Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 272 God bless my son, everywhere in the world!

"Why did such a huge change occur in the ancient world?!!!"

Tai couldn't help but exclaimed.

The three Golden Crows have been staying above the sun, and they have used the Zhoutian Star Formation to block the sun, isolating everything from the outside world.

In addition, all three of them had no intention of paying attention to the outside world, so they never discovered the great changes in the world.

And with the great changes in the world, all areas in the prehistoric era expanded billions of times crazily.

There are eight wildernesses in the prehistoric world, namely the eastern part of the prehistoric world, the western part of the prehistoric city, the southern part of the prehistoric city, and the northern part of the prehistoric city, which are called the east wasteland, the west wasteland, the southern wasteland, and the northern wasteland respectively.

There are also the East Pole, the West Pole, the South Pole, and the North Pole, which are also called the East Pole, the West Pole, the South Pole, and the North Pole respectively.

The four wildernesses plus the four poles are the eight wildernesses. However, except when the four seas and eight wildernesses are used to describe the prehistoric life, the creatures in the prehistoric world are mostly described as the four seas, four wildernesses and four poles. That is to say, the four poles of wilderness are actually in the prehistoric life. The mouth is also the land of the four poles.

The four seas are the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, and the North Sea, which are the places ruled by the Dragon Clan.

The four seas and eight wastelands are the distribution pattern of the prehistoric continent, and the expansion of the prehistoric continent is not a comprehensive expansion, nor is it a direct expansion from outside the territory, but based on the four seas and eight wastelands, it is directly expanded billions of times crazily.

The original East Pole Land was only a small corner of the East Wasteland, about a quarter of the size of the East Wasteland. Now with the expansion, the East Pole Land is still only a small corner of the East Wasteland, a quarter of the size. The size of one.

In other words, the expansion of the prehistoric world is based on this proportional expansion.

And whether it is heaven or underworld, they actually exist based on the world.

The underworld is the nine secluded places in the land of reincarnation in the land of Guixu in the East Pole, and the heaven is located at the middle junction of the four great wildernesses of the East, West, South, and North. It is in the Thirty-sixth Heaven on the top of Mount Buzhou in the Kunlun Mountains.

Therefore, in fact, heaven and earth are all based on the overall pattern of the world.

Naturally, it has also expanded billions of times according to the corresponding proportion. Today's underworld is so empty that it is rare in the world...

This is even more true in the Heavenly Court. The originally full Heavenly Court suddenly became extremely empty. Not to mention the thirty-sixth heaven, even all the clergy and demon creatures in the Heavenly Court seemed extremely empty if they were placed in any one of the heavens. …

In fact, it's okay for both heaven and hell. After all, they seem a bit empty, but overall they still exist in the same place, that is, they are located in the thirty-sixth heaven and the nine secluded areas.

But for the human race and the witch race, this is a disaster. The human race and the witch race are all over the four wastelands, but the four poles are not involved.

The reason why each of the four poles is called a pole is that apart from the fact that it does not belong to the same plate as the four wastelands, a very important reason is that these four poles are extremely special.

For example, the land of Dongji is a land of ruins and the sun will not exist...

The land of Antarctica is an undead volcano that is extremely hot, and only the immortal Phoenix tribe survives in it...

The land of the West Pole is a barren desert with no living creatures...

The Arctic land is covered by glaciers all year round, and no living thing sets foot on it...

They are not suitable places for living creatures to breed and live, so they are called extremes.

The more than 300 kingdoms of the human race were torn apart and expanded hundreds of millions of times due to the prehistoric times. Even those who were in the realm of Hunyuan could not shuttle between them as they did before.

It can be said that in today's vast wilderness, apart from the beings who control the laws of space, only those beings in the realm of Hunyuan can walk freely in the wilderness.

It is extremely difficult for other creatures to cross the sea and wasteland.

This world is just right for the existence of the Hunyuan Realm, and is even a bit big, but for those creatures in the Hunyuan Realm, it is boundless, and some creatures may never step out in their entire lives. Where you are.

