Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 273 Suiren sees everything, the experiment of the three ancestors of the human race

"Blood Dragon, please be patient and wait until your majesty finishes speaking."

After Zhulong heard this, he frowned and said with some relief.

The Blood Dragon is his second marshal, and the fourth most powerful marshal among the eight dragon marshals. He is the second marshal of the South China Sea, second only to the five-clawed golden dragon.


After Xuelong saw that it was his immediate boss, Nanhai Dragon King Zhulong, who spoke, he sat down reluctantly.

According to his idea, that is to kill. After killing the Endless Sea Clan in the Four Seas, they will naturally suppress everything.

"What the Blood Dragon said is what I want to say. The Dragon Clan has not killed anyone for a long time. Those Sea Clan thought that the Dragon Clan was old and that the Dragon Clan was weak and could bully Wuxin Honghuang. This time, they let their blood shock them. Live all over the world!”

"The Dragon Clan just doesn't want to set foot in the ancient continent to fight, but it doesn't mean that it can no longer fight with other races!"

There was a hint of coldness in Zulong's words, which made the splendid palace seem a bit cold.

"You, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, will each take their marshals and lead the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas to conquer all those who are disobedient and dare to defy the Dragon Clan. Kill them, as the Blood Dragon said, until they bow their heads and surrender."

Buzz! ! !

As Zulong's words appeared, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and the Eight Great Dragon Commanders all stood up and worshiped: "I obey your Majesty's orders!"


Zu Long waved his hand and asked them to retreat and do their own business.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and the eight dragon commanders bowed and retreated, heading towards the sea areas they were responsible for.

Zulong stared into the abyss with his eyes and thought secretly in his heart: The land of the Four Seas is really a quagmire...

The Dragon Clan is not as comfortable as other races imagine and does not have to do anything. Although the Dragon Clan benefits the most, they still need to fight for it step by step.

And just like heaven, the vast Four Seas land is naturally vast and unreachable by ordinary people. It can be said that if the Four Seas lands are added together, they are comparable to the size of two of the four wildernesses.

It can be said that the land of the Four Seas is indeed very big.

In the ancient wilderness, no ethnic group occupied the two wildernesses with the power of one clan, only the dragon clan occupied the four seas.

Of course, the Wu Clan at its peak was also one of them. At that time, the Wu Clan occupied almost the entire prehistoric continent, except for the four poles...

Today, the Wu clan still occupies a considerable part of the prehistoric era, but it is far from being considered the two wilderness areas.

After all, it has expanded countless times...

No matter how much the Dragon Clan's territory expands, it is still nominally owned by the Dragon Clan, but it has not yet been completely controlled. When the Dragon Clan's army arrives, it will naturally be completely controlled.

But the Wu Clan is different. As for the Wu Clan, if it is occupied by other races, the Wu Clan will also depend on the other party's behavior. If it is harmful to Honghuang or other races, it will naturally adopt the method of destruction and occupation.

But if there is no damage, the Wu clan will probably bypass the opponent and occupy other places.

Although the Wu Clan has a hot temper, it really makes many races dislike them, and their fiery temper makes people more generous. Many races are very happy to be on good terms with the Wu Clan.

The Wu Clan also accepts everyone who comes, as long as it is not harmful to the prehistoric era, then they will accept it all.

Of course, the ancient world was so vast, how could there not be those people who would do whatever it takes to survive for themselves all day long, and those creatures would be directly destroyed if they were touched by the Witch Clan.

In the realm of gods.

"Finally, the world in this space will get one of the two, and the other princes will get one."

The Human Emperor Suiren looked at the scene in front of him. As the human race continued to conquer, he had already calculated the size of this world.

What he adopted was to follow the edge and continuously push forward, exploring from the edge, and finally encircling all the edges. Although this would put a lot of pressure on the guarding troops, it would also allow the human race to Now I know how big this world is.

And as the exploration came out, the conclusion was drawn that this world is more like space than a world. The place here obviously does not have the avenues that form the world.

Therefore, it is not so much the world as it is space.

Because the most basic thing is that all the creatures here, everything is foreign, including the monsters that guard every land, they are all foreign products.

There are also those creatures that emerge from the space channels one by one, and are connected to the creatures in other worlds.

"I see, I want to see what will happen after this entire space is taken down!"

Shi Hao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the corners of his eyes were filled with a trace of desire for the unknown.

That is curiosity about the unknown, something that is innate in every living being.

It is also the root driving force that promotes the continuous development of living beings, and the source of all good and bad things.

"Probably nothing will happen..."

Suiren said quietly from the side. By now, he had probably guessed why this space existed.

And the reason why he has been staying here is not for anything else, but to look after the human race, for fear that the other party will summon some fourth-level creatures to harm the human race.

