as the dragon race existed, even if he fell in the prehistoric world, he would eventually return again as countless years passed.

The other dragon kings and dragon commanders didn't think there was anything wrong. No matter who they were, they all had a bunch of offspring, but after reaching the state of mixed origin, they didn't give birth to dragon sons themselves.

Everyone in the world said that the human race could give birth, but how could they know the name of the four seas dragon race.


Above the prehistoric world, in the void.

Liquid bases were floating in the void. This was a void where even chaos did not exist. It was located above the chaotic world.

At this time, a white figure appeared here. It was Ye Xuan.

After Ye Xuan went to Lintian No. 1 Middle School, he returned to Dazhou College and then entered the prehistoric world with his mind.

Because there were still many liquid bases that had not been used. These liquid bases were directly robbed by Ye Xuan from the liquid base star field, causing a lot of trouble. Fortunately, the sixth-level creator god was frightened by the ban left by Zhu Yuanzhang, otherwise Ye Xuan would have died directly after just taking action.

Liquid bases are strategic resources in that star field. The liquid base star field relies entirely on selling these liquid bases to earn divine sources. The divine source veins are pitifully few, so anyone who dares to take action against liquid bases will be hunted down endlessly.

What's more, if you take action under the nose of the sixth-level creator god, you must wipe him out with a thought.

That is to say, Ye Xuan's background is strong enough, so he was only warned.

"With so many liquid bases, I don't know how many times the prehistoric world can be expanded..."

Ye Xuan was busy collecting those liquid bases at that time, sucking buckets one by one, and he didn't have time to pay attention to how much liquid base he had collected.

After hiding back to the ancestral star, the liquid bases were also stored in his own kingdom of God, so he didn't rush in. After going to Lintian No. 1 Middle School, he finally had time to deal with these liquid bases.

Ye Xuan didn't know how much the area of ​​the kingdom of God could be expanded by one side of liquid base. He only knew that the liquid base that the company in front of him had been working hard to mine for a hundred years appeared in his kingdom of God.

Those huge liquid bases wrapped the entire chaotic world, and a layer of milky white liquid wrapped up the originally gray chaos, but it didn't merge into it.

This requires Ye Xuan's authorization. As long as Ye Xuan authorized it, the origin of the chaotic world would automatically absorb these liquid bases.

Although the Kingdom of God is not necessarily the bigger the better, it needs the creatures and the foundation of the Kingdom of God to keep up. Otherwise, the bigger the spiritual energy, the thinner it is. The thinner the spiritual energy, the slower the speed of the creatures in this world to cultivate.

If the creatures are not good enough, it will be very difficult to swim in the huge Kingdom of God.

Therefore, the Kingdom of God does not have to be as big as possible, but as the cultivation increases and the creatures in the Kingdom of God become stronger, then the world needs to be bigger and bigger. A small pond cannot accommodate a real dragon.

Now, there is such a trend in the prehistoric world. As more and more beings enter the realm of Hunyuan, the territories between their own forces will also have more and more friction.

Therefore, the business of these liquid bases is basically the business of those beings of the fifth, sixth, and seventh levels, and even some fourth-level creators will need it.

Low-level creators don't need liquid bases, they can expand with the divine source, while the fourth-level creators are busy sprinting to a higher realm, where can they get so many divine sources to exchange for liquid bases.

The prehistoric world is already very large among the same level. Today's prehistoric world is even larger than the kingdom of some fifth-level creators, but for Ye Xuan, it is not enough, far from enough.

The foundation of the prehistoric world is extremely abundant and profound. The creatures in the prehistoric world are all powerful and powerful. This world may be vast and boundless for those below the Hunyuan realm, but for the Hunyuan realm, it is not so vast and boundless, and it is even a little narrow.

"I hope these liquid bases can expand the prehistoric world into a world that shocks me!"

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, then raised his hands slightly with a thought in his mind.

Buzz! ! !

The egg-membrane-like thing wrapped around the outer membrane of the chaotic world disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by endless gray breath. Those gray breaths dispersed the turbid white liquid all over the outer membrane of the chaotic world. Instantly absorbs and packs in.

The same is true for the newly born chaotic world behind the prehistoric world.

At this time, the creatures in the prehistoric world were not aware of this change for the time being, and as the turbid white liquid was swallowed up by the chaotic world.

Buzz! ! !

The original chaotic world rapidly expanded crazily, expanding crazily towards the outside world at a speed that exceeded the speed of light hundreds of thousands of times.

At this moment, even the fastest Space Ancestor Wu Emperor Jiang, Raised Eyebrow Sakyamuni Buddha, or the Emperor of Heaven, Emperor Jun, were completely unable to keep up with the expansion speed of this world.

Boom! !

The heavens trembled, chaos roared, the chaos multiplied, and everything happened so quickly.