It's not just the human race that suffers this kind of treatment, in fact the most miserable one is the witch race.

The power of the Witch Clan is larger and more widespread than that of the Human Clan. For today’s prehistoric Witch Clan, except for the Twelve Ancestral Witches and some great witches, it is a luxury to even want to enter the Pangu Palace...

However, it was not the underworld or the heaven that benefited the most from the Great Desolation becoming so huge, because as the Great Desolate grew, their workload increased crazily in inverse proportion to the extent of their actual rule.

That is to say, the actual ruling power is much lower than before. Although the territory ruled is larger, the intensity of ruling is indeed many times weaker.

The workload has increased countless times with the increase of the ruled territory...

In fact, the one who benefited the most this time was the Dragon Clan, which occupied the land all over the world.

Although they only occupy most of the four seas, there are actually many fairy islands where the immortals belong. It is not unreasonable to say that they monopolize the land of the four seas. After all, the territory occupied by the immortals is simply small compared to the Dragon Clan. Not a drop of water in the world is counted.

And the expansion of the four seas by hundreds of millions of times means that the Dragon Clan's territory will expand billions of times again.

Because there are no other races in the Four Seas to compete with the Dragon Clan, because neither the Witch Clan nor the Human Clan obviously like to live in the sea.

As for the demon clan, they are high in the sky, how can they look down on the desolate and barren land of the four seas, let alone the land of the four seas, they even look down upon the four wastelands.

Although the heaven is said to exist based on the four seas and eight wastes, and is held up by the pillars of heaven, in fact, even if Mount Buzhou falls, the thirty-sixth heaven will not really collapse. The thirty-sixth heaven is completely The existence of another world, whether it is spiritual energy or architecture, is the pinnacle of prehistoric times.

In addition to the territory becoming larger, the stars in the sky have also increased wildly by billions of times.

It can be said that throughout the entire prehistoric period, the existence of non-living things has increased by hundreds of millions of times.

Including the peaks of Buzhou Mountain and Kunlun Mountains...

Among the Wu Clan, in Pangu Palace.

"The world in the prehistoric world has expanded hundreds of millions of times. Why doesn't the sun expand? It hangs high in the sky. Although it can still shine on the entire prehistoric world, it looks very strange."

Zhu Jiuyin frowned and stared at the sky, frowning.

When the change was completed, the twelve ancestral witches quickly gathered together. In addition to the twelve ancestral witches, there was also the thirteenth ancestral witch Xingtian who was born to make up for it.

Xing Tian also had a chair, sitting behind Hou Tu, while the other great witches who had achieved the realm of Hunyuan also stood aside and watched all this quietly.

"Yes, in the past, the great sun was so huge, hanging high in the sky, shocking all directions, but now the great sun is like a pinpoint, hanging high in the sky, looking so weak and weak. If you don't look carefully, you may have seen it. Less than..."

Zhu Rong also shook his head and complained a little.

Not only did the four directions expand, but the distance between heaven and earth also expanded accordingly, which resulted in the original huge sun that shocked the endless creatures of the primitive world becoming like a small dot.

"The source of the sun is extremely deep. It must be because the Emperor of Heaven has locked the source of the sun and prevents it from expanding." Di Jiang guessed.

The news of Xihe's birth is actually not a secret. It cannot be concealed from those of them at this level of holiness. The Golden Crow clan's huge luck is extremely rich and they are extremely prominent among the demon clan. These days It seems to be expanding crazily, rising rapidly.

The fortunes of ten more small golden crows are about to take shape, and even a god can see this.

"That should be the case. There is no reason for the expansion of all things in the ancient world. Only the sun does not expand..." Hou Tu nodded.

Then the ancestral witches skipped this topic and started discussing other topics.

"Hiss, why didn't the Great Sun expand?!" Xihe also learned about the changes in the ancient world, so he asked.