Every one of the humans staying here is an elite of the human race and cannot be destroyed easily.

Although a certain loss is acceptable, after all, there are always casualties in training and fighting, but if he encounters a high-level creature on the opposite side and dies, then Suirenshi will not be able to forgive himself.

Therefore, he has been guarding here.

"Your Majesty, do you know anything?"

Shi Hao asked on the side. His kingdom team was taken care of by Shi Yishi, and he was actually not needed at all. Therefore, after experiencing those difficult opponents, he followed Suirenshi and began to watch.

After all, he was lonely without an opponent. If he appeared on the battlefield, it would be a flat push, and there would be no meaning in his existence.

In addition to wanting to see what would happen after pushing everything here flat, the human race wanted to let the human race experience enough hardships to improve the strength of the human race.

You know, in the beginning, although the human race experienced some hardships, it did not actually suffer too much afterwards. Although there were hardships, no major hardships had occurred.

It can be said that the backstage behind the human race has helped the human race a lot. Although they have never appeared, just existing there makes the gods of the heavens tremble with fear and dare not act rashly.

Sometimes the background of the backstage can be used, but it must exist and let people know. As long as this is the case, it is sometimes not important whether the backstage shows up or not.

As long as the backstage does not fall, the fearful people will never dare to take action.

This is also the reason why many truly powerful gods of the heavens did not take action. It is not just to give face to Nuwa, but because the demons and the heavens are standing behind Nuwa...

"This space may be a space created by a higher being in a higher world to train those supreme beings..." Suiren said it slowly.

And this scene, accompanied by images, was projected throughout the country of Daxia.

Outside, the viewing platform.

"Oh my god!!! There is such a smart god in Ye's kingdom?!"

"If the creatures in the kingdom of God know that there is a creator god in their world, then I would think it is normal, but can they associate the ultimate essence by entering the divine domain and fighting?! Is this really an ordinary god?"

"By the way, he has guessed this step. Will he know that he is just a role in the kingdom of the creator god, and the reason for his powerful existence is to provide the creator god with stronger strength?"

"I don't know, but he must know that the world he lives in is just a world in someone else's body..."

As Suiren's words fell, people outside looked unbelievable.

Many creatures in the kingdom of God only know that there is a creator god. This is indeed normal, because some creator gods follow the path of faith and need to show their holiness from time to time. Other creator gods don't care about this at all. It doesn't matter whether they know it or not. There are also those who appear specifically to guide the development of the world, and there are also those who are behind the scenes like Ye Xuan. All of these depend on personal wishes.



"Ye Xuan's world is too powerful. Is the creature in his kingdom of God the legendary ancestor Suiren who gave fire to mankind?" Ji Fa frowned as he watched this scene happen.

As Ye Xuan's dean, he couldn't help but pay attention to this.

Ji Dan, the admissions teacher on the side, nodded and replied: "Yes, dean, that is the legendary Suiren who gave mankind fire and opened the earliest human civilization. It's just that I really can't figure out why such an existence manifested in Ye Xuan's world..."

"Oh? What's there to be confused about? Ye Xuan's kingdom of God is so powerful, isn't this normal?" Ji Fa asked curiously after seeing Ji Dan confirmed it.

He didn't know much about Suiren, but he knew that it was a legend and myth that had been passed down from ancient times in the Great Xia Kingdom.

Legend has it that after the human race was created by Nuwa, a total of three ancestors appeared.

Among them is Suirenshi, and the other two are Youchaoshi and Ziyishi. These three ancestors taught the human race three skills respectively. The first is to drill wood to make fire, so that the human race can avoid the attacks of wild beasts at night, and the human race can eat hot food from now on, and no longer have to live a life of eating raw meat and drinking blood.

The second is to build houses, so that the human race no longer has to live in caves. When they walk out of caves, they can have a place to shelter from the wind and rain without being afraid of the coming of wind and rain.

The third is to make clothes, finally bringing clothes to the human race, so that the human race is free from naked meeting, so that they have a sense of shame, and know what to do and what not to do.

Of course, these three are also legendary things, and no one knows whether they are true, because many human races were created without seeing any of the three ancestors.

The human race in the prehistoric world has two other existences, but because this prehistoric world is different from other prehistoric worlds, Youchaoshi and Ziyishi did not shine, so they became obscure.

After all, the three ancestors' most important contributions can be seen from their names. When these deeds are gone, they naturally become less important.

But Suiren was the first one to be created, and he was born as the emperor of mankind, and he also realized the great way of inheriting the flame, so now he has achieved the position of the emperor of mankind and entered the realm of supreme chaos.

