Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 270 Hongjun preaches to the human race, and talks to Ye Xuan in reincarnation

"Who are you and why are you here to oppress the entire Yu City?!"

Mrs. Yu frowned, looked at the immortal old man in front of her, and asked.

He could sense that there was a huge amount of energy contained in the other party's body. He knew that the other party's cultivation level was far stronger than his own, otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the entire Yucheng, including him, with a wisp of breath.

He didn't know whether the being in front of him was a creature from the Realm of Hunyuan True Self or a creature from the Realm of Hunyuan.

He only knows that no matter what state the opponent is in, it is impossible for him to deal with it.

Therefore, in order to prevent the other party from massacring the city, he risked his own life and appeared in front of this veteran.

Behind him were some Da Luo Jinxian who were also from the human race. They all looked at the old Taoist with wary faces at this time. Even though they knew they were not hostile, as long as the old Taoist dared to take action, they would not hesitate. rushed forward.

"The poor Taoist Taoist name is Dahong. It was created by a swan goose on the horizon in the past. Now he has entered the immortal way and condensed the true self of Hunyuan. However, he has been unable to enter the realm of Hunyuan, so he came here to want to Preach the human race, collect some luck and help me, and I hope the city lord will not be in trouble. "

Hongjun saluted and said with a smile.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. If he is so polite, he must not be too aggressive.

As for lying, Hongjun has been doing it since ancient times and has long been used to it, so there is no need to have a grudge.

"Oh? Just to preach?" Mrs. Yu asked in a better tone when she saw that the other party's cultivation was indeed much stronger than hers, and it was just for preaching.

The human race does not reject the idea of ​​the innate divine coming to preach among the human race. If there was no way to embrace the world, and the human race could only rely on the human race to move forward, the human race would not have developed to what it is today.

Therefore, the fact that the human race has been able to develop to this day is thanks to the many saints who preach among the human race.

For the human race, they actually did not lose anything. On the contrary, they also gained an unknown number of magical methods.

As for the so-called losses, except for some personal luck, there is actually no loss. On the contrary, many benefits have been gained, not to mention that those luck cannot be regarded as losses.

Because strictly speaking, the so-called lost luck is just a ray of luck paid by those who choose to worship under those sacred disciples and listen to the Tao. There are even some people who just listen to the Tao without worshiping their disciples. So, then The luck involved is even less.

In fact, the human race as a whole still has so much luck, so the human race is not opposed to the sacred preaching.

"That's natural. The human race is now powerful. How can I dare to provoke the human race when I am alone?" Hongjun nodded with a smile and said.

As a lesson from heaven and earth, although he, Hongjun, has tricked a lot of saints, he really does not dare to attack the human race. The stronger his cultivation is, the more he can detect the extremely powerful existence behind the human race, and the more powerful he is. I don't dare to harm the human race.

Although the other party that harms the human race may not necessarily take action, what if the other party takes action?

For Hongjun, who has already achieved the realm of Hunyuan, he does not want to risk his own life just to speed up his cultivation.

"If you are just preaching, then you can just do it, but you must remember not to use tricks to confuse people's hearts. Otherwise, if His Majesty the Human Emperor becomes angry, you may not be able to bear it."

Mrs. Yu nodded, first agreed to the other party's request, and then warned.

Although the other party's cultivation level is stronger than his own, as Hongjun said, the human race is stronger, and the other party is just a sacred person in the realm of Hunyuan True Self. Although he can't beat the other party, there are so many in the human race who can. over each other’s existence.

What's more, the most taboo thing about preaching is to preach in a way that confuses people's hearts. Such a holy human race will not welcome it. If found out, they will be beaten up and expelled from the human race, and they will not be allowed to set foot in the territory of the human race for the rest of their lives. It means immediate physical death and Taoist disappearance.

"That's nature, that's nature."

Hongjun nodded and agreed.

If he can't attract even these human races according to his enlightened state, then he has failed too much. Not to mention using such dirty methods, even he himself will look down on himself.

"Fellow Taoist, please help yourself, we will go back first."

After the Yu family saluted, they headed towards the city lord's mansion, and the powerful men also left one after another.

Come in a hurry, go in a hurry.

After Hongjun saw it, he followed up and said: "I am Da Hongxianzun. I will explain the immortal way here in three days. Anyone who is destined can go and listen."

Although this sound was not as good as the one he had heard throughout the world, it still reached several nearby human cities.

He didn't dare to make too big a show, for fear that the gods would find out, so he had no choice but to do it step by step.

In the underworld.

"Teacher, why did the prehistoric world suddenly increase several times..." Hou Tu suddenly looked into the depths of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and asked.

A touch of Taoist rhyme appeared faintly. It was the Taoist rhyme of reincarnation and the consciousness of reincarnated gods and demons.

"I don't know. In the past, during the time of chaos, the world of chaos also expanded many times. I don't know where it started, and I don't know where it ended."