In heaven.

"Is this a big road shock?!!!"

Fuxi's eyes narrowed sharply, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Then, a touch of Tao Yun appeared, and a chessboard appeared. He held the black piece in his hand and dropped one side.

As this side falls, the heaven and earth are reversed, and what happened in the chaos appears on this side of the chessboard.


"Chaos is expanding, prehistoric times are multiplying, are you behind it again!!!"

Fuxi murmured to himself, staring at this scene with his mouth open. The prehistoric world was already so vast. This doubling had more than doubled in just a short moment, and the speed of expansion had far from stopped. It was even continuing. Continuously growing.

Among the dragon clan.

"The one behind this must be the supreme one! Apart from him, no living being can do this! Even Pangu is resurrected!"

Zulong looked at this scene with burning eyes, and his face was extremely excited. He could feel that the land of the four seas had become wider than before.

This means that the habitat of the Dragon Clan will be increased by an unknown amount, and the luck the Dragon Clan will receive will be even greater!

"Your Majesty, why are you so sure that it is not the resurrection of Pangu? In the past, Pangu was able to open up the ancient wilderness, and now it is naturally easy to expand in the ancient wilderness." The magic dragon asked curiously.

He didn't care about these things, he was just purely curious.

"Chaos is like a chicken egg. In the past, Taoist Master Pangu had split it, and most of it turned into a prehistoric world. Only a thin layer of film was left to represent the chaos that it is today. Hongjun's thieves just huddled in the chaos, not daring to step out. Half a step into the prehistoric world, if Pangu is resurrected, the remaining land of chaos will only be expanded a little or two, and the prehistoric land will be expanded to the size of an entire chicken."

"But today's prehistoric world has expanded several times, and it is still expanding crazily. This is definitely not something that Pangu Dao Zun can do. Only the supreme being who is above the Dao, It’s possible to do it…”

The ambition in Zulong's eyes surged. His eyes spanned infinite time and space and saw the scene of the border of chaos. He wanted to reach the level of that existence. Only by reaching that level, he felt that his destiny would not be affected. Controlled by others.

Thinking about it, he slowly clenched his hands, and a raging fire of ambition kept growing in his heart.

Once you see the Great Way, you want to achieve it.

For many creatures in the prehistoric times, the Three Thousand Dao Gods and Demons are the Dao, and Ye Xuan is the Dao...

In the middle of the prehistoric times, in a human kingdom.

Xiaoguo, Xiaocheng.

The king of the Xiao Kingdom is Xiao Yan, who majors in the Way of Fire. Now his cultivation level has reached the realm of Hunyuan True Self, and he leads troops to fight in the divine realm.

Although Xiao Yan was not one of the seventeen ancient kings, he was still a powerful human king.

At this time, the strongest person in Xiaocheng was Xiao Lin, the son of Xiao Yan. Xiao Lin's cultivation level was only Daluo Jinxian Perfection. There was still a long way to go before he could realize the true self of Hunyuan, let alone... Go and attain the supreme Hunyuan.

When the king is away, the prince oversees the country on his behalf. This is reasonable and reasonable, so Xiao Lin was named the prince of the Xiao Kingdom.

The Human Emperor's position as co-owner of heaven and earth is based on abdication, but the thrones in various feudal kingdoms are based on inheritance.

At this time, an old Taoist with an immortal spirit was walking in Xiaocheng. He suddenly frowned and counted with his fingers.

"You old loach, how dare you insult Pindao behind his back!"

The old Taoist was none other than Immortal Ancestor Hongjun. Hongjun cursed secretly, but did not call him by his name directly like Ancestral Dragon. He was now hiding among the human race, but he did not dare to provoke Ancestral Dragon.

It's okay to scold the old loach, but if he dares to call Zulong by his name, it will definitely be felt by him, just like Zulong scolded him.

"Hmph! If I don't have more important things to do, I would have given you a few slaps!"

After Patriarch Hongjun cheered for a moment, he turned around and let the matter go.

"Hey! There is a big change between heaven and earth!"

Hongjun, who has always been in the middle of the primitive world, has focused his attention on the human race, but he has not paid attention to the changes in the primitive chaos. In addition, this place is located in the middle, so the changes are a little small.

But as he calculated, he discovered that Chaos had also undergone major changes.

Immediately closed his eyes and said nothing, a pair of eyes appeared in the chaos.

"So it was that existence who made the move..."

"The prehistoric world has become wider, so the decisive battle between the two races of witches and liches may have to wait a little longer..."

"Although the catastrophe is still early, my immortal sect must seize the time to develop..."

After the investigation, Hongjun returned his mind to his body again and turned to look at the human race in Xiaocheng.