"The key is that the three ancestors are just legends and have never been born. There are more than billions of gods of creation in the Great Xia Kingdom, and how many of them have created the human race? Even if it is like Ye Xuan, the human race created by Nuwa, the three ancestors in the legend have never been born.

But now Suiren has appeared in Ye Xuan's kingdom of God. To some extent, this god really exists, otherwise he would not be projected into Ye Xuan's kingdom of God. But the question is, how can Ye Xuan give birth to Suiren..."

Ji Dan frowned. He knew more about the legend of the three ancestors of the human race than Ji Fa, because he often paid attention to these, and he also learned some of them and checked them specifically.

At least the official data showed that the legend of the three ancestors of the human race was temporarily nothingness, which meant that they had never been born in the kingdom of God. If they had been born in the kingdom of God, then the illustration would light up.

This illustration is also a help to the gods of creation, which can help many gods of creation avoid many detours. After all, it can let the gods of creation know what is possible to guide and what is impossible to guide in this world. At least no one has succeeded yet.

The legends of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have been verified in one after another kingdom of God, so the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have already been verified in various ways.


Ji Fa was a little confused for a while, and then suddenly thought of something, and hesitated: "Could it be because Ye Xuan used the soil of creation and the heart of the gods when creating the human race, so the human race created in this way is naturally a perfect race, or it may be that the arrival of Suiren was attracted in the dark, and he felt that this human race had the hope of transcendence, so he was born into it?"

His unintentional guess fell into Ji Dan's ears, but it seemed to become the truth, and it exploded his thoughts in his mind.

"That's right! There is such a possibility! And it is very likely! This may be a new discovery! If we can master it, then we may be able to produce more kingdoms of God with Suirenshi!"

Ji Dan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stood up excitedly and cheered loudly.

If this is true, then let the dean come forward and apply to the people above, and then find the creator god who has the kingdom of Nuwa Niangniang's manifested creatures, and let them try it. The probability of success does not need to be too high. If there is one in ten or two, then more powerful kingdoms of God can be produced.

The more difficult it is to give birth to a god, the more powerful it is.

And Suirenshi has never appeared for so many years. His strength must be extremely strong, and Suirenshi's performance is indeed obvious to all. He can fight against dozens of creatures of the same level with his own strength, and he is not defeated, and he can even slowly kill them all.

Although it took a little longer, it was finally killed.

"I will contact the dean of this academy now to see if I can give it a try. There should still be some God's Heart and Soil of Creation in the national treasury..."

Jifa also nodded and sent out a divine thought.

Whether it is the Soil of Creation or the God's Heart, these are relatively more numerous among the treasures of the same level, but they are indeed very useful. As long as there is no mistake, if the two are combined, a creature who masters the Great Dao of Life and the Great Dao of Creation can create a new acquired race, there is a chance that a perfect race can be born.

But even if a perfect race is born, it is at most like the possibility of the foundation of those innate saints in one's own kingdom of God. It is impossible for a perfect human race like Ye Xuan who can carry three thousand great ways to appear.

Strictly speaking, the human race that can carry three thousand great ways is the real perfect human race in Ye Xuan's heart.

Otherwise, even if you only have the foundation and perseverance that can rival the sacred, you can't break through the limitations of the Great Dao. After all, you can't detect many great Daos, and you can't give birth to beings that may rival those great Dao gods and demons in the future.

It stands to reason that acquired creatures can't rival the Great Dao gods and demons, and even those innate sacred beings can't, but the human race can carry the three thousand great Daos, and theoretically can carry the entire three thousand great Daos step by step.

Of course, the required cultivation realm is also a terrifying existence, far from being something that can be done by the Hunyuan realm, and in fact, even if you really reach that realm, it won't appear.

But in theory, it is completely possible, and there is that possibility, no matter how small the possibility is, no matter how low the probability is, it is really possible.


Creation Continent, the office of the dean of Dazhou College.

"What do you think of what Dean Ji Fa of Zuxing conveyed?"

After receiving the divine thoughts conveyed by Ji Fa, Ji Chang immediately called Bo Yikao, the teacher of the admissions office.

Bo Yikao, like Ji Fa, is a sixth-order creation god, and both are candidates for Ji Chang's position. If Ji Chang enters politics early or retires early, there will be a vacancy in the Da Zhou Academy. If there is no seventh-order creation god in the Da Zhou Academy, then one of them will be chosen.

The person responsible for choosing this one is the founder of the Da Zhou Dynasty. If similar situations occur in other academies, they will also follow this set of procedures.

"Did the legendary human ancestor Suiren really appear in Ye Xuan's kingdom?" Bo Yikao did not make his own statement first, but further confirmed it.

"You are still so cautious..." Ji Chang shook his head helplessly and smiled.

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