The consciousness of reincarnation gods and demons slowly emerged from the six paths of reincarnation.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation is the product of the Great Way of Reincarnation, and as the manifestation of the Great Way of Reincarnation, it is most appropriate for Him to be nurtured in it.

Therefore, for a long time, the consciousness of reincarnation gods and demons has been hidden in the six paths of reincarnation.

The Dao rhythm in the eyes of the God and Demon of Reincarnation was volatile, and there was no other avenue. That was the ultimate avenue of reincarnation, the extreme of the avenue of reincarnation, and the end point of all the avenues of reincarnation that were cultivated.

Although He was only a trace of consciousness at this moment, He was actually much stronger than Him in the chaos of the past.

Because the avenue of reincarnation at this moment was much stronger than the avenue of reincarnation in the chaos, not to mention the difference in the realm of cultivation between the two time periods, the avenue of reincarnation alone was completely different.

In the chaos of the past, there was only a place of reincarnation, but in the prehistoric world today, the avenue of reincarnation was perfectly presented and even became an indispensable large organization in the prehistoric world.

The emergence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the influx of endless true spirits and residual souls between heaven and earth caused the avenue of reincarnation to surge, which made the God and Demon of Reincarnation the first to wake up among the three thousand avenue gods and demons.

At this time, the cultivation of the God and Demon of Reincarnation was unfathomable.

Although it is only a consciousness, it is not comparable to the existence of ordinary Hunyuan Realm. If it summons its true body, it will be invincible in the prehistoric world.

However, although the long awakening made the Reincarnation God and Demon extremely powerful, it also made him miss too much.

At least, he does not know the existence of Ye Xuan now, and many beings in the Hunyuan Realm know this.

"Teacher, do you know that supreme being?"

Hou Tu hesitated again and again, and finally asked cautiously.

"Oh? Which one? Can you still call him a supreme being now?"

Seeing Hou Tu's hesitation and obvious fear of the other party, the Reincarnation God and Demon couldn't help but show some curiosity in his heart.

But now Hou Tu is strong, and his realm is also at the peak of the prehistoric world, even like the Dao God and Demon, who is truly immortal.

"Teacher, do you know the human race?" Hou Tu did not answer directly, but asked again carefully.

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation nodded and said, "Of course I know. In recent years, many creatures have been reborn as humans, and many human creatures have been reborn as well."

Although the Six Paths of Reincarnation is Hou Tu's most precious treasure, He can actually control it. Moreover, He has been in the Six Paths of Reincarnation for many years, so how could He not know about the human race.

"The human race is the creature created by Nuwa, reflected in the infinite time and space. Although the human race in other time and space is weak, the human race in this time and space has become strong. I have to say that the qualifications of these human races are really amazing. I have discovered that the true spirits of these reincarnated human races have cultivated many kinds of great ways. It is reasonable that the great ways cultivated by one race will not deviate too much, but this human race has actually dabbled in most of the three thousand great ways. It is really a terrifying talent..."

"This Nuwa is really amazing. She can actually create such a perfect race..."

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation were amazed, and obviously recognized the qualifications of those human races.

Although those human beings are not the kind of people who can possess most of the three thousand great ways, even if many human beings are added together, it is still terrifying.

If a race can involve more than three digits of great ways, it is a race with extraordinary talent.

After all, as a race, except for the combination of many races like the demon race, it is impossible for the great ways involved by a real race to be too different.

Among individuals, only the gods and demons of the three thousand great ways can accommodate many great ways.

"Teacher, don't you think it's strange that a mere sacred being who has not yet achieved the realm of Hunyuan can actually create a race of creatures that can carry three thousand great ways?!"

Hou Tu saw that the other party did not notice what he should have noticed, and immediately reminded him again.

"Oh, no, even if I am now, I can't create such a perfect race. I dare to say that even you can't do it..."

Then, she added that even if you have achieved Hunyuan, you can't do this.

"Hiss!! Are you saying that the human race carries three thousand great ways? ! ! That's right, not just me, the three thousand great ways gods and demons, maybe only the creator gods and demons can do this, no! Even He alone can't do it! Only if He joins hands with Chaos, it is possible!"

Hou Tu's words made the reincarnation gods and demons take a breath of cold air. He originally thought that the human race was gifted and could practice many great ways, but he didn't expect Hou Tu to say that the human race carried three thousand great ways.

Except for the gods of the heavens who witnessed all this at the foot of Mount Buzhou, no other creatures knew this.

The reincarnation gods and demons only discovered that the great ways practiced by those reincarnated human true spirits were numerous, but there were only nearly two thousand kinds. Although it was incredible, none of them controlled the five supreme and twelve powerful great ways. These can mean completely different things.

Although there is no high or low in the great ways, the difference is still very big.

If there are human beings who practice the twelve great ways, the meaning is completely different.

Those who can practice the twelve great ways are all innate saints, and their innateness is tainted with the thoughts of the gods and demons of the past.