In this ancient world, except for the big sun, everything seems to have become billions of times bigger, even the lunar sky is like this, but only the big sun has not changed at all.

"This is because everything in the Great Sun has been blocked by me, so it cannot grow bigger with the expansion. In fact, the source of the Great Sun at this time has already expanded hundreds of millions of times..."

Di Jun frowned, then waved his right hand, and the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation disappeared without a trace in an instant, and a hint of suppression was taken back from Di Jun's authority.

The Emperor Jun, in addition to the innate emperor, is also a being who has the authority of the great sun.

Living on the great sun, one is innately invincible.

He controls everything illuminated by the radiance of the great sun, and is invincible in the great sun.

When Di Jun took back the authority with a hint of suppression, the sun suddenly began to expand crazily.

"It's strange to say that the origin of the sun has expanded hundreds of millions of times, but it has not increased the flame temperature of the sun's true fire at all. It is really strange. Moreover, this expansion of the prehistoric world is also different from the past. In the past, the expansion of the origin has enhanced the foundation. At the same time, it is expanding the world with the prehistoric world. This time, it is just to expand the world. It is just that with the expansion of the world, the upper limit of the foundation is increased. In fact, the foundation is not enhanced at all..."

As Emperor Jun's words fell, the sun also completely expanded, expanding hundreds of millions of times in an instant.

The great sun hanging in the sky has once again returned to its previous size, hanging high in the nine heavens.

Afterwards, Emperor Jun waved his hand again, and restored the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, and then suppressed the power of the great sun throughout the great sun, so that the creatures that broke through the blockade of the great formation and stepped into the great sun could not perform any actions here. The magical power of space can only fly by relying on its own path.

Moreover, even flying is suppressed by it and cannot be that fast.

All of this is to protect Xi and the ten little golden crows in Xi and his belly.


Taiyi asked in confusion.

He knew that it was Ye Xuan who had done it. No one except Ye Xuan could do this. What he asked was why Ye Xuan deliberately expanded the area of ​​​​the prehistoric world without expanding the foundation of the prehistoric land.

"I don't know, but that's fine. The expansion of the prehistoric territory has also alleviated the conflicts of many races. Now everyone has a vast territory to cultivate, and there is no need to fight for it. It's just that the aura in the prehistoric world has expanded because of the expansion. It has become a bit thin after billions of times..." Di Jun frowned and said, it is not a good thing that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become thin.

When the spiritual energy is thin, it will make it difficult for the living beings to practice.

At this time, it was the time when the Golden Crow came into the world, and the Golden Crow's coming into the world was bound to require an endless supply of spiritual energy. However, at that time, the spiritual energy in the world was so thin that it was impossible to achieve this by sucking up the spiritual energy in many places.

Although after living beings reach the realm of Hunyuan True Self, they no longer need spiritual energy for cultivation and start the journey of enlightenment with all their heart, but the Golden Crows still need the supply of majestic spiritual energy when they are born.

"Yes, my nephews are about to be born. It's not a good thing if this happens suddenly..."

Taiyi also said with some worry, and then looked at Xihe's belly.

Xihe also stroked his belly with a worried look on his face, and sighed: "It's hard on the children..."

Just when they were worried, Di Jun suddenly frowned, then turned to look overjoyed and said: "No, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth seems to be slowly growing. Although it is slow, it is not without change. This is a good thing, but I don't know if it can be restored. The aura of the past has returned..."

He has the highest realm and is the fastest to perceive the changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


Taiyi turned around and exclaimed, they didn't care at all about the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Even if they entered the Age of Ending Dharma, it was none of his business. As long as they achieved the supreme Hunyuan, they would have little to do with heaven and earth. , as long as there is the existence of the great road, even if the practice is slower, you can still go on.

But after all, it is related to the birth of the second generation of Golden Crows, so it must be taken very seriously, which is why Taiyi and Dijun are so happy.

"God bless my son!"

Xihe even exclaimed.