"These human races are really born with beauty. Each of them is born with amazing qualifications and extraordinary talents, but they are the most suitable to carry the immortal sect..."

Hongjun looked at the different types of human races coming and going on the street, and couldn't help thinking in his heart.

It has to be said that the human race is born to be a race suitable for carrying all kinds of avenues. Whether it is Buddhism, immortal sect or demon sect, the human race can perfectly become its carrier.

Because the human race has been carrying the three thousand avenues since the beginning of creation. All the three thousand avenues cannot be cultivated and all cannot be understood. It's just that the stronger the avenue, the more difficult it is to comprehend.

Therefore, the human race is born to be the perfect believer of all sects.

"No wonder the human race will be the protagonist of heaven and earth. Just because they have the physique that can carry all kinds of great ways, they can be uniformly elected by the gods of heaven to become the protagonist of heaven and earth, to carry the luck..."

Hongjun narrowed his eyes and continued to analyze the potential of the human race.

These are far from the potential of the human race to truly become the protagonist of heaven and earth. There is a more important reason, that is, the human race itself is also very competitive. Not only does it have an extremely powerful luck, a physique that can carry three thousand great ways, but also has an indomitable spirit of man conquering nature.

Especially that spirit, that spirit given by the great way from the dark, is the most fundamental reason why the human race can stand at the top.

"Those rats in the Buddhist sect dare not reach out to the human race for the time being. They only dare to create the so-called Western human race to carry the luck. But don't they think that those human races can be the same as these human races!"

"This is extremely stupid..."

Hongjun was full of disdain for the three people including Yin Yang Patriarch in his words, but he never said their real names in the end, but suddenly stopped.

"The human race is very involved, and there is the shadow of the supreme existence behind it. I must not force the human race. I can only take it step by step. The guy Taishang preached among the human race and established the human sect. Now I can also preach among the human race quietly and let them practice to become immortals..."

Hongjun Patriarch secretly calculated in his heart and thought so.

Then his face was happy, smiling, and his figure flashed and left the royal city.

Although the royal city has great influence and propaganda power, the risk factor is also great, and the chance of exposure is also higher.

Yucheng, the city lord here is named Yu, and his cultivation is also the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

The power division of the human race is the Sui Dynasty. Under the Sui Dynasty, there are kingdoms, and under the kingdoms, there are cities. Each city is a small tribe among the big tribes in the past.

Cities form a huge kingdom, and huge kingdoms form a huge dynasty.

This dynasty, called Sui Dynasty, belongs to Suiren.

A figure of an old Taoist in white suddenly appeared in Yucheng.

"Then let's go here!"

Ancestor Hongjun nodded with satisfaction and said.

Yucheng is a border city in Xiaoguo, close to Linguo, but far away from the royal city of Linguo, so Ancestor Hongjun chose such a place.

Although the human race is divided into kingdoms today, it is still the first generation after all, and the prestige of Suiren, the emperor of the human race, is shocking the world, so there is actually no friction among the kingdoms.

In other words, these places are not actually heavily guarded. On the contrary, because they are close to the hinterland of the human race, the garrison troops are very small.

There are some human beings living in it. Among the human race, there is no difference between immortals and mortals now, because everyone is a mortal when they are born, and they can become immortals with a little practice.

At the beginning, the human race did not divide the realm of mortals, but directly called immortals after achieving the Golden Immortal. However, as the bloodline became thinner later, the time to practice to become a Golden Immortal gradually increased, so one realm after another was formed accordingly.

Below the Golden Immortal is the Mysterious Immortal, below the Mysterious Immortal is the Heavenly Immortal, below the Heavenly Immortal is the Earthly Immortal, and below the Earthly Immortal is the Human Immortal. These are the realms of the first immortals. Although they cannot have unlimited lifespan like the Golden Immortal, they can also live long and long.

And under these immortal realms, there are four realms, from low to high, they are respectively to practice essence into qi, practice qi into spirit, practice spirit into emptiness, and practice emptiness into the Dao.

The so-called immortals here are just descriptions of realms, which are different from the immortal path practiced by Hongjun.

However, because the realm description also added one word, the immortal avenue in the prehistoric world gained a bit of luck, making it extremely powerful, and even able to compete with the demon avenue. This is why Hongjun is so strong.

Buzz! ! !

Hongjun first suppressed the entire city with a wisp of immortal energy, but did not overwhelm all the creatures in the city, but announced his existence to them.

In the mansion of the city lord of Yucheng.

Yu's face changed, and the original smile disappeared, and a deep fear appeared in his eyes.

"This is..."

He didn't know who did it, but he knew that he had to go and see who was making trouble in Yucheng.

Immediately, his figure flashed and headed towards the center of the pressure.

After Hongjun felt that many accomplished human Golden Immortals were coming towards him, he was not surprised but happy, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

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