"That's right! Many innate saints who witnessed the birth of the human race know about this matter. Therefore, although the human race was created by Nuwa, it was actually created by that supreme being under her hand..."

Hou Tu nodded and explained again.


The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation was shocked by what Hou Tu said again. He immediately looked up at the sky with incredible eyes. He seemed to see an eternal black hand behind everything.

After knowing that there might be a black hand behind the scenes, the thoughts of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation instantly flew away in the infinite time and space. He remembered the chaos expansion again and again in those years.

"So every time the chaos expands, it is your existence behind it..."

"So, Pangu was also created by you..."

"I said, how could this world give birth to a god and demon with three thousand great ways in one? It turns out that you are guiding behind it..."

"I said why when Pangu was conceived, he couldn't find the egg in the entire chaos! It turns out that everything behind it is because of you..."

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation muttered to himself. He figured it out. He figured out everything. He finally knew why Pangu was so strong.

As early as the time of chaos, although these Dao gods and demons had speculated whether there were still living beings on the Dao, they were collectively rejected in an instant.

They are the incarnation of the Dao, how could there be living beings on the Dao!

Hou Tu's eyes narrowed when she heard this, what did she hear?

Pangu Father God was created by that supreme being? !

And Kai Tian was also guided by that supreme being!

The God of Reincarnation was not interested in Hou Tu's existence at this time, but looked up at the sky and said faintly: "Is this world now the world you want to see..."

"What about you, do you think the world now is better or worse than chaos?"

Suddenly, a voice of the Dao came.

It was Ye Xuan who heard the question of the God of Reincarnation in the prehistoric world, and then he answered the other party on a whim.

It can be said that the three thousand Dao gods and demons have a different meaning for Ye Xuan. Each of these three thousand Dao gods and demons is an extremely powerful existence.

And it can be said that he became stronger step by step under his nose. Ye Xuan was able to emerge thanks to those extremely powerful Dao gods and demons, which allowed him to directly control the three thousand Daos. This is very important.


The eyes of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation widened instantly. He did not expect that the existence actually responded to him.

But he did not act rashly, nor did he pursue the figure of that existence. He knew that if the other party wanted to see him, he could appear at any time. If he did not want to see him, no matter what he did, he would not be able to see that existence.

It is better to talk to him like this.

"To be fair, it is good. Even if I was born in chaos, I have to admit that the development of this world is better. If there is no prehistoric world, my Dao would not be so powerful and would not cover the other twelve most powerful Daos..."

After thinking for a while, the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation answered.

Hou Tu on the side looked at the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation with a puzzled look, not knowing who his teacher was talking to and why he suddenly talked about these.

Suddenly, she thought of a possibility, and her eyes widened suddenly. She looked at her teacher in disbelief, not even daring to breathe, for fear of disturbing him.

"I am looking forward to your strength. Come and pursue me. When you are strong enough, you can see me. This world is very big. The primitive world is far from the only one. There are worlds that are much stronger than the chaotic primitive world in the endless world. Don't be too narrow-minded, hahahaha..."

The sound of the Mimi Avenue came again. It was Ye Xuan's crazy laughter. After he finished laughing, he didn't say anything else.

"Besides the chaotic primitive world, there are infinite worlds!"

The eyes of the reincarnation gods and demons were shining, and his hands couldn't help but clenched.

His eyes looked into the distance. He knew that Ye Xuan had left, but he didn't say much.

"I will become stronger. One day, I will see you. One day, I will conquer a stronger world!!!"

When the God and Demon of Reincarnation knew that the Great Desolation was not the only one and there were many worlds far above the chaos, he was no longer limited to the Great Desolation. Although the Great Desolation is now countless times wider, it is still too small in his eyes at this moment.

The Great Dao God and Demon are almost invincible in the Great Chaos. Except for the five supreme gods and demons and Pangu, the God and Demon of Reincarnation think that there is no one stronger than himself. At most, he can only fight him to a draw.

"As strong as you are, you are also constantly guiding the Great Desolation to become stronger. In the dark time and space, you must have encountered more difficult problems and more powerful enemies. Wait for me, wait for me, I will definitely come!"

The God and Demon of Reincarnation had infinite hope in his heart and kept muttering to himself, shocking Hou Tu beside him beyond words.

At this time, Hou Tu felt that her entire outlook on life had collapsed. It turned out that there were so many things in this world that she didn't know.

Chaos is not the only one. There are infinite worlds outside. Even the gods and demons of reincarnation feel that they are extremely weak. There are even stronger beings than that one.

Then what are these innate saints? Incredibly weak ants? Or grasshoppers that can jump a little?


Hou Tu took a deep breath and exhaled a large breath. The innate saints don't need to breathe at all, but they still subconsciously breathe to relieve their tension.

"Teacher, were you talking to that supreme being just now?"

After seeing the reincarnation gods and demons return to normal, Hou Tu couldn't help but ask. Even though she felt that it was most likely that person, she still couldn't help asking.

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