"Damn it, it's none of my business. I'm charging you money..."

After Ye Xuan heard Xihe's words on the sun, he immediately complained angrily.

In front of him, there is an uncountable number of divine sources. Those jars of divine sources have been accumulated by him for a long time. The previous foundation of the ancient world has reached a bottleneck, and it is impossible to instill the divine sources into it. He can only find ways to improve the ancient resources. Only with the upper limit of the foundation can these be poured in to enhance the prehistoric foundation.

This is also the reason why he chooses to run into the liquid-based star field to directly rob the liquid base. It is to increase the scope of the prehistoric world, thereby pushing the upper limit of the prehistoric world's foundation, and then infusing the divine source into it.

The rise of spiritual energy in the prehistoric world essentially appears as the foundation becomes stronger. When the foundation of a world is stronger and the scope of the world becomes smaller, then the spiritual energy in the natural world will become richer.

Once the foundation remains unchanged and the scope increases, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth will naturally become much thinner.

If there is a spirit in heaven, how could it be possible for the prehistoric times to become like this?

Once wisdom arises, there will undoubtedly be a selfish side, that is, it is impossible to be impartial. Once the rules of heaven appear in consciousness, then the rules of heaven will serve that consciousness.

The supreme Heavenly Dao will not allow any living beings to exist that may threaten its own existence, so if Heavenly Dao really has a spirit, it will most likely be like Hongjun, or even control Hongjun to achieve the desired goal.

Let Hongjun be his spokesperson, let Hongjun become the strongest person in the prehistoric era, and there is only one such person. Tiandao can kill Hongjun instantly, and Hongjun can kill all souls instantly. This is the way of the wise Tiandao.

Get a dog and run the world for you so you can have peace of mind.

"I'm really looking forward to the birth of the Golden Crows..."

Ye Xuan said with great interest that if he had not been looking forward to the birth of the Golden Crow, he would not have taken out the divine source to recharge it immediately after Di Jun said that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth had become thin.

The reason why he did this was because Ye Xuan himself wanted to see how powerful the creatures born from the two realms of Hunyuan were.

These are the first two creatures born from the realm of Hunyuan.

"I don't know if the Golden Crow in the Hunyuan realm will be born directly, but I think it is unlikely. The Hunyuan realm needs to find its own way to prove it. I just don't know if a Hunyuan true person can be born at once. My realm exists..."

"The only true self condensed in the innate world is also in line with the Tao..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself and continued to analyze.

If two beings with a higher realm are conceived, they might be able to give birth to a baby in the Hunyuan realm, but it is somewhat impossible for two Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian to give birth to the same realm.

But after all, it was conceived by Di Jun and Xi He, so it is a bit hard to say.

With the combination of these two top-level innate saints, the bloodline power may be stronger and the background may be deeper. The key is that they are still of the same race, and there will be no conflict in bloodline power that will cause the background to become lower.

The land of the four seas, the East China Sea Palace.

"Now the land in the four seas has suddenly increased by hundreds of millions of times, and the endless sea tribes are ready to move. They are all heading towards the new places that are not occupied by the dragon tribe, trying to occupy them first."

Zu Long suddenly opened his closed eyes and said with a hint of anger in his mouth.

Those sea tribes took advantage of the fact that the dragon tribe hadn't reacted yet, and quickly and frantically occupied and plundered those places to see if there were any good things that had been reborn.

In an attempt to establish a force in a place beyond the control of the Dragon Clan that no longer needs to be subordinate to the Dragon Clan, at least it no longer has to be so surrendered to the Dragon Clan.

"They are talking nonsense!!!"

The blood dragon with the most violent temper couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I will lead an army to conquer them! Whoever dares to resist will be stained with blood!!!"

The blood dragon is extremely violent and ferocious, otherwise it would not be called the blood dragon.

In addition to its blood-red color, its violent and murderous nature is also the most important thing, otherwise it would be called the red dragon...

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